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I am conducting this questionnaire to gain information that can be applied to my

coursework. The coursework consists of making an opening sequence with a chosen

genre of which mine is horror. This questionnaire will give me audience research to
help me develop my initial ideas.
Please circle only one answer.
1. Where would you prefer a horror to be set during an opening sequence?
a) A dark forest b) A school

c) Abandoned barn

2. Which gender do you connect with (relate/empathies etc.) during an opening

a) All males

b) All females c) Both

3. In an opening sequence of a horror what do you think is most important to

a) Characters

b) Location

c) Both

4. What is your favourite horror film and why?

5. What option do you prefer for introducing the general information of the film?
The information is usually about the character, location or plot.
a) Voice over

b) Prologue

c) conversation through characters

6. Do you prefer a climatic audio with words or a climatic audio without words?
Explain why?


7. What conventions of makeup do you find the scariest? E.g red lips, bruised face

8. What colour of titles do you think stand out and why?
9. If you had a choice of lighting sources from the options below what would you
chose to be used during the opening sequence?
a) Torches

b) Streetlamps

c) Outside light d) Inside lights e) candles

10. What makes a horrors opening sequence scary to you? Explain why.

11. What do you prefer to happen during an opening sequence?

a) Action
b) Dialogue between characters
c) Both

12. Do you think it is scarier when the demon/ghosts face is seen or isnt seen?
Explain why.

13. One of my ideas was to add a filter such as black and white to a section of my
opening sequence, what is your opinion of this? Explain why.

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