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Diagnostic/ Laboratory ProceduresDate OrderedDate results INIndication or Purpos
eResultsNormal ValuesAnalysis and Interpretation of resultsComplete Blood Count
?CBC!"BC count##/#$/%&'(easures t)e number of "BCs in a cubic mm of blood*'It is
used to detect infection or inflammation and to monitor client+s response to or
ad,erse effects of c)emot)erapy or radiation t)erapy*##*$ - #%g/L.'#% - #% g/L?
)e result is slig)tly abo,e t)e normal range 0)ic) may signify infection*Lymp)oc
ytes'?o determine immune function1 pro,ides a gross measure in nutritional stat
us*%*2#%*2% ' %*3%?)e result is 0it)in t)e normal range*4osinop)ils'?o fig)t inf
ection and control mec)anism associated 0it) allergies and ast)ma* %*%#%*%# ' %*
%5?)e result is 0it)in t)e normal range*6emoglobin '?o e,aluate t)e )emoglobin c
ontent ?iron status and O2 carrying capacity! of eryt)rocytes by measuring t)e #
%$g/L#3% ' #7% g/L?)e result is belo0 t)e normal range 0)ic) indicates anemia*

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