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Sandra Harper

ECE 1414
Observation #1

1. Thursday January 30, 2014
In the large motor skill room, Grafton walked up the stairs to the slide and counted
each step as one, two, free, four, five!
Number- Counting Objects

2. Thursday January 30, 2014
At drop off in the classroom, Natalie was crying because her mom just left.
Iverson walked over to the counter for a tissue, gave it to her, and said all better Na-na-
Social Studies- Being sensitive to the feelings, interests, and needs of others

3. Friday January 31, 2014
At the start of stretch/exercise time in the nap room, Giuliana was jumping and
reaching her arms up saying go up, she then squatted down to touch her toes and said
go down.
Physical Development, Health, and Well-Being- moving in locomotor ways; describing
movement, acting upon movement directions

4. Friday January 31, 2014
At the block area during free play, another child grabbed the block in Emilys hand, she
said No! Emily use this! When the child wouldnt let go and started to scream and cry she
continued with Not nice, you have this. and gave the child a different block which he began to
play with.
Social and Emotional Development- Dealing with social conflict
Approaches to Learning- Solving problems encountered in play

5. Friday January 31, 2014
Between snack time and bible devotion the director (Cheryl) came into the classroom for
a visit. When she stood up to leave Emily said Cheryl is tall! after Cheryl responded Yes,
Cheryl is taller than Emily Emily said Emily is smaller than Cheryl.
Seriation- Comparing attributes (longer/shorter, bigger/smaller)

6. Monday February 3, 2014
While eating at the lunch table, Ella said I eat lunch, and then I take a nap, and then
Mommys coming to pick me up.
Social Studies- Participating in group routines
Time- Anticipating, remembering, and describing sequences of events

7. Monday February 3, 2014
While dancing to the freeze in the classroom, Maddy would say stop! and would
freeze every time the song said to, she then continued dancing when the music started again.
Music- Moving to music
Time- Starting and stopping an action on signal

8. Tuesday February 4, 2014
While getting ready for naptime, a stranger (building maintenance man) came in to fix
the heat vent in the nap room, Giuliana greeted him with Hi dad! and started a conversation
about how Oo-nana has shoes! and showed him her new pink shoes.
Building relationships with children and adults

9. Tuesday February 4, 2014
After arriving to school in the morning, another teacher asked Brendan what he would
like to do today. Brendan though for about 5 seconds and said I can play trains! I like Thomas! I
will race Thomas!
Approaches to Learning- Making and expressing choices, plans, and decisions

10. Tuesday February 4, 2014
At lunch time Lauren was handed a purple to fork and the teacher said Here is a purple
fork, to match with your purple shirt. Lauren said, My pants are purple too! But not my shoes
and my hair bows, they are pink and have hello kitty!
Classification- Exploring and describing similarities, differences, and the attributes of

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