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[Your Name]

[Street Address]
[City, St Zip]
[Optional Email Address]
[Todays Date]
[Name of e!ipient]
[City, St Zip]
Dear [Name of e!ipient]"
[S#ort introdu!tion para$rap# %ro&ide details a'out t#e produ!t or ser&i!e t#at is t#e su'(e!t of
t#e !omplaint) *n!lude dates, lo!ations and t#e spe!ifi!s a'out t#e item or ser&i!e) *f t#ere is an
a!!ount num'er, pro&ide t#e num'er +'e !areful ,it# !redit !ard num'ers-)]
[State t#e issue ,it# item or ser&i!e) %ro&ide details as to t#e !ause) T#is may in!lude
malfun!tions, 'illin$ issues, details t#at ,ere not dis!losed, et!)-
[*ndi!ate #o, you ,ould li.e t#em to resol&e t#e pro'lem) %ro&ide spe!ifi!s a'out ,#at you are$) T#is may in!lude reim'ursement, repla!ement, repair, et!)
[*ndi!ate you are in!ludin$ !opies of t#e transa!tion do!uments) State t#e spe!ifi! do!uments or
information you are in!ludin$) T#is may 'e !opies of re!eipts, ,arranties, serial num'ers, et!)-]
[*ndi!ate you loo. for,ard to t#eir reply ,it#in a spe!ifi! time period +!#oose a reasona'le time
period-) *ndi!ate you ,ill ,ait until t#em 'efore pursuin$ ot#er options su!# as le$al !ounsel or
!onsumer prote!tion a$en!y assistan!e)]
[*ndi!ate t#ey !an !onta!t you a'out t#e issue and pro&ide a !onta!t num'er)]
Sin!erely +or espe!tfully Yours-,
+Si$n #ere for letters sent 'y mail or fa/-
[Typed Name]

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