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Yurbis Pallares
Greisy Puello
The people Wayuu lives
the arid peninsula of the
Guajira to the north of
Colombia and northwest
of Venezuela, on the
Caribbean sea. It is a
region with a hot

The wayuu are
the indigenous
people numerous
most of Colombia
and Venezuela.

97 % of the indigenous
inhabitants speaks the
language wayuunaiki and
34 % speaks Spanish.

Roast lamb in coals
ram on coconuts
the Sisina
-Guaireas or apargatas: guairea
reminds the ancestors.

-Guayuco: the garment is
handmade and respresent castes.

-The keratzat: Used in special
occasions like dances. This crown
has an important value Wayuu are
few people who can put over their
heads, those who possess such
privilege are called Chiefs.

The woman Wayuu
enjoys many pomps as
the typical blanket, the
simple one, the
elegant one and the
daily one.

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