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The inguinal canal is comprised of a superficial and a deep ring.

The Superficial ring marks the end of the inguinal canal and is the
continuation of the external oblique aponeurosis with lateral and medial
crura making its lateral borders.
The deep ring is the site of evagination of the transversalis fascia. it is
found lateral to the inferior epigastric a.

An indirect hernia is a hernia that goes through the deep ring and is the
most common type of inguinal hernia.
Clinical Correlate: The inguinal (Hesselbachs) triangle is the site of direct
inguinal hernias.
The borders of the inguinal triangle are:
Laterally: Inferior epigastric a.
Medially: Rectus abdominis m.
Inferiorly: Inguinal ligament
Direct inguinal hernias emerge through inguinal triangle to exit the
superficial inguinal ring and can rarely enter the scrotum or labium majus.
Indirect inguinal hernias passes through the deep inguinal ring and are
transmitted by the inguinal canal into the scrotum or labium majus since
its following the path of the spermatic cord.
It is the most common type of inguinal hernias.

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