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Wade Wilson

527 Lasseter Ave

Baltimore, Maryland 21222
(410)555-1939 so!"#30#3$st%dent&''('md&ed%&
0tili1e a love and nostal2ia 3or 3ilm, animation, and 'omi's 3or a 4osition t5at allo!s me to em(ra'e
my storytellin2 4assion and s5are t5e end res%lt !it5 ot5ers&
-8ata4s'o 9i25 :'5ool art ma2net !it5 5onors 4 years
-,omm%nity ,olle2e o3 Baltimore ,o%nty '%rrently 2eneral st%dies 1 year and on2oin2
8;)<+::.)7AL +=8+;.+7,+
->o-<or;e'e4tionist at :,L -a? servi'e
-@no!led2e in 3orensi' s'ien'e and 'riminolo2y
-:'reen !ritin2 and storytellin2 'a4a(ilities
-en'y'lo4edi' Ano!led2e 3or t5e nostal2i'
-:,L -a? :ervi'e

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