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Social construction of gender is a term sociologist use to describe the patterns we use to act with or

develop between male and female. Such as with girls we tend put dresses on them and buy them dolls,
we even talk to girls more than we do boys. With boys we often speak less to newborns, we define them
with spots paraphilia, trucks and dress in more primary colors.
Feminism is a womans movement for equality to men. The glass ceiling is a term used for an invisible
barrier that doesnt allow a person to get promoted in a company because of gender, race or
nationality. Just like Institutional discrimination is when an institution such weather political, academic
or military does not admit access to certain groups. The first wave was when women decided they
deserved equality in marriage, in the work force and most famous politically the right to vote. The
second wave is the double burden it is when a woman works outside the home and still continues the
in home duties such as child care, housework and cooking. Can we equalize the second shift? I think the
shift has begun with more stay at home dads and woman becoming breadwinners of the home. Also
with more families being a two income home parents are starting to share more of the responsibilities
of the home. The third shift took place in the 1990s when women decided to celebrate sexuality and
use it as a means of empowerment.
When we think of women in the workforce we think of librarians, childcare, receptionist, nurses yet
when we think of men in the work place we imagine Firefighters, Pilots, clergy even when we think of
Doctors we imagine them to be Men. Some would say that occupational Segregation may be the reason
for the wage gap bit that is not entirely true. Some explanations are age and education, years of work
experience, children at home even hours per year. Can we ever close that gap? I think we will have that
gap for a few more decades sadly to say, but I firmly believe we as a whole will catch up to equality. The
role of the male has been just that the male and we as women are still new to the whole workforce
society. We as women are still the new kids and once we have established ourselves the gape will
slowly close. As of now men tend to earn more.

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