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A Message To The World

Rasha Zaghloul 2014


How can you enslave people when their mothers bore them as free
Umar ibn al-Khattab (radiaAllahu anhu)

One of the most powerful and influential Muslim guardians in history. He was
a Sahabah or companion of the Islamic prophet Muhammad. He succeeded Abu
Bakr as the second Rashid of the Rashidun Caliphate. He was an expert
Islamic jurist and is best known for his pious and just nature, which earned him the
title Al-Faruq.

- Preface
- Introduction
- Death Machine
- Life
- Dream Houses
- Illegal Tourism
- Dreams
- Faith
- Statistics
- About the author


This book is intended to be written in a sarcastic tone
because it is written by a broken heart. I cannot write in a kind and
nice manner because I do not want your sympathy; I want your
reaction in actions not in words or tears. The word "YOU" in the
book is addressed to every single one of you on this earth regardless
of your religion or nationality because we are all the sons and
daughters of Adam and Eve. We are one family living in the same


Allow me, first of all, to thank you for practicing a good
exercise for your health which is SILENCE. Many benefits can be
obtained from practicing this amazing quality in human beings such
as lowering blood pressure, calming anxiety, making life decisions
and making you dumb. There is wisdom in Arabic that says "silence
makes consent." Hence, it is obvious that you agree and approve of
what is going on in the world.
Allow me also to thank those who were never silent and
fought to make their desires, wishes and voices heard, whether they
were successful or not.
I am quite sure that silent people can read with their eyes if
they do not want to open their mouths. This book is; therefore,
addressed to you silent people to read if you have eyes and react if
you have hearts, if you care and if you have the slightest mote of

You may have been disturbed by images and videos of
bombs, explosions, fires and corpses; yet, it is all your responsibility.
It is all because of your silence and ignorance.
A message to the world; therefore, has to be written and
shared so as not to keep you in the dark and so as to enable you to
reconsider your life which you are living in this world. The book
addresses different problems. Choose what problem you wish to read
and shed the crocodile tears upon.


Death Machine
Two months after the uprising started the shelling of innocent
people began. The killing machine could not recognize young
people, elderly, women, children, terrorists, animals, schools,
hospitals or houses. They are all even; they are all radicals. With
amazement, the whole world watches with eyes widely open and
mouths quietly shut. The bombs have been and still are blindly
thrown upon people.
I dare anyone just to listen to a bomb exploding near him \ her
and see if he \ she can endure. Tell me what effects does this bombs
leave on you? Deafness? Concussion? Shock? Amputation?
Paralysis? Death?
To your knowledge, hundreds of people in my country end up
having one or more of these effects every single day. For almost four
years now, my country has been bombed on a daily and continuous
basis. Day and night and the helpless people couldn't rest or be
relieved. FOUR YEARS!
I want you to remember your life for the past four years. What
have you accomplished? I am not blaming you for living your life. I

just want you to do something and to react because we have the right
to live just as you do.


Short story
"Please, do not take photos; I am not wearing my Hijab
The title above is a simple sentence that carries a much deeper
meaning. These spontaneous words were uttered by a little girl to a
rescue team, operating with the most basic of tools, as she was being
rescued from under the rubble and rocks of her demolished house
which had been targeted by heavy shelling.
She forgot her pain. She forgot her misery. She didn't care about
her cuts and wounds. All that worried her was her reputation! She
knew that this photo will spread on the media and she innocently
defended her honor. Her Hijab is somewhere under the rubbles with
her toys, books and maybe her family!

Hijab: is a veil that covers the head, which is particularly worn by
a Muslim woman in the presence of adult males outside of their immediate family.
It is worn by Muslim women as a symbol of modesty, privacy and morality.

When was the last time that you were being checked inside your
country? Have you ever lost your ID? Have you ever walked on the
street to your school, collage or work and were afraid of anything to
fall upon your head? What are you having for breakfast, dinner and
lunch today? (Please, list the meals down on paper). How many
bottles of water are there in your fridge? Do you have electricity in
your house?
Have you answered all the questions? Okay! Listen to my
answers. In my country, we are being checked every 100 meter by
checkpoints. They check your ID and where you come from. If it
happens and you forget to take your ID, then you have the advantage
of visiting prisons, jails and all the security centers in the country.
You may thank Allah for being sent to jail rather than being shot the
minute they discover that you do not have an ID, or simply because
they dont like you.

Parents give their children a farewell goodbye everyday because
they might not see them again; they might die from the falling
mortar shells while heading to schools or work.
We thank Allah everyday that we could provide a loaf of bread
to share with the other 11, 12 or 50 members of the family. Remind
me of what you are having for lunch today? As for the water, it is so
much available. Do you know how? Our people, young and elderly
have learned how to purify sea water and dig the ground to get well's
water. Sometimes, we can provide our children with fresh water that
comes as a gift from heaven when it rains.
We practice the exercise of meditation in a room of four walls
since there is no electricity; hence, no TV, mobile or any connection
to the world. See how lucky we are!
Every single family has a heartbreaking story to tell, a martyr
father, an arrested father, a jailed father, a kidnapped father, a
widowed mother, a dead mother, a raped mother, a hostage child, a
handicapped child, a mentally or psychologically-disturbed child,

stolen money, a destroyed house, an immigrant partner, a homeless
family, or a displaced family.
Can you endure seeing your child sick? I am sure not! In our
country we see our children dead not sick! They die in front of our
eyes and in our hands! A chemical attack on parts of the country
killed hundreds of innocent people, many were children; they died
Each bomb that is thrown kills one or two people and leaves
many at the hospital to a slow death or a permanent handicapping.
Some people die unintentionally by random bullets and some are
intentionally killed, in mass executions. This has been our life for
four years now. Remind me of yours!


Short story
"I have never wept bitterly as I did today!"
These words were uttered by a doctor who spent 20 years
working in the medical field and watched various cases. A child in
the age of ten had died in his hands. The child's father entered the
operating room begging and crying: "Please do your best! Maybe he
can survive unlike his brother! His brother died in the explosion.
Please, help my second son"
The doctor rushed to the operation room. The boy was in the
throes of death! All operations and electric shocks to keep him alive
were useless. After he died, the doctor came out of the room silently.
His father cried, "My second son died? Is that right? Did he
die, doctor? My two sons are died? The doctor then cried bitterly as
he has never cried in his life.
The father of the two martyr children then approached the
doctor, dabbed his shoulders with tears and said, "It is okay doctor!
It is all in Allah's hands. You have done your best and even more.
Please continue your job and help other children and be strong!"

This happened in one hospital and it is still happening every


Dream Houses
Do you know that we left our houses with happiness? It is
because we could leave them before they were destroyed and before
they fell upon our kids. Living on streets, parks or offices is better
than having our children injured or buried alive. Living with
neighbors, hiring an expensive apartment that your salary can hardly
afford in a so-called safe area is better than seeing your children hurt
or buried alive. Watching your house destroyed is better than
watching your children suffering. Leaving the house you spent all
these years of your life working hard in order to buy, decorate and
furnish is better than saying goodbye to your family. Selling your
gold and spending the money you have to buy new furniture is better
than spending it on coffins. Leaving millions of memories behind is
not comparable to the new present where your kids are still alive.
What are the things you would take with you if you have to leave
your house within five minutes? Yes! Five minutes because the
shelling has started on the area. It is a matter of living or dying. Your
favorite books? Your best clothes? Family photos? Certificates?
Come on! We are leaving! Shouts! Screams! Blood! Corpses!

Nothing was taken. It is only you and your family. There you are!
You are now among the ten million or more who are displaced. You
look back and say, the smiles on your kids' faces is not compared to
any of the trivial material things. And the journey of survival begins.
You start from zero, if not minus one!


Short story
It was the last installment to pay for his house. Finally, the
house is now registered in his name in the government. Ten years of
hard work and saving money has finished. He has his own house
now. He will decorate it and furnishes it with whatever he likes.
The party to celebrate this event was on a sunny and lovely
day. It started with happiness, laughs, and tears of joy and ended up
with a tragedy. A blind mortar was thrown on the town. It directly
hit his house. All he owns now is the key to the house! The rest is


Illegal Tourism
First of all, I want to share this information with you. We are
now in 2014 and only one country allows us to travel to it. It is
Turkey. From the bottom of my heart I thank Turkey, its president
and people for their concern and care. They received us as their own
families, they helped us and opened their houses and hospitals for us.
Thank you Turkey.
Special thanks also to Lebanon and Jordan for accepting huge
numbers of refugees in their countries. Though they closed their
doors in the face of new comers now, they have all our respect and
About 230 countries in the whole world have closed their doors
and refused to accept us. Anyway, you taught us a lesson! Thank you
gulf countries, thank you Arab countries, thank you Asia, Europe,
America and Australia because closing your doors increases our
dignity! We do not need you; we have Allah with us. I am more
proud of my nationality because you are now too small in my eyes.
You are too small to accept us, the honorable. 230 COUNTRIES!!!

Special thanks to Saudi Arabia for preventing us from exercising
and Umrah
and praying to our God. To your knowledge,
everything is recorded and we will meet one day in front of Allah.
What excuse will you tell Him?!!!
Let me now tell you about the journey of travelling to another
country. It is a journey because our young people do it illegally. Yes,
illegally because there is no other legal way to travel. They have two
choices; either traveling illegally or dying in our country. The
journey begins by selling all their properties for them to be able to
afford the expenses of a fraud boat owner who will take them in his
boat to the promised land, Europe.
In most journeys only 25% of people make it to the foreign
countries, usually Europe to live there on the aids provided to them
from the governments. The other 75% unfortunately die on their way

The Hajj is an annual Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca, and a mandatory
religious duty for Muslims which must be carried out at least once in lifetime
by every adult Muslim. It is one of the five pillars of Islam. The gathering
during Hajj is considered the largest gathering of people in the world. The Hajj
is a demonstration of the solidarity of the Muslim people, and their submission
to (Allah)
The Umrah is a pilgrimage to Mecca, Saudi Arabia, performed
by Muslims that can be undertaken at any time of the year. The pilgrim
performs a series of ritual acts symbolic of the life of Ibrahim.

there. They die because the greedy boat owner doesn't care whether
they arrive or not. He only cares about his money. He leaves them in
the middle of the ocean to drown, or if they are lucky enough they
arrive to their destination swimming.
By the way, not only young people do this journey; there are
also babies! You can Google heartbreaking images of people of
different ages who arrive to Italy as corpses! They were searching
for a nation. They were seeking your aid and care. They were
looking for a better future, but where were you? Where were you?!
This is an ongoing tragedy, so still where are you!?


Short story
She was dreaming of a better life for her and her daughters
after their house was destroyed. She trusted a fraud boat owner to
take them with his boat to Italy and there to start a safer life. They
were given one life jacket only. Ten minutes after the death journey
started, the boat owner left them in the middle of the sea to drown!
"My daughter grabbed my arm; she was handicapped. My
other daughters tried to grab my hand, but I did not succeed in
keeping them above the water. The waves were very high. Then, my
handicapped daughter stopped breathing. I kissed her and said
goodbye, my daughter. May Allah be with you. I left her to the
waves and tried to help her sisters. They could catch my hand but
they lost their grip one after the other. I was not able to do anything!
Only one of them survived."


What are your dreams? Hundreds of books are written about
dreams, how to accomplish your dreams and how to dream big.
What are your dreams? Owning a car? Buying a bigger house?
Travelling around the world?
My dreams, personally, were to gain a master and PHD
degree in Linguistics, to travel to England and complete my studies
there and build my own school. However, these dreams will remain
If you ask me now or ask anyone in my country about our
dreams the answer is one. We all share the same dream now. We all
dream of peace. We all dream of tranquility that we were prevented
from for four years. Is it that difficult? We do not need money any
more. We do not care about cars, houses or farms. We just want to
live. Just help us to live!


Short story
She used to play with her dolls. She fed them, took care of
them, changed their clothes and even she made them sleep beside her
at night. She was dreaming of becoming a real mother one day and
having her own kids!
Her wish becomes true so soon. She is now the mother of her
own sister and brother. The father is somewhere in the countries'
prisons. The mother died by a mortar on the house.
Living in streets, she is now taking care of new kids the same
way she took care of her dolls. She is no longer interested in playing
with toys or dolls. She has greater responsibilities. She is now a
mother; a 10 year old mother with two kids. Where is humanity?!


With all this grave trial, the people are still hopeful of peace one
day, trusting in what Allah promised them.
" Verily, the Victory of Allah Is Near"

Some people may wonder how we are still living in the country.
You can ask your governments who refused to help us these
questions. Your carelessness has empowered us. People's willpower
is now stronger. The mothers send their sons to schools knowing that
Allah and only Allah will protect them. Fathers struggle in life and
defy death just to provide food to their families.
All people are sad. All have worries. All were exposed to
difficult situations. However, nothing console their misery except
their faith in Allah. They are patient. They tolerate the painful thorns
of life because Allah promised those who are patients with great

Verse from Quran. Sura: Al-Baqara 214.

"Be sure we shall test you with something of fear and hunger,
some loss in goods or lives or the fruits, but give glad tidings to
those who patiently persevere."

Life is a roller coaster. It has many ups and downs. Allah is now
testing our faith because Allah loves us. However, keep in mind that
you are being tested too now with our calamity. But, what did you
do? I am sure that millions do not even know about our sufferings.
Life is not about collecting money and fulfilling your dreams.
This life is a passage that will lead us to Allah. You die and leave all
your treasures, palaces and families. The only things that will
befriend you in your tomb are your deeds. What are your deeds?
What have you done for Allah's sake?
We hate no one. Our arms and our country is open to all people
regardless of their religion or nationality. Our country has well
received Palestinians, Jordanians, Iraqis and Lebanese in their
calamities. We opened our houses to them, allowed them to work in
the country, they were given formal citizenship to live a normal life.
Do you know why? Because this is not our land. This is Allah's land.

Verse from Quran. Sura: Al- Baqara 155

"My earth is spacious. Therefore serve me only."

This is Allah's land! You have no right to control it or prevent us
from moving to it. He created us only to pray for him and to reward
us with paradise in the afterlife.

Verse from Quran: Sura: Al-'Ankabut: 56

Short story
She received this news with tears of joy and happiness! This
is because she has faith. She knew that martyrs do not die; they live
a happy life in paradise.
"And never think of those who have been killed in the cause
of Allah as dead. Rather, they are alive with their Lord, receiving

"Congratulations, my sons. Congratulations on your
martyrdom. I am now the mother of martyrs"
Great burial ceremonies were done. All were crying, "O
mother of martyrs, we are all your sons. We are all your sons."

Verse from Quran. Sura: Al Imran: 169

If you still do not know what country I am talking about, then
go and weep upon yourself. This is Syria, the land of martyrs.


These statistics are from March 2011 until August 31 2014.
The number of martyrs who are fully documented: 125, 602
martyrs, including 2,450 Palestinians, 13, 326 children,
12,432 women, and 7,684 martyrs under torture.
Estimated overall number of martyrs: 242,000 martyr (80% of
them are civilians), including 2,600 Palestinians, 16,300
children, 15,300 women, and 19,800 martyrs under torture.
Approximate number of injured: over 199, 400
Approximate number of detainees: over 262, 145
Approximate number of missing people: over 101, 385
The number of refugees outside Syria: over 3,667,440
The number of displaced people inside Syria: over 7,900,000
Statistics Department - Damascus: 09/13/2014


About the author
"There is no difference between an Arab and non-Arab
except by the level of piety."

My, origin, nationality, certificates and studies will never
define me. The only thing that can define me is my Islam because we
are all the same. The only difference between us is the level of piety
and the good deeds that we perform.

Quote by Muammad; full name Ab al-Qsim Muammad ibn Abd Allh
ibn Abd al-Mualib ibn Hshim. He was a man from Mecca who
unified Arabia into a single religious polity under Islam. He is a messenger and the
last prophet sent by Allah to the mankind.

The end


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