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2D Presentation Techniques

1. What is the definition of pictorial elements?

Relating to, consisting of, or expressed by pictures
2. What are the four basic 2D shapes?
Circle, rectangle, square, triangle
3. What is HU? a color or shade.
!. What should be considered "hen choosing a theme for a presentation? #he
audience and the goal of the presentation.
$. What is the %ocus of a presentation?
#he attention gi&en to an' in particular element that stands out or(is associated
"ith the main idea.
). What are the t"o t'pes of balance? %ormal or informal
*. What is Weight in a presentation? Ho" hea&' the element used in the
presentation appears "ith respect to the design characteristics.
+. What does ,lacement in &isuali-ation refer to? the o&erlapping, closeness, or
di&ision that forms the pro.imit' of the elements in the presentation.
/. What does 0etting refer to in a presentation? #o sho" something natural or
artificial in an en&ironment.
11. %or each of the follo"ing, "rite a definition and then loo2 at the e.amples of
,icture Windo"3 4ost popular format st'les that are used "hen images dominate the
largest proportion of the la'out
#'pe 0pecimen3 5t is used "hen an enlarged t'peface "hen the element in the la'out is
Cop' Hea&'3 5s used "hen the information or cop' is the most important element in the
4ondrian3 6a'outs that are produced b' di&iding the space into rectangles of different
scale and proportion. 7ll of the te.t, headings, and images are placed in the rectangles.
8mnibus 9Circus 6a'out: 3 Used "hen a &ariet' of elements are needed in the la'out.
4ultipanel 3 %ormat that uses panels of equal si-e and man' times are used to tell a
sequential stor'.
0ilhouette3 #he te.t "rapped around an open image, "hich usuall' does not ha&e a
11. %or each of the follo"ing tools describe the function then cop' and paste a
picture of the icon.
0elect3 #o highlight something specificall' 'ou "ant to do something "ithor to choose
;nife3 is used to cut something there are man' t'pes of 2nifes.
4agnif'3 5s to ma2e something bigger
#e.t3 converts a numeric value to text and lets you specify the display formatting
by using special format strings. This function is useful in situations where you
want to display numbers in a more readable format, or you want to combine
numbers with text or symbols.
%ill 3 #o input something some"here or in it or complete it.
,an3 5s a t'pe of utensil that is used to coo2(fr' food.
'edropper3 draws liquid in and releases one drop at a time.
<radient 3 Changes the intensity or color in an image. Image gradients may
be used to extract information from images.
=lend3 #o mi. or combine t"o or more different things.
Crop3 #o cut off something not important to 'ou from something or to ta2e off >
12. What should 'ou consider "hen using bac2ground on 'our slides?
13. What is the ), ), ) rule?
?o, more than ) "ords, )lines.)inches per page.
1!. Ho" man' images should be used on an' gi&en page?
Ho"e&er man' 'ou "ant
1$. What is White 0pace?
=lan2 space
1). What is the 07% Design Concept?
1*. What are the three ,rinciples of Design?
?umber 1
?umber 2
7nd number 3
1+. What are e.amples of lements of Design?
Dra"ings, photographs or continuous tone images.
1/. What should 'ou remember "hen using te.t for slides?
@arious formats

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