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Bambalan v Naiamba

S1 Phil 417
Ninoiity: Contiacts
Case biief wiitten by Nasako Ninomiya

Isiuio Bambalan, a minoi, owns a piece of lanu.
Foiceu by his mothei, who was thieateneu by impiisonment by one
uenoveva, solu his the lanu
Isiuio uiu not conceal his age in the selling of the lanu, insteau, all paities
knew his age.

W0N the sale of the saiu lanu is valiu

No, the selling of the lanu is voiu because of Isiuio's minoiity.

The following contiacts aie voiuable oi annullable, even thought theie may
have been no uamages to the contiacting paities:
o Aiticle S8, NCC: Ninoiity, insanity oi the state oi imbecility, the state
of being a ueaf-mute, piouigality anu civil inteiuiction aie meie
iestiictions on capacity to act (aptituue foi the exeicise o iights), anu
uo not xempt the incapacitateu peison fiom ceitain obligations, as
when the lattei aiise fiom his acts oi fiom piopeity ielations, such as

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