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-General Information
-Greek Gastronomy
- cities
-Museums, monuments and archaeological sites in Greece

1).- General Information: officially Hellenic Republic, is a sovereign country, a member of the
European Union.
Motto: "Liberty or death"
Capital: and the most populous city: Athens
2).- Greek Gastronomy: In restaurants the food is prepared in a simple and attractive way.
The most popular dishes like dolmades (vine leaves stew), moussaka (eggplant with lamb,
cinnamon, red wine and olive oil) and avgolemono kebabs (chicken with rice, eggs and lemon
juice) are in everywhere.
3).-Cities: has 45 cities, are: Athens, Piraeus, Patras, Peristeri, Heraklion, Larissa, Kallithea,
Nikea, Kalamaria and Thessaloniki city in which I was able to travel, thanks to a world chess
4).- Museums, monuments and archaeological sites in Greece: It has many wonders in this
country, the most prominent are: Monuments: Academy of Athens, one of the most visited
places is Argos and as the most famous museums is The Aquarium of Rhodes

Espaol: En los restaurantes la comida se prepara de una forma simple y atractiva. Los platos ms
populares como el dolmades (estofado con hojas de via), moussaka (berenjenas con carne de
cordero, canela, vino rojo y aceite de oliva ) los kebabs y avgolemono (pollo con arroz, huevos y zumo
de limn) se encuentran en todas partes.
3: tiene de 45 Ciudades , se destacan : Athens, Piraeus, Patras, Peristeri, Heraklion, Larissa, Kallithea,
Nikea, Kalamaria and Thessaloniki ciudad en la cual pude viajar, gracias a un torneo mundial de
4.- Posee muchas maravillas en este pas, los mas destacados son: Monumentos: Academy of Athens ,
Uno de los lugares mas visitado es Argos y en cuanto los museos mas conocidos se encuentra The
Aquarium of Rhodes

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