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Nodes are the intersections of orbits. When astrologers refer to the nodes, they
usually mean the Moons nodes. There are nodes for all the planets, but they are
heliocentric (vieed from the perspective of the !un", hereas the Moons nodes are
geocentric (vieed from the perspective of #arth". Thats because the Moon orbits the
earth, not the !un. The Moons nodes are the intersection of the #arths orbit around
the !un and the Moons orbit around the #arth. There is a north (or ascending" node,
here the Moon crosses the orbit intersection as it heads north, and a south (or
descending" node, here the Moon crosses the orbit intersection as it heads south.
These to points are by definition e$actly opposite one another, in the same degree and
minute of opposite signs, forming an a$is and a polarity. They are in perfect opposition%
sometimes they form the only opposition in a chart. &ppositions by nature indicate
potential conflict, but also sho complementing energies, a balancing out. &ppositions
have to do ith aareness e gain by our interactions ith others, and the Moons Nodes
are often indicators of connections e ma'e.
(n )erson*+entered ,strology (-./01 +!, )ress, p. 234", 5ane 6udhyar points out7
The nodes constitute an a$is% that is to say, the north or south node of planets 8 and
li'eise of the Moon 8 are never to be considered alone. The habit so many astrologers
have of mar'ing and considering only the Moons north node in a chart does not ma'e any
sense. 9oth nodes form an unbrea'able pair, :ust as do the ,scendant and 5escendant or
;enith and Nadir.
The Moons nodes are sensitive points in a chart even though there is nothing physically
occupying these points. They have to do ith #clipses, hich are the most poerful Ne
and <ull Moons. #clipses occur hen the !un, Moon and #arth line up ith one another
ithin ./=of the intersections of their orbits, namely the nodes. &f course, this is as
observed from #arth (although you ould be sub:ect to and able to observe a >unar
#clipse if you happened to be on the Moon".
The ordinary direction for the nodes is 6etrograde, meaning in the direction opposite
from the ordinary movement of the planets. They can be measured in their e$act motion,
here they reverse direction themselves (their direct motion being li'e 6etrograde is for
the planets". This method yields hat is 'non as the true nodes. &r their motion can be
averaged out and vieed as a steady bac'ard motion, hich is 'non as the mean nodes.
!ome ephemerides list the nodes one ay, hile others list them the other ay. There is
no hard and fast convention. ( used to be a true node proponent, believing them to be
true, until ( heard ?ary +hristian ma'e a good case for the mean node hich led me to
say7 !o * the true node isnt true and the mean node isnt mean. No ( use hatever
my computer programs and ephemerides have available and ( dont orry too much about
it since theyre not usually too different. #very once in a hile, they could be in
different signs or land in different houses, so hen theyre on the border, read them
ith that in mind.
The nodes ta'e about .@*.A2 years to circle the Bodiac. Cou can have a nodal return, as
ell as a nodal opposition halfay through the cycle. 9oth these aspects mar' important
times for the areas of life indicated by their houses positions and the traits shon by
their signs.
6udhyar loo's at the north node as a place of inta'e and the south node as a place of
release or evacuation (&p. +it., p. 21@*/"7
The north node refers to hatever builds the personality, bringing to it ne material.
This material should not only be absorbed but metaboliBed D The south node refers to
any material hatsoever (physical, emotional*psychic, mental" hich the organism no
longer needs, hether it be that the substance cannot be used and is in a decaying or
poisonous condition, or that it is the positive and creative e$pression of the natural
function of the body*mind organism. D Marc Eones has spo'en of the nodal line as the
a$is of fate. (t refers to to basic approaches to e$istence, both of hich should be
included in the harmonious life of man. D FThe north node positionG indicates here the
positive focus of conscious e$istence should be established D the south node should not
be thought of alays or entirely as a negative factor, Fa place ofG self*undoing D
destiny may be accomplished symbolically here the south node is placed in ones birth
chart. !omething greater than oneself may be fulfilled there 8 ones basic function in
society or in the universe. ,nd such a fulfillment indeed may mean D paying little
attention to D ones individual personality.
The nodes are sometimes called the 5ragons Head (north node, or 6ahu in Iedic
astrology" and the 5ragons Tail (south node, or Jetu in Iedic astrology". ,.T. Mann says
in The 6ound ,rt, The (ndians li'en the nodes to a great dragon hich entines the
ecliptic. 6udhyar (&p. +it., p. 211" alludes to the eclipse connection ith the nodes7 The
celestial 5ragon as thought to sallo the eclipsed body. ( thin' of fighting a dragon,
here to conKuer it you must fight it at the head, hich has the danger of the fiery
breath, all the hile atching out for its tail, hich can hip around and 'noc' you off
your feet. The north node represents hat is difficult for us but hich brings about
great groth, hile the south node represents hat comes easily but can be a trap and
does not promote groth. The south node can be the dragons tail that trips us, hile the
dragons fiery breath shos the difficulty of approaching the area of groth.
The glyphs for the nodes depict semi*circles ith the terminals bounded by small circles.
The north nodes glyph has the semi*circle rising above the small circles hile the glyph
for the south node has the semi*circle inverted ith the small circles at the top. ( have
not read anything about these glyphs but ( thought about them and ( believe their origin
may be depicting the travel of the Moon above and belo the orbit intersection that the
nodal a$is represents. The Moon crosses the intersection heading north at the north
node, thus its glyph depicts the semi*circular orbit above the to circles that represent
the nodes themselves. ,t the south node, the Moon crosses the intersection heading
south or going belo so the semi*circular path is belo the circles of the nodes. ,n easy
ay to remember them is to thin' of a toy beetle car or an actual beetle 8 hen the hump
is up and the feet or heels are don, it can go places. Thats the north node, shoing
that you ant to go there. When the feet or heels are up in the air and the hump bac'
is on the ground, its stuc' and going nohere 8 thats li'e the south node.
(n The ,strologers Node 9oo' by 5onna Ian Toen (-./@. !amuel Wiser, Cor' 9each,
Maine", a very good boo' by the ay, the author po'es holes in the popular theory that
the north node represents good luc' and the south node is a sort of perpetual :in$.
To me, the north node is a point of groth, a point of untapped potential. This potential
is invariably very positive, yet the north node is seldom hat youd instantly recogniBe as
an area here fate smiles on you. ?ood luc' implies having things come easily to you.
This isnt usually the case ith the north node. To get at this potential you have to or'
darned hard. (f you do this you may eventually discover yourself having very nice things
happen to you. 9ut its not merely luc' ** youve or'ed to earn them, hether
consciously or unconsciously.
(n contrast to the north node, the south node represents a point of stagnation. Here
e find the potentials that 'eep you from groing. This is here you do hat comes
naturally, here you ta'e the line of least resistance. No the Kualities the south node
represents may not actually be vices, but chances are that youve over*e$ploited them at
the e$pense of your north node potentials. Fp. .3G
,nother good boo' on the nodes is Jarmic ,strology7 The Moons Nodes and
6eincarnation by Martin !chulman (-./04, !amuel Weiser", hich focuses a lot on the
reincarnation aspects of the nodes. The theory is that the south node shos here e
are coming from in a past life and the north node shos here e are heading in this
lifetime. Thus the nodal a$is represents a sort of spiritual directional indicator, ith the
north node acting li'e a homing device.
( often thin' of the south node as a springboard to the north node rather than a trap,
ith the south nodes sign and house positions representing, respectively, Kualities and
circumstances to use hat comes easily to help you get to hat is more difficult.
The nodes are often strongly configured beteen to partners charts in synastry. ,gain
if you go the reincarnation route, the idea is that con:unctions to the south node of one
partner by planets of the other partner sho past life connections. #ven ithout a past
life connection, interaspects involving the nodes may indicate ho one person can
stimulate the groth or inhibit the groth of the other person, or ho one person may
assist the other in hisAher spiritual direction.
Whether or not you accept the reincarnation theory, the nodes can certainly represent
connections to other people. The Lranian school of astrology is big on this interpretation
of the nodes. (n his lecture to the ,!+, Lranian ,strology for the +omplete (diot,
9ruce !cofield said the nodes represent our contacts ith a greater orld, friends,
family, and community. ,.T. Mann concurs,
!ince the nodes indicate the collective movement of the Moon through long periods of
time, it is most reasonable to relate them to associations, adaptability to groups including
the family and to societies of individuals ith common aims. )ersonifications of the nodes
are societies, groupies, compulsive :oiners, those ho encourage group or family
coherence, and organiBers. FThe 6ound ,rt, p. /0G
(n my notes for a ./@M research pro:ect (headed by ,lphee >avoie, ( thin'" to study
transits to the natal nodes, ( found the folloing comment by 6H6 (( thin' that
referred to fello student 6ichard 6oess"7 )lanets con:uncting the north node may be
noticed to bring ne people, ne situations or changes into ones life.
( believe it as in a lecture to the ,!+ called !outh Node 5ialogs, by Monica Hable
5imino that e discussed ho people born about /*.N years apart have their nodes
opposite one anothers, )erson ,s north node is at the south node of )erson 9 and vice
versa. This is almost li'e to negative poles of a pair of magnets repulsing one another.
Cou might thin' that there ould be a balancing beteen them, but instead it seems li'e
even if there is an attraction, there is a simultaneous ithdraal from each other, and
probably the relationship ill not or' out in the long run.
The signs of the nodes sho behaviors that either come ith some difficulty but are
groth*producing (north node" or those that come easily but might be a trap (south
node". ?enerally, e list these according to the sign placement of the north node, ith
the south nodes position in the opposite sign being implied. 6udhyar (&p. +it., p. 20N"
li'ens the north nodes sign to the type of food most fruitful in building ones
personality, provided it is cheed ell, hile the south nodes sign arns against
automatic (unconscious" use of the negative implication of the sign.
Monica Hable 5imino says that because the nodes motion is opposite the direction of the
planets, she loo's at them as being a balancing structure. Were so comfortable doing our
south nodes that its hard to do our north nodes. Were alays doing our south nodes,
especially hen ere under stress or cornered. !he sees the south node as a gift e
have to give others, that it comes to us because of our destiny, and that e can learn
from others about our north nodes. !he uses .N= orbs, and thin's con:unctions to the
south node may be more important than angular planetsO
Traits for the Nodes signs (normal type from my teacher, +apel Mc+utcheon% italics from
Monica Hable 5imino".
North node in this sign and !outh node
in opposite sign
North node in this sign and !outh node in
opposite sign
needs for7 independence, to develop
individual personality, , to ma'e on
decisions, trouble ith others, strain in
relationships A cant be alone, often
marry young (often spouse ends up
gone a lot", need a partner, good
mediators, find out hat others need,
strong esthetics, learning to be more
autonomous% gift7 bring relating s'ills
to the rest of us
too much self*love, need to learn to love
others, issues of self ill and personal
freedom vs. need for relationships A
freKuently seen in first born children,
pioneer, me firstAonly, is there anyone
else in the universeP, very independent,
arriors in past livesP, need to get into a
mode% gift7 teach independence and self*
attracts possessions or a possessive
partner% aim is to become resourceful,
practical A secretive, able to get
others to spill the beans, anser a
Kuestion ith a Kuestion, good
detectives, may be esoteric in a past
life, e$pect others to do things for
them, some*times death issues in the
family, aiting for inheritance or ship
to come in but may end up empty*
handed% gift7 understand secrets of
the orld, gravitate to those ith
resources, good at netor'ing
Fremember7 big money brings big
responsibilities ith itG
materialistic, need to overcome
dependency on others resources A li'e
stability, dont li'e ris's, create stability
for others, north node in means they
must face death% gift7 great at grounding
(destiny puts them on the edge of a cliff"
)oor :udgment, restless, need for
concentration, aim to become versatile,
optimistic and have mental agility,
benefits through relatives A ancients
said this as the dignified position for
the south node, reach for a singular
anser, li'es to get to the point fast
Ftrue for all fire signs, but especially
!ag, doesnt li'e to listen or deal ith
dualities% gift7 help others reach
conclusions or one anser (synthesiBe",
too much superficiality, flit from one
thing to another, little staying poer, aim
for pioneering ne ideas, education,
success through associations A tons of
information 8 overload, no discrimination,
hard to move forard or get to the point,
may have significant relationship ith
siblings or a lac' thereof, find eventually
they cant rely on their siblings% gift7
ability to learn, gather information and
communicate lots
riting, publishing 8 media darling
aim to become sensitive, nurturing,
domestic, to ma'e a good home life,
may have selfish ambition A the boss
in charge for many lifetimes, bossy,
authoritarian, natural born leader, li'es
to run the sho, out of touch ith
their emotionalA needs afraid to be
vulnerable and need to learn to be% gift7
ability to ta'e charge, leadership
aim to be good at business, have high
ambition, develop persistence toard
success% acKuisitive, self*critical A is not
a maternal sign rather its the baby, so
south node here indicates the baby in
the family (not necessarily literally",
never feels gron up, stays dependent%
gift7 ability to gro and to gro beyond
their years, as elderly still illing to learn
egocentric or retreats from the orld,
gro toard e$ecutive ability,
independence, leader*ship, pride, self*
respect% beare being snobbish A dont
ant to be personally involved, loyal to
group rather than individuals,
detached, needs space, doesnt ant
too much intimacy% gift7 ob:ectivity,
astute :udgments, issues unclouded,
'een intellect
self*centered, gros toard
understanding unity, providing service to
others% satisfaction from common goals A
is a life giving sign, these people pic'
others up, cheerful, entertaining, have a
sense of nobility or ant to be noble, ant
the best, can be a snob, have difficulty
staying uninvolved% gift7 uplifting,
sunshine, complimentary, 'eep things light
gro toard proper use of
discrimination, can be escapist or cop
out A dreamer, 6ichard (demon says
of )isces not me, not here, not no
(denial", nothing is rong, difficulty
analyBing and criticiBing, indifferent to
ones body, inclined to overeat or
overdo, sees everything as having a
place in the universe% gift7 compassion,
understanding, non*:udgmental, theres
more than meets the eye
gro toard compassion, being artistic,
relinKuishing personal needs for others,
:udgmental, pic'y A e$tremely critical,
analytical and detailed, li'es to have the
full story, feels all areas of life can be
understood and conKuered (never say
die", dont ant to see some situations
have no ansers, very hardor'ing% gift7
scientific, logical, critical
The nodes do not rule any houses generically nor do they have home houses. The nodal
a$is brings out the natural polarity of the pair of opposite houses and signs the nodes
occupy. The houses perhaps have a greater personal significance than do the signs, since
the signs are a result of a sub*generational influence, hile the house placements are
determined by the birth minute.
6udhyar (&p. +it., pp. 20.*2" says the north nodes house represents the type of
e$periences involving the greatest amount of personal e$ertion, but also normally
producing the most valuable results in terms of ad:ustment to ones environment and its
challenges. The south nodes house shos the types of e$periences one ta'es for
granted, the line of least resistance and least e$ertion, hich one tends to repeat and
indulge in. (t can also refer to a gift or faculty acKuired in a past life or inherited from
the parents, or a place here one must sacrifice oneself for the greater good.
The folloing are more notes from the classes ( too' ith +apel Mc+utcheon in regular
typeface and more from Monica 5imino in italics7
North node here and !outh node in
opposite house
North node here and !outh node in
opposite house
lac's initiative, need to develop
personal poer, too dependent, need to
learn to rely on self A marry young,
need a significant other, destiny brings
a partner then ta'es himAher out of
ton% gift7 cooperative, good
mediators, good at consultations
too independent, much self*assertion in
past, help others to self*orth A need
to learn to consult others% gift7
independent, autonomous
doesnt or cant rely on others for
money, inheritance may be denied A
inherited money * often 'armic% deal
ith :oint resources issues% gift7 bring
out the best or'ing ith others, put
resources together, magic'
resources are better hen shared ith
another% help others achieve resources
to share, earning money by oneself
doesnt or' out too ell A money is
important, rather earn it themselves,
need to learn to or' :ointly ith
others% gift7 see fin. opptys
need to develop mental poers, to
reason logically and analyBe% blind faith,
need to find practical applications for
philosophies A media or religion (belief
system" important% lots of contact ith
foreigners or in*las, not good at local
scene% gift7 see the big picture, get to
the point, dispense information
need to develop faith and philosophies,
to reach out, travel and e$plore, need
something to believe in, bogged don in
facts and logic A in touch ith
neighborhoods, li'e they never left
school, stuc' in high school dev. level,
have local accent% gift7 manage their
environments, 'no local resources
domestic scene gives fulfillment, aim
for constructive use of emotions, public
life is not so important or satisfying,
ithdra to inner life A not necessarily
career*oriented, authoritarian, ta'e
charge type, the adult, the boss, need
to get in touch ith feelings% gift7 be
adult in all senses, suppress needs
career arena brings fulfillment, may
receive assistance in public career,
possibly a bro'en home or death of a
parent or change in residence A
dependent on mom, see' safety, family
is important, dont feel ready to be
adults, tend not to have many children%
gift7 ma'e mothers of us all
ants to stand alone, dependency on
others not satisfactory, aims to be
creative, self*e$pressive, develop on
desires, ill, poer A forms identity
through a group or a sub*class leading
to a sense of ell*being, may be missing
individual e$pression% gift7 'no ho to
goals are not personal, children may not
be much help or be than'ful, personal
affections donRt bring satisfaction, aim
for group service, be a humanitarian A
gift7 teaches us to have fun
give energy to a group, suppresses ego
for the good of all
need or' and service to others for
integration, seclusion ill not lead to
happiness, concern for health A li'e to
deal ith the unseen, li'e to be alone,
dreamer, need to un*charge, li'e to
sleep alone, may be psychic, get info
from dreams% gift7 see beyond the
surface, 'no cant control everything
on health and :ob not so important as
or'ing to achieve improvement for
others, need to integrate mystical
approach to bring satisfaction A
or'aholic, en:oy or'ing% gift7 do for
others ith*out e$pecting reards
!ince there can be some overlap beteen the areasAtraits associated ith signs and their
natural houses, here are some further themes (also from my old class notes from +apel
1/7 or AR/LI potential for partnership strain or change, can be intensely involved in
relationships then give them up, need to resolve selfAother tension in life, good position
for counseling
2/8 or TA/SC issues of self*indulgence, control of appetites and of on vs. others
valuesAfinances% need to develop respect for others rights
3/9 or GE/SA blind e$pectations vs. lac' of faith% tension through obligations to
relatives or siblings% tension through not finishing education but having to continue
4/10 or CN/CP early home life tension, issues of personal security vs. providing security
for others, need for emotional closeness vs. drive for poer, dependency as a means of
control (especially ith a strong , or 3
5/11 or LE/AQ personal vs. impersonal creative e$pression, romance vs. friendship,
raise children vs. serve humanity, problems ith se$AcourtshipAchildren (divorce,
separation from children", challenge finding permanency in love
6/12 or VI/PI issues of health vs. healing, or' vs. service, may struggle to gain health,
may be a :ob hopper and reKuire variety
When the nodes aspects planets in a chart they bring the energyAtraits of the planet(s"
into the issues represented by the nodal a$is in its signs and houses. Here are some
indications from ,.T. Manns The 6ound ,rt, here he seems to focus on the contact ith
others angle for the nodes7
Su defining oneself through relationships, or'ing and political associations
!oo family ties, mother an important figure, important contacts ith omen
!"r#ur$ intellectual companions, very sociable, e$change of ideas is important
V"u% diplomatic, engaging personality, artistic friends, popular
!&r% leadership, groups of men, team spirit, energetic cooperation, or dissident groups
'u()*"r good connections, association ith influential people, social climbing
S&*ur relationships ith older people or father figures, loyalty, possibly anti*social
+r&u% many and changing contacts, unusual or unstable friendships, separations
N"(*u" idealistic associations, spiritual unions, secret societies, unrealistic
P,u*o poerful friends or lovers, contact ith the masses, tragic loves, business concerns
A%#"-&* sociable, e$troverted, communal, disli'e being alone, social conscience
!)-."&/" destiny determined by relationships, advancement through associations,
,lthough Mann doesnt mention +hiron, ( ould e$pect an aspect from it to the nodes
ould bring about associations ith a oundingAhealing theme or ith those ho are
+laude Weiss presented a helpful lecture entitled <reedom through !elf*6ealiBationAthe
!outh Node at the .//@ Lnited ,strology +onference in ,tlanta. He believes any planet
in aspect to the nodal a$is ill indicate a dominating factor in the life, particularly
con:unctions to the south node. He uses a .N= orb if the con:unction is in the same sign,
0= if in a different sign or if the aspect is a sKuare. He believes there is some effect
even if a planet is in the same sign as the south node but not in aspect to it. (f multiple
planets aspect the nodes, consider sign rulerships, loo' to the smaller orbed aspects, and
give e$tra eight to the sloer moving planets. (n general, he finds that con:unctions to
the south node indicate (either or both" grandiosity or depression about the matters of
the planet involved. Here is a summary of his suggestions about south node aspects from
the planets7
Su dichotomy beteen fear and anting to be important or special% usually a father problem,
have to redevelop father image, cant use it as presented by father% ant to live li'e a child,
unrepressed by rules, or to be a 'ing or an artist% must go through fear before you can shine in
the sun% ego problem% do a tas' larger than yourself% omen ith this may have come from a male
incarnation% myth7 (m special
!oo mother problem% feel that you did not receive hat you e$pectedAneeded% needy child%
ant attention from others% need to get aay from dependencies and be independent% men ith
this may have come from a female incarnation% myth7 everybody loves me% nobody loves me
!"r#ur$ the orld is not hat you thought it ould be% problems ith communications or siblings
or at school% need to develop intellectual capacities and communication% have to accept the
V"u% did not get enough love in childhood or has a narro range of acceptable stro'es% try to
get love in life but first need to learn ho to be alone% tend to cling to people or things% omen
ith this are very seductive
!&r% difficulty using Mars in a positive ay (Cou cannot be nice ith Mars all the time."% may
have been a ild child and then had to repress% motivation and self*e$pression problems% need to
find appropriate ays to release aggression (sports, competition"
'u()*"r didnt get the great things e$pected as a child% attraction to big figures (read
mythology, biographies", find ays to realiBe vision% become embodiment of something larger,
need to do something thats not everyday% do you accept realityP 8 need to integrate !aturn,
S&*ur problems ith authority or poer% people used their poer in the rong ay during your
childhood therefore its hard to accept your on poer% find a profession here youre
responsible for something and thereby become important, autonomous% myth 8 (m not &J but
realiBe others are not &J either then hopefully come to ere all &J% dont become a martyr or
ma'e others one
+r&u% afraid to be ta'en in by the system% rather be an advisor or e$pert% fear losing freedom
by belonging to a group% need to find ays to live out originalityAspecialness% may be abandoned or
alone leading to development of independence
N"(*u" issues relate to surrender, psychic development, religion, guilt, confusion, chaos% good
to be of service, use creativity or be involved ith music
P,u*o e$posed to poer games at a young age, felt poerless so trying to find on poer% as you
reach upper rung you may self*destruct and fall bac'% confronted ith hats rong ith society%
need to find something to put hole energy into thats more important than on ego% may have
physical problems or inhibitions
+laude Weiss says that the north node is hat you have to integrate to be able to live the
south node a better ay. He suggests developing the Kualities of the planet that rules
the sign opposite the rulership of a planet at the south node (e.g., if Mercury is con:unct
the south node, develop Eupiter or Neptune% if the !un is con:unct the south node,
develop Lranus".
Monica Hable 5imino also gave some traits for aspects, particularly con:unctions, to the
south node by the planets. Here are her thoughts7
Su solar, self*centered, the big cheese, cherished child, father issuesP, ant to be
center stage, can be egocentric
!oo strong lunar nature, may be infantile, mood sings, mobile feelings, affected by
!"r#ur$ adolescent, young loo', curious, tal'ative, Kuestioning, impatient, mercurial,
young body, 'no their environment
V"u% uses Ienusian poer to accomplish things, seet, care about others, sociable
!&r% aggressive, assertive, feels fighting is a ay of settling things
'u()*"r prosperous, successful, everything is &JAlife is good, secure, confident, non*
controversial, gets aay ith things, positive, optimistic
S&*ur serious, responsible, !aturnine, sense of duty, hardor'ing, contributors, earn
hat they get, easy to be an adult, never children
+r&u% unusual e$periences, the une$pected, chaotic, surprises, unpredictable situations
or outcomes, upset the status Kuo
N"(*u" psychic, into mysticism, beauty, music
P,u*o may have suffered brutalities or )lutonian e$periences, psychologically
manipulative, poer struggles, but may be subtle, sometimes a disarming sense of humor
With nodal aspects to the transcendental planets (Lranus, Neptune and )luto", Monica
says these people are more in touch ith transcendental themes and see the bigger
Monica thin's the transiting nodes are e$tremely important, that the north node brings
irrigation and the south node shos here things are full and need to be let go. !he
suggests loo'ing bac' at hat as happening in your life .@*.A2 years ago (a nodal cycle"
and seeing hat correspondences there are to circumstances no.
(n a lecture on transits, Eeff Eaer said something to the effect of ta'e it in through
the head ith the north node, get it out through the tail ith the south node. This is
reminiscent of 6udhyars eating and evacuation analogy. The natal or transiting north
node shos here e can bring ne e$periences into our lives and the natal or transiting
south node shos here e can get rid of the old used*up stuff.
6ay Merriman has done some good or' on the nodes transits, according to Monica
5imino, although ( am not familiar ith it. He is a very ell respected astrologer, so
chec' him out.
(n preparing for this article, ( loo'ed through 5ere' and Eulia )ar'ers )ar'ers
,strology (the predecessor to hich as their +ompleat ,strologer, hich as li'e my
9ible hen ( began astrology", and ( as shoc'ed to discover that there as no mention
of the nodes, none hatsoever. When they e$plain ho to calculate a chart and they sho
a finished chart, all it has are planets, no nodes. Their ephemeris has no nodes. F(
believe that has been rectified in the more recent editionsOG ( cant conceive of not
loo'ing at these important indicators in a chart. ?ranted, theyre not planets, but they
add a dimension to the interpretation that is sorely missing ithout them.
Michael >utins neest boo', !unshines7 The ,strology of 9eing Happy, uses an ingenious
techniKue to translate the Nodes messages into easy laymans terms, and ( highly
recommend it. He said in a lecture that he as as'ed, (f you had :ust ten minutes to tell
someone about their chart, ould you include the nodesP and he replied that ith only
ten minutes he ould spea' only about the nodes. Thats ho important they are. ,fter
revieing all of the above, ( bet you agreeO
- 2NN1 Eanet 9ooth, ,

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