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Samantha Foglia
Mr. Probert
English III
20 April 2014

Soul Surfer
Throughout this film courage and heartache are displayed, and a great champion
In this movie Bethany Hamilton loses her arm in a horrific shark attack that
alters her life dramatically. Bethany overcomes all obstacles and beats the odds because
of her immense passion for surfing. She struggles to find purpose amidst her devastating
and tremendous loss, but in the end overcomes her adversity with grace and courage.

The movie begins by introducing the Hamiltons as a happy and down to earth
family. Since the film is set in Kauai, Hawaii it gives the movie a carefree and easygoing
atmosphere. One day while Bethanys father goes into the hospital for knee surgery,
Bethany, her friend Alana and her dad go surfing.
As Bethany dangles her arm into the
water, a tiger shark appears and tears off her arm. Alana and her father quickly pull her
out of the water and race to the hospital. When she arrives at the hospital, she is taken
into immediate surgery. After awhile, Bethany miraculously awakes and is told she has
lost over sixty percent of her blood.
After recovery Bethany returns home and realizes
things are going to be different. She is especially discouraged when the attempt to give
her a prosthetic arm fails because it is not weight bearing and will not help her to surf.

She has gone from competing regularly in surf competitions to
having to learn how to surf all over again. After approval from her mother and father,
Bethany gets back into the water and learns how to surf with her arm. Once she finished
training, she finally reenters the competition. Soon she realizes it is not the same and
feels as if it is impossible.
Still looking for insight on her trauma, Bethany goes on a
mission trip to Thailand to help victims of a tsunami. While in Thailand, she listens to
victims stories and meets a young boy who is scared to go into the water and eases him
in. When she returns home to stacks of fan mail, she realizes shes become a role model
for countless kids facing their own obstacles. This makes her realize she can truly inspire
people and encourages her to get back onto the board.( After a long
while of preparing, she enters the national championship. In the water Bethany feels
the water and paddles out to catch her final wave. She perfectly executes it, but the horn
sounds before she finishes and the judges rule it out. Even though she loses, she makes
amends with a fellow competitor, Malina.
At the end of the movie, Bethany is
interviewed by reporters and says if she had the chance she wouldnt change what
happened to her because her tragedy changed her life for the better.

Frequent themes are portrayed in this film that reveal its meaning and purpose.
One of the main themes is Overcoming adversity with faith. Bethany overcomes
adversity to return to the water and start doing what she loves again. Through her faith in
God, she keeps persevering. She meets many obstacles in the process, but does not quit.
Though it was a long process, she never gave into doubt. Bethany realized that God did
not give her a burden, but a blessing in disguise. Another important theme is
Perspective is key.
Our perspective can be small and limited by our individual experiences, our fears, and a
lack of knowledge of the future.(
Throughout this film,
Bethanys youth pastor preaches about perspective and how everything is perceived
differently from certain angles. When Bethany goes to Thailand, she gains a new
perspective that changes everything. Bethany finally sees the bigger picture. In this
epiphany, she realizes that perspective is exceptionally important.

In this film, each character goes through an emotional experience that helps them
learn more about themselves.
In the beginning, Bethany is portrayed as a carefree
teenager. She goes night surfing one night and then the next day she is in the hospital
with one arm. Bethany goes from a young girl full of dreams to a discouraged and
frustrated young girl. Her frustration is portrayed when she cant open a jar of
mayonnaise or even a bag of bread. The camera angle focuses on the faces her brothers
and parents are making, because they act as if an elephant is in the room. Her family
noticeably tries to beat around the bush and not make Bethany feel so helpless by trying
to do it for her, but she feels hopeless. Bethany is so focused on her loss she doesnt
realize any of the good in her life. Bethanys father, Tom is very involved with her. Tom
stands by Bethanys side the whole way and is one of the people who encourages her to
get back in the water. During the accident, just as he is about to go into surgery, Bethany
arrives at the hospital. He frantically tries to get up and go see her but the doctor insists
he cannot get up because of the anesthesia. After she wakes up from surgery, he is by her
side and reassures her that she can do all things through God who gives her strength. This
bible verse shows the religious connection in Bethanys journey. When Bethany arrives
home there are dozens of reporters covering the Hamiltons property. Tom angrily tells
them to leave after Bethany looks so distraught over the whole situation. Tom just wants
the best for her after all that she has been through and this shows his frustration. Another
important person in Bethanys life is her mother, Cheri. When Bethanys mother hears
the news that she was the victim of a shark attack the camera shows her face in shock and
then the phone dropping to the ground and her frantically making her way to the hospital.
This creates the dramatic scenario of a worried
mother scared for her daughters life.
After Bethanys recovery she is also very uneasy about Bethany getting back into the
water and makes that clear. Her mother wants her to focus on herself rather than surfing
right away. Bethanys best friend Alana is with her throughout the entire film as well.
Alana is a surfer just like Bethany and both of their families are close. When Bethany is
attacked, Alana gets sick on the beach after seeing all the blood and being traumatized.
She is also the one who is most reluctant to go to the hospital because she didnt know
what to say to her. Alana lifts Bethanys spirit because of her optimism. Bethanys youth
pastor is a very important person in her life that helps her find herself after the accident.
Before her accident, Bethany declines Sarahs offer to go on the mission trip to Mexico
because of a surfing competition. Sarah is very disappointed when Bethany declines and
makes it quite apparent. This indicated that Sarah truly cares for Bethany and wants her
to strive to be her greatest. She introduces perspective to Bethany, which is one of the
key themes in the story.
This film is religiously affiliated in many ways. One of the first scenes in the
movie shows the Hamiltons attending mass on the beach. The film also contains many
religious songs. Bethanys story is an amazing testimony to the power of perseverance.
Through her faith in Jesus Christ, sheer determination and incredible courage, she
overcomes staggering adversity to return to the water.(soulsurferbiblestudy)
Though the
journey is not easy, she overcomes her hardships. From an early age, Bethany is
passionate about surfing. She spends years in the water, training to become a professional
surfer. But the attack alters those dreams, and after a heartbreaking return to competitive
surfing, Bethany quits. Feeling as though she has lost everything, she talks with her
father, who gently admonishes her to see a different perspective, one based on
compassion and love.(movieinsider)
When Bethany talks with her Father, she says the
quote from Philippians I can do all things through him who strengthens me. In
Thailand after teaching the little boy to surf, Bethany says that the Lord works in
mysterious ways and that Love is bigger than any tidal wave or fear.
This movie is truly inspiring and captures Bethanys real life journey. It gives
insight on new perspective and the determination that was needed to overcome lifes
obstacles. Bethany truly finds herself in this story and learns from her experiences. Many
can learn from Bethanys example, I dont need easy, I just need possible.

Works Cited
"Family Bible Studies." Soul Surfer Bible Study. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Apr. 2014.
"Movie Spoiler for the Film - SOUL SURFER." Movie Spoiler for the Film - SOUL
SURFER. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Apr. 2014.
"Soul Surfer: Beaches, Bikinis, And...Bibles?" Your Sacred Calling RSS. N.p., n.d. Web.
20 Apr. 2014.
"Soul Surfer." Movie Insider. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Apr. 2014.
"Soul Surfer." - Rotten Tomatoes. Web. 22 May 2014.
"Soul Surfer: Bethany Hamilton's True Story!" Entertainment RSS. Web. 22 May 2014.
"Soul Surfer Movie Clips for Teaching and Sermon Illustrations at"
WingClips. Web. 22 May 2014.
"Soul Surfer Movie vs. Bethany Hamilton True Story Shark Attack." Web. 22 May 2014.

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