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How to Take the Online Tests
1. Type in the URL for the test you want to take:
Note Identification:
Visual Interval Identification:
Key Signature Identification:
2. Take the test for the allotted time below. The test does not stop after you have reached the time limit, but the test
will show how much time you take on the progress report. So do not answer questions after the time limit. To avoid
this, if you reach the required amount of correct answers before the time limit is up, stop the test by creating your
progress report. You will not fail the assessment because you ended early and got enough questions correct.
However, every 10 seconds over the time limit, the teacher will subtract a correct answer.
Note Identification: 100 correct answers 10 minutes
Visual Interval Identification: 30 correct answers in 10 minutes
Key Signature Identification: 30 correct answers in 5 minutes
3. Follow the instructions below to create a progress report. Give it to your teacher in one of two ways:
a. Copy the verification code and send it to your teacher at with your name and class in
the subject line
b. OR print out the progress report and hand it in during class the next day.

4. Once the teacher receives your assessment you will be graded using these rubrics:

Visual Interval Identification Test
Description: Interval Identification Test will be taken on website. Students will e-mail
the verification code to the teacher or print off the progress report to hand in with the verification code
on it. Students have the whole school year to work on this test and may retake it as many times as they
need within the school year to get the desired score. Test includes major, minor, and perfect intervals
within an octave span on both treble and bass clef staves with accidentals.
Possible Grades Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
Grading Parameters 30 correct answers in 10 minutes Less than 30 correct answers in
10 minutes

Key Signature Identification Test
Description: Key Signature Identification Test will be taken on website. Students will e-
mail the verification code to the teacher or print off the progress report to hand in with the verification
code on it. Students have the whole school year to work on this test and may retake it as many times as
they need within the school year to get the desired score. Test includes all Major key signatures on both
treble and bass clef staves.
Possible Grades Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
Grading Parameters 30 correct answers in 5 minutes Less than 30 correct answers in 5

Part of the test grade will be unsatisfactory until the student reaches the requirements when taking
each online test.
Note Name Identification Test
Description: Note Name Identification Test will be taken on website. Students will e-
mail the verification code to the teacher or print off the progress report to hand in that has the
verification code on it. Students have the whole school year to work on this test and may retake it as
many times as they need within the school year to get the desired score. Test includes identifying note
names on treble and bass clef staves without accidentals, with no less than 2 ledger lines above and
below the staves.
Possible Grades Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
Grading Parameters 100 correct answers in 10 minutes Less than 100
answers in 10

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