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the simple tense is quite diffrent from the french simple

to understand betteer the diffrence I am going to make a clear
comparison to show students of english the was
e!" #$ ecris une lettre is translated b
either the present simple or present continuous hence
the translation becomes as follow"
%& I am writing a letter ' (present continuous)
*& I write a letter' (present simple)
so in english the french e!ample gi+es us both present
simple and present continuous,That means to make the e!act
meaning in french
an other e!tra e!pression is u'-)))))
EXp ; yesterday, I went to Paris
It is used for a specific moment in the past with the use of time
expressions ; yesterday ; last week ; ago ; date etc
In the questions with When exp When did you !isit paris "
Past continouous
#u$%ect & was' were' & !er$& ing
(he use
(hs simple past is used to speak a$out a past action that was in
the process at a specific moment in the past
Exp last summer at this moment, I was preparing my pro%ect
It is also used with while to speak a$out the concurrence of two
Exp Whine I was reading a no!el, my wife was speaking to her
$oss )
It is used with simple past to express an action that was
Exp when i was watching t! the light went off
The present perfect
(he form su$%ect & ha!e'has&past participle
(he use the present perfect is used to relate a past action with
present result
Exp I ha!e lost my keys) *a!e you seen them +ack "
Exp Patrcia has washed the dishes) ,- they are clean now.
It is used with %ust to express a past action near now
Exp I ha!e %ust finished
It is used with already yet
Exp I ha!e alrady watched
Exp she has not arri!ed yet)
It is used with since
Exp I ha!e studied french since /012

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