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Technical College of Bli is one of the most prestigious technical institutions in the North of Moldova.

The history of the College begins in 1964 .

Today in the College study 993 students who come from 22 districts of the country.
Learning process in the college is a two-stage:
- First includes 3 years and offers high school that end with Baccalaureate
- At the second stage includes 1 year and studying only specialized subjects who offering diploma of technician.

College prepares specialists in the following areas: Electromechanical, computers, automation and informatics,
metrology, standardization and certification of production.

These specialties are required for youth who are offered employment opportunities. The languages of instruction
are Romanian and Russian.

In the college working 64 qualified teachers.
College has the following: two training buildings, laboratories equipped with technical equipment, library and
reading room, sports hall, Ballroom, hostel for students.

Colleges doors are open to everyone.

Procesul didactic se desfaoar n dou trepte:
Prima ofer studii liceale la profilul real cu studierea disciplinelor de specialitate care se ncheie cu sustinerea la finele anului
trei a Examenului de Bacalaureat
- La etapa a doua se studiaz doar discipline de specialitate care ofer diploma de technician.
Aceste specialiti snt solicitate de tineri, crora li se ofer oportuniti de angajare n cmpul muncii. Limbile de instruire snt
romna i rusa.
Colegiul pregtete specialiti n urmtoarele domenii:

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