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1) Genes play an important role in determining the traits of an organism.

Explain the relationship between genes, chromosomes and DNA.
In your answer you should
Define gene, chromosome and DNA
State where each of these things would be found in a living thing
Explain how the three terms link together (the relationship between them)
You may use a diagram to help.

2) People who can roll their tongue have the dominant allele (R).
Jill is heterozygous for tongue rolling (her genotype is Rr). Her husband Ben can
not roll his tongue.

After several years Jill and Ben have three children which are all tongue rollers.
Discuss why they can not be certain a fourth child would also be able to roll
their tongue.
State what the words genotype and phenotype mean
State Bens genotype
Draw a Punnet square to show the possible genotypes the child could have
(the start of the Punnet square has been shown below to help you)
State the likelihood (% chance) that the child will be able to roll its tongue
Explain why we cannot be certain that their fourth child will be able to roll
its tongue too.

R r
3) Using the pedigree, answer the questions below

Generation 1

Generation 2

Generation 3

Using the pedigree explain why Bs genotype must be Rr. Remember to
include what the genotypes of Bs parents would be.
How does the pedigree chart show us that tongue rolling is dominant over
non tongue rolling.
o In your answer describe what dominant and recessive mean.

4) The following applications all involve genetics

DNA Fingerprinting
Designer babies
Stem Cell research
Genetic screening

Choose ONE of the applications above and discuss how this application is used

In your answer you should
Describe WHAT the application is
Explain how DNA is used in the application
Explain WHO might use this application and WHY
Discuss the advantages or disadvantages of this application

Male Female
Non Tongue



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