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This is Joseph Stalin and I believe he is the most influential leader in Eastern


His accomplishments are

He wanted to transform the Soviet Union from a peasant society into an
industrialized environment. For the plan, he decided to mainly focus on the
government control of the economy and this included the force to put to an end of
the agriculture of the Soviet. This is significant because millions of farmers refused
which resulted in them being executed or sent to boot camp if they didnt listen to
Stalin's orders. And negative because he took away rich farms and created state
farm, which resulted in starvation worldwide because not enough food was

He uses fear towards anyone and if they didnt listen to his orders then he would kill
them as a punishment. This is significant because he used violence towards anyone
that would object or not listen to his command. This is a negative impact because he
is killing his own people because he wants people to listen to him and not be

During a war with Poland and Russia in 1920-1921, he made a decision. And it
ended up becoming a terrible disaster as a political commissar. This is significant
because this created a long term conflict with commissar of war of Leon Trotsky.

He supported the communist international in forming a front against the rise of
fascism in Europe. This lead to him giving the idea of collective security with West
and became an alliance with the Nazi. This is significant because the Nazi launched
a three-pronged attack against the USSR. And they were not ready which resulted in
them having huge losses.

He did a campaign with secret police, called the campaign of terror, they were
addressed to spy on people About one million were executed, in that will come to be
known as 'The Great Terror', 'The Great Purge', or the 'Yezhovshina'. At least 9.5
million more are deported, exiled or imprisoned in work camps, with many of the
estimated five million sent to the Gulag never returning alive. This significant
because he had secret police spying on people which resulted in people being killed
or deported from the country.

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