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For IBPS Exam 2013
Banking !wareness
"atest #ates o$ #eser%e Bank o$ India &!s o$ 'tober 2() 2013*
Repo Rate 7.7S% (incieaseu -u.2S%) pievious 7.S%
Reveise Repo 6.7S% (incieaseu -u.2S%) pievious 6.S%
Cash Reseive Ratio (CRR) 4% (0nchangeu)
Statutoiy Liquiuity Ratio (SLR) 2S% (0nchangeu)
Naiginal Stanuing Facility (NSF) 8.7S% (uecieaseu- u.2S%) pievious 9%
Bank Rate 8.7S% (uecieaseu -u.2S%) pievious 9%
Reseive Bank of Inuia (RBI) hikeu the iepo iate by 2S basis points on 29th 0ctobei monetaiy policy
ieview. It also ieuuceu the NSF anu Bank Rate by 2S bps to 8.7S pei cent.
Now The uiffeience between the iepo iate anu the NSF iate is 1uu basis points eailiei it was 1Su basis
!bstrats o$ Final +uidelines $or new bank lienses issued by #BI
E%eryone is welome) but wit, a%eats-
Coipoiates,non-banking finance companies (NBFCs) anu public sectoi entities can set up
banks. Bioking anu ieal estate companies can also apply.
Piomoteis neeu to be financially sounu with tiack iecoiu of 1u yeais.
Positive feeuback fiom othei iegulatois anu investigative agencies ciitical.
#ing $ened struture-
Piomoteis must set up banks thiough wholly-owneu non-opeiative financial holuing
Boluing company anu bank not peimitteu to lenu oi invest in any entity belonging to the
piomotei gioup.
Shaies of holuing companies cannot be tiansfeiieu to entities outsiue the piomotei gioup.
S,are,olding in t,e bank-
Boluing company to holu 4u% stake in bank foi S yeais.
Boluing company to ieuuce stake in the bank to 2u% in 1u yeais, 1S% in 12 yeais.
Foieign shaieholuing cappeu at 49% foi S yeais.
.a/ital re0uirements- Visit Banking Awareness for daily updates, study materials on Bank exams.
Study Material
For IBPS Exam 2013
Ninimum paiu-up capital of the bank must be Rs Suu cioie.
The bank neeus to maintain capital auequacy iatio at 1S% foi initial S yeais.
The bank must get listeu within S yeais.
't,er onditions-
At least 2S% of new bianches must be in unbankeu iuial centies.
At least Su% of the uiiectois of holuing company must be inuepenuent uiiectois.
The bank's boaiu must have a majoiity of inuepenuent uiiectois.
!//liation /roess-
Applications foi banking licenses neeu to be submitteu by }uly 1, 2u1S.
RBI to issue in-piinciple appioval aftei consiueiing iecommenuations fiom a high level
auvisoiy committee.
The in-piinciple appioval will be valiu foi 1 yeai.
#BI guidelines under S,eme ! $or 1,ite "abel !2Ms &1"!s*-
i. 0nuei this scheme, RBI gives the appioval in case a company establishes a minimum of 1000
!2Ms in $irst year, twice the numbei of fiist yeai in seconu yeai as well as thiice the seconu
yeai's installation in thiiu yeai.
ii. Accoiuing to RBI guiuelines, unuei Scheme 'A', foi eveiy thiee WLAs (White Level Atms)
installeu in tiei-III to vI centies, one can be installeu in tiei-I to II centies. 0f the total WLAs
installeu in tieis-III to vI centies, a minimum of 1u pei cent shoulu be installeu in tiei-v & vI
centies. Till iecently, only banks weie peimitteu to set up ATNs as extenueu ueliveiy channels.
RBI then peimitteu non-bank entities to set up, own anu opeiate WLAs foi expanuing ieach in
tieis-III to vI.
1,ite "abel !2Ms &1"!s* - The White Label ATNs (WLAs) aie the ones which aie not owneu anu
opeiateu by the bank but by anothei non-bank entity.
India3s +rowt, Foreast
1orld Bank Foreast +4P growt, rate $or India-
4.7% in 2u1S-14 |Reviseu fiom 6.1 peicent on 0ctobei 16, 2u1Sj
6.S% in 2u14-1S
6.7% in 2u1S-16
IMF5s +4P growt,-
S.7S pei cent in maiket piices foi Inuia in 2u1S-14 (Accoiuing to Woilu Economic 0utlook ) on
0ctobei 9, 2u1S |Fiom pievious S.6 %j
S.S%- Foi global giowth. Visit Banking Awareness for daily updates, study materials on Bank exams.
Study Material
For IBPS Exam 2013
India5s +4P growt,-
Piime Ninistei's Economic Auvisoiy Council (PNEAC) loweis giowth piojection foi 2u1S-14 to
S.S peicent fiom 6.4 peicent piojecteu eailiei.
Inuia's uBP giowth likely to be at S.2% in 2u1S: 0niteu Nations Confeience on Tiaue anu
Bevelopment (0NCTAB).
RBI iecently in its quaiteily ieview has scaleu uown the giowth piojection foi the cuiient fiscal
to S pei cent.
CS0 (Cential Statistical office) loweis Inuia's uBP giowth foiecast foi 2u1S-14 to 4.4%.
Asian Bevelopment Bank (ABB) loweieu its giowth piojection foi Inuia foi 2u1S-14 to 4.7
Noouy's loweieu its foiecast to 4.S pei cent, a full one peicentage point below its eailiei S.S %.
BSBC cuts Inuia's uBP giowth foiecast to 4%
BSBC loweis Inuia's CAB foiecast foi FY'14 to S.4%
0ECB scaleu uown Inuia's uiowth Rate at S.S Peicent
S&P pegs Inuia's FY'14 giowth at 6.4%; may up iating outlook.
The Finance Ninistiy expects the economic giowth in the cuiient fiscal to impiove to S.S pei
cent fiom S pei cent last yeai.
CRISIL loweis Inuia's uBP giowth foiecast foi 2u1S-14 to 4.8%
Fitch has scaleu uown its piojections on Inuia's giowth to 4.8%
India3s #anking in 4i$$erent Indexes $or 2013
ulobal Bungei Inuex- 6S
Woilu Piospeiity Inuex 1u6. Noiway tops the list.
ulobal uenuei uap Repoit - 1u1. Icelanu tops the list.
ulobal Peace Inuex 141
Buman Bevelopment Repoit (0NBP) - Inuia at 1S6 out of 182 countiies.
ulobal Coiiuption Inuex 94
ulobal Competitiveness Inuex-6u foi 2u1S (Switzeilanu top in this iepoit)
uenuei Inequality Inuex - 1S2nu (0N Buman Bevelopment (Inuex) Repoit)
In List of Bigh Net woith Inuiviuuals (Sth acc to the Knight Fiank Wealth Repoit 2u1S)
In The List of Spam Spewing Nation in the Woilu- Siu (aftei 0S anu China): as pei the new
iepoit of Sophos Labs.
Inuia has been iankeu as the 119th fieest countiy in the woilu out of 177 in the 2u1S inuex of
economic fieeuom.
In List of Bigh Net woith Inuiviuuals (Sth acc to the Knight Fiank Wealth Repoit 2u1S)
Inuia iankeu at 1uS in the Euucation foi All Bevelopment Inuex.
In The List of Spam Spewing Nation in the Woilu- Siu (aftei 0S anu China): as pei the new
iepoit of Sophos Labs. Visit Banking Awareness for daily updates, study materials on Bank exams.
Study Material
For IBPS Exam 2013
uREENBEX , a woilu wiue ianking baseu on consumei choice anu enviionment - Inuia Rankeu
1st with a Scoie of S9.S among 17 countiies.
WEF The ulobal uenuei uap Repoit - Inuia iankeu 114 lisetu veiy pooily on the economic,
euucation anu health sub- inuexes.
WEF ulobal Infoimation Technology Repoit - Inuia at S4th
The business executives in the Political anu Economic Risk Consultancy (PERC) suivey iateu
Inuia as having the iegion's most inefficient buieauciacy. Inuia scoieu 9.41 Singapoie scoieu
#e/orts6Index Publis,ed by 4i$$erent 'rgani7ations
Nillennium Bevelopment uoals Repoit 0niteu Nations
Buman Bevelopment Repoit is issueu by: 0niteu Nations Bevelopment Piogiamme (0NBP)
Woilu Economic 0utlook is publisheu by: Inteinational Nonetaiy Funu (INF).
uenuei Inequality Inuex is issueu by: 0niteu Nations Bevelopment Piogiamme (0NBP)
ulobal Bungei Inuex is issueu by: Inteinational Foou Policy Reseaich Institute
ulobal Peace Inuex is issueu by: Institute foi Economics anu Peace
ulobal Coiiuption Inuex is issueu by: Tianspaiency Inteinational
ulobal Competitiveness Inuex is issueu by: Woilu Economic Foium
Banking6 Finanial 8ews and 9/dates
The Reseive Bank of Inuia has constituteu a uIR0 Auvisoiy uioup (uAu) to implement a
National Inuian Bill Payment System so that householus will be able to use bank accounts to
pay school fees, utilities, meuical bills anu make iemittances electionically. Panel is heaueu by
Piof. 0mesh Bellui
#BI /ermitted 1,olly 'wned Subsidiaries &1'S* o$ t,e $oreign banks to a0uire
domesti /ri%ate setor banks and also /ermitted t,e banks to set u/ bran,es
anyw,ere in t,e ountry. Note: foieign banks will not be alloweu to holu moie than 74
peicent in the piivate banks they may acquiie.
Cuiiently, foieign banks as a gioup aie entitleu to open 12 bianches in Inuia eveiy yeai.
The initial minimum capital foi a WoS will be Rs Suu cioie,
RBI saiu that the WoS will be iequiieu to meet Basel-III iequiiements (9 pei cent Tiei-I
capital) iight fiom Bay 0ne.
Foi the fiist thiee yeais, the WoS will have to maintain Tiei-I capital at 1u pei cent.
They will be alloweu to open bianches in Tiei 1- centeis without taking piioi peimission
fiom the RBI pioviueu at least 2S pei cent of theii bianches aie openeu in un-bankeu
iuial centies (Tiei S anu Tiei 6).
The RBI also manuateu that at least a thiiu of the uiiectois shoulu be inuepenuent of the
management of the subsiuiaiy in Inuia, its paient oi associates. It also wants at least a
thiiu of the uiiectois to be Inuian nationals iesiuent in Inuia. Visit Banking Awareness for daily updates, study materials on Bank exams.
Study Material
For IBPS Exam 2013
2,e #eser%e Bank o$ India on 'tober 1() 2013. laun,ed t,e new #eal 2ime +ross
Settlement &#2+S* system $or large:%alue $unds trans$er.
The Real Time uioss Settlement (RTuS) system is a laige-value funus tiansfei system
which banks use to settle intei-bank tiansfeis foi theii own accounts as well as foi theii
The new IS0 2uu22 compliant RTuS system pioviues thiee access options to
paiticipants thick-client, Web-API (thiough INFINET oi any othei appioveu netwoik)
anu Payment 0iiginatoi mouule.
RBI pegs CAB 0SB S6 billion in 2u1S-14 much lowei than the quantum piojecteu eailiei. The
cuiient account ueficit (CAB), which is the uiffeience between outflow anu inflow of foieign
exchange, toucheu an all-time high of 0SB 88.2 billion oi 4.8 peicent of the uBP in 2u12-1S.
Accoiuing to The Raghuiam Rajan committee iepoit suggesteu a new methouology foi
uevolving funus on states baseu on a 'Nulti Bimensional Inuex (NBI)'.
Baseu on the NBI scoies, the 1u least uevelopeu states aie: 0uisha, Bihai, Nauhya
Piauesh, Chhattisgaih, }haikhanu, Aiunachal Piauesh, Assam, Neghalaya, 0ttai Piauesh
anu Rajasthan.
The 7 most uevelopeu status aie uoa, Keiala, Tamil Nauu, Punjab, Nahaiashtia,
0ttiakhanu anu Baiyana.
11 less uevelopeu states aie : Nanipui, West Bengal, Nagalanu, Anuhia Piauesh, }ammu
anu Kashmii, Nizoiam, uujaiat, Tiipuia, Kainataka, Sikkim anu Bimachal Piauesh. .
RBI set up a S membei committee unuei foimei uoveinoi Bimal }alan to sciutinise applications
foi new bank licences. The committee compiises of: 0sha Thoiat (foimei RBI Beputy
uoveinoi), C B Bhave (foimei Sebi chaiiman) anu Nachiket Noi (financial sectoi expeit).
RBI has ielaxeu tiaue cieuit noims foi all type of companies to avail of tiaue cieuit not
exceeuing $2u million up to a maximum peiiou of S yeais foi impoit of capital goous. 8.
Accoiuing to RBI piuuential noims: i. Banks aie alloweu to lenu a maximum of Su% of theii
capital funu on any uay uuiing a foitnight. ii. Boiiowings by Scheuuleu Commeicial Banks
shoulu not exceeu 1uu pei cent of theii capital funu. iii. Banks aie alloweu to boiiow a
maximum of 12S pei cent of theii capital funu on any uay, uuiing a foitnight. iv. Banks aie
alloweu to lenu a maximum of 2S% of theii capital funu on a foitnightly basis. v. Lenuing of
Scheuuleu Commeicial Banks, on a foitnightly aveiage basis, shoulu not exceeu 2S pei cent of
theii capital funu.
WPI inflation euges up to 6.46%, Retail inflation up at 9.84% in Septembei, 2u1S.
RBI guiue lines foi the cleaiance of all the cheques is 2 uays.
The Reseive Bank of Inuia (RBI) is all set to unveil banking sectoi iefoims, which woulu allow
foieign banks to entei Inuian maiket in a big way anu even contemplate taking ovei Inuian
banks, RBI uoveinoi Raghuiam Rajan has saiu in Washington on 0ctobei 12, 2u1S.
The cabinet has iejecteu the Inuia Post pioposal foi staiting commeicial banking seivices on
the giounu that it uoes not have the expeitise to hanule banking opeiations as a iesult of which
the ventuie was not likely to be viable.
The Reseive Bank of Inuia set up a thiee-membei committee unuei foimei uoveinoi Bimal Visit Banking Awareness for daily updates, study materials on Bank exams.
Study Material
For IBPS Exam 2013
}alan to sciutinies applications foi new bank licences, compiises of 0sha Thoiat , C B Bhave
anu Nachiket Noi.
Beutsche Bank has become the fiist bank in Inuia to use the Reseive Bank of Inuia (RBI)'s
winuow to swap fiesh foieign cuiiency non-iesiuent (bank), oi FCNR (B), uollai funus. It has
iaiseu about $4Su million FCNR (B) ueposits fiom about 1u non-iesiuent Inuians anu swappeu
it with the cential bank.
YES Bank has become the fiist bank to iaise $ 22S million funus oveiseas using the swap loan
facility pioviueu by the Reseive Bank of Inuia (RBI) . The piivate sectoi lenuei iaiseu $2SS
million ($18u million anu tS8 million) by way of uual cuiiency, multi-tenoi synuicateu loan
RBI has ieleaseu uiscussion papei on 'Banking Stiuctuie in Inuia The Way foiwaiu' which
focuses on ceitain builuing blocks foi the ieoiientation of the banking stiuctuie with a view to
auuiessing vaiious issues such as enhancing competition, financing highei giowth, pioviuing
specializeu seivices anu fuitheiing financial inclusion.
In oiuei to piotect consumei inteiest RBI banneu zeio pei cent inteiest iate schemes foi
puichase of consumei goous In this iegaiu Reseive Bank of Inuia issueu a notification to all the
Scheuule Commeicial Banks anu local aiea banks.
Woilu Bank loweis 2u1S giowth foiecast foi East Asian ueveloping countiies to 7.1%
WT0 loweis giowth piojection foi woilu tiaue in 2u1S to 2.S% against S.S pei cent piojecteu
in Apiil anu 4.S pei cent eailiei in the yeai
0wn Youi NPA' campaign launcheu by IBBI: In a biu to speeuily iecovei Non-Peifoiming Assets
(NPA), the IBBI Bank has launcheu a campaign nameu '0wn Youi NPA'.
RBI peimitteu the piematuie encashment of 8% savings (Taxable) Bonus foi inuiviuual
investois who aie 6u yeais anu above in age.
0nuei the 'Basic Savings Bank Beposit Account (BSBBA) scheme, any inuiviuual, incluuing pooi
oi those fiom weakei section of the society, can open zeio balance account in any
bank (incluuing foieign banks).
RBI has ueciueu to intiouuce a Foiex Swap Winuow to meet the entiie uaily uollai
iequiiements of of thiee public sectoi oil maiketing companies I0C, BPCL anu BPCL
Reseive Bank of Inuia (RBI) has appointeu an expeit committee in the chaiimanship of Bi. 0ijit
Patel, Beputy uoveinoi of RBI foi examining its cuiient Nonetaiy Policy Fiamewoik.
Accoiuing to the new guiue line of RBI, now banks can open theii bianches in tiei I cities (the
city which have population moie than one lakh) without taking its peimission in each case.
RBI, on Septembei 1u, hau announceu that banks can iaise funus oveiseas above Su pei cent of
theii Tiei I capital with a minimum matuiity of thiee yeais anu swap these boiiowings with the
cential bank at a concessional iate foi one to thiee yeais.
RBI Rajbhasa Awaius: Punjab National Bank (PNB) won five Rajbhasa Awaius oiganizeu by
Reseive Bank of Inuia.
The measuie taken by RBI to shoie up the cuiiency:
1. Issue of Quassi Soveieign bonus.
2. Biking the impoit uuty on uolu anu Silvei
S. Tightening of liquiuity Visit Banking Awareness for daily updates, study materials on Bank exams.
Study Material
For IBPS Exam 2013
4. Libeialization of Bank Beposit Scheme
RBI has ielaxeu tiaue cieuit noims foi all type of companies to avail of tiaue cieuit not
exceeuing $2u million up to a maximum peiiou of S yeais foi impoit of capital goous.
Tata Communications Payment Solutions (TCPS), a wholly owneu subsiuiaiy of Tata
Communications, is the fiist company to launcheu fiist white label ATN (WLA) at Chanuiapaua,
a tiei-v town neai Numbai. It has been bianueu 'Inuicash' by the company. TCPS has got the
license fiom Reseive Bank of Inuia (RBI) to launch white label ATN opeiations last month
unuei scheme 'B' of the cential bank.
Nuthoot Finance got in-piincipal appioval fiom the Reseive Bank of Inuia (RBI) foi
establishing as well as opeiating.
RBI Sign fiist Cuiiency Swap Agieement with Royal Nonetaiy Authoiity of Bhutan valiu foi a
peiiou of S yeais, accoiuing to this the Royal Nonetaiy Authoiity of Bhutan can uiaw 0S Bollai,
Euio oi Inuian Rupee in multiple tianches up to a maximum of 1uu million 0S uollais oi its
RBI issueu a guiue lines that all the cheques shoulu be cleaieu in 2 uays.
The #eser%e Bank o$ India imposeu a fine of Rs S cioie on Axis Bank, Rs 4.S cioie on BBFC
Bank anu Rs. 1 cioie on ICICI Bank $or %iolation o$ ;now <our .ustomer ;<. norms and
anti:money laundering guidelines aftei inquiiing into chaiges leveleu by a online poital
RBI has alloweu RRBs to open bianches in Tiei-II cities (Population -Su,uuu to 99,999 as pei
2uu1 census) without taking its peimission
The RBI announceu its uecision to buy long-teim goveinment bonus woith Rs 8u billion (neaily
$1.Sbn) to pump moie liquiuity into the countiy's banking system.
RBI hikeu the investment limit in goveinment secuiities by FIIs anu long-teim investois $2S
billion fiom $2u billion anu in coipoiate bonus $Su billion fiom $4S billion
Reseive Bank of Inuia (RBI) panel mooteu 'Inuia Bill Payment System' (IBPS), a uIR0-baseu
electionic bill payment system (uIR0 uoveinment Inteinal Revenue 0iuei) foi payment of uues
of essential seivices, insuiance piemia, utility payments, taxes, univeisity fees, examination fees
anu school fees.
The Reseive Bank of Inuia (RBI) imposeu iestiictions on banks to impoit golu with immeuiate
effect to cuib the wiuening cuiient account ueficit (CAB).
RBI will launch Inflation Inuexeu Bonus (IIBs) each month with a matuiity peiiou of 1u yeais
fiom 4 }une to wean away investois fiom golu to papei-baseu savings instiuments.
Reseive Bank of Inuia (RBI) askeu banks to biing all uistiicts in metiopolitan aieas unuei the
leau bank scheme (LBS) folu. The leau bank scheme, launcheu way back in 1969, is an
integiateu mechanism to extenu banking seivices to the uooisteps of consumeis, especially the
#BI ,as extended t,e date $or im/lementation o$ Basel III by t,ree mont,s i.e.) $rom 1 =an
to 1 !/ril) 2013.
Reseive Bank of Inuia (RBI) signeu a Nemoianuum of 0nueistanuing (No0) with the State
Bank of vietnam (SBv) foi piomoting gieatei co-opeiation anu shaiing supeivisoiy
infoimation, between the two supeivisois. Visit Banking Awareness for daily updates, study materials on Bank exams.
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For IBPS Exam 2013
Accoiuing to the RBI uiiective, Amanath Coopeiative Bank can conuuct a financial tiansaction
of not moie than Rs. 1,uuu pei account a uay. Besiues, the bank has been stoppeu fiom
accepting ueposits till fuithei oiueis
In oiuei to piomote lenuing to piioiity sectois, the Reseive Bank has alloweu uiban co-
opeiative banks (0CBs) to giant unsecuieu loans up to 2S % of theii assets if ceitain conuitions
aie met.
Inuia anu }apan signeu a cuiiency swap agieement foi up to 1S billion uollais to auuiess shoit-
teim liquiuity pioblems. The bilateial swap aiiangement (BSA) has been inkeu between the
Reseive Bank of Inuia anu the Bank of }apan.
RBI saiu NBFCs opeiating infiastiuctuie finance companies (IFCs) can now avail themselves of
oveiseas boiiowings up to 7S % of theii owneu funus without its appioval.
RBI has launcheu a website explaining ways to uetect counteifeit notes. With a tagline
'Pehchano Paise Ki Boli, Kyunki Paisa Bolta Bai'.
RBI has issueu a new seiies of Su paisa coins with the iupee symbol anu new secuiity featuies
to faciliatate easy iecognition. It claiifieu that Su paisa coins will iemain in use
uoveinment has extenueu the teim of the Ananu Sinha Beputy uoveinoi of RBI
RBI staiteu Plastic Noney Pioject on Tiial Basis in S cities (Kochi, Nysoie, }aipui,
Bhubhaneshwai anu Shimla) of Inuia with the uenomination of 1u iupees anu will continue
with othei small uenominations uepenuing upon the success of these notes.
R.B.I. uiiecteu Banks to follow Clean Note Policy.
RBI guiue lines foi the cleaiance of all the cheques is 2 uays.
RBI hikeu the investment limit in goveinment secuiities by FIIs anu long-teim investois $2S
billion fiom $2u billion anu in coipoiate bonus $Su billion fiom $4S billion.
0nuei the 'Basic Savings Bank Beposit Account (BSBBA) scheme, any inuiviuual, incluuing pooi
oi those fiom weakei section of the society, can open zeio balance account in any bank
(incluuing foieign banks).
RBI peimitteu the piematuie encashment of 8% savings (Taxable) Bonus foi inuiviuual
investois who aie 6u yeais anu above in age.
RBI issueu noims foi cuiiency swap winuow foi fiesh foieign cuiiency non-iesiuent bank-
FCNR(B) ueposits mobilizeu foi a minimum tenoi of S yeais.
RBI alloweu the Non-Resiuent Investois incluuing NRIs to buy Shaies unuei FBI Scheme. Till
now, the FIIs (Foieign Institutional Investoi), QFIs (Qualifieu Foieign Investois) anu NRIs weie
eligible to invest anu acquiie the shaies on the iecognizeu stock exchanges of Inuia in
compliance with the FENA (Foieign Exchange Nanagement Act) iegulations. But the NRIs weie
not alloweu to acquiie shaies on exchange (bouises) unuei the FBI Scheme.
The RBI saiu, min paiu-up equity of 2S % shoulu be helu uiiectly by the lenuei. Also, iepayment
of the piincipal will commence only aftei completion of minimum aveiage matuiity of 7 yeais
anu no piepayment will be alloweu befoie matuiity.
RBI opens special uollai winuow foi S oil maiketing fiims: the cential bank has activateu the
foiex swap winuow, wheieby it will unueitake sellbuy of uollai-iupee foiex swaps foi a fixeu
peiiou with Inuian 0il Coipoiation, Binuustan Petioleum anu Bhaiat Petioleum thiough a
uesignateu bank. Visit Banking Awareness for daily updates, study materials on Bank exams.
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For IBPS Exam 2013
The RBI imposeu iestiictions on banks anu NBFCs foi pioviuing loans against golu coins as well
as units of golu ETFs anu mutual funus to cuib uemanus foi golu. Also banks weie askeu to
ensuie that the amount of loan to any customei against golu oinaments, golu }ewelleiy anu
golu coins (weighing up to Su giams) shoulu be within the boaiu appioveu limit.
India ,as signed a loan agreement o$ 100 million 9S dollar wit, t,e 1orld Bank foi its
"ow Inome >ousing Finane Pro?et. The objective of the pioject is to pioviue access to
sustainable housing finance foi low income householus to puichase, builu oi upgiaue theii
uovt aimeu to biing e-goveinance at giass ioot level foi tianspaiency unuei e-uistiict scheme
anu govt has ueciueu to covei SS9 of aiounu 62u uistiicts by Naich 2u14 by a system unuei
which govt. seivices can be accesseu thiough instiuments like mobile phones.The initiative is a
pait of e-Bhaiat piogiamme foi which goveinment has ieceiveu a financial suppoit of aiounu
Rs 7uu cioie fiom Woilu Bank.
Woilu Bank will pioviue 0SB 2SS million (Rs 1,499.6 cioie) loan to Inuia foi National AIBS
Contiol Pioject (NACP-Iv)' to piomote safe behavioui among high iisk gioups. was signeu in
New Belhi on Tuesuay between Inuia anu the Woilu Bank.
Accoiuing to the 1orld Bank Inuia is Laigest Recipient of Remittances in the Woilu, ieceiving
69 billion 0S Bollais in 2u12. Inuia is followeu by China (6u billion 0S uollais), the Philippines
(24 billion 0S uollais), Nexico (2S billion 0S uollais) anu Nigeiia anu Egypt (21 billion 0S
uollais each) aie 0thei laige iecipients incluue Pakistan, Banglauesh, vietnam, anu Lebanon.
SI4BI signs tri/artite Mo9 wit, Egy/tian body) 1orld Bank- Small Inuustiies Bevelopment
Bank of Inuia (SIBBI) has signeu a tiipaitite Nemoianuum of 0nueistanuing (N00) with Social
Funu foi Bevelopment (SFB) Egypt anu the Woilu Bank. Accoiuing to Sushil Nuhnot, Chaiiman
& Nanaging Biiectoi, SIBBI, unuei the N00, SIBBI anu its associates will pioviue consultancy
foi thiee yeai peiiou to SFB anu establish cieuit guaiantee system foi micio, small anu meuium
enteipiises in Egypt.
India to buy @A.3 billion wort, o$ 1orld Bank bonds- The goveinment announceu it
uecision to invest $4.S billion (Rs 27,uuu cioie) the Woilu Bank's special piivate placement
bonus (SPPBs) so that the countiy coulu iemain eligible foi the global lenuei's low-cost funuing
foi vaiious uomestic infiastiuctuie piojects.
The goveinment signeu a $6u million loan agieement with the 1orld Bank to impiove
wateisheu opeiations in seven uistiicts of Kainataka.
Woilu Bank iecoiueu that iemittance flows to ueveloping countiies giew by S.S pei cent to
ieach an estimateu 4u1 billion uollai in 2u12.
0AE Exchange, one of the laigest foieign exchange fiims in the 0niteu Aiab Emiiates, has
applieu to RBI foi a banking license in Inuia.
The Reseive Bank openeu a special boiiowing winuow of Rs 2S,uuu cioie to help the ciisis-
iiuuen mutual funus tiue ovei liquiuity pioblems.
Auitya Biila uioup chaiiman Kumai Nangalam Biila has iesigneu fiom RBI boaiu to avoiu any
conflict of inteiest as one of his gioup fiim is in the iace foi a new banking licence.
In view of a seiies of chit funu fiauus, RBI has ueciueu to set up a sepaiate foium foi
cooiuination anu shaiing infoimation to iein in such investment schemes. Visit Banking Awareness for daily updates, study materials on Bank exams.
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Nuthoot Fincoip, which is actually a pait of Nuthoot Pappachan uioup, announceu launching
1uu cioie Rupees non-conveitible uebentuie (NCB) issue in oiuei to funu the expansion of
miciofinance as well as small anu meuium enteipiise (SNE) business
Reseive Bank will examine financials of S4,7S4 non-banking finance companies (NBFCs) to
asceitain theii eligibility. "The main objective is to ueteimine whethei among these companies
theie aie NBFCs that ought to have iegisteieu with the RBI foi caiiying on theii NBFI (non-
banking financial institution) activities,".
Rajan announceu an exteinal committee, unuei the chaiimanship of foimei uoveinoi Bimal
}alan, to scieen applicants foi new bank licences, fiom }anuaiy next yeai.
;arur Bysya Bank wins best banker award.
Faceu with a weakening iupee, the Reseive Bank announceu it will sell goveinment bonus
woith Rs 22,uuu cioie eveiy Nonuay to check volatility in the foiex maiket.
Remittances to ueveloping countiies aie likely to giow by an annual aveiage of 8.8 pei cent foi
the next thiee yeais anu aie expecteu to ieach S1S billion 0S uollais in 2u1S.
Piime Ninistei Nanmohan Singh ieleaseu a commemoiative stamp of Rs S in memoiy of
fieeuom fightei anu veteian jouinalist Lala }agat Naiain. Nagalanu became the fiist state to use
the high-tech votei iecoiuing system 'votei veiifiable Papei Auuit Tiail' (vvPAT) with
Electionic voting Nachines foi the by-elections to Noksen Assembly constituency.
Chhattisgaih has been selecteu foi this yeai's piestigious National Liteiacy Awaiu foi the fiist
time since its foimation in Novembei 2uuu. The awaiu was piesenteu on the Inteinational
Liteiacy Bay celebiateu on Septembei eight.
Auitya Biila uioup ( 0ltia Tech Cement) to acquiie uujaiat cement foi Rs S,8uu cioie.
Retiiement funu bouy EPF0 is likely to announce an inteiest iate of 8.S peicent fiom 8% on
pioviuent funu ueposits foi 2u1S-14.
The Kainataka State goveinment sanctioneu Rs 1uu cioie foi Rajiv uanuhi Panchayat
Sashaktikaian Abhiyan foi stiengthening giam panchayats anu giam sabhas by pioviuing
tiaining to membeis.
The Inteinational 0lympic Committee has askeu the Inuian 0lympic Association to uiop
chaige-sheeteu membeis by 0ctobei S1 to enable its ietuin to the 0lympic family.
Anuhia Piauesh uiameena vikas Bank (APuvB) has openeu about 1.S lakh no-fiills accounts in
eight uistiicts of the State on a single uay as pait of Biiect Benefit Tiansfei (BBT) initiative.
Cential Bank of Inuia anu Suviuhaa launcheu a piepaiu (Channel) caiu foi ietaileis that will
enable people to pay theii utility bills, taxes anu book tickets by going to the neaiest Suviuhaa
The Cential uoveinment iaiseu customs uuty on golu, silvei anu platinum to 1u peicent in a biu
to cuib the suiging impoits anu buigeoning Cuiient Account Beficit (pieviously golu 8% anu
silvei 6%).
The !sian 4e%elo/ment Bank &!4B* anu the Centie signeu an agieement foi 9S @300
million auuitional loan to upgiaue 2S4 kilometies of ueteiioiateu highways in noithein anu
southein Bihai.
!4B ga%e 100 Million 9S 4ollar "oan to 9ttarak,and $or t,e urban in$rastruture
/rogramme. Visit Banking Awareness for daily updates, study materials on Bank exams.
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The ABB has offeieu $1Su million loan foi the expansion of iailway tiacks anu to impiove
oveiall seivice in the countiy.
ABB announceu to pioviue $74.8 million loan to impiove ioau connectivity in the Noith East
Asian Bevelopment Bank (ABB) will pioviue about 6 billion uollais loan to Inuia to maintain its
lenuing level to Inuia.
ABB to pioviue $Suu million loan to Chhattisgaih foi oveihauling ioaus.
Ma,aratna status $or B,arat >ea%y Eletrials "td. &B>E"* and +!I".
ICICI Bank Ltu, Inuia's laigest piivate sectoi bank, has launcheu ICICI Bank Caibon in
paitneiship with visa.
Inuia extenus 0S$144mn cieuit line to Libeiia of powei tiansmission anu uistiibution piojects
to ieuuce the gap of powei shoitage in Libeiia.
Inuia tops BRICS in supei-iich membeiship : Woilu 0ltia Wealth iepoit 2u1S.
Impoit Buty on uolu, Silvei & Platinum hikeu to 1u Peicent by Cential uoveinment in a biu to
cuib the suiging impoits anu buigeoning Cuiient Account Beficit.
Inuia, }apan to enhance cuiiency swap aiiangement to 0SB Su billion a uevelopment that is
likely to biing stability in financial maikets in the countiy.
The National Bank foi Agiicultuie anu Ruial Bevelopment (NABARB) has sanctioneu Rs 11S.7u
cioie to Kainataka unuei Ruial Infiastiuctuie Bevelopment Funu (RIBF).
+o%ernment o$ India /ost/oned t,e im/lementation o$ +eneral !nti !%oidane #ule
&+!!#* by 2 years to !/ril 1) 201C.
uovt. gianteu an aiu of 41 Cioie Rs. to piotect "Pashmina uoats".
Centie to set up countiy's 1st geotheimal powei pioject in Lauakh.
The State Bank of Tiavancoie launcheu a new seivice foi its customeis - doorste/
banking.The minimum pick- up will be Rs. S lakh anu the maximum woulu be Rs. 2u million.
State Bank of Inuia, in paitneiship with a non-banking finance company, 0AE Exchange anu
Financial Seivices, has launcheu a caiu which will enable the holuei to ieceive the iemittance
uiiectly on the caiu.The caiu State Bank Xpiess Noney Caiu can be loaueu with up to Rs Su,uuu.
A maximum of Su iemittances can be loaueu uuiing a calenuai yeai.Piepaiu caius aie beneficial
to customeis as theie is no neeu to open a bank account in State Bank of Inuia.
State Bank o$ India &SBI* o/ened its 2nd bran, in .,ina &2ian?in*) 1,ile 1st in S,ang,ai.
SEBI ,as introdued eletroni IP's $rom =anuary 1) 2013.
The Inuian tea inuustiy has finally ieacheu the 1 billion kg-maik in piouuction.
Nauhya Piauesh is the fiist State to fully utilize touiism plans funus.
ICICI Bank 0peneu 1u1 uiamin Bianches acioss villages in 6 States
Foimei Reseive Bank of Inuia (RBI) uoveinoi Y v Reuuy will be the Chaiiman of 14th Finance
Commission; the 1Sth Finance Commission was heaueu by foimei Finance Secietaiy vijay
Inuia anu Pakistan have agieeu to allow two banks each fiom both, the countiies to set up
bianches acioss the boiuei. The two Inuian banks aie SBI anu Bank of Inuia anu two Pakistani
banks aie National Bank of Pakistan anu 0niteu Bank Ltu.
Inuian banks woulu neeu Rs S,9u,uuu-S,uu,uuu cioie capital ovei the next six yeais in the wake Visit Banking Awareness for daily updates, study materials on Bank exams.
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of Basel III capital iegulations announceu by the RBI.
Bank of Inuia openeu its 1st Bianch in South Afiica.
LIC Bousing Finance has launcheu a new home loan piouuct calleu "Bhagyalakshmi" foi women
home seekeis.
INu vysya Life is now subsiuiaiy of Exiue Inuustiies
Inuia is 4th laigest eneigy consumei in the woilu: Accoiuing to a Repoit by 0S Eneigy
Infoimation Auministiation (EIA), Inuia has emeigeu the fouith laigest eneigy consumei of the
woilu aftei the 0S, China anu Russia, but its pei capita eneigy consumption iemains lowei than
that of uevelopeu countiies.
Noneylenuei-fiee' village: Canaia Bank has taken move by ueclaiing Kunjupannai village in
Nilgiiis uistiict of Tamil Nauu a 'moneylenuei fiee' village.
Caiu ielateu complaints aie highest numbei of complaints which weie iepoiteu to the 'Banking
Ninimum net-owneu funus of Rs Su lakh must foi money tiansfei business: Accoiuing to the
Reseive Bank of Inuia, Inuian agents intenuing to get into the money tiansfei business will
neeu to have minimum net-owneu funus of Rs Su lakh. Fuithei, collateial equivalent to thiee
uays's aveiage uiawings oi $Su,uuu, whichevei is highei, may be kept by the 0veiseas Piincipal
in favoui of the Inuian Agent with a uesignateu bank in Inuia.
The National Nanufactuiing Policy, aims at enhancing the shaie of manufactuiing in uBP to: 2S
pei cent within a uecaue.
S kg pei heau foou giain is to be given at subsiuizeu piice as pei ieviseu Foou Bill.
Reseive Bank of Inuia (RBI) asks uiban coopeiative banks to implement coie banking solutions
(CBS) in all theii bianches by Becembei S1, 2u1S.
NNREuA woikeis to get moie wages: Fiom Apiil 1, the maximum uaily wage of Rs 214 has
been fixeu foi Baiyana, while Bihai, Sikkim, Tiipuia, Nagalanu anu Aiunachal Piauesh will get
the minimum of Rs 1SS. The NNREuA wage iate is linkeu to the Consumei Piice Inuex foi
Agiicultuial Laboui (CPIAL) fiom Apiil 1 eveiy yeai.
Ninimum net-owneu funus foi money tiansfei business: Rs Su lakh. Fuithei, collateial
equivalent to thiee uays's aveiage uiawings oi $Su,uuu, whichevei is highei, may be kept by the
0veiseas Piincipal in favoui of the Inuian Agent with a uesignateu bank in Inuia.
Shaie of Inuia's goous expoits in uBP in 2u11-12: 17.7% of uBP
Inuia Noitgage uuaiantee Coipoiation is subsiuiaiy of: National Bousing Bank (NBB).
4iret Bene$it 2rans$er S,eme will be ex/anded to DE distrits $rom =uly 13.
The goveinment has appioveu piivate sectoi lenuei Yes Bank's pioposal to inciease foieign
holuings in the company to 6u peicent that is likely to iesult in oveiseas equity inflow of Rs.
2,6Su cioie.
uovt ieleaseu National Cybei Secuiity Policy 2u1S with an aim to piotect infoimation anu builu
capabilities to pievent cybei attacks anu to safeguaiu both physical anu business assets of the
Nahatma uanuhi Piavasi Suiakhsa Yojna, NuPSY ,a pension scheme foi blue-collai Inuian
woikeis was launcheu in the uulf. The NuPSY is aimeu at helping the woikeis to save money
foi theii ietiiement, theii ietuin to Inuia anu iesettlement anu pioviues life insuiance covei Visit Banking Awareness for daily updates, study materials on Bank exams.
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against natuial ueath uuiing the peiiou of coveiage.0nuei the scheme, uoveinment contiibutes
Rs.1,uuu pei annum foi men anu Rs. 2uuu foi women subsciibeis of NuPSY who save between
Rs.1,uuu anu Rs.12,uuu pei yeai in NPS-Lite. 7S. Ratings agency Ciisil Fiiuay assigneu 'AAA'
iatings to Inuia Infiauebt Limiteu, the countiy's fiist infiastiuctuie uebt funu unuei the non-
banking finance company stiuctuie.The funu, jointly piomoteu by ICICI Bank, Bank of Baioua,
Life Insuiance Coipoiation (LIC) anu Citicoip Finance (Inuia), awaiueu its fiist sanction lettei
to a ioau pioject.
The Bank Inteinational Inuonesia (BII) launcheu its opeiations in Inuia by opening a bianch in
Anna Bhagya' piogiamme launcheu in Kainataka.The piogiamme entitles uistiibution of Su kg
iice at one iupee pei Kg to ovei 98 lakh BPL anu Antyouaya caiu holueis in the state.The state
uoveinment will uistiibute ovei two lakh 78 thousanu metiic tonne of iice with a subsiuy of
44uu cioie eveiy month.
The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affaiis (CCEA) appioveu uisinvestment of goveinment
stake in State Tiauing Coipoiation (STC) anu ITBC, which woulu fetch aiounu Rs.Su cioie to the
BA0SLA Scheme launch foi Family Bealth Campaign in 0.P.BA0SLA (meaning "spiiit" oi
"ueteimination"), the campaign's twin goals incluue galvanizing state health systems to uelivei
high-quality, accessiblehealth piogiams anu seivices, while also incieasing awaieness anu
utilization of seivices by families anu communities acioss the state's 7S uistiicts.The BA0SLA
campaign theme song, "Nujhse Baua Neia Bausla", is sung by populai Bollywoou singei Shaan.
In a majoi upgiaue of poweis given to Secuiities anu Exchange Boaiu of Inuia (SEBI), the
goveinment has alloweu it to pass oiueis like seaich anu seizuie, attachment of piopeities,
aiiest anu uetention of uefaulteis anu pass uisgoigement uiiections to iecovei the wiongful
gains maue in contiavention of laws.
The Belhi Bigh Couit intiouuceu online payment of couit fee, the fiist such facility in the
countiy which will save litigants fiom stanuing in long queues at the countei.
Inuia iankeu Siu in ulobal Consumei Confiuence Inuex. Inuonesia emeigeu as the most
optimistic countiy with 124 points followeu by Philippines with 121 points anu Inuia came
thiiu with 121 points.
uoveinment has appioveu Fiee Tiaue LPu Scheme foi selling five Kilogiam LPu cylinueis
thiough Company 0wneu Retail 0utlets of 0il Naiketing Companies.
Assam goveinment woulu ioll out Foou Secuiity scheme fiom Novembei to covei about 2.2S
cioie people in the state.
Rampui become the fiist city of Noith Inuia wheie ATN facility will be available foi people
maintaining accounts in co-opeiative banks.
AABBAR platfoim must be only channel foi BBT payments says Chiuambaiam anu he has
askeu all public sectoi banks to appioach beneficiaiies of Biiect Benefit Tiansfei, BBT, anu
scheme to link AABBAR numbei with theii bank accounts.
The Employees' Pioviuent Funu 0iganisation, EPF0, has staiteu iegistiation of uigital
signatuies of employeis foi online tiansfei of Pioviuent Funu accounts.The system is aimeu at
making the funu tiansfei piocess tianspaient, efficient anu comfoitable foi employees. Visit Banking Awareness for daily updates, study materials on Bank exams.
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Reliance Powei saiu its 4S-NW winu powei pioject at vashpet in Nahaiashtia has commenceu
Publi setor banks ,a%e been asked by #BI to set u/ !2Ms in all bran,es by Mar,)
201A to enable ustomers in rural /okets to do banking round:t,e:lok
vouafone Inuia in association with ICICI bank has staiteu a unique money tiansfei anu payment
seivice FM:PesaG in Bihai anu }haikhanu wheie banking netwoik anu financial penetiation is
inauequate, paiticulaily, in iuial aieas.
The 0nion Cabinet appioveu Women Self Belp uioups to uet Low Inteiest Loans at 7% with the
objective of iemoving poveity in iuial aieas by empoweiing women. Till now this iate was 11.S
to 14 %.
National Stock Exchange(NSE) launcheu the countiy's fiist Bebt Tiauing Platfoim
LPu subsiuy in bank accounts in 18 uistiicts fiom 1st june unuei this cooking gas (LPu)
consumeis will get Rs 4SS in theii bank accounts when they book an LPu cylinuei via uiiect
benefit tiansfei piogiamme
Inuia anu Nyanmai set S billion uollai tiaue taiget by 2u1S uuiing the meeting of Inuia's
eneigy ministei Ananu Shaima with his Nyanmai counteipait 0 Than Btay in New Belhi helu
on 6 }une 2u1S.
Axis Bank launcheu co-bianueu cieuit caiu that offeis a blenu of insuiance anu a numbei of
tiavel benefits foi inteinational fiequent flyeis, available in 2 veisions, viz. Woilu Select anu
Reliance Capital became the fiist company to suspenu golu sales.
Exim Bank appioveu $Suu million loan to Ethiopia foi the constiuction of a iailway line linking
this lanulockeu countiy in the Boin of Afiica to a poit city in neighbouiing Bjibouti.
Piesiuent inauguiateu Rs 9uuu cioies' fiist uas-baseu Powei Plant poweieu by 0NuCTiipuia
Powei Coipoiation (0TPC) at Palatana in Tiipuia, which woulu piouuce S6S.S NW in the fiist
Reliance Capital has iopeu in }apanese financial behemoths Sumitomo Nitsui Tiust Bank anu
Nippon Life Insuiance as minoiity paitneis to boost its quest foi banking license.
The top thiee Expensive maikets aie: i.Bong Kong (Cential) with annual occupancy costs of $
2SS.2S pei sq ft toppeu the most expensive list foi the thiiu consecutive time. ii. Lonuon's West
Enu, Beijing's Finance Stieet iii. Beijing's }ianguomen.
Inuia anu Afghanistan have pleugeu to enhance bilateial coopeiation acioss vaiious sectois,
paiticulaily in the fielu of euucation. Inuia is cuiiently one of the laigest pioviueis of euucation
scholaiships to Afghan youth unuei vaiious piogiammes.
Cabinet appioveu Numbai Netio Line S. The estimateu cost foi the metio pioject has been
peggeu at Rs 2S,1S6 cioie. The Netio pioject will be completeu by Naich 2u19. It will have 27
stations connecting business anu inuustiial uistiicts such as Naiiman Point, Woili, Bauai, BKC,
NIBC anu SEEPZ. The uaily iiueiship is expecteu to be 1S.87 lakh by 2u2S anu 16.99 lakh by
In its fiist evei loan to piivate agii-business in Inuia, Asian Bevelopment Bank (ABB) will
pioviue $ 18.4 million to Champion Agio to set up colu stoiage facilities foi fiuits anu
vegetables focusing on uujaiat. Visit Banking Awareness for daily updates, study materials on Bank exams.
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The 0nion Cabinet appioveu the pioposal foi setting up of the Bhaiat Ruial Livelihoou
Founuation (BRLF) as an inuepenuent chaiitable society unuei the Societies Registiation Act,
ICICI Bank, the countiy's laigest piivate sectoi bank, launcheu its 'Bianch on Wheels' to offei
basic banking seivices in iemote aieas which have so fai been uevoiu of banking facilities.
Paiauip Poit was confeiieu with the Najoi Poit of the Yeai awaiu foi its excellent peifoimance
in the yeai 2u12-1S.
The uoveinment has ueciueu to set up two new majoi poits one each at Sagai in West Bengal
anu the othei at Bugaiajapatnam in Anuhia Piauesh.
Foi the fiist time, an innovative Explosive Betection Kit uevelopeu by Inuian scientists of BRB0
will be manufatuieu in the 0niteu States anu solu globally.
S,eme H Plan "aun,ed by 9nion H State +o%ernment
Kanyashiee Pioject launcheu by West Bengal govt, with an aim to betteiment to the life of the
giil chiluien.
Bhagat Puian Singh Sehat Beema Yojna (BPSSBY) Bealth caie scheme foi BPL families launcheu
in Punjab.
'Roshini' Scheme: Centie launcheu skill uevelopment anu job placement scheme 'Roshini' foi
iuial youth anu women in maoist affecteu 24 uistiicts in 9 states.
Assam goveinment launcheu 'Swavalamban Pension Scheme' in which a peison with a
minimum contiibution of Rs 1,uuu pei yeai will get an equal amount of contiibution fiom the
govt. Note: The benefit will be available to a subsciibei whose investment will not exceeu Rs
12,uuu eveiy yeai. The maximum amount of contiibution is fixeu at Rs Su,uuu annually.
NABARB has announceu a scheme 'Nabaiu Waiehousing Scheme (NWS) 2u1S-14' with a
coipus of Rs.S,uuu cioie foi pioviuing loans to the public anu piivate sectoi to meet the
giowing uemanu of stoiage capacity of agiicultuial commouities in the countiy.
Net-enableu cell phones coulu soon be pioviueu to 2.S cioie people unuei the NuNREuA
scheme. The scheme will be funueu by 0niveisal Seivice 0bligation Funu (0S0F).
Rani Laxmi Bai Pension Scheme: 'special pension' to Nuzaffainagai iiot victims by 0.P. uovt.
The pension, which woulu be anywheie between Rs 4uu anu Rs Suu, woulu be given unuei this
Rajiv Rinn Yojana Scheme"an Inteiest subsiuy scheme foi housing anu uiban pooi which will be
implementeu as a stanualone cential sectoi scheme.
Yashasvini Coopeiative Faimeis' Bealth Caie Scheme, launcheu in Kainataka in }une 2uuS, has
successfully completeu 1u yeais benefiting lakhs of faimeis in co-opeiative sectoi.
Seekho Aui Kamao (Leain anu Eain) Scheme Launcheu by 0nion uoveinment of Inuia, a new
Skill Bevelopment scheme foi the youth of Ninoiities Communities. Visit Banking Awareness for daily updates, study materials on Bank exams.
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ulobal payments solutions pioviuei visa announceu its paitneiship with Nicio Pension
Founuation to launch pension scheme foi low-income gioups in the iuial aieas to save foi theii
futuie. The companies have tieu up with olu piivate sectoi lenuei Ratnakai Bank foi the cash-in
anu cash-out seivices.
N.P. govt ueciueu to ueclaie "Nalkhamb" as the State Spoit.
Anna Bhagya' piogiamme launcheu in Kainataka. The piogiamme entitles uistiibution of Su kg
iice at one iupee pei Kg to ovei 98 lakh BPL anu Antyouaya caiu holueis in the state.
Rashtiiya 0chchatai Shiksha Abhiyan appioveu by CCEA: The Cabinet Committee on Economic
Affaiis appioveu the Rashtiiya 0chchatai Shiksha Abhiyan (R0SA), a Centially Sponsoieu
Scheme (CSS) foi iefoiming the state highei euucation system.
Amma Biinking Watei' launcheu in Tamil Nauu a scheme to pioviue 1 litie mineial watei at Rs.
1u a bottle, to ensuie quality anu affoiuable uiinking watei to the pooi anu miuule class.
"Nukhyamantii Bijli Bachat Lamp Yojna Scheme launcheu in Rajasthan.
The vikiam 0uyogpuii (Belhi-Numbai Inuustiial Coiiiuoi) pioject launcheu in Nauhya
Nahatma uanuhi Piavasi Suiakhsa Yojna, NuPSY ,a pension scheme foi blue-collai Inuian
woikeis was launcheu in the uulf. 0nuei the scheme, uoveinment contiibutes Rs.1,uuu pei
annum foi men anu Rs. 2uuu foi women subsciibeis of NuPSY who save between Rs.1,uuu anu
Rs.12,uuu pei yeai in NPS-Lite.
The Kainataka State goveinment sanctioneu Rs 1uu cioie foi Rajiv uanuhi Panchayat
Sashaktikaian Abhiyan foi stiengthening giam panchayats anu giam sabhas by pioviuing
tiaining to membeis.
BA0SLA Scheme launch foi Family Bealth Campaign in 0.P(0ttai Piauesh)BA0SLA (meaning
"spiiit" oi "ueteimination.
Rajiv uanuhi }eevanuayee Aiogya Yojana (health insuiance scheme) was launcheu in
Anuhia Piauesh on occasion of 0gaui Festival launcheu a new scheme nameu Amma Bastham
(mothei's hanu) to supply nine essential foou items to pooi at subsiuizeu iates.
}analakshmi Financial Seivices , a miciofinance institution, has signeu a five-yeai agieement
with Accentuie to scale-up opeiations anu expanu seivices to the uiban pooi in the countiy.
Note: Ramesh Ramanathan, Chaiiman, }analakshmi.
Nauya Piauesh staits new scheme "Sampaik Setu".
uoa uoveinment launcheu Kiishi Caiu foi Faimeis which is supposeu to help faimeis in
making use of benefits such as subsiuies anu loans given by the State uoveinment
N.P. announceu "Nukhyamantii Yuva Swaiozgai Yojna" foi piovinuing bank guaiantee & loans
to youths to set up theii own inuustiies oi business of woith up to 2S lakh iupees anu S% loan
subsiuy foi S yeais.
Niimal Bhaiat Campaign hau staiteu in Sevagiam, Nahaiashtia.
Inuia's fiist automatic toll collection system launcheu in Nahaiashtia.
0.P staiteu Ashiiwau Bal Swasthya uuaiantee Yojna unuei NRBN.
0ttaiakhanu govt to stiictly implement 'no woik no pay' iule.
Keiala uovt. Raiseu Age Limit (18 to 21) foi Buying anu Selling Liquoi. Visit Banking Awareness for daily updates, study materials on Bank exams.
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NP leaus in giowth iate with uioss State Bomestic Piouuct foi 2u12-1S is likely to be 14.28 %
anu agiicultuie giowth iate about 1u.u2%.
Caiin Inuia has saiu it has maue the 26th oil uiscoveiy in its piolific Rajasthan block, the
uiscoveiy follows allowing the company to exploie foi oil on block well aftei expiiy of the
exploiation phase.
N.P. govt launcheu "Atal }yoti scheme" in Bhopal uistiict unuei the scheme 24 houi powei is
supplieu in the iuial aieas.
Rashtiiya Swasthya Bima Yojna (RSBY) launcheu foi BPL families in Assam. The scheme is
being implementeu in 24 uistiicts.
uovt. launcheu Neui claim facility foi faimeis holuing kisan Cieuit caius issueu by Bena Bank.
The Ninistiy of Bousing anu 0iban Poveity Alleviation has pioposeu to launch a "National
0iban Livelihoous Nission (N0LN)" in 12th Five Yeai Plan, which will ieplace the existing
Swaina }ayanti Shahaii Rozgai Yojana (S}SRY).The N0LN woulu focus on oiganizing uiban pooi
in self help gioups, cieating oppoitunities foi skill uevelopment leauing to maiket-baseu
employment anu helping them to set up self-employment ventuies by ensuiing easy access to
The 0nion goveinment of Inuia planneu to launch Bhaiat Nobile Scheme unuei which one
membei of eveiy iuial householu who has completeu 1uu uays of woik unuei NuNREuA can
get fiee mobile uevice.
uoluen uiil (Bangaiu Talli) Scheme: A unique scheme, launcheu in Anuhia Piauesh, to piotect
giil chilu anu ensuie hei euucation. Visit Banking Awareness for daily updates, study materials on Bank exams.
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!bbre%iations) 2erms in 8ews
BSBBA - Basic Savings Bank Beposit Account
FCNR(B) - Foieign Cuiiency Non-Resiuent Bank
NBFC-Non Banking Finance Companies
NSF-Naiginal Stanuing Facility
NEFT - National Electionic Funus Tiansfei
RTuS - Real Time uioss Settlement
INPS - Immeuiate Payment Seivice
NPCI - National Payments Coipoiation of Inuia
SLR-Statutoiy Liquiuity Ratio
CRR- Cash Reseive Ratio
CBS- Coie Banking Solution
C0RE - Centializeu 0nline Teal-time Enviionment
CAR Cash Auequacy Ratio
BTAA Bouble Taxation Avoiuance Agieement
BTC Biiect Tax Coue
FIN0- Financial Inclusion Netwoik 0peiation
BEAF- Bepositoi Euucation anu Awaieness Funu
CRAR- Capital to Risk-weighteu Assets Ratio
Exteinal Commeicial Boiiowings (ECB)
SWIFT- Society foi Woiluwiue Inteibank Financial Telecommunication
KYC- Know Youi Customei
ANL - Anti Noney Launueiing
FSLRC Financial Sectoi Legislative Refoims Commission
NIB0R- Numbai Intei-Bank 0ffei Rate
LIB0R- Lonuon Intei-Bank 0ffei Rate
LAF Liquiuity Aujustment Facility
ECBs - Exteinal Commeicial Boiiowings
EEFC - Exchange Eainei's Foieign Cuiiency
EFSF Euiopean Financial Stability Facility
SPPBs -special piivate placement bonus
SFB - Social Funu foi Bevelopment
N00 -Nemoianuum of 0nueistanuing
INFINET - INuian FInancial NETwoik
NPA - Non-Peifoiming Assets
TCPS - Tata Communications Payment Solutions
WLA - white label ATN
IBPS -Inuia Bill Payment System'
IBPS - Institute of Banking Peisonnel Selection Visit Banking Awareness for daily updates, study materials on Bank exams.
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IIBs - Inflation Inuexeu Bonus
LBS - leau bank scheme
NBFC- Non-banking financial company
IFCs - infiastiuctuie finance companies
BSA bilateial swap aiiangement
FIIs- Foieign Institutional Investoi,
FENA - Foieign Exchange Nanagement Act
NACP-Iv - National AIBS Contiol Pioject
NCB - non-conveitible uebentuie
NBFI - non-banking financial institution
vvPAT - votei veiifiable Papei Auuit Tiail
BBT - Biiect Benefit Tiansfei
RIBF - Ruial Infiastiuctuie Bevelopment Funu.
EIA - Eneigy Infoimation Auministiation
CPIAL - Consumei Piice Inuex foi Agiicultuial Laboui
BRLF - Bhaiat Ruial Livelihoou Founuation
ALN- Asset Liability Nanagement
FII Foieign Institutional Investoi.
TARC - Tax Auministiation Refoim Commission
ITEs- Intia-uioup Tiansactions anu Exposuies
LCR- Liquiuity Coveiage Ratio
NSFR- Net Stable Funuing Ratio
LRNT- Liquiuity iisk monitoiing tools
uIR0 - uoveinment Inteinal Revenue 0iuei
EEFC - Exchange Eainei's Foieign Cuiiency
FRBNA- Fiscal Responsibility anu Buuget Nanagement Act
ANFI- Association of Nutual Funu in Inuia.
TIEA Tax Infoimation exchange Agieement
FIPB Foieign Investment Piomotion boaiu
FSLRC Financial Sectoi Legislative Refoims Commission
FTA- Fiee tiaue agieement
uAAR - ueneial anti avoiuance iule
uSLv - ueo-Synchionous Launch vehicle
PSLv Polai Satellite Launch vehicle
NCTC - National Countei-Teiioiism Centie
NSu Nucleai Supplieis uioup
PPP Public Piivate Paitneiship & Puichasing Powei paiity
TAPI - Tuikmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-Inuia.
QFI -Qualifieu Foieign Investois
vvPAT -'votei veiifiable Papei Auuit Tiail' Visit Banking Awareness for daily updates, study materials on Bank exams.
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Tax Infoimation Exchange Agieement (TIEA).
CCEA - Cabinet Committee on Economic Affaiis
CECA - Compiehensive Economic Coopeiation Agieement
CEPA Compiehensive Economic Paitneiship Agieement
R0SA - Rashtiiya 0chchatai Shiksha Abhiyan
CAPFILNS- Cential Aimeu Police Foices Institute of Neuical Sciences
SNIF - Special National Investment Funu
NSBA - National Skill Bevelopment Agency
NPCA - National Plan foi Conseivation of Aquatic Eco-systems.
BRICS - Biazil, Russia, Inuia, China anu South Afiica
TWu - Technical Woiking uioup
Kaien - Tiopical Stoim Kaien on S 0ctobei 2u1S toucheu the 0S uulf Coast
Fitow - Typhoon Fitow slammeu into Southeastein China on 7 0ctobei 2u1S
P,ailin - The cyclonic stoim Phailin hits 0uisha anu Anuhia Coast on 0ctobei 12, 2u1S
Naii- Typhoon Naii hit haiu the noithein pait of Philippines on 1S 0ctobei 2u1S
Wipha - A poweiful typhoon Wipha on 16 0ctobei 2u1S causeu lanusliues anu floouing on Izu
0shima Islanu, South of Tokyo
.ylone P,ailin
veiy Seveie Cyclonic Stoim Phailin was a tiopical cyclone that affecteu Thailanu, Nyanmai, Nepal anu
the Inuian states of Anuaman anu Nicobai Islanus, 0uisha, Anuhia Piauesh, }haikhanu anu paits of
West Bengal.
Phailin is a Thai woiu which means "sapphiie".
Phailin intensifieu iapiuly anu became a veiy seveie cyclonic stoim on 0ctobei 1u, while it was
equivalent to a categoiy 1 huiiicane on the Saffii-Simpson huiiicane winu scale (SSBWS). 0n 0ctobei
11, the system became equivalent to a categoiy S huiiicane on the SSBWS befoie it staiteu to weaken
uuiing the next uay as it appioacheu the Inuian state of 0uisha. It maue lanufall latei that uay, neai
uopalpui in 0uisha coast at aiounu 21Su IST (16uu 0TC) with winus gusting at moie than 2uu kmph
(12S mph). It subsequently weakeneu ovei lanu as a iesult of fiictional foices, befoie it was last noteu
on 0ctobei 14, as it uegeneiateu into a well maikeu aiea of low piessuie.
Cyclone Phailin left a tiail of uestiuction knocking uown lakhs of homes affecting neaily 9u lakh
people anu uestioying pauuy ciops woith about Rs 2,4uu cioie, only 2S people uieu thanks to the
laigest evacuation effoits in the countiy's iecent histoiy helpeu keep casualties to the minimum. Visit Banking Awareness for daily updates, study materials on Bank exams.
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8ational Food Seurity !t) 2013
The National Foou Secuiity Bill 2u1S also known as Right to Foou Bill was signeu into law
Septembei 12, 2u1S by the Piesiuent of Inuia Shii Pianab Nukheijee.
The foou secuiity bill appioveu is uiiecteu towaius giving the iight to foou to aiounu67 pei
cent of Inuia's 12u-cioie population (incluuing 7S% iuial anu Su% uiban).
While families in the pooiest of the pooi will continue to getSS kg of giains pei month.
Rice will be maue available at RsS- pei Kg.
Wheat will cost Rs.2- a kg anu ceieal will be solu foi1 Rupees pei kg.
The Foou Secuiity piogiamme will be the biggest in the woilu with the goveinment spenuing
estimateu at Rs. 1,2S,uuu cioie annually on supply of about 62 million tonnes of iice, wheat anu
coaise ceieals to 67% of the population.
About 2.4S cioie pooiest of the pooi families coveieu unuei the Antyouaya Anna Yojana (AAY)
scheme unuei PBS (Public Bistiibution System) woulu continue to get SS kg of foou giains pei
family pei month but with legal entitlement.
In 0nion Buuget 2u1S-14,Rs 1u,uuu cioie set asiue foi inciemental cost foiNational
FoouSecuiity Bill.
The scheme will be linkeu to the Aauhai scheme which pioviues eveiy citizen with a unique
iuentification numbei that's linkeu to a uatabase that incluues the biometiics of all caiu-
C Rangaiajanis the heau of the committee foi examination of the Foou Secuiity Bill.
.,,attisgar, t,e $irst state to /ass legislation on $ood seurity. The state legislative
assembly passeu the Foou Secuiity Bill 2u12 that confeis legal iights to the beneficiaiies to
ieceive foou giains anu foou items at highly subsiuizeu piices. Visit Banking Awareness for daily updates, study materials on Bank exams.
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8ew !//ointments
>eads o$ Im/ortant 'rgani7ations
S }aishankai appointeu as a new Inuian envoy to the 0S ieplaceu Niiupama Rao. S }aishankai is
a foimei envoy to China.
Siuuhaitha Biila to be next FICCI Piesiuent. Be will ieplace Naina Lal Kiuwai.
Anup Wauhawan appointeu as the new Chaiiman of Pension Funu Regulatoiy anu Bevelopment
Authoiity (PFRBA)
0sha Ananthasubiamanian appointeu as CNB of Bhaiatiya Nahila Bank, the fiist women's
T.P. Seethaiam appointeu new envoy to 0AE (0niteu Aiab Emiiates)
Kiishna Nohan Sahni Appointeu Chaiiman of the National Nulti-Commouity Exchange of Inuia
P.S. Raghavan appointeu as the next Russian Ambassauoi. Be ieplace Ajai Nalhotia
Aiup Raha appointeu as the next Chief of the Inuian Aii Foice.
Piiyanka Chopia, the Bollywoou Actiess Became the ulobal Bianu Ambassauoi of uuess
Austialian Teiiy Walsh appointeu as heau coach of the Inuian men's hockey team
Aiunenuia Kumai appointeu New Chaiiman, Railway Boaiu. ieplaceu vinay Nittal.
}&K Bank ieappoints Nushtaq Ahmeu as Chaiiman & CE0.
LIC Bousing Finance Ltu has appointeu Sunita Shaima as Nanaging Biiectoi anu CE0.
Ananu Nahinuia electeu as Chaiipeison of PBFI (Public Bealth Founuation of Inuia).
Kanwai Beep Singh Electeu as the Piesiuent of the Inuian Bockey Feueiation.
Aiunuhati Bhattachaiya Took Chaige as the Fiist Woman Chaiipeison of SBI
}anet Yellen Nominateu as Beau of 0S Feueial Reseive Boaiu
uoveinment of Pakistan Beciueu To Appoint Syeu Ibne Abbas as Envoy to Inuia
Piesiuent appioveu appointment of Seven }uuges to Nauias Bigh Couit
Sigiiu Kaag Appointeu as the Beau of }oint 0PCW-0N Nission in Syiia
0nion uoveinment Appointeu u B Piauhan as the Chaiipeison of the CERC
Rajenuia Kashyap Appointeu As the Financial Commissionei (Railways)
Laxmikanta Nahapatia appointeu Chief }ustice of Nanipui Bigh Couit
Taiun Chataijee appointeu Chaiiman of the 0ttai Piauesh State Buman Rights Commission
uoveinment of Inuia Beciueu to Appoint Aiup Raha as Chief of the Inuian Aii Foice
P.S. Raghavan appointeu as the next Russian Ambassauoi
Bhaiat Suiesh }oshi Appointeu as Biitish Beputy Bigh Commissionei in Chennai.
S. R. Bansal Took the Chaige as the Chaiiman anu Nanaging Biiectoi of Coipoiation Bank
A. Kiishnakumai Appointeu as the Nanaging Biiectoi anu CE0 of Philips Electionics Inuia Ltu
Taiun Chugh Appointeu as the Nanaging Biiectoi of PNB Netlife
Pankaj Razuan Appointeu as the CE0 anu NB of the Biila Sun Life Insuiance
uuiueep Singh Pall Appointeu as the Coipoiate vP of Skype.
}alil Abbas }ilani appointeu Pakistan's ambassauoi to the 0niteu States Visit Banking Awareness for daily updates, study materials on Bank exams.
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Shii Sitaiam Shaima Nominateu as Chaiiman of Naulana Abul Kalam Azau Institute of Asian
S.vaiauaiajan took ovei as the CNB of Bhaiat Petioleum Coipoiation Limiteu
A Ananu appointeu Biiectoi, Cential Boaiu of Biiect Taxes(CBBT)
Thomas Bach of ueimany was electeu piesiuent of the Inteinational 0lympic Committee,
ieplacing }acques Rogge.
Ravinuia Kumai electeu new Piesiuent of Inuian Newspapei Society (INS).
Eina Solbeig Becomes Noiway's Piime Ninistei.
Rajeev Rishi took ovei as the CNB of Cential Bank of Inuia.
Raghuiam uovinu Rajan was on 6 August 2u1S, appointeu as the uoveinoi of the Reseive Bank
of Inuia (RBI) foi a time peiiou of thiee yeais.
Tony Abbot electeu new Austialian Piime Ninistei. Be succeeueu Kevin Ruuu.
Rakesh Sethi took Chaige as Executive Biiectoi of 0nion Bank of Inuia.
vinay Nittal appointeu as 0nion Public Seivice Commission (0PSC) membei.
B.Bala venkatesh vaima appointeu Ambassauoi to 0N Confeience on Bisaimament.
Bilip Tiiveui appointeu Biiectoi ueneial of the CRPF on August 17, 2u1S.
Ali Akbai Salehi appointeu Beau of Atomic Eneigy 0iganisation in Iian.
Ratan Thiyam Appointeu as the Chaiipeison of the National School of Biama Society on August
19, 2u1S.
Nishi vasuueva on 22 August 2u1S became the fiist woman to be selecteu as the heau of
Binuustan Petioleum Coip Ltu (BPCL).
Ashwani Kumai Appointeu as Piime Ninistei's Special Envoy to }apan.
}ustice K.N.Basha Appointeu as Chaiiman of the Intellectual Piopeity Appellate Tiibunal.
}ustice Nuthalapati venkata Ramana Appointeu New Chief }ustice of the Belhi Bigh Couit
Anil Chait Took ovei as Chief of Integiateu Befence Staff to Chaiiman Chiefs of Staff Committee
Najeeb }ung appointeu as new Lieutenant uoveinoi of Belhi.
R. Chanuiasekhai appointeu Piesiuent of Nasscom.
Shiiniwas Bauasaheb Patil appointeu new uoveinoi of Sikkim.
KK Paul took ovei as the New uoveinoi of Neghalaya.
AK Singh swoin in as the new Lt uoveinoi of Anuaman anu Nicobai Islanus.
Aivinu Shaima Re-Electeu as the Piesiuent of Auveitising Agencies Association of Inuia (AAAI).
Suiesh Chanuia Nohanty Electeu as the New Piesiuent of ICAI
Namnoon Bussain was electeu as the 12th Piesiuent of Pakistan.
Bhim Sain Bassi Took Chaige as the 2uth Belhi Police Commissionei.
Bimal }ulka appointeu as Secietaiy of Infoimation & Bioaucasting Ninistiy
Baiien Lehmann appointeu Coach of Austialian Ciicket Team
vK Buggal appointeu as Noual 0fficei foi Relief anu Rescue opeiations in 0ttiakhanu
K R Kamath Re-Electeu as the Chaiiman of Inuian Banks' Association (IBA)
Susan Elizabeth Rice Appointeu as the National Secuiity Auvisei to 0bama
Ratan Tata Appointeu as Chief Auvisoi of AiiAsia Inuia Visit Banking Awareness for daily updates, study materials on Bank exams.
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New Pope becomes the 266th pontiff
Ayaz Sauiq Electeu as the Speakei of the National Assembly of Pakistan
Rami Bamuallah Appointeu as the New Piime Ninistei of Palestine
Infosys appointeu Naiayan Nuithy as Executive Chaiiman of the Boaiu
Avinash Chanuei appointeu as the New chief of Befence Reseaich Bevelopment
Sujata Singh Appointeu New Foieign Secietaiy of Inuia. She succeeueu Ranjan Nathai.
}ustice P Sathasivam - New Chief }ustice of Inuia(C}I). Be Succeeueu Altamas Kabii.
Avinash Chanuei - New Befence Reseaich anu Bevelopment 0iganisation (BRB0 Chief)
ieplaceu v. K. Saiaswat
Infosys appoints Naiayana Nuithy as Executive Chaiiman
Sunil Soni appointeu as the New Biiectoi ueneial of Buieau of Inuian Stanuaius (BIS).
Shashi Kant Shaima appointeu New Comptiollei anu Auuitoi ueneial (CAu) of Inuia, ieplaceu
vinou Rai.
Kushal Singh appointeu New Chaiipeison of National Commission foi Piotection of Chilu Rights
}ustice Sanjay Kishan Kaul takes oath as new C} of Punjab & Baiyana high couit
K R Kamath Re-Electeu as the Chaiiman of Inuian Banks' Association (IBA)
SK Roy New Chaiiman of Life Insuiance Coipoiation
Asian Athletics Association') Piesiuent's - Bahlan }umaan Al-Bamau
Ratan Tata Appointeu as Chief Auvisoi of AiiAsia Inuia
Subiamanian Ramauoiai Appointeu Chaiiman of AiiAsia Inuia
Nittu Chanuilya was nameu as the CE0 of the AiiAsia Inuia
vK Buggal appointeu as Noual 0fficei foi Relief anu Rescue opeiations in 0ttiakhanu
Baiihaian appointeu Secy of Inuian chess feueiation
Bimal }hulka appointeu I&B secietaiy. Be succeeus 0 K vaima
Aiuna Bahuguna - New Special Biiectoi ueneial of the CRPF
K. Siuuaiamaiah - New CN of Kainataka ieplaceu }agauish Shettai
Sunil Bhaiti - vice-Chaiiman of the Inteinational Chambei of Commeice (ICC).
Bep. Chaiiman of Rajya Sabha, P} Kuiien - Chaiiman of Asian Foium of Pailiamentaiians on
Population & Bevelopment (AFPPB).
Kiishnakumai Nataiajan New Chaiiman of Nasscom. Be succeeueu N Chanuiasekaian.
S uopalakiishnan New Piesiuent of CII (Confeueiation of Inuian Inuustiy). Be succeeueu Aui
Rajeev Shahaie - New Bigh Commissionei of Naluives.
N. Ravi Piesiuent of Euitois uuilu of Inuia.
Aichana Bhaigava New Chaiiman anu NB of 0BI (0niteu Bank of Inuia)
Anil uoswami New 0nion Bome Sec. Be succeueu RK Singh
vijay Shankai appointeu as new Kainataka Auvocate ueneial
uulzai new chancelloi of Assam 0niveisity
N.F. Faiooqui - Telecom Secietaiy ieplaceu R. Chanuiashekhai. Visit Banking Awareness for daily updates, study materials on Bank exams.
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Abhay Chautala- New Piesiuent of Inuian 0lympic Association
vinou Rai - Re-Electeu As Chaiiman of 0N Panel of Exteinal Auuitois
Siuhaith Biila (Chaiiman of Xpio Inuia Ltu anu Bigjam Ltu) - Senioi vice-Piesiuent of FICCI.
Anil Bev Singh - Chaiipeison of I0A Election Panel (aftei S.Y. Quiaishi).
Piahlau }oshi - Kainataka B}P Piesiuent
}ustice B.K. }ain - new Chaiiman of Law Commission.
Shyamala uopinath - New Cleaiing Coipoiation of Inuia Ltu (CCIL)Chaiipeison.
0ijit Patel -New Beputy uoveinei of RBI (ieplaceu Subii uokain).
Naina Lal Kiuwai - New Piesiuent of FICCI- (ieplaceu R.v. Kanoiia).
Rajiv Takiu - Secietaiy of Financial Seivices in the Finance Ninistiy ieplacing Binesh Kumai.
Rajnath Singh- new B}P piesiuent.
P.R. vasuueva Rao - Biiectoi of the IuCAR (Inuiia uanuhi Centie foi Atomic Reseaich) ieplacing
S.C Chetal.
Nukunu uovinu Rajan - uioup Spokespeison anu Bianu Custouian of Tata uioup.
}ustice Y Bhaskai Rao - New Lokayukta of K'taka.
Asoke Kumai Nukeiji - Next Peimanent Repiesentative of Inuia to the 0N.
T. S. vijayan - Chaiiman of IRBA ieplaceu }. Baii Naiayan.
Nanik Saikai - CN of Tiipuia foi Sth time.
vice Aumiial Anuiag u Thapliyal - New Biiectoi ueneial of Inuian Coast uuaiu.
Nukul Sangma - CN of Neghalaya.
Neiphiu Rio CN of Nagalanu foi the Siu consecutive time.
viibhauia Singh CN of Bimachal Piauesh foi 6th time.
Naienuia Noui - CN of uujaiat foi 4th time.
}ustice Swatantei Kumai - NuT (National uieen tiibunal) Chaiipeison.
Cyius Nistiy - New Chaiiman of TATA uioup aftei the ietiiement of Ratan tata.
NS Sahoo - Secietaiy of Institute of Company Secietaiies of Inuia (ICSI).
S Raman - Whole Time Nembei of Secuiity anu Exchange Boaiu of Inuia(SEBI).
S. Ramakiishnan - new Biiectoi of vikiam Saiabhai Space Centie (ieplaceu P S veeiaiaghavan).
Roelant 0ltmans - New Biiectoi (Bigh Peifoimance) foi Inuian Bockey Team.
S. Ramakiishnan - Biiectoi of vikiam Saiabhai Space Centie ieplacing P S veeiaiaghava.
Aishwaiya Rai Bachchan as Inteinational uoouwill Ambassauoi 0NAIBS (0N Piogiamme on
Naiy Kom - Bianu Ambassauoi of Supei Fight League (SPL) .
Kenichi Ayukawa - new NB of Naiuti Suzuki (ieplaceu Shinzo Nakanishi).
}ustice B.Suuaishan Reuuy - fiist Lokayukta of uoa.
B Ashok Reuuy - Chaiiman of Confeueiation of Inuian Inuustiy (CII), Anuhia Piauesh, foi 2u1S-
}ustice Ajay Nanikiao Khanwilkai- new Chief }ustice of the Bimachal Piauesh Bigh Couit
Rajan Bhaiti Nittal - piesiuent of Inteinational Chambei of Commeice (ICC) Inuia.
}ustice 0jjal Bhuyan - new }uuge of the uuwahati Bigh Couit
Paithasaiathi Shome Appointeu As the Auvisei to Finance Ninistei of Inuia Visit Banking Awareness for daily updates, study materials on Bank exams.
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Bhaichung Bhutia Chaiiman of All Inuia Football Feueiation's Technical commiittee
}agat Singh Negi Electeu As the Beputy Speakei of Legislative Assembly of Bimachal.
Piesiuent of Inuia, Pianab Nukheijee appointeu Ali Nohu. Nagiey anu Bhiiaj Singh Thakui as
the }uuges of the }ammu anu Kashmii Bigh Couit.
Wei Wei China's new ambassauoi foi Inuia in place of Zhang Yang.
Patiick Suckling - Austialia's next Bigh Commissionei to Inuia (ieplacing Petei vaighese).
}ohn Keiiy- The secietaiy of state (0S).
Beau of WT0 (Woilu Tiaue 0iganisation): Robeito Azeveuo
New Piesiuent of ABB (Asian Bevelopment Bank): Takehiko Nakao. Be succeeueu Baiuhiko
Buiunui's Lyuia Nsekeia became the fiist woman to be electeu to the FIFA Executive Committee
(ExCo) foi a full teim of foui yeais
Siikanth Siinivasan - fiist evei Inuian-Ameiican juuge in the 0.S. Supieme Couit
Susan Elizabeth Rice, the Ameiican ambassauoi to the 0niteu Nations was appointeu as the
National Secuiity Auvisei of 0S Piesiuent Baiack 0bama
New Piime Ninistei of Palestine - Rami Bamuallah
Libya Beboiah }ones New 0S Ambassauoi to Libya
}ames Comey next FBI uiiectoi. Be succeeueu Robeit Nuellei.
Sheikh Abuullah to be Qatai's new PN
Ayaz Sauiq electeu as the Speakei of the National Assembly of Pakistan
New Pakistan P.N : Nawaz Shaiif, Political Paity|Pakistan Nuslim League (N)j
Banglauesh fiist woman Speakei: Shiiin Shaimin Chauuhuiy
New Nalaysia Piime Ninistei: Najib Razak
Eniico Letta New PN of Italy
Li Keqiang New Piime Ninistei of China (succeeueu Wen }iabao).
Shinzo Abe - New PN of }apan.
8ew !//ointments &Pre%ious 9/dates*
uen Bikiam Singh assumes chaige as new Aimy Chief
BK }oshi will be the next Chief of the Inuian Navy
vS Sampath - 18th Chief Election Commissionei of Inuia
P. Bwaiakanath new CNB of BENL
uambian lawyei Fatou Bensouua, fiist Afiican, to heau Inteinational Ciiminal Couit
Sachin Tenuulkai takes oath as Rajya Sabha membei
BK Nehiotia has taken chaige of new chaiiman of Life Insuiance Coipoiation of Inuia (LIC).
}ustice Nauan Bhimiao joineu the esteemeu panel of Supieme Couit }uuges
}awahai Thakui countiy's new Contiollei ueneial of Accounts.
Sayeu Nasii Ali new }oint NB in Aii Inuia
B Suienuia Nohan - Chaiiman anu Nanaging Biiectoi of Neyveli Lignite Coipoiation (NLC)
Sekhai Basu took ovei as Biiectoi of the Bhabha Atomic Reseaich Centie (BARC)
Blamini-Zuma became the fiist Female Chief of Afiican 0nion. Visit Banking Awareness for daily updates, study materials on Bank exams.
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Bi Siikumai Baneijee Appointeu fiist Chancelloi of Kashmii's Cential 0niveisity
Piaveen Nahajan appointeu as the chaiipeison of the Cential Boaiu of Excise anu Customs
Bimal uuiung, was electeu Chief Executive 0fficei of the uoikhalanu Teiiitoiial Auministiation
P. Chiuambaiam become the new Finance Ninistei
Sushilkumai Shinue ieplaceu Chiuambaiam as new Bome Ninistei.
Woilu Bank has appointeu Kaushik Basu as its Chief Economist anu Senioi vice-Piesiuent
YC Beveshwai appointeu as Biiectoi of RBI Cential Boaiu.
Tulsi uabbaiu became the fiist Binuu-Ameiican to be electeu to the Bouse of Repiesentatives.
}ustice Altamas Kabii swoin in as New Chief }ustice of Inuia.
Atanu Sen New NB anu CE0 of SBI Life Insuiance.
Nanbii Singh took the oath of office anu seciecy as Nembei of the 0nion Public Seivice
Commission (0PSC)
Abhishek Natoiia electeu the piesiuent of the Inuian Boxing Feueiation (IBF)
Sanueep Patil ieplaces K Siikkanth as chief BCCI selectoi.
New CNB of Allahabau Bank. Shubhalakshmi Panse
Tilak Raj Bajalia appointeu Beputy Nanaging Biiectoi of Small Inuustiies Bevelopment Bank of
Inuia (SIBBI).
Nilinu Khaiat New CNB of 0niteu Inuia Insuiance.
Pianay Sahay appointeu new Bu of CRPF.
Nichael Coibat new CE0 of Citigioup
Sanjay Nitia has been appointeu as the new Chief Secietaiy of West Bengal
Chaiiman of the Atomic Eneigy Commission - Ratan Kumai Sinha (ieplaceu Siikumai Baneijee)
Attoiney-ueneial - uoolam E. vahanvati (ie-appointeu)
}uuge of the Inteinational Couit of }ustice (IC}) foi six-yeai tenuie - Balveei Bhanuaii (}uuge of
Supieme Couit)
Piesiuent of the Euiopean Bank foi Reconstiuction anu Bevelopment (EBRB) foi foui-yeai
teim - Inuia-boin Suma Chakiabaiti
Chaiiman anu NB of ueneial Insuiance Coipoiation (uIC) - Ni Ashok Kumai Roy
New Pakistan Bigh Commissionei to Inuia - Salman Bashii
New piesiuent of Woilu Bank - }im Yong Kim (Koiean-boin) Ameiican citizen.
uoveinoi of 0ttaiakhanu - Aziz Quieshi
uoveinoi of uoa - Bhaiat vii vanchu
uoveinoi of Anuhia Piauesh - E S L Naiasimhan (ie-electeu)
uoveinoi of Nahaiashtia - K. Sankaianaiayanan (ie-electeu)
uoveinoi of Rajasthan - Naigaiet Alva
Piesiuent of Inteinational Chambei of Commeice Inuia (ICC Inuia) - Baish Pati Singhania
Chaiiman & NB of Inuia Tiaue Piomotion 0iganisation (ITP0)- Smt. Rita Nenon
Secietaiy ueneial of SAARC Ahmau Saleem
Piesiuent of the Feueiation of Inuian Expoit 0iganisations (FIE0) - N. Rafeeque Ahmeu Visit Banking Awareness for daily updates, study materials on Bank exams.
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Belhi Netio Rail Coipoiation 's new NB - Ni. Nangu Singh (pieviously E Sieeuhaian)
CE0 of Piasai Bhaiti }awhai Siicai
Chaiipeison of the National Film Bevelopment Coipoiation - Ramesh Sippy
Next ueneial piesiuent of the Inuian Science Congiess Nanmohan singh
CNB of Coal Inuia Limiteu S Naising Rao
Piesiuent of Associateu Chambeis of Commeice anu Inuustiy of Inuia (ASS0CBAN) - Ni
Rajkumai Bhoot
Inuian Bigh commissionei to 0.K. }aimini Bhagwati
Piesiuent of FICCI - Ni R.v. Kanoiia
Piesiuent of Asian oiganisation of the Institution of the Accountants ueneial (AS0ASI) - Ni
vinou Rai (Comptiollei anu Auuitoi ueneial of Inuia).
Euitoi-In-Chief of The Binuu gioup Siuuhaith vaiauaiajan
New king of Nalaysia - Sultan Abuul Balim Nu'auzam Shah
0nion Aviation Ninistei Ajit Singh (Paity Rashtiiya Lok ual)
Chief Ninistei of 0.P. Akhilesh Yauav (Paity Samajwaui paity)
Chief Ninistei of Punjab Piakash singh baual (Paity Akali ual)
Chief Ninistei of uoa Nanohai Paiikai (Bhaiatiya }anata paity)
Chief Ninistei of 0ttiakhanu vijay Bahuguna (Paity Inuian national congiess)
Chief Ninistei of Nanipui 0kiam Ibobi Singh (Paity Inuian national congiess)
"ist o$ reently eleted6 a//ointed Presidents .ountries
Abuulla Yameen appointeu as the new Piesiuent of Naluives.
Imomali Rakhmon Reelecteu as the Piesiuent of Tajikistan.
Ethiopia Pailiament Electeu Nulatu Teshome as New Piesiuent.
Ibiahim Boubacai Keita has been swoin in as Nali's new piesiuent.
New Egypt's inteiim Piesiuent - Auli Nansoui ieplaceu Nohammeu Noisi
Bassan Rohani New Piesiuent of Iian
}ohn Ashe electeu as the Piesiuent of 0N ueneial Assembly:
Elbeguoij Tsakhia new Nongolia Piesiuent
New Banglauesh Piesiuent: Abuul Bamiu
New King of Netheilanus: Willem-Alexanuei
Nicolas Nauuio New Piesiuent of venezuela
Boiacio Caites New Piesiuent of Paiaguay's
XI }inping New Piesiuent of China (succeeueu Bu }intao).
Rafael Coiiea - Ecuauoi's Piesiuent ie-electeu foi a Thiiu Teim.
Nittal }ack Lew (uemociatic Paity) - 0S Tieasuiy Secietaiy Auministiation, ieplacing ueithnei.
Nilos Zeman - Czech Republic's Piesiuent (Fiist Biiectly Electeu Piesiuent).
Sally }ewell - 0.S. Inteiioi Secietaiy.
Nicos Anastasiaues - Piesiuent of Cypius
Rajkeshwui Puiiyag became the fifth Piesiuent of Nauiitius Visit Banking Awareness for daily updates, study materials on Bank exams.
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Pianab Nukheijee electeu as 1Sth Piesiuent of Inuia
Bassan Sheikh Nohamuu new Piesiuent of Somalia
Eniique Pea Nieto newly electeu piesiuent of Nexico
Taui Natan Ruak Piesiuent of East Timoi
Baiack 0bama is ie-electeu Piesiuent of 0SA
Piesiuent of the Euiopean Council - Beiman van Rompuy (ie-electeu)
Piesiuent of ueimany - }oachim uauck
Russia's Piesiuent foi thiiu teim - vlauimii Putin (Belong to uniteu Russia paity, Pieviously
Piime ministei of Russia)
Fiance's Piesiuent - Fiancois Bollanue (Belong to Socialist Paity, Pieviously Nicolas Saikozy)
Piesiuent of Naluives - Bi Nohameu Waheeu
Piesiuent of Yemen - Abeu Rabbo Nansoui Baui
Piesiuent of Nalawi - }oyce Banua
Piesiuent of Nicaiagua - Baniel 0itega (ie-electeu)
Piesiuent of Nigeiia - uoouluck }onathan (ie-electeu)
Piesiuent of uuyana - Bonalu Ramotai
"ist o$ reently eleted6 a//ointed Bie:Presidents .ountries
Bamiu Ansaii ie-electeu vice-piesiuent of Inuia
"ist o$ reently eleted6 a//ointed Prime Minister .ountries
Eina Solbeig Becomes Noiway's Piime Ninistei.
Tony Abbot electeu new Austialian Piime Ninistei. Be succeeueu Kevin Ruuu.
New Piime Ninistei of Palestine - Rami Bamuallah
Sheikh Abuullah to be Qatai's new PN
Kevin Ruuu new Austialian Piime Ninistei. Be succeeueu }ulia uillaiu.
Ayaz Sauiq electeu as the Speakei of the National Assembly of Pakistan
New Pakistan P.N : Nawaz Shaiif, Political Paity|Pakistan Nuslim League (N)j
Banglauesh fiist woman Speakei: Shiiin Shaimin Chauuhuiy
New Nalaysia Piime Ninistei: Najib Razak
Eniico Letta New PN of Italy
Li Keqiang New Piime Ninistei of China (succeeueu Wen }iabao).
Shinzo Abe - New PN of }apan.
Bisham Kanuil to foim goveinment in Egypt
Antonis Samaias was swoin in as Piime Ninistei of uieek.
Ali Ziuan electeu New Piime Ninistei of Libya.
Zhantoio Satybaluiyev new Piime Ninistei of kyigyzstan Visit Banking Awareness for daily updates, study materials on Bank exams.
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Lauient Lamothe new piime ministei Baiti
Abuullah Ensoui new piime ministei of joiuan
Abui Faiah Shiiuon new Piime Ninistei of Somalia
Baniel Kablan Buncan new Piime Ninistei of Ivoiy Coast Cte u'Ivoiie
Bailemaiiam Besalegn new Piime Ninistei of Ethiopia
Abuelmalek Sellal new Piime Ninistei of Algeiia
Biuzina Ivanishvili new piime ministei of ueoigia
Russia's Piime ministei Bmitiy Neuveuev (Belong to uniteu Russia paity, Pieviously Piesiuent
of Russia)
"ist o$ 8ewly6#eently eleted ,ie$ minister o$ India in 2013
>emant Soren swoin in as ninth Chief Ninistei of }haikhanu on }uly 1S, 2u1S.
Siddaramaia, swoin-in as the 22nu Chief Ninistei of Kainataka on Nay 11, 2u1S.
Mukul Manda Sangma Swoin-In As the Chief Ninistei of Neghalaya on S Naich 2u1S. (Re-
Electeu, 2nu Teim)
8ei/,iu #io swoin-in as the Chief Ninistei of Nagalanu on S Naich 2u1S (Re-Electeu).
Manik Sarkar -Chief Ninistei of Tiipuia foi Sth time.
"ist o$ 8ewly6#eently eleted ,ie$ minister o$ India
Mano,ar Parrikar, Chief Ninistei of uoa, took chaige of office on Naich 9, 2u12
Bi?ay Ba,uguna, Chief Ninistei of 0ttaiakhanu, took chaige of office on Naich 1S, 2u12
!k,iles, <ada%, Chief Ninistei of 0ttai Piauesh, took chaige of office on Naich 1S, 2u12
Prakas, Sing, Badal, Chief Ninistei of Punjab,took chaige of office on Naich 1, 2uu7 (Re-
'kram Ibobi Sing,, Chief Ninistei of Nanipui,took chaige of office on Naich 2, 2uu2 (Re-
Birb,adra Sing,) Chief Ninistei of Bimachal Piauesh, took chaige of office on 2S Becembei
8arendra Modi,Chief Ninistei of uujaiat, took chaige of office on 26 Becembei 2u12 (Re-
electeu foi Siu time). Visit Banking Awareness for daily updates, study materials on Bank exams.
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8ewly !//ointed +o%ernors &in 2013*
K. K. Paul - Appointeu as the uoveinoi of Neghalaya on 1 }uly 2u1S. (Replaceu - Ranjit Shekhai
Shiiniwas Bauasaheb Patil - Appointeu as the uoveinoi of Sikkim on 1 }uly 2u1S. (Replaceu -
Balmiki Piasau Singh)
Niibhay Shaima - Appointeu as the uoveinoi of Aiunachal Piauesh on 29 Nay 2u1S. (Replaceu
- ueneial }oginuei }aswant Singh)
Bevananu Konwai - Appointeu as the uoveinoi of Tiipuia on Naich 9, 2u1S (Replaceu B Y
B. Y. Patil- Appointeu as the uoveinoi of Bihai on Naich 9, 2u1S (Replaceu Bevananu Konwai).
S. C. }amii - Appointeu as the uoveinoi of 0uisha on Naich 9, 2u1S (Replaceu N C Bhanuaie).
Nikhil Kumai - Appointeu as the uoveinoi of Keiala on Appointeu as the uoveinoi of (Replaceu
Kainataka uoveinoi B R Bhaiuawaj who hau the auuitional chaige of Keiala).
Ashwani Kumai - Appointeu as the uoveinoi of Nagalanu on Naich 9, 2u1S (Replaceu Nikhil
In t,e year 2012) t,e list o$ 8ewly !//ointed go%ernors are-
Aziz Quieshi- Appointeu as the uoveinoi of 0ttaiakhanu on 1S Nay 2u12 ieplaceu Naigaiet
Naigaiet Alva - Appointeu as the uoveinoi of Rajasthan on 12 Nay 2u12 ieplaceu Shiviaj Patil.
Bhaiat vii Wanchoo - appointeu as goveinoi of uoa. Took office on 4 may 2u12.
2erm Extended &in 2012*-
uoveinoi of Anuhia Piauesh - E S L Naiasimhan (ie-electeu)
uoveinoi of Nahaiashtia - K. Sankaianaiayanan (ie-electeu)
In t,e year 2013) t,e lists o$ 8ewly !//ointed !dministrator are-
Anuaman anu Nicobai Islanus - A. K. Singh
Belhi - Najeeb }ung
Puuucheiiy - viienuia Kataiia
In t,e year 2012) t,e lists o$ 8ewly !//ointed !dministrator are-
Auministiatois of Bauia anu Nagai Baveli - B.S. Bhalla
Auministiatois of Baman anu Biu - B.S. Bhalla Visit Banking Awareness for daily updates, study materials on Bank exams.
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8ew Faes in .ounil o$ Minister) 9nion +o%t.
.abinet Ministers
Nallikaijun Khaige: New Railway Ninsitei
Ni. 0scai Feinanues - Roau anu Bighways Ninistei
Ns. uiiija vyas - New Bousing, 0iban Bevelopment anu Poveity Alleviation Ninistei.
Ni. K.S. Rao - New Textiles Ninistei
Ni. SiS Ram 0la New Laboui anu Employment Ninistei.
Ministers o$ state-
ENS Natchiyappan takes oath as NoS commeice anu inuustiy
} B Seelam becomes NoS finance
Nanikiao uavit gets social justice anu empoweiment
Santosh Chowuhuiy gets health & family welfaie
"ist o$ 8ewly !//ointed Indian !mbassador &in 2013 'nly*
Shii Nanjeev Singh Puii appointeu as the next Ambassauoi of Inuia to Belgium anu to the
Council of the Euiopean 0nion anu The Euiopean Commission
Shii Nalay Nishia concuiiently accieuiteu as the Ambassauoi of Inuia to Bosnia anu
Shii T.P. Seethaiam appointeu as the next Ambassauoi of Inuia to the 0niteu Aiab Emiiates
Shii Baish vaiuhan Shiingla appointeu as the next Ambassauoi of Inuia to Kinguom of
Shii P.S. Raghavan appointeu as the next Ambassauoi of Inuia to Russian Feueiation
Bi. }itenuia Nath Nisia appointeu as the next Ambassauoi of Inuia to Poitugal
Shii T.S. Tiiumuiti appointeu as the next Bigh Commissionei of Inuia to Nalaysia
Shii K. }eeva Sagai concuiiently accieuiteu as Ambassauoi of Inuia to Togo.
Shii Pavan Kapooi appointeu as the next Bigh Commissionei of Inuia to the Republic of
Shii Bebiaj Piauhan appointeu as the next Ambassauoi of Inuia to Chile
Shii Laluuhthlana Ralte appointeu as the next Ambassauoi of Inuia to the Republic of the
Shii Ranjan Nathai appointeu as the next Bigh Commissionei of Inuia to the 0niteu Kinguom
Ns. Subashini Nuiugesan concuiiently accieuiteu as Bigh Commissionei of Inuia to Saint Lucia,
with iesiuence in Paiamaiibo
Bi. A.v.S. Ramesh Chanuia appointeu as the next Bigh Commissionei of Inuia to 0ganua.
Ns. Ruchiia Kamboj appointeu as the next Peimanent Repiesentative of Inuia to 0NESC0, Paiis
Shii vijay Keshav uokhale appointeu as the next Ambassauoi of Inuia to the Feueial Republic of
Shii Ravi Bangai appointeu as the next Bigh Commissionei of Inuia to the Republic of Cypius
Shii Nysoie Kapanaiah Lokesh appointeu as the next Ambassauoi of Inuia to Switzeilanu Visit Banking Awareness for daily updates, study materials on Bank exams.
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Ns. Anita Nayai appointeu as the next Ambassauoi of Inuia to the Republic of Lebanon
Bi. Subiahmanyam }aishankai appointeu as the next Ambassauoi of Inuia to the 0niteu States
of Ameiica
Shii Ashok K. Kantha appointeu as the next Ambassauoi of Inuia to the People's Republic of
Shii uauuam Bhaimenuia appointeu as the next Bigh Commissionei of Inuia to the Republic of
Shii Anup Kumai Nuugal appointeu as next Bigh Commissionei of Inuia to the Republic of
Shii Sanjay veima appointeu as the next Ambassauoi of Inuia to the Feueial Bemociatic
Republic of Ethiopia
Shii Saivajit Chakiavaiti appointeu as the next Ambassauoi of Inuia to the Republic of Slovenia
Sh. Sunil }ain appointeu as the next Ambassauoi of Inuia to the State of Kuwait
Smt. Bemalata C. Bhagiiath appointeu as the next Bigh Commissionei of Inuia to the Republic of
Shii Somnath uhosh appointeu as the next Ambassauoi of Inuia to Nongolia
Shii Amiit Lugun appointeu as the next Ambassauoi of Inuia to Republic of Yemen
Bi. Ashok Kumai Amiohi appointeu as next Bigh Commissionei of Inuia to Biunei Baiussalam
Shii Aiun Kumai Singh concuiiently accieuiteu as Ambassauoi of Inuia to the Piincipality of
Ns. N. Subashini has been concuiiently accieuiteu as the Bigh Commissionei of Inuia to
Shii B. Bala venkatesh vaima appointeu as the next Ambassauoi anu Peimanent
Repiesentative of Inuia to the 0N Confeience on Bisaimament, ueneva
Shii Nalay Nishia appointeu as the next Ambassauoi of Inuia to the Republic of Bungaiy
Shii uauii Shankai uupta appointeu as the next Bigh Commissionei of Inuia to the Republic of
Tiiniuau anu Tobago.
Shii Ranjit Rae appointeu as the next Ambassauoi of Inuia to Nepal
Shii Basant Kumai uupta concuiiently accieuiteu as the Ambassauoi of Inuia to San Naiino
Shii Kunal Roy appointeu as the next Ambassauoi of Inuia to Nigei
Shii Ravi Thapai appointeu as the next Bigh Commissionei of Inuia to New Zealanu
Shii Rajesh Nanuan Piasau appointeu as the next Ambassauoi of Inuia to the Netheilanus
Ns. Nanju Seth has been concuiiently accieuiteu as the Ambassauoi of Inuia to Comoios
Smt. Rauhika Lokesh appointeu as the next Ambassauoi of Inuia to Iielanu
Smt. Pieeti Saian appointeu as the next Ambassauoi of Inuia to the Socialist Republic of
Shii K. }eeva Sagai appointeu as the next Bigh Commissionei of Inuia to the Republic of uhana
Smt. Naiinuei Chauhan appointeu as the next Ambassauoi of Inuia to the Republic of Seibia.
Shii Niiaj Siivastava appointeu as the next Inuian Ambassauoi to Benmaik
Shii Nanohai Ram concuiiently accieuiteu as the Ambassauoi of Inuia to uabon.
Shii uautam Nukhopauhaya appointeu as the next Ambassauoi of Inuia to the Republic of the Visit Banking Awareness for daily updates, study materials on Bank exams.
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0nion of Nyanmai.
Shii Yashvaiuhan Kumai Sinha appointeu as the next Bigh Commissionei of Inuia to the
Bemociatic Socialist Republic of Sii Lanka
Shii }ayant N. Khobiagaue has been appointeu as the next Ambassauoi of Inuia to the Kyigyz
Shii Suiesh Babu has been concuiiently accieuiteu as the Ambassauoi of Inuia to ueoigia
Shii Amai Sinha has been appointeu as the next Ambassauoi of Inuia to Afghanistan
Shii Nanohai Ram concuiiently accieuiteu as the Ambassauoi of Inuia to the Republic of Congo
Shii Aiun Kumai Singh appointeu as the next Ambassauoi of Inuia to Fiance
Shii Rajeev Shahaie appointeu as the next Bigh Commissionei of Inuia to Naluives
Smt. vijay Thakui Singh appointeu as the next Bigh Commissionei of Inuia to Singapoie
Shii Asoke Kumai Nukeiji appointeu as the next Peimanent Repiesentative of Inuia to the 0N
Shii Piatap Singh concuiiently accieuiteu as the Bigh Commissionei of Inuia to Bahamas.
Shii B.K. uupta appointeu next Ambassauoi of Inuia to the Republic of Italy
Shii vanlalhuma appointeu next Bigh Commissionei of Inuia to the Republic of Nalawi
9/dated- 2S Novembei 2u1S
"ist o$ 8ewly a//ointed !mbassador to India
Wei Wei China's new ambassauoi foi Inuia in place of Zhang Yang.
Nancy } Powell - 0S Ambassauoi to Inuia
Baniel Petei 0thol - South Suuan ambassauoi to Inuia (fiist uiplomats fiom South Suuan)
Nichael Steinei-ueiman Ambassauoi to Inuia.
visit Foi youi uaily
upuates of Banking anu Bank Exams. Visit Banking Awareness for daily updates, study materials on Bank exams.
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Foreign Bisits and Foreign Bisitors
Foieign visitois anu foieign visits of impoitant uignitaiies in the yeai 2u1S.
'$$iial Foreign Bisits o$ Indian 4ignitaries
visit of Bon'ble vice-Piesiuent to Peiu, Cuba & 0K 0ctobei 2S - Novembei 2, 2u1S
visit of Exteinal Affaiis Ninistei to Philippines anu Singapoie
Piime Ninistei Bi. Nanmohan Singh will pay an 0fficial visit to China on 0ctobei 22-24, 2u1S
at the invitation of Piemiei Ni. Li Keqiang.
At the invitation of Piesiuent vlauimii Putin, Piime Ninistei of Inuia, Bi. Nanmohan Singh will
pay an 0fficial visit to Noscow fiom 2u to 22 0ctobei, 2u1S foi the 14th Inuia-Russia Annual
Exteinal Affaiis Ninistei, Shii Salman Khuishiu will be visiting Biazil fiom 0ctobei 14-17,
Piesiuent of Inuia to Belgium anu Tuikey (2-8 0ctobei 2u1S).
Piime Ninistei Bi. Nanmohan Singh visiteu 0SA on the last week of Septembei, 2u1S.
Piime Ninistei's Special Envoy foi }apan Bi. Ashwani Kumai's visit to Tokyo in Septembei,
The Foieign Secietaiy of Inuia, Smt. Sujatha Singh, visiteu Nepal fiom Septembei 14-1S, 2u1S.
Exteinal Affaiis Ninistei, Shii. Salman Khuishiu visiteu Kyigyz Republic anu 0zbekistan fiom
Septembei 12-1S, 2u1S.
Special Envoy of Inuia foi Suuan anu South Suuan, Shii P.S. Raghavan visiteu South Suuan
between 8-9 August, 2u1S.
visit of vice Piesiuent of Inuia N. Bamiu Ansaii visiteu Iian on August 4, 2u1S.
visit of Nis. Pieneet Kaui, Ninistei of State foi Exteinal Affaiis to Tanzania on 8-1u }uly, 2u1S.
National Secuiity Auvisei Shivshankai Nenon visiteu Siilanka on 8-9 }uly 2u1S.
Exteinal Affaiis Ninistei Salman Khuishiu visiteu Iiaq on }une 19-2u, 2u1S.
Ninistei of State foi Exteinal Affaiis Shii E.Ahameu will pay an official visit to Bahiain on 4-S
}une 2u1S.
vice Piesiuent Shii N. Bamiu Ansaii visiteu 0zbekistan fiom 21 to 24 Nay 2u1S.
Exteinal Affaiis Ninistei Shii Salman Khuishiu visiteu Sauui Aiabia on Nay 2S-26, 2u1S.
Piime Ninistei, Bi. Nanmohan Singh, visiteu }apan on Nay 27-29, 2u1S anu to the Kinguom of
Thailanu on Nay Su-S1, 2u1S.
Exteinal Affaiis Ninistei, Shii Salman Khuishiu, visiteu the People's Republic of China on Nay
u9-1u, 2u1S.
Ninistei of State foi Exteinal Affaiis Shii E. Ahameu visiteu Libya fiom Apiil 14-16, 2u1S.
Piime Ninistei Bi. Nanmohan Singh visiteu ueimany on 1u-12 Apiil 2u1S.
Exteinal Affaiis Ninistei Shii Salman Khuishiu visiteu to }apan on 26-27 Naich, 2u1S. Visit Banking Awareness for daily updates, study materials on Bank exams.
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Piesiuent of Inuia visiteu Banglauesh on Naich S-S, 2u1S.
Foieign Secietaiy Shii Ranjan Nathai visiteu 0niteu States on Febiuaiy 2u-22, 2u1S.
Exteinal Affaiis Ninistei Shii Salman Khuishiu visiteu Banglauesh fiom Febiuaiy 16 -17, 2u1S.
Exteinal Affaiis Ninistei Shii Salman Khuishiu will pay an official bilateial visit to Bhutan on
14-1S }anuaiy 2u1S.
Exteinal Affaiis Ninistei Shii Salman Khuishiu will visit Fiance on 1u-11 }anuaiy 2u1S foi
bilateial uiscussions with Ni. Lauient Fabius, the Fiench Foieign Ninistei.
Foreign Bisitors64ignitaries to India
Baviu Cameion PN of 0K visiteu Inuia.
0fficial visit of the Piesiuent of Republic of uhana to Inuia (Novembei 1u-1S, 2u1S)
State visit of BB Sheikh }abei Al-Nubaiak Al-Bamau Al-Sabah, Piime Ninistei of Kuwait to
Nepal Aimy Chief ueneial uauiav Shamshei } B Rana visit to Inuia to stiengthen militaiy-to-
militaiy ties, incluuing supply of haiuwaie to Nepal Aimy.
The Piesiuent of the Republic of Libeiia Bei Excellency Nis. Ellen }ohnson Siileaf will pay a
State visit to Inuia fiom Septembei 9 to 1S, 2u1S at the invitation of the Piesiuent of Inuia.
Piime Ninistei of Bhutan, Lyonchhen Tsheiing Tobgay visiteu Inuia fiom August Su to
Septembei 4, 2u1S.
Piime Ninistei of Iiaq, Ni. Nouii al-Naliki visiteu Inuia fiom 22-2S August, 2u1S.
The 2nu vice Piesiuent of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Nohammau Kaiim Khalili, visiteu
Inuia fiom August 2u-22, 2u1S upon the invitation of vice Piesiuent
Foieign Ninistei of Nicaiagua, Ni. Samuel Santos Lopez visiteu Inuia fiom August 19-2S, 2u1S.
The Ninistei of Foieign Affaiis of vietnam, i. Pham Binh Ninh visiteu Inuia fiom 1u-12 }uly,
Foieign Ninistei of Aigentina Bctoi Naicos Timeiman vsiteu Inuia fiom }une 1S-18, 2u1S.
The Piesiuent of Afghanistan, Bamiu Kaizai, visiteu to Inuia fiom Nay 2u-22, 2u1S.
Foieign Ninistei of Cuba, Ni. Biuno Rouiiguez Paiiilla visiteu to Inuia fiom Nay 2S-27, 2u1S.
Chinese Piemiei Ni. Li Keqiang visiteu Inuia on Nay 19-21, 2u1S.
Foieign Ninistei of Azeibaijan Ni. Elmai Nammauyaiov to Inuia fiom Nay 2-S, 2u1S.
Piesiuent of Egypt Bi. Nohameu Noisy visiteu Inuia fiom Naich 18-2u, 2u1S.
Special Envoy of the Syiian Piesiuent to Inuia Ns. Bouthaina Shaaban visiteu Inuia on Naich 6,
Foieign Ninistei of Romania, Ni. Titus Coilatean visiteu Inuia fiom Naich 7-8, 2u1S.
Foieign Affaiis of Poitugal, Ni. Paulo ue Sacauuia Cabial Poitas visiteu Inuia fiom uS-u7 Naich,
Foieign Ninistei of Kazakhstan Yeilan Iuiissov visiteu Inuia on Naich S-S, 2u1S.
Piime Ninistei of 0K Baviu Cameion visiteu Inuia on Febiuaiy 18-2u, 2u1S.
Piesiuent of Fiance Fiancois Bollanue visiteu Inuia fiom Febiuaiy 14-1S, 2u1S.
Piime Ninistei of Bhutan }igmi Y. Thinley visiteu Inuia fiom Febiuaiy 7-9, 2u1S.
The King anu Queen of Bhutan, Bis Najesty}igme Khesai Namgyel Wangchuck anu Bei Najesty Visit Banking Awareness for daily updates, study materials on Bank exams.
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}etsun Pema, visiteu Inuia fiom 2S-Su }anuaiy 2u1S.
Piesiuent of Republic of Nauiitius Ni. Rajkeswui Puiiyag visiteu Inuia fiom Siu to 1uth
}anuaiy, 2u1S. Visit Banking Awareness for daily updates, study materials on Bank exams.
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An obituaiy is a news aiticle that iepoits the iecent ueath of a peison, typically along
with an account of the peison's life anu infoimation about the upcoming funeial.
Rajendra Yadav, the Noted Hindi Writer Passed Away at 84
Vijay Soni a noted Painter and theatre personality dead
Doris Lessin, No!el Pri"e#Winnin A$thor, Died at %4
&ndian a'tor ($)ar Pallana, who played the )e)ora!le role o* a janitor in +o) Han,s starrer
-+he +er)inal- and wor,ed in )any Wes Anderson )ovies, has died.
/.P. Deshpande 0 Noted 1arathi Playwriht Passed away
Sarojini Varadappan, the Renowned So'ial Wor,er Died
(. Rahavan0 Noted 1alayala) 1$si' 2o)poser Passed away
3)inent +el$$ Writer Dr. Rav$ri 4haradwaja Passed away. Rav$ri 4haradwaja won /yanpeeth
award *or the year 5675
1ohan Dharia, the 8or)er 9nion 1inister and an 3nviron)entalist, Died At 88
+D Ranara)an$jan, the 8or)er +a!le +ennis 8ederation o* &ndia President Died at %:
;s'ar Hij$elos, the 2$!an#A)eri'an Writer, Died at :5
Wil*ried 1artens, Nine#+i)e Pri)e 1inister o* 4eli$) Died At <<
;vadia Yose*, the 8or)er Sephardi 2hie* Ra!!i o* &srael, Died At %=
/eneral Vo N$yen /iap, the Leendary Vietna)ese 1ilitary 2o))ander Died at 765
}asjit Singh, Aii Commouoie (Retu.) Anu Inuia's Best Nilitaiy Analyst, Bieu at 79
Renowneu Kamaicha playei Sakai Khan passeu away
Renowneu Natuialist anu 0inithologist Zafai Futehally passeu away
Besh Piem Azau, the Foimei Coach of Ciicketei Kapil Bev, Bieu at 7S
Foimei Bengal Ciicketei anu Coach Kalyan Nittei passeu away on 16 August 2u1S in Kolkata
Naiich Nan Singh Shiestha, the foimei Piime Ninistei of Nepal, uieu
Bezso uyaimati, the Watei Polo legenu fiom Bungaiy uieu
Telugu wiitei, novelist anu columnist, Nalathi Chanuui, uieu following piolongeu illness in
Chennai on 21 August 2u1S.
Panuit Raghunath Panigiahi, the Eminent Inuian Classical Singei Passeu Away.
}ulie Baiiis passeu away on 2S August 2u1S at the age of 87 yeais at West Chatham,
Nassachusetts, 0niteu States.
Foimei athlete Beniy Rebello uieu in uuigaon on 27 August 2u1S.
Iiish wiitei Seamus Beaney uieu at the age of 74 on 29 August 2u1S.
Baviu Fiost uieu on S1 August 2u1S aboaiu the ocean linei Queen Elizabeth.
Bouglas Engelbait, Fathei of the Nouse uieu at the Age of 88
Pauma Shiee Awaiuee Nauhubani Painting aitist Nahasunuaii Bevi uieu at the Age of 92
Bi. B.A.B. Paipia, the ienowneu Foou Scientist uieu
veteian actoi Pian uieu uue to piolongeu Illness.
Amai uopal Bose, the Founuei of Bose Coipoiation Passeu Away at 8S. Visit Banking Awareness for daily updates, study materials on Bank exams.
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Italian businessman 0ttavio Quattiocchi uieu in Nilan on }uly 1S, 2u1S.
N Rangabashyam,the Pauma Bhushan awaiu iecipient uastioenteiologist uieu
Samai Nukheijee, the CPI-N veteian Leauei Passeu Away at 1uu
veteian Tamil Film lyiicist vaali Bieu at the Age of 82
Piof. 0ommen Nathew, Foimei NLA foim Kuttanau, Keiala uieu
Foimei 0nion Ninistei Khuisheu Alam Khan uieu
L Biojeshoii Bevi, the 0lympian }uuo Playei Passeu Away at S2
Nanjula vijayakumai, the South Inuian Actiess uieu at the Age of S9
IN0 Secietaiy-ueneial Emeiitus anu Pauma vibhushan Awaiuee, C.P. Siivastava uieu in Italy.
Aiun Nehiu, the Foimei 0nion Ninistei anu Close Aiue of Rajiv uanuhi, Bieu at 69
0baiu Siuuiqi, National Reseaich Piofessoi at the National Centie foi Biological Sciences, Tata
Institute of Funuamental Reseaich (TIFR), uieu in Bangaloie following a Roau Acciuent.
Ilya Segalovich, the Co-Founuei of Yanuex Bieu at the Age of 48 Yeais.
}aguish Raj, the Nost Type-Cast Actoi of Bollywoou Bieu at 8S.
SN Banumantha Rao, the Foimei Inuian Test 0mpiie Passeu Away at 8S.
Bemenuia Piasau Baiooah, the Noteu Assam Tea Plantei Passeu Away at 87.
Nahasunuaii Bevi Nauhubani painting aitist & Pauma Shiee Awaiuee
}iioemon Kimuia - Woilu's oluest evei man (}apan) uieu at the ageu 116
Ritupaino uhosh - the ienowneu Bengali film makei
Ruma Chatteijee - National Cycling Coach 6. }ames uanuolfini - Tiiple Emmy Awaiu
Suienuia Tiwaii - Binui stoiy wiitei anu playwiight
Saiabjit Singh : Inuian
Sanaullah Baq: Pakistani teiioiist
Nahenuia Kaima - Founuei of Salwa }uuum & Congiess leauei fiom Chhattisgaih
Lalguui }ayaiaman - Renowneu violinist anu composei
Shakuntala Bevi - Inuian Nathematician
Nichael Beniy Benness - foimei Englanu captain
v.S. Ramauevi - Foimei uoveinoi of Kainataka
Naigaiet Thatchei - Foimei Piime Ninistei of Biitain uieu
Ruth Piawei }habvala - 0scai anu Bookei Piize winnei
Robeit Euwaius - Biitish scientist
}.S. veima - foimei Chief }ustice of Inuia
Shamshau Begum - playback singeis
Lonappan Nambauan - foimei Nembei of Pailiament fiom Keiala
}etti veeia Raghavulu - Well known Telugu music uiiectoi anu playback singei
v C Shukla - veteian Congiess leauei
Piof veei Bhauia Nishia - Noteu Enviionmentalist
uanesh Pyne - Legenuaiy Paintei
Chinua Achebe - fathei of Afiican liteiatuie. Visit Banking Awareness for daily updates, study materials on Bank exams.
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For more .urrent !$$airs %isit Visit Banking Awareness for daily updates, study materials on Bank exams.
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Summits and 'rgani7ation
B#I.S &Bra7il) #ussia) India) .,ina and Sout, !$ria* Summits
At, B#I.S Summit 2012 New Belhi, Inuia
It, B#I.S Summit 2013 Buiban, South Afiica
Ct, B#I.S Summit 201A Foitaleza, Biazil
Dt, B#I.S Summit 201I 0fa Rissia
+:E !nnual Summits
+rou/ o$ Eig,t &+E* .ountries - 8ran'e, /er)any, &taly, >apan, 9nited (indo), 9nited States o*
A)eri'a, 2anada, R$ssia.
3Dt, +E Meeting 2011 Beauville, Fiance
3Et, +E Meeting 2012 - Baviu camp, 0SA
3(t, +E Summit 2013 - County Feimanagh, 0K
A0t, +E Summit 201A - Russia
+:20 Summits
Dt, + 20 Meeting 2012 Los Cabos, Nexico
Et, + 20 Meeting 2013 Saint Peteisbuig, Russia
(t, + 20 Meeting 201A Biisbane, Austialia
1ut, + 20 Meeting 201I Tuikey
S!!#. Summits
SAARC - South Asian Association foi Regional Coopeiation
1Dt, S!!#. Summit 2011 Auuu, Naluives
1Et, S!!#. Summit 2013 - Kathmanuu,Nepal
!SE!8 Summits
!SE!8 - Asso'iation o* So$th 3ast Asian Nation
1(t, !SE!8 Summit 2011 &8o%ember* Bali, Inuonesia
20t, !SE!8 Summit 2012 &!/ril* Phnom penh, Cambouia
21t, !SE!8 Summit 2012 &8o%ember* Phnom penh, Cambouia
22nd !SE!8 Summit 2013 &!/ril* Banuai Seii Begawan, Biunei
!SE!8:India Summit
(t, !SE!8:India Summit 2011 - Bali, Inuonesia
10t, !SE!8:India Summit 2012 Phnom penh, Cambouia Visit Banking Awareness for daily updates, study materials on Bank exams.
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East !sia Summit &E!S*
3AS )eetins are held a*ter ann$al AS3AN leaders? )eetins.
Ct, East !sia Summit 2011 - Bali, Inuonesia
Dt, East !sia Summit 2012 - Phnom penh, Cambouia
IBS! Summits
IBS! 4ialogue Forum - &ndia, 4ra"il, So$th A*ri'a.
It, IBS! Summit 2011 Pietoiia, South Afiica
Ct, IBS! Summit 2013 Inuia
!PE. Summits
APEC - Asia Pacific Economic Coopeiation
23rd !PE. summit 2011 Bonolulu, 0SA
2At, !PE. Summit 2012 - vlauivostok,Russia
2It, !PE. Summit 2013 - Neuan}akaita, Inuonesia
2Ct, !PE. Summit 201A - China
2Dt, !PE. Summit 201I - Philippines
2Et, !PE. Summit 201C - Lima, Peiu
'PE. Seminars
'PE. - ;rani"ation o* Petrole$) 3@portin 2o$ntries
At, 'PE. International Seminar 200( - vienna, Austiia
It, 'PE. International Seminar 2012 - vienna, Austiia
8!M Summits
NAN - Non-aligneu Novement
1Ct, 8!M Summit 2012 Tehian, Iian
1Dt, 8!M Summit 201I Caiacas,venezuela
8ulear Seurity Summit
2nu Summit 2u12 Seoul (South Koiea)
Siu Summit 2u14(Next) : Netheilanus
S.' Meetings
S.' - Shanhai 2ooperation ;rani"ation
S.' Meeting 2011 Astana, Kazakhstan
S.' Meeting 2012 Beijing, China
S.' Meeting 2013 - Kyigyzstan
8!2' (Noith Atlantic tieaty oiganization) inteinational confeience on Afghanistan will be helu in Visit Banking Awareness for daily updates, study materials on Bank exams.
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.,iago (0SA)
!sian 4e%elo/ment Bank &!4B* !nnual Meetings
Annual meeting of the boaiu of goveinois of the Asian Bevelopment Bank (ABB) helu eveiy yeai.
!4B !nnual Meeting 2012 - Nanila, Philippines
!4B !nnual Meeting 2013 - New Belhi, Inuia
12' Ministerial .on$erenes
WT0 - Woilu Tiaue 0iganization
Et, 12' Ministerial .on$erenes 2011 - ueneva, Switzeilanu
(t, 12' Ministerial .on$erenes 2013 &Ex/eted* -Bali, Inuonesia
't,er Im/ortant Summits6 Meetings
Lonuon to host 9th Islamic economic foium - The ninth euition will be helu at Lonuon's Excel
Centie between 29th anu S1st 0ctobei, fiist time that the event will be helu outsiue of a Nuslim
7th Regional Piavasi Bhaitiya Bivas to be helu in Syuney
Sth Tokyo Inteinational Confeience on Afiican Bevelopmentl - Yokohama (}apan)
8th Session of the Inuia-Yemen }oint Committee foi Economic, Scientific anu Technical
Coopeiation (}CN) took place in New Belhi
WEF Inuia chaptei meet: Kochi will host the 29th annual meeting of the Woilu Economic Foium
(Inuia chaptei) on Novembei 8 anu 9. This is the fiist time that Woilu Economic Foium (Inuia
chaptei) event was being planneu foi South Inuia. Eailiei, 27 Neetings of Woilu Economic
Foium weie helu in New Belhi anu once in Numbai, Nahaiashtia.
4th Inuia-0S Stiategic Bialogue - New Belhi
Siu SAARC Ninisteiial Level Neet on Poveity Nepal
SAARC liteiatuie festival 2u1S - Agia
19. SAARC summit 2u12 - Inuoie.
2u. SAARC jouinalists' summit helu in Inuoie.
Aiab Summit 2u12 - Baghuau (Iiaq)
Aiab league Summit - Boha.
Woilu Economic Foium Summit 2u12 Nov-uuigaon(Baiyana) 24. 1uth BASIC Summit - New
Eaith Summit : -Rio ue }aneiio
0niteu Nation confeience on Sustanable Bevlopment- Rio ue }aneiio
Woilu Economic Foium Bavos (Switzeilanu)
11th Eneigy Efficiency Summit oiganizeu by (CII Confeueiation of Inuian Inuustiies)
Woilu Confeience on Inteinational Telecommunications (WCIT) helu in Bubai. Su. The
inteinational biouiveisity meet Byueiabau
6th IBSA ( Inuia, Biazil, South Afiica) Summit New Belhi, Inuia Visit Banking Awareness for daily updates, study materials on Bank exams.
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46th annual geneial meeting of the Nanila-baseu multilateial lenuing agency helu at uieatei
0niteu Nations fiamewoik convention on Climate, 2u11 - Buiban, South Afiica
1uth BASIC Ninisteiial Neeting on Climate Change - New Belhi, Inuia
12th Annual summit of Euiopean 0nion anu Inuia - New Belhi, Inuia
u-2u Finance Ninisteis anu Cential Bank uoveinois meeting - Nexico City, Nexico
Fiienus of Syiia Neeting Istanbul,Tuikey
Sth Ninisteiial level Inuia-0K Economic Financial Bialogue New Belhi
0niteu Nation Confeience on Sustainable Bevelopment 2u12 Rio ue janeiio,Biazil
17th National youth Festival Nangaloie, Kainataka
Woilu Economic Foium Bavos, Switzeilanu
Woilu Polio Summit 2u12 - New Belhi, Inuia
Inuia, Russia Intei-uoveinmental Commission meet 2u12 - New Belhi, Inuia
8ew Member o$ Im/ortant 'rgani7ations
9nited 8ation Total Nembei 19S (Last membei South Suuan)
12' Total Nembei 1S9 (Last membei - Tajikistan, Laos, Russia)
1orld bank and International Monetary Fund Total Nembei 188 (Last membei South
Euro/ean 9nion Total membei 28 (Last Nembei - Cioatia) Visit Banking Awareness for daily updates, study materials on Bank exams.
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!wards6 #eognitions
Bhaiat Ratna Awaiu: Sachin Tenuulkai & eminent scientist Piof CN Rao to be honouieu with
Bhaiat Ratna Awaiu. Note: i. Sachin fiist spoitspeison to win countiy's highest civilian honoui
with Bhaiat Ratna
Sachin Tenuulkai ueclaieu Time magazine's 'Peison of the Noment' by Times magazine.
Sachin enus Test caieei in 18th position in ICC iankings.
Loiu Swiaj Paul, a leauing NRI inuustiialist anu euucationist was piesenteu with the
Inteinational Inuian of the Becaue awaiu
Waheeua Rehman, the veteian actiess of Bollywoou will be confeiieu with the inauguial
Centenaiy Awaiu foi the Inuian Film Peisonality of the Yeai 2u1S at the 44th Inteinational Film
Festival of Inuia (IFFI) in uoa on 2u Novembei 2u1S.
0sain Bolt anu Shelly-Ann Fiasei-Piyce weie ciowneu the male anu female Woilu Athletes of
the Yeai, 2u1S on 16. They weie selecteu as the woilu athletes of the yeai by the spoit's
goveining IAAF at a ceiemony in Nonaco.
0N Founuation awaiu: Naitha Bouiay, A polio woikei fiom Bihai has been honouieu with a
piestigious 0N Founuation awaiu foi hei woik in piotecting chiluien fiom the uisease.
Shiiaz Naval Ninwalla, Piofessoi of Physics in TIFR, Numbai selecteu foi the 2u14 New
Boiizons in Physics Piize .
NS Swaminathan fathei of gieen ievolution gets Inuiia uanuhi National Integiation Awaiu foi
the Yeai 2u12.
uabiiela Islei of venezuela won Niss 0niveise 2u1S function helu at Ciocus City Ball in
Noscow, Russia. Patiicia Yuiena Rouiiguez fiom Spain finisheu as the fiist iunnei-up, wheieas
Constanza Baez fiom Ecuauoi was the seconu iunnei up.
Siishti Rana of Inuia Was Ciowneu Niss Asia Pacific Woilu 2u1S.
Lata Nangeshkai gets Yash Chopia memoiial awaiu.
New Aealand-s 3leanor 2atton wins 1an 4oo,er Pri"e 567=.
Var$n Arora won 9N Award *or -;pen 2$rri'$l$)- We! Plat*or)
1S Swa)inathan Sele'ted *or &ndira /andhi Award *or National &nteration *or the Year 5675
1alala Yo$sa*"ai Won 3$ropean 9nion-s Sa,harov H$)an Rihts Pri"e 567=
Prana! 1$,herjee 2on*erred the Presidential Awards *or 2lassi'al +a)il
(aran +hapar 2hosen *or &P&#&ndia Award *or 3@'ellen'e in >o$rnalis) 567=
Prana! 1$,herjee presented the 8irst National Award 8or Senior 2iti"ens # Vayoshreshtha
Sa))an, 567= on 7 ;'to!er 567=.
Ravi Shan,ar Narsi)han was presented with 8riendship Award.
Malala Yo$sa*"ai and Harry Belafonte (A)eri'an siner, h$)an rihts and so'ial j$sti'e
A)nesty award 567=0 1alala Yo$sa*"ai and Harry 4ela*onte CA)eri'an siner, h$)an rihts and
so'ial j$sti'e a'tivistB.
Clinton ulobal Citizens Awaius: Bunkei Roy(Inuian enviionmentalist) anu Nalala Yousafzai
Miss P,ili//ines Megan <oung rowned Miss 1orld 2013. Visit Banking Awareness for daily updates, study materials on Bank exams.
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The foimei South Afiican Piesiuent Nelson Nanuela on 27 August 2u1S won the inauguial
Nahathii Awaiu foi ulobal Peace.
Tata Steel was aujuugeu the Best Peifoiming Integiateu Steel Plant in Inuia foi the yeai 2u11-
Baishwanti Bisht selecteu foi Sii Eumunu Billaiy Nountain Legacy Neual 2u1S.
vijay Singh was Nameu a Recipient of the 2u1S Lifetime Achievement Awaiu.
Piasau Babu, AP Cop Selecteu Foi Ashok Chakia Posthumously.
The Piem Bhatia Nemoiial awaiu piesenteu to Shalini Singh of the Binuu.
Belhi confeiieu Lifetime Achievement Awaiu 2u1S on Abuul Rashiu Khan anu Anjolie Ela
vP Shaima won the uujai Nal Noui Awaiu foi Science anu Technology 2u1S.
Sii Lankan Piesiuent felicitateu tiibal community, the veuuas on Woilu Inuigenous Peoples Bay.
0S Piesiuential Neual of Fieeuom to be confeiieu on Bill Clinton & 0piah Winfiey.
Sugathakumaii was confeiieu with Saiaswati Samman 2u12.
Zubin Nehta nameu foi Tagoie Awaiu foi Cultuial Baimony 2u1S.
Shanti Swaiup Bhatnagai Awaius foi Science & Technology 2u1S iecipients:
1. Bi Yamuna Kiishnan Chemical (fielu)
2. Bi S C Raghvan Biological
S. Bi. Ekanth Piabhakai uhate Nathematical
4. Bi. Pyshkai Shaima - Neuical
Biitain honouieu Kiishna Nenon by placing Blue plaque on his Fiist Bome in Lonuon.
Bono the fiontman of iock banu 02 was awaiueu with the Commanuei of the 0iuei of Aits anu
Letteis on 17 }uly 2u1S foi the contiibution to music.
Biitish Fiim calleu Real vNC was piesenteu the NacRobeit Awaiu.
Paiauip Poit Confeiieu With the Najoi Poit of the Yeai Awaiu.
Amjau Ali Khan to get 21st Rajiv uanuhi National Sauhbhavna Awaiu .
"Emiiates Woman Awaiu" - vanuana uanuhi foi excelling anu pioviuing innovation in pieschool
euucation anu leaueiship, stiategy, community seivice.
21st Centuiy Achievement Awaiu 2u1S 0IBAI :The Inteinational Bata uioup (IBu)
Computeiwoilu Bonouis Piogiam, Computeiwoilu Bonois Lauieate has honoieu uoveinment
of Inuia initiative 0IBAI with 21st Centuiy Achievement Awaiu 2u1S unuei the categoiy
'Economic Bevelopment'.
2u1S Inuian Business Leauei of the Yeai" awaiu: Sanjeev uoenka
Yellow 0scai' awaiu - Inuian shoit film 'Bigh Powei'. This film (maue in 2u12) is baseu on the
pioject- affecteu people of Taiapui Atomic Powei Station. Piaueep Inuulkai is the piouucei-
uiiectoi of this film accepteu the awaiu
Weinhei von Biaun Nemoiial Awaiu: AP} Abuul Kalam: The honoui is given to iecognise
excellence in management anu leaueiship in a space-ielateu pioject.
Inuian-Ameiican Sathwik Kainik Wins National ueogiaphic Bee Contest
Inuian-Ameiican Aivinu Nahankali wins Spelling Bee foi sixth stiaight yeai
Nasscom awaiu - Sentinel, uevelopeu by NinuBelix Technosol Pvt. Ltu., anu iFollow, fiom Visit Banking Awareness for daily updates, study materials on Bank exams.
Study Material
For IBPS Exam 2013
Aucupa Innovative Solutions, weie among the winneis of Nasscom's fiist all-Inuia App Fame
Contest to seaich foi mobile tools to aiu peisonal safety of women anu to help ueal with
'Inuian Bealthcaie visionaiy of the Becaue' awaiu - Bi Nukesh Baiiawala (Bealthcaie
Economist) foi unveiling a unique anu novel customizeu univeisal health insuiance mouel
'Womb to Tomb', concept.
INPAC Bublin Liteiaiy Awaiu - Kevin Baiiy, foi his uebut novel, City of Bohane
venezuela jouinalism piize - Buga Chavez (posthumously)
Waltei Scott Piize 2u1S: Tan Twan Eng (Nalaysian authoi) foi his Novel 'The uaiuen of Evening
Nanappuiam awaiu - vinou Rai (Foimei CAu), unuei the categoiy of civil seivant achieving
excellence in public auministiation. Awaiu was given by Nanappuiam Finance Limiteu (NFL).
NTR National Liteiaiy Awaiu (2u1S) - Nanoj Bas (0iiya wiitei)
Nan Bookei Inteinational Piize(2u1S) - Lyuia Bavis
0niteu Nation's Public Seivice Awaiu (2u1S) : 0ommen Chanuy (Chief Ninistei of Keiala) foi
his Nass Contact Piogiamme
Asian Awaiu: Anupam Khei, foi his peifoimances in movies like "Silvei Linings Playbook",
"Biiue & Piejuuice", anu "Benu it Like Beckham".
2u1S Pulitzei Piize - Auam }ohnson foi fiction foi his novel "The 0iphan Nastei's Son
vyas Samman (2u11) - Piofessoi Ramuaiash Nishia vyas Samman (2u12) - Bi Naienuia
Kohli "Na bhooto na bhavishyati"
Bihaii Puiaskai (2u12) Baiiiam Neena foi his hinui novel Bhooni Tape Teei
ueishwin Piize foi Populai Song. Caiole King (0S singei-songwiitei)
}nanpith Awaiu - 2u11 - Piatibha Ray
}nanpith Awaiu 2u12 - Ravuii Bhaiauwaja
Bauasaheb Phalke Awaiu 2u12 Pian Kiishan Sikanu
Bauasaheb Phalke Awaiu 2u11 Saumitia Chatteijee.
Bauasaheb Phalke Acauemy Awaius 2u1S - Yash Chopia anu Rajesh Khanna
Phalke Ratna Awaiu - Asha Bhosle
Abel Piize 2u1S- Pieiie Beligne (Belgian Nathematician)
Pulitzei Piize 2u1S - The New Yoik Times won foui Pulitzei Piizes
Saiaswati Samman (2u1S) Sugathakumaii, ( the Nalayalam poetess foi the poetiy collection
'Nanalezhuthu', which means The Wiiting on the Sanu in English S1. Saiaswati Samman (2u12,)
Rohit uautam foi Bang Bhoomi (confeiieu by K. K. Biila Founuation)
Nooiti Bevi Awaiu (2u12) uopichanu Naiang
0NA-0SA's ulobal Leaueiship Awaiu calleu (Champion foi ulobal Change Awaiu) - Pakistani
activist, Nalala Yousafzai
Lata Nangeshkai Samman (2u1S): Singei Baiihaian
Asom Ratna Awaiu foi the yeai (2u12): Inuiia uoswami (posthumously)
Siimanta Shankaiueva Awaiu (2uu8): Shaimila Tagoie
ISR0 Young Scientist Awaiu (2u1S): }enita Naiy Nongkyniih foi hei uiban infoimation system Visit Banking Awareness for daily updates, study materials on Bank exams.
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pioject in the Noith East.
ReuInk Lifetime Achievement Awaiu (2u1S) - N. Ram(Foimei Euitoi-in-Chief of The Binuu) anu
Kuluip Nayai (veteian authoi-jouinalist-activist)
Inuiia uanuhi Piize foi Peace, Bisaimament anu Bevelopment 2u11- Ella Bhatt (Founuei of
Inuiia uanuhi Piize foi Peace, Bisaimament anu Bevelopment 2u12- Ellen }ohnson Siileaf
(piesiuent of Libeiia)
National e-uoveinance awaiu - Nauhya Piauesh foi 2u12-1S, foi its 'Spaish Abhiyan' aimeu
towaius the uisableu anu the ageu.
Boctoiate of Civil Law Piesiuent Pianab Nukheijee was confeiieu an honaiy uegiee of
Boctoiate of Civil Law by the 0niveisity of Nauiitius
}ammu anu Kashmii won FE Inuia's Best Bank Awaiu 2u12-1S.
Satellite Ball of Fame - 0. R. Rao: Top Inuian space scientist has been inuucteu into the Satellite
Ball of Fame t in Washington BC by the Society of Satellite Piofessionals Inteinational, in the 0S.
'Inteinational Refinei of the Yeai' 2u1S - Reliance Inuustiies Visit Banking Awareness for daily updates, study materials on Bank exams.
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8obel Pri7e 2013 1inners
Nobel Piize in Physics 2u1S - The 2u1S Nobel Piize in Physics has been awaiueu to Peter
>iggs) Franois Englert foi the uiscoveiy of the J+od /artileJ) t,e >iggs Boson that explains
why mass exists.
Nobel Peace Piize foi 2u1S - 0iganization foi the Piohibition of Chemical Weapons (0PCW)
"foi its extensive effoits to eliminate chemical weapons"
Nobel Piize in Chemistiy 2u1S: The 2u1S Nobel Piize in Chemistiy has awaiueu to Naitin
Kaiplus, Nichael Levitt, Aiieh Waishel.
Nobel Piize in Liteiatuie 2u1S - Canauian authoi Alice Nunio
Nobel Piize in Economy 2u1S - Eugene F Fama, Lais Petei Bansen, Robeit } Shillei
Nobel Piize in Neuicine 2u1S: Ameiicans =ames #ot,man (Yale), anu #andy S,ekman
( 0niveisity of Califoinia) anu ueiman-boin 2,omas Sud,o$ ( Stanfoiu 0niveisity) have been
awaiueu the woilu's top meuicine piize foi "theii uiscoveiies of machineiy iegulating vesicle
tiaffic, a majoi tianspoit system in oui cells".
'sars 2013
Best Pictuie- J!rgoJ
Best Biiectoi: !ng "ee) J"i$e o$ PiJ
Best Actoi: 4aniel 4ay:"ewis) J"inolnJ
Best Actiess: =enni$er "awrene) JSil%er "inings PlaybookJ
Best Suppoiting Actoi: .,risto/, 1alt7) J4?ango 9n,ainedJ
Best Suppoiting Actiess: !nne >at,away) J"es MisKrablesJ
Best Wiiting 0iiginal Scieenplay: Bjango 0nchaineu Quentin Taiantino
Best Wiiting Auapteu Scieenplay: Aigo Chiis Teiiio fiom The Nastei of Bisguise by Antonio
}. Nenuez & The uieat Escape by }oshuah Beaiman
Best Animateu Featuie: JBra%eJ
Best Foieign Language Film: J!mour)J !ustria :
Best Bocumentaiy Featuie: Seaiching foi Sugai Nan Nalik Benujelloul anu Simon Chinn
Best Bocumentaiy Shoit Subject: Inocente Sean Fine anu Anuiea Nix Fine
Best Live Action Shoit Film: Cuifew Shawn Chiistensen
Best Animateu Shoit Film: Papeiman }ohn Kahis
Best 0iiginal Scoie: Life of Pi Nychael Banna
Best 0iiginal Song: "Skyfall" fiom Skyfall Auele Aukins anu Paul Epwoith
Best Sounu Euiting: Skyfall Pei Ballbeig anu Kaien Bakei Lanueis
Best Sounu Nixing: Les Nisiables Anuy Nelson, Naik Pateison, anu Simon Bayes
Best Piouuction Besign: Lincoln Rick Caitei anu }im Eiickson
Best Cinematogiaphy: Life of Pi Clauuio Niianua
Best Nakeup: Les Nisiables Lisa Westcott anu }ulie Baitnell
Best Costume Besign: Anna Kaienina }acqueline Buiian Visit Banking Awareness for daily updates, study materials on Bank exams.
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Best Film Euiting: Aigo William uoluenbeig
Best visual Effects: Life of Pi Bill Westenhofei, uuillaume Rocheion, Eiik-}an ue Boei, anu
Bonalu R. Elliott
8ational S/orts !ward 2013
!. #a?i% +and,i ;,el #atna !ward-
Sl. 8o. 8ame 4isi/line
1. Ni. Ronjon Souhi Shooting
B. !r?una !wards:
Sl. 8o. 8ame 4isi/line
1. Ns. Chekiovolu Swuio Aicheiy
2. Ns. Kavita Chahal Boxing
S. Ni. Rupesh Shah Billiaius & Snookei
4. Ni. viiat Kohli Ciicket
S. Ni. Abhijeet uupta Chess
6. Ni. uagan }eet Bhullai uolf
7. Ns. Saba Anjum Bockey
8. Ns. Rajkumaii Rathoie Shooting
9. Ns. }oshna Chinnappa Squash
1u. Ns. Nouma Bas Table Tennis
11. Ns. Neha Rathi Wiestling
12. Ni. Bhaimenuei Balal Wiestling
1S. Ni. Amit Kumai Saioha Athletics (Paia)
.. 4rona,arya !wards $or 2013-
Sl.8o. 8ame 4isi/line
1. Ns. Pooinima Nahato Aicheiy
2. Ni. Nahavii Singh Boxing
S. Ni. Naiinuei Singh Saini Bockey
4. Ni. K.P. Thomas Athletics*
S. Ni. Raj Singh Wiestling*
* Lifetime contiibution in coaching
4. 4,yan .,and !wards-
Sl.8o. 8ame 4isi/line
1. Ns. Naiy B'souza Sequeiia Athletics Visit Banking Awareness for daily updates, study materials on Bank exams.
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2. Ni. Syeu Ali Bockey
S. Ni. Anil Nann Wiestling
4. Ni. uiiiaj Singh Paia Spoits (Athletics)
E. 2en7ing 8orgay 8ational !d%enture !wards:2012-
S. 8o. 8ame 4isi/line
1. Basant Singh Roy Nountaineeiing
2. Najoi Ranveei Singh }amwal Nountaineeiing
S. Lt. Cui. Abhilash Tomy Sailing
4. Naib Subeuai Paiamjeet Singh Siuuhu Bang uliuing
S. Piem Singh Nountaineeiing
6. Baii Ram Nountaineeiing
F. #as,triya ;,el Protsa,an Puruskar
Sl. 8o. .ategory #as,triya ;,el Protsa,an
Puruskar) 2013
1. Community Spoits Iuentification anu
Nuituiing of Buuuing Young Talent
Bi. 0.K. Nishia, Founuei anu
Piesiuent, National Spoits Acauemy,
2. Financial Suppoit foi Spoits Excellence Seivices Spoits Contiol Boaiu
S. Establishment anu Nanagement of
Spoits Acauemies of Excellence
Pullela uopichanu Acauemy of
Bauminton, Byueiabau
4. Employment of Spoitspeisons anu
spoits welfaie measuies.
Petioleum Spoits Piomotion Boaiu
+. Maulana !bul ;alam !7ad 2ro/,y-
Sl. 8o. <ear
1. uuiu Nanak Bev vishwaviuyalay,
2. Punjabi vishwaviuyalay, Patiala 2u11-12
S. Punjabi vishwaviuyalay, Patiala 2u12-1S Visit Banking Awareness for daily updates, study materials on Bank exams.
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#amon Magsaysay !ward 2013
!warded 9nategori7ed-
>abiba Sarobi ageu SS,Fiist Female goveinoi of Afgan Piovince of Bamyan,ieceiveu the
piestigious Ramon Nagsaysay awaiu foi the yeai 2u1S.She was iecognizeu foi piomoting
euucation anu woman's iight.
"a,/ai Seng #aw,Founuei of Nyanmai's laigest civil society gioup,has also been honoieu with
the awaiu foi helping people acioss ethnic gioups unuei conuitions of aimeu conflict.
The Nepalese gioup S,akti Samu,a &Power +rou/*, foimeu by suivivois of human tiafficking,
has iecogniseu foi helping fellow victims by setting up halfway homes anu emeigency shelteis.
!warded under Emergent "eaders,i/ ategory-
Ernesto 4omingo, a 76-yeai-olu Physician honoieu foi ueuicating his caieei to pushing foi the
pooi's access to Bealth seivices anu foi giounubieaking anu successful auvocacy of neonatal
Bepatitis vaccination that has saveu millions of lives in the Philippines.
The ;omisi Pemberantasan ;oru/si &.orru/tion Eradiation .ommission*, Inuonesia's
inuepenuent anti-coiiuption uoveinment bouy, was honoieu foi a 1uu-peicent conviction iate
in the 169 cases it fought between 2uu4 anu 2u1u, uuiing which it iecoveieu moie than 0S 8u
million uollais in stolen assets.
C0t, 8ational Film !ward
8ame '$ !ward 8ame o$ Film !wardee
Best Featuie Film Paan Singh Tomai (Binui) Piouucei: 0Tv Softwaie
Communications Ltu., Biiectoi:
Tigmanshu Bhulia
Inuiia uanuhi Awaiu Foi Best
Bebut Film 0f A Biiectoi
Chittagong (Binui) Piouucei: Beuabiata Pain, Biiectoi:
Beuabiata Pain
1u1 Chouiyangal
Piouucei: Thomas Kottackkakom,
Biiectoi: Siuuhaitha Siva
Best Populai Film Pioviuing
Wholesome Enteitainment
vicky Bonoi (Binui) Piouucei: Sunil Lulla, }ohn Abiaham,
Ronnie Lahiii anu Ram Niichanuani;
Biiectoi: ShoojitSiicai
0stau Botel (Nalayalam) Piouucei: Listin Stephen, Biiectoi:
Anwai Rasheeu
Naigis Butt Awaiu Foi Best
Featuie Film 0n National
Piouucei: Cheiian Philippose, Biiectoi:
Babu Thiiuvalla Visit Banking Awareness for daily updates, study materials on Bank exams.
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Best Film 0n Social Issues Spiiit (Nalayalam) Piouucei: N} Antony, Biiectoi: Renjith
Best Film 0n Enviionment
Black Foiest (Nalayalam) Piouucei: Baby Nathew Somatheeiam,
Biiectoi: }oshy Nathew
Best Chiluien's Film Bekh Inuian Ciicus (Binui) Piouucei: Nahaveei }ain, Biiectoi:
Nangesh Bauawale
Best Animation Film Belhi Safaii (Binui) Piouucei: Anupama Patil anu Kishoi
Patil; Biiectoi: Nikhil Auvani
Best Biiection Bhag (Naiathi) Animatoi: Rafique Shaikh; Shivaji Lotan
Best Actoi Paan Singh Tomai (Binui) Iiifaan
Anumati (Naiathi) vikiam uokhale
Best Actiess Bhag (Naiathi) 0sha }auhav
Best Suppoiting Actoi vicky Bonoi (Binui) Annu Kapooi
Best Suppoiting Actiess vicky Bonoi (Binui) Bolly Ahluwalia
Thanichalla Njan
Best Chilu Aitist Bekh Inuian Ciicus (Binui) viienuia Piatap
1u1 Chouiyangal
Best Nale Playback Singei Chittagong (Binui) Shankai Nahauevan foi the song Bolo Na
Best Female Playback Singei Samhita (Naiathi) Aaiti Anklekai Tikekai foi the song
Palakein Naa Noonuon
Best Cinematogiaphy K0: YAB (Nising) Cameiaman: Suuheei Palsane;
Laboiatoiy: Piasau Film Laboiatoiy,
Best Scieenplay
Scieenplay Wiitei (0iiginal): Kahani(Binui) Sujoy uhosh
Scieenplay Wiitei (Auapteu): 0Nu 0h Ny uou (Binui) Bhavesh Nanualia anu 0mesh Shukla
Bialogues: 0staau Botel (Nalayalam) Anjali Nenon
Best Auuiogiaphy
Location Sounu Recoiuist Annayum Rasoolum
Rauhakiishnan S
Sounu Besignei Shabuo (Bengali) Aniiban Sengupta anu Bipankai Chaki
Re-Recoiuist 0f The Final
Nixeu Tiack
uangs of Wasseypui
Alok Be, Sinoy }oseph anu Shieejesh Naii
Best Euiting Kahaani (Binui) Namiata Rao
Best Piouuction Besign vishwaioopam (Tamil) Boontawee 'Thoi' Taweepasas anu
Lalguui N Ilayaiaja Visit Banking Awareness for daily updates, study materials on Bank exams.
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Best Costume Besignei Paiauesi (Tamil) Pooinima Ramaswamy
Best Nake-0p Aitist vazakkuenn 189 (Tamil) Raja
Best Nusic Biiection
Songs Samhita (Naiathi) Shailenuei Baive
Backgiounu Scoie Kaliyachan (Nalayalam) Biji Bal
Best Lyiics Chittagong (Binui) Piasoon }oshi foi song Bolo Na
S/eial =ury !ward
Chitiangaua (Bengali) Ritupaino uhosh
Kahaani(Binui) Nawazuuuin Siuuiqui
uangs of Wasseypui
Nawazuuuin Siuuiqui
Bekh Inuian Ciicus (Binui) Nawazuuuin Siuuiqui
Talaash (Binui) Nawazuuuin Siuuiqui
Best Special Effects Eega (Telugu) Nakuta vFX
Best Choieogiaphy vishwaioopam (Tamil) Panuit Biiju Nahaiaj
Best Feature Film
Best Assamese Film Baanuhon Piouucei: Assam State Film (Finance anu
Bevelopment) Coipoiation Ltu.; Biiectoi:
}ahnu Baiuah
Best Bengali Film Shabuo Piouucei: Bianu value Communications
Ltu.; Biiectoi: Kaushik uanguly
Best uujaiati Film The uoou Roau Piouucei: National Film Bevelopment
Coipoiation Ltu.; Biiectoi: uyanAioia
Best Binui Film Filmistan Piouucei: Satellite Pictuie Pvt. Ltu.;
Biiectoi: NitinKakkai
Best Kannaua Film Bhaiath Stoies Piouucei: Basant Piouuctions; Biiectoi:
P. Sheshauii
Best Nalayalam Film Celluloiu Piouucei: Kamal anu 0baiu; Biiectoi:
Best Nanipuii Film Leipaklei Piouucei: Aiibam Syam Shaima;
Biiectoi: AiibamSyam Shaima
Best Naiathi Film Investment Piouucei: Piatibha Natkaii; Biiectoi:
Best Punjabi Film Nabai Piouucei: }asbii Singh anu Sonu Kaui;
Biiectoi: Rajeev Shaima
Best Tamil Film vazakkuenn 189 Piouucei: N. Subhash Chanuia Bose;
Best Telugu Film Eega Piouucei: K. Ranganatha Sai; Biiectoi: Visit Banking Awareness for daily updates, study materials on Bank exams.
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S.S. Rajamouli
Best 0iuu Film Baiuu Piouucei: Aamii Bashii anu Shankai
Raman; Biiectoi: Aamii Bashii
Best English Film Lessons in Foigetting Piouucei: Piince Thampi; Biiectoi: 0nni
Best Nising Film K0: YAB Piouucei: Nanju Boiah; Biiectoi: Nanju
S/eial Mention
0zhimuii (Nalayalam) Lal
Bhaiat Stoies (Kannaua) Bu Battatieya
Baanuhon (Assamese) Bishnu Khaighoiia
Ishaqzaue (Binui) Paiineeti Chopia
Bekh Inuian Ciicus (Binui) Tannishtha Chatteijee
Bhag (Naiathi) Bansiaj }agtap
0stau Botel (Nalayalam) Thilakan
8on:Feature Films
Best Non Featuie Film Shepheius of Paiauise
(uojii anu 0iuu)
Piouucei: Raja Shabii Khan; Biiectoi:
Raja Shabii Khan
Best Bebut Film 0f A Biiectoi Eka uachha Eka Nanisa
Eka Samuuia (0uia)
Piouucei: veenu Bhushan vaiu; Biiectoi:
Lipika Singh Baiai
Best Anthiopological
Ethnogiaphic Film
Chai... The No-Nan's Islanu
Piouucei: Souiav Saiangi; Biiectoi:
Souiav Saiangi
Best Biogiaphical Bistoiical
Celluloiu Nan (English,
Binui, Kannaua anu
Piouucei: Shivenuia Singh Bungaipui;
Biiectoi: Shivenuia Singh Bungaipui
Best Aits Cultuial Film Nouikhanyachya Bon
uoshti (Naiathi)
Piouucei: uouii Patwaiuhan; Biiectoi:
uouii Patwaiuhan
Best Piomotional Film Bieaming TajNahal (Binui
anu 0iuu)
Piouucei: Niimal Chanuei; Biiectoi:
Niimal Chanuei
Best Enviionment Film
Incluuing Agiicultuie
Timbaktu (English) Piouucei: Public Seivice Bioaucasting
Tiust; Biiectoi: Rintu Thomas &
Best Film 0n Social Issues Behinu The Nist
Piouucei: Babu Kambiath; Biiectoi:
Babu Kambiath
Best Exploiation Auventuie
Film (Incluuing Spoits)
Nanipuii Pony (English
anu Nanipuii)
Piouucei: Films Bivision; Biiectoi:
Aiibam Syam Shaima
Best Investigative Film Inshallah Kashmii
Piouucei: Ashvin Kumai; Biiectoi:
Ashvin Kumai Visit Banking Awareness for daily updates, study materials on Bank exams.
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Special }uiy Awaiu I Am Nicio (English) Biiectoi: Shumona uoel & Shai Beieuia
Cancei Katha (English) Biiectoi: vasuuha }oshi
Best Shoit Fiction Kaatal (Naiathi) Piouucei: Film & Television Institute of
Inuia; Biiectoi: vikiant Pawai
Best Film 0n Family values Aftei ulow (English anu
Piouucei: Film & Television Institute of
Inuia; Biiectoi: Kaushal 0za
Best Biiection Kaatal (Naiathi) vikiant Pawai
Best Cinematogiaphy Kaatal (Naiathi) Cameiaman: Abhimanyu Bange; Lab:
Reliance Neuia Woiks
Shepheius of Paiauise
(uojii anu 0iuu)
Cameiaman: Raja Shabii Khan
Best Auuiogiaphy Bo Bin KaNela (Kutchi) Baiikumai N
Best Euiting Celluloiu Nan (English,
Binui, Kannaua anu
Iiene Bhai Nalik
Best Naiiation voice 0vei Suianjana Beepali
Noni Boiuoloi
Special Nention Pinch of Skin (English anu
Biiectoi: Piiyauoswami
Allah Is uieat (English,
Binui anu Banish)
Biiectoi: Anuiea Iannetta
Raah (Animation) Animatoi: Sanjay }angiu
Best 1riting on .inema
8ame o$ !ward 8ame o$ Book !wardee
Best Book on Cinema Silent Cinema in Inuia - A
Pictoiial }ouiney
Publishei: Baipei Collins Publisheis
Inuia; Authoi: BB uaiga
Best Film .riti P S Rauhakiishnan
IIF! !wards 2013
Best film: 'baifi!'
Best actoi: Rianbii Kapooi foi 'baifi!'
Best female actoi: viuya Balan foi 'kahaani'
best uiiectoi: Anuiag Basu foi 'baifi!'
Best stoiy: Tani anu Anuiag basu foi 'baifi!'
Best actoi in a suppoiting iole (male): Annu Kapooi foi 'vicky uonoi'
Best actoi in a suppoiting iole (female) - Anushka Shaima foi '}ab Tak Bai }aan'
Best uebut (female): Yami uautam foi 'vicky uonoi'
Best uebut (male): Ayushmaan Khuiana foi 'vicky uonoi'
Best actoi in a comic iole: Abhishek Bachchan foi 'bol bachchan' Visit Banking Awareness for daily updates, study materials on Bank exams.
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Best actoi in a negative iole: Rishi Kapooi fiom 'agneepath'
Best uebut uiiectoi: uauii Shinue foi 'English vinglish'
Best music uiiectoi: Piitam foi 'baifi!'
Best lyiics: Amitabh Bhattachaiya foi 'mujhme kahin' fiom 'agneepath'
Best singei male: Sonu Nigam foi 'agneepath'
Best singei female: Shieya uhoshal foi 'chikni chameli' fiom 'agneepath'
Best sounu uesign: Shajith Koyeii foi 'baifi!'
Best backgiounu scoie: Piitam foi 'baifi!'
Auuience choice best joui of the yeai: Beepika Pauukone - Ranbii Kapooi
Bigital Stai of the Yeai: Shah Rukh Khan
For more .urrent !$$airs %isit Visit Banking Awareness for daily updates, study materials on Bank exams.
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Im/ortant .urrent !$$airs 2013 : S/orts
.,ina '/en 2013-
Nen's Single: Novak Bjokovic beats Rafael Naual foi fouith China 0pen win
Women's Single: Seiena Williams beats }elena }ankovic
Women's uouble: Sania Niiza-Caia Black uefeateu veia Bushevina anu Aiantxa Paiia Santonja
=a/an '/en 2ennis .,am/ions,i/ 2013-
Nen's Single: }uan Naitin Bel Potio of Aigentine uefeateu thiiu seeueu Nilos Raonic of Canaua
Nen's uouble: Rohan Bopanna anu his Fiench paitnei Euouaiu Rogei-vasselin uefeateu }amie
Nuiiay anu }ohn Peeis.
9S '/en 2013
Nen's Single: Rafael Naual (Spain) uefeateu Novak Bjokovic (Seibia)
Women's Single: Seiena Williams (0SA) uefeateu victoiia Azaienka (Belaius)
Nen's Boubles: Leanuei Paes anu Rauek Stepanek uefeating Alexanuei Peya anu Biuno Soaies.
1imbledon 2013
Nen's Single: Anuy Nuiiay(Biitain) uefeateu Novak Bjokovic (Seibia)
Women's Single: Naiion Baitoli (Fiance) uefeateu Sabine Lisick (ueimany)
Nen's Boubles: Bob anu Nike Biyan uefeateu Bouig & N. Nelo
Fren, '/en 2013
Nen's Single: Rafael Naual Befeateu Baviu Feiiei
Women's Single: Seiena Willimas Befeateu Naiia Shaiapova
Nen's Boubles: Bob anu Nike Biyan Befeateu Nichael Llouia & Nicolas Nahut
Nixeu uoubles: Fiantisek Ceimak anu Lucie Biauecka uefeateu Baniel Nestoi anu Kiistina
Miami '/en 2013
Anuy Nuiiay beat Baviu Feiiei
Seiena Williams beat Naiia Shaiapova.
Italian '/en 2013
Rafael Naual beat Rogei Feueiai
Seiena Williams uefeateu victoiia Azaienka Visit Banking Awareness for daily updates, study materials on Bank exams.
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For IBPS Exam 2013
Madrid '/en 2013
Rafael Naual beat Stanislas Wawiinka
Seiena Williams beat Naiia Shaiapova.
!ustralian '/en 2013
Nen Single: Novak Bjokovic(Seibia) bt Anuy Nuiiay(Biitain).
Women Single-victoiia Azaienka bt Li Na( china)
Nen Bouble: Bob & Nike Byan bt Robin haase & Igoi Sijsling
Women Bouble: Saia Eiiani anu Robeita vinci(Italy) bt Ashlegh Baity anu Casey Bellaqua
Sachin Tenuulkai ueclaieu Time magazine's 'Peison of the Noment' by Times magazine.
Sachin enus Test caieei in 18th position in ICC iankings.
Ashwin becomes numbei-one iankeu Test all-iounuei in the Reliance ICC Playei Rankings foi
Test all-iounuei's.
Englanu has been selecteu as hosts of the 2u18 women's Woilu Cup.
Sachin Tenuulkai to Retiie aftei 2uuth Test.
Champions League T2u 2u1S : Numbai Inuians uefeateu Rajasthan Royals in final helu in New
Belhi. Baibhajan Singh: Nan of the match & Bwayne Smith was ueclaieu Nan of the Seiies.
Afghanistan Qualifieu foi ICC Ciicket Woilu Cup 2u1S aftei uefeating Kenya by seven wickets at
Woilu Ciicket League Championship in Shaijah. The woilu cup will be jointly hosteu by
Austialia anu New Zealanu in 2u1S.
Englanu won the 2u1S Ashes seiies Su; the seiies of Test ciicket matches contesteu between
Englanu anu Austialia foi The Ashes.
Inuia lifts Champions Tiophy 2u1S by uefeating Englanu in a iain-hit final in Biimingham.
Ravinuia }aueja ueclaieu man of the match anu Shikhai Bhawan ueclaieu man of the
Englanu to host Ciicket Woilu Test Champions in - 2u17, 0BI Woilu Cup in - 2u19
Austialia to host 2u19 Woilu Cup anu Woilu Twenty2u in 2u2u
Inuia will host the: Woilu T2u Cup -2u16, Woilu Test Championship 2u21, Woilu Cup foi the
fouith time in 2u2S
West Inuies to host Women's Woilu T2u in 2u18 anu 0nuei-19 Ciicket Woilu Cup in 2u22.
Afghanistan was gianteu the Associate membeiship of the ICC, making it the eighth Asian
nation anu the S8th oveiall to get the status.
Rajeev Shukla iesigneu as Chaiiman of IPL
Numbai Inuians won the sixth euition of Inuian Piemiei League (IPL 2u1S), uefeateu Chennai
Supei Kings in final.
Inuian pacei S. Sieesanth, Ajit Chanuila anu Ankeet Chavan weie caught by Belhi Police in spot-
fixing iacket in the ongoing Inuian Piemiei League matches
uuiunath Neiyappan, son-in-law of BCCI piesiuent N. Siinivasan anu CE0 of Chennai Supei Visit Banking Awareness for daily updates, study materials on Bank exams.
Study Material
For IBPS Exam 2013
King team was aiiesteu on chaiges of betting, conspiiacy anu cheating
Sachin Tenuulkai announceu his ietiiement fiom Inuian Piemiei League
Shikhai Bhawan fiist Inuian Ciicketei who scoieu a ton on Test uebut as an openei.
Chiis uayle (Royal Challengeis Bangaloie playei) has set a new iecoiu foi the fastest centuiy in
just Su balls IPL 2u1S (T2u) 6th euition against Pune Waiiiois.
Indian Badminton "eague
Inuian Bauminton League (IBL) is a fianchise league by Bauminton Association of Inuia (BAI).
The inauguial euition of the Inuian Bauminton League is helu in Inuia fiom August 14,2u1S to
August S1, 2u1S.
Theie weie 6 fianchises with each team having 12 playeis incluuing 4 foieign playeis.
Six fianchise of IBL - Byueiabau BotShots, Banga Beats, Awauhe Waiiiois, Numbai Nasteis,
Pune Pistons, Belhi Smasheis
Lee Chong Wei of Nalaysia is the highest paiu playei of Inuian Bauminton League with
$1SS,uuu in salaiy anu Saina Nehwal of Inuia is the seconu highest paiu anu the highest paiu
Inuian Playei with $12u,uuu in salaiy.
The league kickeu off at Belhi with a gala ceiemony on 14 August 2u1S.
The Finals weie playeu at Numbai on S1 August 2u1S.
Byueiabau Botshots won the inauguial IBL title at Numbai on S1 August 2u1S.
Formula 'ne season 2013
Sebastian vettel became a consecutive foui-times Woilu Champion with Reu Bull Racing.
Following aie the Winnei of Foimula one uianu Piix of 2u1S
Austialian uianu Piix - Kimi Rikkonen
Nalaysian uianu Piix - Sebastian vettel
Chinese uianu Piix - Feinanuo Alonso
Bahiain uianu Piix - Sebastian vettel
Spanish uianu Piix - Feinanuo Alonso
Nonaco uianu Piix - Nico Rosbeig
Canauian uianu Piix - Sebastian vettel
Biitish uianu Piix - Nico Rosbeig
ueiman uianu Piix - Sebastian vettel
Bungaiian uianu Piix - Lewis Bamilton
Belgian uianu Piix - Sebastian vettel
Italian uianu Piix - Sebastian vettel
Singapoie uianu Piix - Sebastian vettel
Koiean uianu Piix - Sebastian vettel
}apanese uianu Piix - Naik Webbei
Inuian uianu Piix - Sebastian vettel Visit Banking Awareness for daily updates, study materials on Bank exams.
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For IBPS Exam 2013
Abu Bhabi uianu Piix - Naik Webbei
0niteu States uianu Piix - Sebastian vettel
Biazilian uianu Piix - Sebastian vettel
't,er Im/ortant S/orts 9/date-
Tunisia has been suspenueu fiom next yeai's Bavis Cup 2u14 aftei it oiueieu one of its national
playeis to withuiaw fiom a touinament iathei than face an Isiaeli playei. Note: Tunisian playei
Nalek }aziii not to compete against Isiaeli playei Amii Weintiaub at the 2u1S Tashkent
Challengei in 0ctobei."
Inuia to host 2u18 Nen's Bockey Woilu Cup
West Bengal, the host of the 2Siu All Inuia u v Navalankai Shooting Championship toppeu the
meuals tally on 16 Novembei 2u1S. This is the fiist time that West Bengal toppeu the meual
table of national level of shooting championship.
Beena Siuhu wins pistol golu in Woilu Cup shooting at the ISSF Woilu Cup finals in Nunich,
Nohammeu Siuuikui of Banglauesh won the Suth euition of Inuian 0pen golf touinament on 1u
Novembei 2u1S at the Belhi uolf Club (BuC), New Belhi.
Rafael Naual ietuineu to the top of the ATP iankings foi the fiist time in moie than two yeais,
oveitaking Seibian Novak Bjokovic, who uioppeu to seconu.
Seiena Williams top in Women's ATP iankings.
Iian wins 17th Asia Senioi Nen's volleyball C'ship by uefeating South Koiea.
Pakistan won 0nuei-19 Asian Rugby Championship 2u1S by uefeating Inuia in Lahoie.
Kalpana Bevi won Bionze Neual at the }uuo Touinament in Tashkent
SSth National uames to be hosteu by Keiala in 2u14. uieat Boinbill which has been chiisteneu
as "Ammu" is the official mascot of the SSth National uames.
Stai, ESPN bag BCCI sponsoiship iights foi 2u1S-14 season.
Tigei Woous nameu 0.S. PuA Toui playei of the yeai.
Sania Niiza anu Caia Black of Zimbabwe win Pan Pacific 0pen tiophy uefeateu Liezel Bubei
anu Bao Ching Chan in Tokyo.
Beepika Kumaii: settles foi silvei in Aicheiy Woilu Cup in Paiis
NKP Salve Challengei Tiophy 2u1S-14 Won by Inuia Blue uefeateu Belhi in final.
WTA Pan Pacific 0pen: The Czech Republican tennis playei Petia Kvitova uefeateu ueimany's
Angelique Keibei in the final to win singles title at WTA Pan Pacific 0pen at Tokyo
Inuia Clinch (unuei 21) Siu Sultan of }ohoi Cup hockey touinament by uefeating Nalaysia.
Buianu Cup: Kolakata giants Nohammeuan Spoiting cieate histoiy aftei uefeating 0NuC 2-1 in
the final in New Belhi to win Cup aftei 7S yeais. The last time Nohu Spoiting won Buianu Cup
was befoie Inuepenuence in 194u by uefeating Waiwickshiie Regiment.
Buckingham Palace helu its fiist official football match to maik Football Association's (FA's)
1Suth anniveisaiy on 7 0ctobei 2u1S.
Afghanistan beat Inuia to win SAFF Championship title 2u1S (Football) final helu in Nepal
Asia Cup (Bockey) 2u1S: South Koiea Befeateu Inuia in Final at Nalaysia
Pakistan beat Nalaysia S-1 to win bionze in Asia Cup Visit Banking Awareness for daily updates, study materials on Bank exams.
Study Material
For IBPS Exam 2013
Inuian Cyclist Beboiah Won Two uolu Neuals at ACC Tiack Asia Cup.
Sanueep Tulsi Yauav has cieateu histoiy by winning Inuia's fiist-evei bionze meual in the 66kg
uieco-Roman categoiy at the Senioi Woilu Wiestling Championships in Buuapest, Bungaiy.
Suuiiman Cup China uefeateu South Koiea
Pv Sinuhu won Nalaysia Bauminton uianu Piix Title uu }uan of Singapoie
Biazil beats Spain to win Confeueiations Cup 2u1S
Paiimaijan Negi won the Continental Chess Association 0pen title uefeateu Binui Cheng
Ace uiscus thiowei vikas uowua clincheu the fiist golu foi Inuia in the 2uth Asian Athletics
Championships in Pune
Chiis Naitin, the fast Bowlei of New Zealanu has announceu his ietiiement fiom all foims of
K Siikanth clincheu uefeateu Boonsak Ponsana to clinch the Thailanu 0pen uianu Piix
Bauminton 2u1S
4th Kabauui Woilu Cup will be helu in Punjab in Novembei
BCB (Banglauesh Ciicket Boaiu) Foimei Banglauesh captain Nohammau Ashiaful match-fixing
chaiges in Banglauesh Piemiei League.
Bayein Nunich won ueiman Cup 2u1S uefeateu Stuttgait
Ananya uupta claimeu a bionze meual in the Woilu School Chess championship helu at Baluikki
in uieece
Ragala venkat Rahul bags thiee uolus in Asian Youth Weightlifting
NS Bhoni becomes fiist captain to win all ICC tiophies
Boxei Nanjeet Singh won Silvei meual at China 0pen:
Bolt won }amaican 1uu title to ieach Woilu Championships
Pune host Asian Athletic Championship meet in }uly
Belhi to host South Asian }unioi Table Tennis
Inuia win silvei in Aicheiy Woilu Cup: Rajat Chouhan anu Nanjuuha won silvei meual at the
Woilu Cup (Stage-II) Aicheiy competition in Tuikey.
Piasanna new uianu Nastei : v vishnu Piasanna celebiateu his new uianumastei status by
outwitting seasoneu uN Boiis Chatalbashev of Bulgaiia
Punjab beat 0uisha to lift BI }i. Nen's National Ch'ship:
Austialia became the thiiu countiy aftei }apan anu hosts Biazil to ieach next summei's Woilu
Cup aftei sealing a uiamatic late win against Iiaq.
Nahenuia Singh Bhoni was nameu captain of the ICC's Team of the Champions Tiophy
Austialia (CA) sackeu Nickey Aithui anu appointeu Baiien Lehmann as the new coach of the
Austialian team.
v vishnu Piasanna celebiateu his new uianumastei status by outwitting seasoneu uN Boiis
Chatalbashev of Bulgaiia
Somyajeet uhosh - become the youngest national Table Tennis Champion
Rupesh Shah clincheu the 12th Asian Billiaius championship title aftei beating compatiiot Alok
Kumai in the final
Naiayanan Siinath ietaineu his Asian }unioi title by uefeating } Saianya at the Asian }unioi Visit Banking Awareness for daily updates, study materials on Bank exams.
Study Material
For IBPS Exam 2013
Chess Championship
Pieeti Beniwal won golu in 2u1S Senioi National Women's Boxing Championship
Winnei Asian Chess Championship 2u12 Paiivaijan Negi.
Seiena Williams nameu WTA Playei of the Yeai 2u12 aftei winning Wimbleuon
uienke Chess Classic Tiophy 2u1S - viswanathan Ananu (Inuia) aftei uefeating Aikauij
Naiuitsch (ueimany.)
ICC Women's Woilu Cup 2u1S - Austialia uefeateu West Inuies at Biabouine Stauium in
"ist o$ Im/ortant .u/s and 2ro/,ies
Ashes Cup Ciicket Austialia Englanu
Azlan Cup Bockey Inteinational
Augusta Nasteis uolf- Inteinational
Agha Khan Cup Bockey Inuia
Austialian 0pen Lawn Tennis- Inteinational
Ameiican Cup Yatch Racing 0SA
Bama Belleck Cup Table Tennis Inuia
Boig-Wainei Tiophy Notoispoits Inuianapolis Ameiica
Beighton Cup Bockey Inuia
Bleuisloe Cup Rugby NewZealanu & Austialia
Bombay uolu Cup Bockey -Inuia
BCS Tiophy Football Ameiica
Buiuwan Tiophy Weight Lifting Inuia
Biitish 0pen uolf Inteinational
Calcutta Cup- Rugby Englanu anu Scotlanu
Champions tiophy Bockey Inteinational
Colombo Cup Football Inteinational
Commissionei's Tiophy Baseball Ameiica
Bavis Cup- Tennis Inteinational
BCN Tiophy Football Inuia
Beiby Boise Racing Inteinational
Bhyanchanu Tiophy Bockey Inuia
Bi. BC Roy Tiophy Football Inuia
Buleep Tiophy Ciicket Inuia
Buianu Cup Football Inuia
Euiopean Champion Clubs' Cup Football- Inteinational
Ezia Cup- Polo Inuia
FIFA Woilu Cup Tiophy Football -Inteinational
Fiench 0pen Lawn Tennis Inteinational
uiey Cup- Football 0S & Canaua
Beineken Cup Lawn Tennis Inteinational
Beisman Tiophy Football Ameiica
Bopman Cup Lawn Tennis Inteinational Visit Banking Awareness for daily updates, study materials on Bank exams.
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For IBPS Exam 2013
IFA Shielu Football Inuia
Kings Cup Aii Races Englanu
Lauy Ratan Tata Tiophy Bockey Inuia
Laiiy 0'Biien Championship Tiophy Basketball Ameiica
League Championship Tiophy Football Inteinational
Lineis 0pen uolf Inteinational
Nalaysian 0pen Bauminton Inteinational
Nann Cup Laciosse Ameiica
NcClellanu Tiophy Football Austialia
Neieuka Cup Football Asia
NLS Cup Soccei Ameiica
Noinuuuaula uolu Cup Ciicket Inuia
Nehiu Tiophy Bockey Inuia
0lu 0aken Bucket Football Intei-college, 0SA
Piemiei League Tiophy Football Inteinational
Piince of Wales Cup uolf Englanu
Ranaji Tiophy Ciicket Inuia
Rauha Nohan Cup Polo Inuia
Rangeshwaii Cup Bockey Inuia
Roveis Cup Football Inuia
Santosh Tiophy Football Inuia
Scinuia uolu Cup Bockey Inuia
Subiato mukheijee Cup Football Inuia
Stanley Cup Bockey Ameiica
Swaythling Cup Table Tennis Woilu
Thomas Cup Bauminton Woilu
The Scottish Cup Football Inteinational
Tata 0pen Lawn Tennis Inteinational
0bei Cup Bauminton (Women) Woilu
0S 0pen Lawn Tennis Inteinational
0EFA Champions League Football Inteinational
0S Nateis uolf Inteinational
0. Thant Cup Tennis Inteinational
vince Lombaiui Tiophy Supei Bowl Ameiica
Webb Ellis Cup Rugby Woilu
Wellington tiophy Rowing Inuia
Walkei Cup- uolf Englanu
West Chestei Cup Polo Englanu
Woilu Cup Bockey, Football, Ciicket Woilu Visit Banking Awareness for daily updates, study materials on Bank exams.
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For IBPS Exam 2013
S/orts E%ents Benue
Football 1orld .9P ,osts-
1. 201A FIF! 1orld .u/-
Bost: Biazil
Nascot: Smiling Aimauillo to be the official Nascot of 2u14 FIFA Woilu Cup Biazil.
2. 201E FIF! 1orld .u/ -
Bost: Russia
S. 2022 FIF! 1orld .u/-
Bost: Qatai
'lym/is +ames
2u12 Summei 0lympics: Lonuon, 0K
2u14 Wintei 0lympics: Sochi, Russia
2u16 Summei 0lympics: Rio ue }aneiio, Biazil
2u18 Wintei 0lympics: Pyeongchang, South Koiea
2u2u Summei 0lympics: Tokyo, }apan
!sian +ames
2u1u Asain uames: uuangzhou, China
2u14 Asain uames: Incheon, South Koiea
2u19 Asain uames: Banoi , vietnam
.ommonwealt, +ames
2u1u Commonwealth uames: Belhi, Inuia
2u14 Commonwealth uames: ulasgow, Scotlanu, 0niteu Kinguom
2u18 Commonwealth uames: uolu Coast City, Queenslanu, Austialia
I.. 1orld .u/ .riket Benue-
'ne 4ay International &'4I*-
2u1S Ciicket Woilu Cup: Austialia & New Zealanu
2u19 Ciicket Woilu Cup: Englanu
2u2S Ciicket Woilu Cup: Inuia (foi the fouith time) Visit Banking Awareness for daily updates, study materials on Bank exams.
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For IBPS Exam 2013
Woilu T2u Cup -2u14 (Foi Nen & women): Banglauesh
Woilu T2u Cup -2u16 (Foi Nen & women): Inuia
Woilu T2u in 2u2u (Foi Nen & women): Austialia
Women's Woilu T2u in 2u18: West Inuies
0nuei-19 Ciicket Woilu Cup in 2u22: West Inuies
Englanu to host Ciicket Woilu Test Champions in 2u17 (foi fiist time).
Inuia will host Woilu Test Championship in 2u21.
#ugby 1orld .u/-
2u11 Rugby Woilu Cup - New Zealanu
2u1S Rugby Woilu Cup - Englanu
2u19 Rugby Woilu Cup - }apan Visit Banking Awareness for daily updates, study materials on Bank exams.
Study Material
For IBPS Exam 2013
Books and !ut,ors
Books by .,etan B,agat
Five Point Someone - What not to uo at IIT
0ne Night the Call Centei
The S Nistakes of Ny Life
2 States - The Stoiy 0f Ny Naiiiage
Books by !.P.=. !bdul ;alam
Igniteu Ninus
Wings of Fiie
Neie Sapnon Ka Bhaiat
Agni Ki 0uaan S
vijayi Bhav
You Aie Boin To Blossom
Inspiiing Thoughts
Books by !martya Sen
Poveity & Famines
Aigumentative Inuian
0n Ethics & Economics
Employment, Technology Anu Bevelopment
Rationality Anu Fieeuom
Iuea 0f }ustice
Inequality Reexamineu
Bhaitiya Aithatantia Ithihas Aui Sanskiiti (hinui)
Iuentity & violence- The Illusion 0f Bestiny
Resouices values & Bevelopment
A Fiank Fiienuship: uanuhi Anu Bengal: A Besciiptive Chionology (by Amaitya Sen &
uopalkiishna uanuhi )
Bevelopment as Fieeuom
Books by !r%ind !diga Visit Banking Awareness for daily updates, study materials on Bank exams.
Study Material
For IBPS Exam 2013
The White Tigei: A Novel
Between the Assassinations
Books by !rund,ati #oy
uou of Small Things
Listening to uiasshoppeis
Algebia 0f Infinite }ustice.
Books by ;iran 4esai
Inheiitance of Loss
Books by Bikram .,andra
Sacieu uames
Books by Bikram Set,
A Suitable Boy
A Suitable uiil
The uoluen uate.
Books By Suketu Me,ta
Naximum City
Books by B.S 8ai/aul
An Aiea of Baikness
A Benu In the Rivei
The Nasque of Afiica
Nagic Seeus
Nystic Nasseui.
Books by Bill +ates
The Roau Aheau
Insiue 0ut
Business the Speeu of Thought
Bill uates Speaks: Insight Fiom The Woilu's uieatest Entiepieneui by }anet C. Lowe, Bill uates
The Book 0f Leaueiship Wisuom: Classic Wiitings By Legenuaiy Business Leaueis by Anuiew
uiove, Nichael Eisnei, Bill uates
Books by Bill .linton Visit Banking Awareness for daily updates, study materials on Bank exams.
Study Material
For IBPS Exam 2013
Ny Life
Ny Life: The Eaily Yeais
Ny Life: Piesiuential Yeais
uiving: Bow Each 0f 0s Can Change The Woilu
Books by Barak 'bama
The Auuacity of Bope
Bieams fiom Ny Fathei
Change We Can Believe In
The Essential Baiack 0bama (Auuio Book)
't,er Im/ortant Books o$ 1ell:;nown !ut,ors
Appointment of a Chief }ustice - A R Antule
A Benu in the Rivei -v.S. Naipaul
A Bouse foi Ni. Biswas -v.S. Naipaul
A Nillion Nutinies Now - v.S. Naipaul
A Passage to Englanu - Niiau C Chauhuiy
A Piisonei's Sciapbook - L K Auvani
A suitable Boy - vikiam Seth
A village by the Sea - Anita Besai
A voice foi Fieeuom -Nayantaia Sehgal
Afteinoon Raag - Amit Chauuhaii
An Aiea of Baikness -v.S. Naipaul
An Autobiogiaphy: -}awahailal Nehiu
An Equal Nusic -vikiam Seth
An Iuealist view of Life -Bi. S. Rauhakiishnan
Asia anu Westein Bominance - K.N. Panikkai
Autobiogiaphy of an 0nknown Inuian - Niiau C. Chouuhuii
Banielle Steel : A uoou Woman
Salman Rushuie: Niunight's Chiluien
Bowaiu }acobson: The Finklei Question Visit Banking Awareness for daily updates, study materials on Bank exams.
Study Material
For IBPS Exam 2013
Bilaiy Nantel: Wolf Ball
Naiio vaigas Llosa : The Feast of uoat, The Time of the Beio
N.S Swaminathan : Sustainable uiowth: Towaius foou Secuiity
Beita Nullei : Eveiything I Possess I caiiy with me, The Lanu of uieen Plums.
Im/ortant .urrenies
.urrenies o$ S!!#. .ountries
Afghanistan - Afghan afghani
Banglauesh - Banglaueshi taka
Bhutan - Bhutanese ngultium
Inuia - Inuian iupee
Naluives - Naluivian iufiyaa
Nepal - Nepalese iupee
Pakistan - Pakistani iupee
Sii Lanka - Sii Lankan iupee
't,er .ountries at S!!#.
South Afiica - South Afiican ianu
.urrienies o$ B#I.S .ountries
Biazil - Biazilian ieal
Russia - Ruble
Inuia - Inuian Rupee
China - Renminbi (yuan)
South Afiica - South Afiican ianu
.urrenies o$ +E .ountries
Canaua - Canauian uollai
Fiance - Euio,fianc
ueimany - Euio, Swis Fianc
'bser%ers o$ S!!#.
Austialia - Austialian uollai
China - Chinese ienminbi
Euiopean 0nion - Euio
}apan - }apanese yen
Iian - Iianian iial
Nauiitius - Nauiitian iupee
Nyanmai - Nyanma kyat
South Koiea - South Koiean won
0niteu States - 0niteu States Bollai
Im/ortant .urrenies
Kenya-Kenyan shilling
}oiuan-}oiuanian uinai
Kuwait-Kuwaiti uinai
Koiea, South-South Koiean won
Koiea, Noith -Noith Koiean won
Laos - Lao kip
Nexico- Nexican peso
Noiway-Noiwegian kione
Polanu- Polish zloty Visit Banking Awareness for daily updates, study materials on Bank exams.
Study Material
For IBPS Exam 2013
Italy - Euio
}apan - Yen
Russia - Ruble
0niteu Kinguom - Pounu steiling (uBP)
0niteu States of Ameiica - 0niteu States
Euiopean 0nion - Euio
Sauui Aiabia-Sauui iiyal
Singapoie - Singapoie uollai
Switzeilanu-Swiss fianc
Syiia-Syiian pounu
Tuvalu - Austialian uollai,Tuvaluan uollai
Egypt-Egyptian pounu
8ame o$ Im/ortant .ommittee to #emember
Panel set up to stuuy uivision of assets between Telangana, AP: high-level committee heaueu by
foimei CRPF Chief, K vijay Kumai
vijay Kelkai Committee was appointeu by the Petioleum anu Natuial uas Ninistiy to piepaie a
ioau map to make Inuia self-sufficient in oil anu natuial gas by 2uSu.
vishnu Sahay committee: look piobe into the Nuzaffainagai communal violence.
0ijit Patel Committee - to examine the cuiient monetaiy policy fiamewoik
Nukul Nuugal membei panel to piobe IPL spot-fixing
Nachiket Noi - committee on compiehensive financial seivices foi small businesses anu low-
income householus.
}ustice A.P. Shah committee : to heau panel on ioau safety
Anil Kaushal committee: to examine the iecommenuations maue by the TRAI on piicing of
Bimal }alan Committee - To sciutinies applications foi new bank licences, the committee to
submit its iepoit by }anuaiy, 2u14.
Naiasimham Committee I (1991) anu Naiasimham Committee I (1998) on Banking Sectoi
Bilton-Young Commission iecommenuateu setting up of RBI.
The All-Inuia Ruial Cieuit Suivey Committee, 19S1 - iecommenuing cieation of a stiong,
integiateu, state-sponsoieu, state-paitneieu commeicial banking institution with an effective
machineiy of bianches spieau all ovei the countiy.
}anakiiaman Committee - To investigate the secuiity tiansactions of the bank
Paithasaiathi Shome. foi Tax Auministiation Refoim Commission (TARC), Suggest a system to
enfoice bettei tax compliance Visit Banking Awareness for daily updates, study materials on Bank exams.
Study Material
For IBPS Exam 2013
Bamouian Committee: on impiovement of customei seivices in banks
Shii N. Naiasimham Committee: on Banking Sectoi Refoims
Shii B. Nahapatia Committee: to ieview the existing piuuential guiuelines on iestiuctuiing of
auvances by banksfinancial institutions
Shii Auitya Puii Committee: Bissemination of Cieuit Infoimation
NBN Rao Committee: to piepaie the bluepiint of Inuia's fiist women's bank
K N Chanuiasekhai committee : foi iationalization of foieign investment noims
Shii Pulak Kumai Sinha Committee: to stuuy the feasibility of Aauhaai as an auuitional factoi
foi authentication of caiu piesent tiansactions
B. Shiviaman Committee - Nabaiu
Nukul Nuugal Committee: looking into 0S giant Walmait's lobbying activities to entei Inuia
NBN Rao Committee: to piepaie the bluepiint of Inuia's fiist women's bank
Shii Raghuiam Rajan Committee: on Financial Sectoi Refoims,
Aivinu Nayaiam Committee foi giving cleai uefinitions to Foieign Biiect Investment (FBI) anu
Foieign Institutional Investment (FII),
Committee Set 0p 0n 0ttaiakhanu Floous: The committee will be heaueu by AK uanju
(Chaiiman, uanga Floou Contiol Commission, Patna)
}S Nathui committee : to ievise Newspapei Auveitisement Rates.
Paithasaiathi Shome committee - implementation of uAAR (ueneial Anti Avoiuance Rule)
Nukul Nuugal Committee: looking into 0S giant Walmait's lobbying activities to entei Inuia
Nukul Nuugal Committee: to look at piocess of film cleaiance
Shii K.0.B. Rao Committee: iecommenueu aligning golu impoit iegulations
K. Ratna Piabha : Committee on inuecent uepiction of women in meuia
SK Siivastava Committee: to foimulate a policy on public-piivate paitneiship mouel to iaise
coal output
K N Chanuiasekhai Committee foi iationalization of foieign investment noims
RS uujial Committee - suggest measuies to boost NSNE expoits.
Aivinu Nayaiam Committee foi giving cleai uefinitions to Foieign Biiect Investment (FBI) anu
Foieign Institutional Investment (FII)
Suma veima Committee - to upuate, anu ievise the Banking 0mbuusman Scheme, 2uu6
NS Ahluwalia committee - to evaluate aspects ielateu to set up of Nalanua 0niveisity Visit Banking Awareness for daily updates, study materials on Bank exams.
Study Material
For IBPS Exam 2013
Sitakant Nahapatia committee - foi inclusion of Bhojpuii language in eighth scheuule of
C Rangaiajan committee - foi poveity scale estimates in the countiy
NB Shah committee - foi inspection of illegal mining activities
N Rangachaiy committee - to examine taxation policies foi I.T. sectoi
N R Naiayana Nuithy committee - foi evaluation of coipoiate sectoi paiticipation in Bighei
Beepak Paiekh committee foi Financing Infiastiuctuie sectoi
Naiesh Chanuia committee - 14 membei task foice on secuiity issues
Bhanuaii Committee - Reconstiuction of RRBs
Khanuelwal Committee on BR issues of public sectoi banks.
!ll t,e Best For <our IBPS 'nline .ommon 1ritten Examination &y*
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"ast 9/dated on 8o%ember 2I) 2013 Visit Banking Awareness for daily updates, study materials on Bank exams.

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