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Education is very important to be giving in globalization era right now.

really need them. But as students, they should pay the full cost rather than have free
education provided by the state for their own university studies. Personally, I disagree
with the statement above because of the following reasons, namely; students will have
more spirits to get scholarship as being brilliant students in their university, and it could
help students who have low income to continue their study to university.
First of all, students will have spirits because they now they would have the
scholarship or free education as being brilliant students so by having scholarship,
students will be more motivated and have more dignity. Beside that it will mae the
parents proud. In other words, if students are given it will mae them and their family
highly appreciated.
!econdly, it could help the students whose parents have low income to get e"ual
educations lie the other students, especially when the students are brilliant or having
e#cellent sills, such as$ good at sports and martial arts. %herefore, by giving low income
students scholarship, it will develop their competence and sills.
In conclusion, I suggest government and educational institutions to monitor
students who are competent and sillful to obtain scholarship so that our country will
have brilliant and sillful young generation to be leaders in the future.

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