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1. Select the image.

2. Split the images.

(Assume that row is 3 and Colum is 3)
a. rows = 3;
b. cols = 3;

chunk of image

(chunk is nothing but one block of image)
c. chunks = rows * cols;
d. Columns:chunkWidth = image.getWidth()
e. determines the chunk width and height
f. Rows: int chunkHeight = image.getHeight()
g. count = 0;
h. Image array to hold image chunks
i. BufferedImage imgs[]

for x = 0; x < rows; x++
for int y = 0; y < cols; y++
imgs[count] = new Buffered Image(chunkWidth,
chunkHeight, image.getType());
(this statement store actual chunk and its height
and width)
Draws the image chunk
(In this we dived image in several parts)

Substitute byte of each chunk

Make separate matrix for each chunk by using RGB
color values of image
Mix Column: In this part we are going to mix column
of each chunk by separately
Shift Rows: In this part we are going to mix Rows of
each chunk by separately
(Generation of key which have information about
Byte substitution and rows transformation)

Encrypted image + decryption key

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