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In this tape, we will continue to build a fierce and powerful

state for flirting with and enjoying women. This isn't the kind of
thing where you just sit back in a comfortable place, close your eyes,
and relax as you go deeper and deeper still into a peaceful trance
because we're also going to have some fun.
s you relax even more, from your toes, to your legs.. nd as your
relax each one of your fingers... nd allow that relaxation to melt
its way up your arms.. !ou're breathing easier.. "hile you let your
jaw relax.. and notice how that makes it even easier to relax all the
muscles in your face.. s you begin to imagine yourself out in
nature, on a bright sunny day.. with a cool bree#e caressing your
$ook around you.. %otice the colors... %otice the way shapes respond
to the bree#e... $isten to the sounds around you... &eel the warmth
of the sun.. and the coolness of that gentle bree#e.. &eel yourself
connected to the earth.. &eel your mind expanding to the ground
beneath you.. 'o that you can feel each rock.. each grain of sand...
allow your mind to stretch out.. until you are aware of the burning
center of the earth.. and the snow capped peaks of distant
mountains.. %otice the oceans, crashing into distant shores and
retreating only to crash again..
&eel the power of life churning all around the earth. &rom the tiny
bacteria bustling through the soil.. to trees reaching into your
crust and jutting skyward.. to the gentle tapping of millions of
animals running.. up into the buildings and machines of man..
&eel the constant flow of information.. between machines.. between
people... between plants.. a constant flow of communication even
with the earth itself..
(xpand your mind into the sky that surrounds the earth.. &eel the
weather.. )owerful storms.. *entle rains.. "hile elsewhere there is
calm, dry air.
%ow feel your mind stretching out into the solar system. (ach planet,
slowly spinning, slowly making its way around the sun..
nd there are other stars out there.. +ther galaxies.. (ach atom is
a part of you.. connected... one.
$isten carefully.. Hear the sound of so many pieces working together.
llow your mind to wander through this vastness, and listen to the
sounds of distant stars... listen to the sounds right here on this
planet.. from the sounds of animals in the wild... to the sound of
that bree#e on your body.. to the sounds of my voice.. and the
sounds of your own breath..
llow your mind to picture different parts of this universe. ,ust
relax, and let the images come to you.. from far away.. from other
places... other times..
!ou understand now what it feels like to be in tune with the universe.
to be centered. $et these powerful feelings vibrate through you..
and allow these pictures.. and these sounds.. to surround you.. to
wrap themselves around you.. each in turn.. enjoy this now for a few
moments.. and relax...
%ow, when you are ready, begin to bring yourself back.. To this time
and place.. where you are listening to this voice.. knowing that you
can always bring this feeling back.. just by thinking of that place
out in nature..
nd as you focus your attention again on your body.. so relaxed..
you can make whatever changes are necessary.. to allow you to feel
this centered.. this at one with the universe.. as your natural way
of moving through the world... with curiosity.. and passion.. and a
sense of connection with all people.. and all things..
!ou see, I don't know how some people can go through life without
sei#ing every possibility, without complimenting and flirting with
every beautiful woman, without taking every opportunity to enjoy life
to the fullest. -aybe something stood in their way.. inhibition..
hesitation.. maybe even a little nervousness. .ut when you think
about all the things in your past that you've left behind.. that you
just don't deal with anymore. you see how /uickly those limiting
feelings can just fade away into your past... making room for a whole
new, dynamic way of walking through the world.
It's a walk that takes you down 0 deeper and deeper still 0 through
all the parts... and all the exciting places filled with interesting
people. .eautiful people. nd because these people are so connected
with you.. They.. like you.. are each a part of the web of life..
nd it's the most natural thing in the world for you to just smile and
say hello.
%ow some people like to waste time thinking about.. and analy#ing a
situation. They're wondering what to say.. re they doing it right1
.ut you and I know better. "e know sometimes, the right thing to do
is just open your mouth and say what's on your mind.
*o ahead and practice it now. That's right.
Imagine.. !ou're in a crowded place. and there are people all around
you. ll kinds of people. llow yourself to walk among them, and
notice.. 'ome are smiling.. some are sad.. some seem playful..
%otice the women especially..
s you're walking along, notice a beautiful girl talking with her
friends. 'ay hello. 'ay you are so beautiful 0 I just had to tell
you that. "atch her light up.. and smile.. and then just walk
That was fun, wasn't it1 (njoy it. 2o it again. &eel that connection
with the crowd.. notice the feelings that are out there... all the
variety.. like an ocean.. )ick a pretty face out of the crowd. Tell
her she's pretty.. %otice how it feels to have her attention, and
then just smile.. shrug.. walk away feeling great..
The more you find yourself in crowded places, the more chances you'll
find to have fun with people. To make people feel good.
*o on, do it again. nother girl............ There you go. It's all
about feeling good.
These women love your attention. It makes them feel pretty and
flattered and sexy. "hen you compliment a woman out of the blue, it's
like picking her up, flipping her +% switch, and putting her back
feeling great. It's some of the most rapid changework imaginable, and
it's so much fun for both of you.
)ick another pretty girl. Tell her hello. 3ompliment her beauty. nd
as you do, feel a rush of power.. s if you're the hero in your own
personal action movie.. "atch the world slip into slow motion..
%otice how everything but the two of you seems to blur into the
background.. Hear your theme music swelling up, empowering you.. It's
time to get the girl.. 'o show her that smile of yours.. nd this
time, tell her who you are.. &ind out her name.. nd tell her what
it is you found so special about her.. "atch her responding to your
attention. Is she a little flattered1 little nervous1 'he's smiling,
isn't she1 nd aren't you1
&ocus on her.. There are so many things to talk about.. &eel that
sense of centeredness with the universe... $et your unconscious guide
you.. and explore her world.. 'o many people don't know how to
listen... how to truly connect with a woman.. 'he's only too happy to
let you in.
This is the dance.. the game you play.... 'o as you allow these
learnings to become a part of you, as easy and natural as breathing...
as you let this new way of acting permeate your soul and integrate
itself all the way down to the level of purest instinct... I want you
to imagine your timeline... out in front of you, so you can see the
past stretching off to the left, and your future bla#ing on to the
&loat up above it now, just few feet, so you can see your entire life
stretching out beneath you. %otice all the opportunities you've had
in the past.. The women .. the adventures... the excitement that
has come near and entered your life.. %ow notice how your future is
packed with more opportunities.. more adventure.. more love.. more
passion.. more beautiful, sexy women.
'o take this good feeling that comes with approaching beautiful women
and let it spread right out into the future. $et it soak into every
opportunity, filling up your future until it absolutely glows with
%ow allow yourself to drift towards the future, and as you do, notice
that you can see yourself down there, confidently and congruently
talking to women of all types and ages..... %otice their reactions.
How they love it when you talk to them...
%otice how your friends respond to your newfound power. &irst, they
are surprised by the change. 'ome even tease you. .ut that soon
changes into respect as you improve yourself, creating connections
with new people.. growing in skill, leaving the old models of you
far, far behind.
%otice how your skill improves with time. 'oon you radiate such
confidence, move with such power that women even approach you4 s
your skill improves, you find yourself talking to women in ways that
make them feel wonderful, as if you can see right into their souls.
nd in fact, you find yourself enjoying people so much more simply
because you do draw out their inner beauty.
%ow, I want you to see yourself, down on that timeline, a few weeks
from now, in a /uiet place. 'ee yourself with a strange woman. 'he
is beautiful.. your absolute picture of beauty.. from her sparkling
eyes eyes.. to her hair.. to the shape of her lips.. to the curves
of her body. This woman is intelligent, sensual, strong.. everything
you could ever want in a woman. %otice how she looks there with you.
&eel the connection with her as you step into that picture. &eel what
it's like to have this electric power with women, and as you do, take
her arm. )ull her towards you. $ook into her eyes.. and pull her
close.. now.. press your lips to hers... 'lip your tongue into her mouth.
)ull her closer, closer.. until her body presses against yours. 5un
your fingers through her soft hair. .reathe with her. touch her
face softly as you continue to taste her lips.. %ow move your hands down
her back.. feeling each muscle.. tracing her spine.. all the way
down to the curves of her bottom..
.egin to kiss the rest of her face.. *ive her little kisses on her
neck. let your tongue flick her gently, tasting the skin on her
throat.. listen to the little sounds she makes.. and tell her again
how absolutely beautiful she is..
.ring your hands up the back of her shirt.. $et your warm hands
massage gently s/uee#e the muscles in her back.. Then feel her
stomach.. let your fingers brush across her abs.. trace the circle of
her belly button.. notice how she responds..
Take her breasts in your hands.. &eel them pressing against her bra..
and kiss her again on the lips, passionately..
%ow pull her shirt up.. over her head... toss it aside.. and smile at
her beauty.. 6iss her shoulders.. and reach behind her.. unhook her
bra, and pull it away.. $ook at her nipples. %otice the color.. the
si#e.. the shape.. slowly bring your mouth down to her left breast... and
take her nipple between your lips.. flick it with your tongue..
$et your passion ignite you.. this experience and far more is waiting
for you. "omen are eager to share the gifts of their body with you,
as you learn how to bring powerful feelings to them...
Take this feeling with you now... s you rise out of the scene..
"atch how she responds to you.. how your bodies respond to each
other.. as you continue to undress.. notice her fascination with
your strong body.. how she puts her hands on your chest.. and works
her way down.. notice the expression of ecstasy on your faces as she
takes hold of you and pulls you inside.. $isten to yourselves, enjoying
each others bodies as you move into each other..
&loat back a bit further.. It's not yet time to enjoy this pleasure..
,ust notice how you fill the hours with passion.. and how that
experience.. and many like it.. come again and again... out into
the future.. %otice how many sensual, sexual experiences await you as
you continue along this path..
.ut take a moment now... and look back towards the present time...
notice how the past few weeks.. from this beautiful experience with
this special woman all the way back to the present.. as you're
listening to this.. and notice the events and little changes that have
lead up to making these changes in your life... Trace your way
backwards.. back through that first kiss... through long, dreamy
conversations.. back through that first flirtatious meeting.. through
all the other girls... through every subtle change in your
%otice how the roots of your passion stretch all the way back into
this moment and on into the past... as you draw on experiences and
learnings from all your life.. $et that passion light up each
experience. $et your timeline fill up with raw, sexual energy.
llow yourself to feel this passion now.. 'oak yourself in it..
&eel it in your toes.. and let it spread into your feet.. and up your
legs to your knees. &eel this sexual energy vibrating through your
torso... let it flow into your arms... out to each finger on your
hand. $et it fill right up into your head... &eel the excitement
building.. so that your face.. your eyes.. your smile.. radiates
sexual energy out into the world.
%ow open your eyes. Take a look at your surroundings. 'tretch your
arms out and know 0 without a shadow of a doubt 0 that you are ready
to take these skills out into the world. "e've made some powerful
changes here today... and things are never going to be the same
again. 'o get up, stretch out your legs... Take a deep breath.. and
get ready to party. *o look in the mirror flash that sexy, magnetic
smile of yours, and your powerful smile, and say to the girls in the
world, 7Hello, beautiful.7
There's no excuses anymore.. There's no need. "e've taken off the
training wheels.. and hooked up a sixty seven horsepower engine.. 'o
get out there and show the world what you're made of.. $ight their
fires.. 5each into their souls.. !ou're on fire now.. 'o get out there
and con/uer the world4

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