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1. entreated (31) v.- to beg; to ask
2. assail (36) v.- to attack
3. fortified (37) v.- shielded; secured; protected
4. illume (44) v.- to brighten; to lighten
5. usurp (54) v.- to seize; to confiscate
6. avouch (67) v.- to certify; to confirm; to guarantee
7. esteemed (97) v.- to honor; to respect; to prize; to treasure
8. ratified (99) v.- approved; confirmed; legalized
9. mettle (108) n.- endurance; bravery
10. resolutes (110) n.- brave; fearless; relentless people
11. portentous (121) adj.- foreboding; threatening; sinister
12. privy (145) adj.- made participant in a secret
13. discretion (5) n.- permission to make decisions with own judgement
14. auspicious (11) adj.- delightful; joyous; happy; lucky; favorable
15. dirge (12) n.- funeral song; death march
16. dole (13) n.- sadness
17. visage (84) n.- the face or facial expression of a person
18. denote (86) v.- to indicate; to mark; to signal; to mean
19. countenance (247) n.- appearance; facial expression / v.- to condone
20. requite (272) v.- to avenge

21. calumnious (42) adj.- slanderous; attacking one's character
22. precept (64) n.- rule; principle
23. perilous (111) adj.- dangerous
24. importuned (119) v.- insistently begged
25. traduced (20) v.- to slander; to speak falsely of
26. pernicious (112) adj.- deadly
27. glean (16) v.- to gather; to collect
28. sovereign (28) adj.- absolute; total undisputed / n.- a king; a monarch
29. satirical (214) adj.- sarcastic; biting; mocking
30. rogue (214) n.- villain; fiend; scoundrel
31. promontory (322) n.- a cliff high above water
32. firmament (324) n.- the sky; the heavens
33. pestilent (326) asj.- deadly; likely to cause an epidemic
34. paragon (331) n.- perfect example; model; standard
35. quintessence (332) n.- ideal; essence; perfect model
36. cleave (590) v.- 1. to split; 2. to adhere; to stick
37. malefactions (621) n.- evil deeds
38. consummation (71) n.- completion; achievement
39. calamity (77) disaster; cause of great distress
40. contumely (79) n.- insulting treatment
41. inoculate (128) v.- to cure by introducing some antigenic material
42. wantonness (158) n.- immorality; extravagance
43. dejected (169) adj.- depressed; disheartened
44. abominably (37) adv.- detestably; with hatred
45. buffet (71) v.- to hit or strike against
46. occulted (85) adj- hidden [obsolete, outdated usage except in medicine]
47. clemency (170) n.- leniency; mercy
48. beguile (249) v.- to deceive; to cheat
49. contagion (421) n.- the causative agent of a disease
50. annex[ment] (22) v.- to add; to join
51. fetters (26) n.- chains or shackles attached to the ankles
52. compelled (66) v.- forced
53. bulwark (46) n.- anything serving as a defense against an attack
54. diadem (114) n.- a crown indicative of royalty
55. chide (122) v.- to scold; to reprimand
56. whet (127) v.- to sharpen; to stimulate
57. mandate (227) n.- a command; a decree
58. discord (46) n. lack of agreement
59. dismay (46) n.- apprehension; discouragement
60. garrisoned (25) v.- assign troops for protection
61. exhort (49) v.- to urge by strong argument
62. imminent (63) adj.- about to happen
63. conjectures (20) n.- guesses; suppositions
64. superfluous (103) adj.- extra; beyond what is needed
65. incensed (141) adj- angered; infuriated
66. obscure (238) adj.- not well known; hidden
67. abate (131) v.- to lessen; to decrease
68. remiss (152) adj.- negligent; lax in attending to duty
69. cudgel (57) v.- to beat with a heavy club
70. flagon (85) n.- a container with a spout and a handle
71. abhorred (193) adj.- hated; disgusting
72. prate (297) v.- to talk idly; to chatter
73. sultry (111) adj.- oppressively hot
74. perdition (125) n.- eternal damnation; hell
75. faction (252) n.- a group
76. aloof (262) adj.- distant; indifference; unapproachable
77. palpable (306) adj.- capable of being felt; obvious; real; tangible
78. carouses (315) v.- drinks merrily
79. treachery (337) n.- willful betrayal of trust; deception

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