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Caught in the whirlpool of life

My mind boggled while discerning the maze
No one to look up to, no one to seek,
There I lay devising a perfect escape

Escape from the humdrum,
Escape from the bothering,
An escape from the bonding,
Is it all that I want???

Sometimes I think its a mere hoax,
Then again it appears like the panacea of all my fears,
Even I cant hear what I actually want,
Because all Im doing is yelling in my heart

Deciphering what my heart says,
Is all Ive been doing all the time;
The more and more I think of it,
This seems to be my own escape in disguise

I dream no less, I want no more,
Waiting to be rescued by my savior,
To take refuge in his peaceful arms,
Apparently seems is all I want

Priyanka Attri

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