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What strikes you about the film?

The thing that strikes me about the film is that you never see the mans face, its only his body that
you see, which could indicate shyness.
Whats your emotional response to it?
My emotional response to the film is, a happy feeling, because of the skill the man has its good to
see, the way he can craft the axe so easily. Also a sense of calmness as the music is settling and how
you dont see the mans face.
What do you learn from the documentary about the Blacksmith and Tool Maker?
I learned that even though he was in the middle of nowhere, with no one around and that he may b
shy, talent is everywhere and you dont have to show off.
What kind of individual is he or she?
I think that the man in the film is shy as he lives in the middle of what looks to be a forest or wood,
and he doesnt show his face which may indicate that he doesnt want to be known, but wants to
show what he can do.
What devices and treatment of the film convey this meaning to you?
The meaning of the film wasnt about the man himself but that work that he produced, the angles
that they used to make the film made the axe the centre of attention, also how the man never
showed his face helped show that the man didnt want to be noticed, but he wanted his work to be

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