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Every Hacker dreams of running their own code on a target server or better yet, a

graphical way of browsing remote files. So lets see how its done
PHP is extremely susceptible to this due to the default settings for register_globals and
allow_url_fopen being turned on, most admins of PHP sites forget that these options
leave their sites exploitable. ou may ask !"ut how do we know if these are set to on#!
ou$ll be able to tell when they$re on, the exploit wont work..
%ow lets have a look at an example exploit off the top of my head&
((header and config stuff here
So if we can manipulate include_path we can redirect it to our arbitrary file so lets say we
punch in
,his would make the php script, test.php, go and get our arbitrary script, script.txt, and
include and parse it.
4rom here we could execute server side commands as the currently logged in user, use
privilege escalation exploits, access files located on the server )config files are of
particular interest/.
,he fix
register_globals and allow_url_fopen off in your php.ini.
5r chuck this bit of code in )was written very 6uickly lol, and edit where needed/
((4iles allowed&.
*allowed4iles 3 array)$config.php$,$other_file.php$,$and_another.php$/0
if)in_array))string/*_+E,-$include_path$.,*allowed4iles// 7
exit)$not allowed$/0
9nother exploitable code&
:: ;onster ,op <ist =.>
:: Supplied "y& lord
:: %ullification "y& ?ygote
:: :(
re6uire *root_path . !sources(func_output.php!0
*mtl 3 new ,op<ist0
*mtl@1license-$domain$. 3 *domainf0
*mtl@1license-$date$. 3 *exp0
*mtl@1input 3 *mtl@1input)/0
class ,op<ist
7 var *make_mail0
var *time 3 !!0
var *input 3 array)/0
So we can obviously see here that re6uire *root_path . !sources(func_output.php!0 is the
piece of code at fault here.
A upload something a bit prettier, say BCC# first we find a folder on the server that the
currently logged on user has read(write permission to. A chose to browse through to, uploaded cCC.php and renamed it to sources.php
)looks less conspicuous/
Demember to write down where you left your shell )or another backdoor of your choice/
9nd there we have it, Demote 4ile Ancludes in all their glory.
Play SafeE

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