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Interview 3

Name: John Mortimer

Job Title/Role: Career at his home, looking after his disabled wife.
Contact Details: Phone: 01225 350008
Sphere of Expertise: John, now 44, was bullied when he was a young boy. He was brought up it a
care home and was also bullied by his own family, therefore he knows what the subject entails and
the horrors and pain of actually going through bullying.
Previous Media Experience?: John doesnt have media experience but is a very confident person and
has been on camera before, although this was not for an interview so I will be explaining to him the
difference between shooting a film and taking part in an interview.
Potential Questions: 1. How old were you when the bullying started?
2. How did it make you feel knowing you couldnt prevent it at the time?
3. Did you ever fight back, if so how did you do this?
4. The last question was about how you fought back, this question is about why?
5. What was the worst thing to happen to you when being bullied?
6. What are your feelings on bullying?
7. Did you ever think that it was your fault that you were being bullied?
Potential Location/Shot set up: Location:.18 Addison Road, Melksham Wiltshire, SN12 8DP
Shot set up: The shot set up I will be using is, three camera set up,
the first shot will be: A Close Up of John, sat on a sofa. The second shot will be: A Master Shot of both
John and the interviewer (myself). Then my final shot will be of myself asking the questions. I shall
also be getting shots of noddies and cutaways, such as hand movements. This interview will be done
comfortably with John and myself set on a sofa at his home.
Date/Time of Interview: This interview will take place on Saturday 18
October 2014 at 8pm.

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