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Name: Jamison Wood Estimated Time: 35-45 minutes

Content Area(s): Catching and Throwing Techniques with a Frisbee Grade Level(s): 4-7

NASPE Standard(s):
Standard 1 - The physically literate individual demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills and movement patterns.
Standard 2 - The physically literate individual applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and tactics related to movement and

Achievement Targets:
To demonstrate and teach students different techniques for catching and throwing a Frisbee. These techniques will be utilized while
playing a game of Ultimate Frisbee.
Special Planning/Preparations (i.e. safety concerns, etc.): Students playing Frisbee should be

Procedures Time Materials Adaptations/Modifications for Students
Diverse Needs
Intro-Activity: The students will gather together to
listen and discuss the planned activity for the day.

Warm-up: Students will warm up by jogging 50 yards
and performing 15 jumping jacks to warm up. Then
the students will perform stretches to prevent injury
and focus on stretching the shoulders.

5 mins Students who cannot run or jump can perform
modified versions of the warm-up assigned by
the instructor.

Rules: Students will be shown a demonstration of how
to properly throw and catch a disc. Everyone will pair
up and practice technique for throwing and catching.
Students will be have a partner and face each other
about 10 yards apart. Students will gradually make the
space between them larger to practice throwing
further distances.

Discs and large
open space.

Activity: Students will perform a drill as a group.
They will collectively do a Figure 8 Drill to practice
throwing, catching, and running. Depending on the
students performance and skills, the drill will be
modified accordingly.

Disc and large
open space
Any students who cannot run would be advised
to excuse themselves from the activity.
Ending Activity/Cool-down: Students will split into
two groups. Each group will line up with about 20
yards between. The students will pass the disc from
one end to the other, and then back to the beginning.
The first team to pass the disc to the end and back
without dropping the disc wins.

5 min Disc and large
open spaces.

Closure: Students will gather together and stretch
collectively. The instructor will do a re-cap of what
was taught and performed. Comments and questions
about the lesson will be addressed.



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