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no* of grams of )emoglobin /dl of blood*6ematocrit' (easures t)e ,olume of RBCs

in 0)ole blood e-pressed as a percentage*' It is also a useful in t)e diagnosis

of anemia1 polycyt)emia1 and abnormal )ydration states*'Value is roug)ly t)ree
times t)e )emoglobin concentration*%*82%*3% 9 %*.3?)e result is belo0 t)e norm
al range 0)ic) indicates anemia*
Nursing Responsibilities?Prior to t!e pro"e#ure?

4-plain t)e procedure to t)e pt* and 0)y it is indicated

Inform t)e patient t)at fluid and food restriction is not re:uired

Inform t)e patient t)at a blood sample 0ill be ta;en*

?ell t)e patient t)at )e may e-perience transient discomfort from t)e needle pi

<ill up laboratory re:uest form properly and send it to t)e laboratory tec)nicia
n during t)e collection of sample/specimen*
During t!e pro"e#ure?

Inform t)e patient t)at pain may be felt t)roug) pric; in t)e needle

Instruct t)e patient to calm do0n to a,oid uneasines

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