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Subject: Science

Grade Level: 1
Name of Literature Book: The Tiny Seed
Eric Carle
Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing, 2009
Summary: Carried from its flower home by the autumn wind, a tiny seed traels around the
world! "ts #ourney is $erilous, but against the odds, the tiny seed suries to grow into a grand,
beautiful flower, ready to send its seeds out into the world on the wind!
Indiana Academic Standards being covered ith this lesson:
Standard !": Life Science
1!%!2 &bsere organisms closely oer a $eriod of time in different habitats such as terrariums,
a'uariums, lawns and trees! (raw and write about obserations!
1!%!% &bsere and e)$lain that $lants and animals hae basic needs for growth and surial*
$lants need to ta+e in water and need light, and animals need to ta+e in water and food and hae
a way to dis$ose of waste!
#$%#&T#' ()T&(*#S+(B,#&TI-#S . The learner ill: ,earn about the life cycle of a
seed by viewing a bean seed grow into a $lant and recording its $rogress in a $lant #ournal!

Teaching+Learning Strategy
/#S()/&#S N##'#':
The Tiny Seed by Eric Carle, 10 bean seeds, fie glass mason #ars, $a$er towels, water, $lastic
cu$s, $encils, crayons, and 20 Plant &bseration boo+lets
Ste0 1: 3ead aloud The Tiny Seed to the students on the car$et and then as+ them to name
some of the arious $lants that they see at home or out in the community! E)$lain that they all
start out as seeds li+e the 4iny Seed, then discuss what a $lant needs to surie! -5ir, water,
Ste0 2: Pass around the beans and let the students hold and e)amine them! 5s+ them what
they thin+ they are, and then e)$lain to them that they are bean seeds, similar to the 4iny Seed
from the boo+!
Ste0 ": "ntroduce the $ro#ect to class, e)$lain that we are going to $lant the seeds and watch
them grow into bean $lants, and as the $lants grow draw and color their $rogress in a $lant
Ste0 3: &ne grou$ at a time, call each table -grou$s of 62 bac+ to the science center! 7ie each
child a #ob8 hae one line the mason #ar with $a$er towels, two 9$lant: the bean halfway down the
#ar, and one $our a $lastic u$ filled with water into the #ar! ;hen each grou$ is done, $lace the
#ars on the window sill so they can get sunlight! -<ae the students ta+e turns watering their
$lant as the wee+:s $rogress!2
Ste0 4: Pass out 4he Plant =ournal, hae the students do the first $age, (ay 1! 5s+ them to
$redict and draw what they thin+ their $lant will loo+ li+e when it is finished growing!
Ste0 5: 5 cou$le times a wee+ as+ the students to e)amine their $lants and discuss the changes!
Com$are each grou$:s $lant and $oint out their differences and similarities! Pass out their $lant
#ournals and hae them record their obserations and draw a $icture of their $lant and the
changes it made!
Ste0 6: 5t the end of the lesson, as+ the students loo+ at their first $age and com$are their
$rediction with what their $lant actually loo+s li+e! <ae the students com$lete the last $age of
the #ournal and discuss what they learned about $lants, and see if they remember what $lants
need to surie!
%#/7(/*AN&# ASS#SS*#NT:
Students will be ealuated using a ->2, -?2, or -/2 $rocess! Students that had most of their $ages
with accurately recorded $lant changes, used correct colors of the $lant in most of their
drawings, had neat handwriting, and had written % correct things that $lants need to surie will
receie a ->2! Students that hae some inaccurate recordings, used incorrect colors in some or of
their drawings, had slo$$y handwriting, and missed two of the things that $lants need to surie
will receie a -?2! Students that got off tas+ and had mostly inaccurate recordings, used incorrect
colors in the ma#ority of their drawings, had ineligible handwriting, and missed all three of the
things a $lant needs to surie will receie a -/2!

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