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Stephen Scheidell

Dr. Gene Green

BITH 213
CPO W143
I Thessalonians




Prologue (1:1-1:10)
A. Greetings (1:1)
B. Extol the Church (1:2-1:10)
1. Thanks to God (1:2-1:4)
2. Example of the faith (1:5-1:10)
a. Authenticity in spirit (1:5, 6)
b. Example to Macedonia and Achaia (1:7,
c. They testify to the turn from idols (1:9,
Imparting the true message (2:1-2:16)
A. He suffered to be with you (2:1-8)
1. Coming not in vain (2:1, 2)
2. We came from desire to share with you (2:3-8)
a. Not from error or deception (2:3)
b. Approved by God (2:4)
c. Not for flattery or greed (2:5, 6)
d. But for affection for you (2:7, 8)
B. We toiled among you (2:9-12)
1. Not to be a burden (2:9, 10)
2. To exhort you (2:11, 12)
C. You became imitators (2:13-16)
Timothy's commission (2:17-3:13)
A. Desire to see you (2:17-2:20)
B. We sent Timothy (3:1-5)
1. We expected these afflictions (3:1-4)
2. Sent him to learn of your faith (3:5)
C. Good reports (3:6-13)
1. Of your faith and love (3:6, 7)
2. Now we live (3:8)
3. May God increase your love (3:9-13)
As you have done, continue (4:1-12)
A. Continue in love (4:1, 2)
B. Abstain from sexual immorality (4:3-8)
1. Be self-controlled (4:3-5)
2. Do not transgress a brother (4:6)
3. But God calls to holiness (4:7, 8)
C. You have been an example in brotherly love (4:9-12)
1. Taught by God (4:9, 10)
2. Properly before outsiders (4:11, 12)



Coming of the Lord (4:13-5:11)

A. Dead will rise first (4:13-18)
1. As Christ died and rose again (4:13, 14)
2. We ascend after the dead (4:15-17)
3. Thus, encourage each other (4:18)
B. Comes unexpectedly (5:1-11)
1. Like a thief in the night (5:1-6)
2. Let us, therefore, keep awake (5:7, 8)
3. For God destined us for salvation (5:9, 10)
4. Therefore, encourage each other (5:11)
Conclusion (5:12-28)
A. Respect those over you (5:12-14)
B. Closing wisdom (5:15-22)
C. May God keep you (15:23, 24)
D. Grace be with you (15:25-28)

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