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Learning Goal Reflection

This term my parents and I choose the following Learning Goal for me to work on:
How can I be empathetic thinkers?

Today I think this means: Putting myself in someones shoe.

I think I will work on this goal when I

when my friends are in a fight Ill have to put myself in my friends shoes and help them.
when Im writing a diary entry of a person.
when I am outside and people are hurt.
when Im doing my work I will have to roleplay a person and act out how they feel and what
they will say.

Throughout the term I will identify and reflect on times when I have used this goal and explain my

Date Description of me using this goal How it helps me achieve my learning goal.
5/9/14 I wrote a diary entry it help me by making me put myself in someone
elses shoes , and helped me think more deeply
in what I am saying
29/9/14 when I had a fight with my friends I had to put myself in my others friends shoes.
9/9/14 when I had to act out the person It helped me by making me know it feels to be
acting out and talking in front of people. And
also how the person feels to talk in front of
people during the election.
1/9/14 when my friends were hurt I helped my friend when she was hurt and i
knew how it felt because i got hurt as well

After working on this goal during term three, my understanding has changed. I now think it means

I think it means that you need to put yourself in someones shoes to act out how they would feel, react, and
how they would talk. For example, if your in a situation with another person you would have to think
about how they would feel.

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