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Survey on perception of doctors on marketing collaterals (Promotional advertisement

medical literature) and knowledge based websites developed by pharmaceutical
Q.1. Approimately how much time do you allocate to one medical representative!
" min
1# min
$ess than " min.
Q.%. &o you read $eave behind lea'et ($($s) or medical literature given by )*!
Sometimes if it-s interesting
Q... /ow important do you feel 0print media0 in promoting pharmaceutical brands!
Q.1. Are you registered on any knowledge based networking websites like knowledge
genie2 developed for doctors!
4 am not aware about such websites
Q.". 4f yes then how fre5uently you visit such websites
7nce in a week
7nce in a month
Q.8. 4f no would you like to register yourself on such websites to enhance your practice
and for networking!
Q.9. &o you think such networking websites helps you to keep updated and enhance
your practice!
4 do not visit such websites
Q.:. /ave you downloaded any knowledge based mobile application on your smart
4 would like to but 4 am not aware
4 do not use smart phone
;$ASS4<4;A=47, &A=A>
&octor-s ,ame> )?<>
Speciali@ation> +ears of Practice>
Area> ;ell ,o. ? =el. ,o.
;ard or Prescription Page>

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