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justin timberli es un cantante famoso de pop. su cumpleaos es el 31 de enero.

tiene una linda familia. el nombre de su pap es randall el nombre de su mam es
lynn el tiene dos hermanos, sus nombres son stephen y jonathan. justin vive solo
en una gran casa.
el disea ropa tambin. tambin tiene un restaurante italiano en manhattan, new
york y un restaurante asiatico en hollywood, california.
a el le gusta las motocicletas, el golf y los lugares frios.
justin timberli is a famous pop singer. his birthday is January 31. he has a beautiful
family. the name of his father's name is randall her mom is lynn has two brothers,
their names are Stephen and Jonathan. justin lives alone in a big house.
the designs clothes also. also has an Italian restaurant in manhattan, new york and
an Asian restaurant in hollywood, california.
he likes motorcycles, golf and cold places.

justin timberli is a famous pop singer. his birthday is January 31. he has a beautiful
family. his dad name is randall the name of her mother is lynn. he has two
brothers, their names are Stephen and Jonathan. justin lives alone in a big house.
the designs clothes also. also has an Italian restaurant in manhattan, new york and
an Asian restaurant in hollywood, california.
he likes motorcycles, golf and cold places.

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