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Radioactive spider
2. Spelunker
3. The womb
4. Monstros tooth
5. Lil chubby
6. Lokis horns
7. Cain
8. The lucky foot
9. Magdalene
10. The yum heart
11. Judas
12. The book of belial
13. ???
14. A poop
15. A noose
16. The nail
17. A quarter
18. A fetus in a jar
19. Everything is terrible
20. The wafer
21. Money=power
22. It lives
23. A cross
24. A bag of pennies
25. A robo-baby
26. The d6
27. Something from the future
28. Little steven
29. Something cute
30. Little CHAD
31. Something sticky
32. Little gish
33. The harbingers
34. The book of revelations
35. A cube of meat
36. The book of sins
37. A small rock
38. Mr mega
39. A halo
40. Moms contact
41. A gamekid
42. Moms pill bottle
43. The common cold
44. A bandage
45. The necronomicon
46. The parasite
47. The pinking shears
48. The bean
49. A lump of coal!?
50. Basement boy
51. Spelunker boy
52. Dark boy
53. Mamas boy
54. The razor
55. Moms knife
56. Eve
57. A curse
58. The monster manuel
59. A dead bird
60. A bag of bombs
61. Guardian angel
62. A demon baby
63. A forget me now
64. Golden god
65. Samson
66. The D20
67. The crucifix
68. Abel
69. Curved horn
70. Sacrificial knife
71. Rainbow baby
72. Blood lust
73. Blood rights
74. Bloody penny
75. The polaroid
76. Isaacs head
77. Maggys faith
78. Cains eye
79. Judas tongue
80. Eves bird foot
81. ???s soul
82. Samsons lock
83. The candle
84. Lucky toe
85. Burnt penny
86. Guppys tail
87. A fish head
88. Mega fetus
89. Super fan
90. Spider butt
91. Counterfeit coin
92. The egg sack
93. Guppys hairball
94. Dads key
95. Platinum god
96. A forgotten horseman
97. Something icky
98. The left hand
ultra pride!!

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