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Emilio Axel Monroy Campos

Teacher: Alberto Lpez
Matter and changes group 31
Science .- Chemistry have a big relationship with the science because is a
science that study every matter and his properties.
Another relation that the chemistry had with the science is that the chemistry use a
scientific method an all his steps for create new theories so we can discover new
things every day.
Technology .- We use the chemistry in the technology in a lot of thing and the
most common example is the petrol that we used in a lot of stuff like cars,
machines and all the industries.
Also we used to control the electric energy, because without the chemistry we
would not know what element we can use to guide the energy.
Economy .- Chemistry is an important source of jobs and not only because of
the people who work directly with chemistry, because chemistry have a big impact
in all the jobs.
And we used the chemistry to make money, like the bills because we use
chemistry in the papers, ink and watermarks.
Society.- we use the chemistry in the social live all the time and we didnt note it
but we use it in our personal hygiene.
And also it makes our life more comfortable and nicer with all his different uses like
the colors of the clothes or the soap and shampoo.
Environment .- we every day used the chemistry to save the environment with
the fertilizers and different things that help to preserve the environment.
But it have a bad relationship with the environment too, because with al de petrol
we are distroing the lakes, river, seas, the ozone layer and the forests.
Why chemistry is important?
It is important because without it we could live very different, because we wouldnt
have the life style that we currently have and all the comfort that chemistry can give
us, and the facilities that it provides in all his different uses.

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