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URL: ________________________________________________________________
Name of Website: ______________________________________________________
Y N Is the author/institution identified?
Y N Does the URL end in .edu, .org, .gov? If not, what?_____________
Y N Does the site list credentials? (ex. Profiles, Staff, About us, FAQs)
Y N Is the date the site was created or updated available and current?
Y N Are the pictures/videos clear, easy to load, and related to the topic?
Y N Are the links current and lead to reliable sources?
Y N Is the website trying to persuade or sell you something?
Y N Based on your prior knowledge, does the information seem accurate?
Y N Does the information seem unbiased, fair and/or balanced?
Y N Is the information factual (not opinion)?
Y N Is the level of the web site appropriate to your needs?
Y N Are reference provided?
Y N Is the site free of spelling and grammatical errors?
Y N After looking at the website, is this a website you would use for your topic?

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