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Name: ______________________________

Algebra 1 - Fall break

Extra Credit
(This is an optional assignment if you would like to receive some extra credit points.)


Make sure you read ALL the directions! This will be a maximum of 15 points depending on how well your problem is written, how
much creativity you show, and how complete it is.

Write your own scenario for a word problem. The scenario must connect to YOUR life (explain how it
connects to your life). You must have 2 variables and a question that relates to one of the variables.
After writing the equation, define the independent variable and the dependent variable. Once you have
written a question to go alone with the problem, solve the equation to answer your question. Your word
problem should NOT look like anyone elses word problem! Everyones must be different and related to
YOUR life personally. (see the example below.)

Example: Over fall break, Mrs. Rodriguez has to grade all of the transfer tasks.
It is going to take about 5 minutes to grade each transfer task. After she
grades them, itll take her 20 minutes to record all the grades in the grade book.
Write an equation to show how long (L) it is going to take Mrs. Rodriguez to
grade the transfer tasks (t).
Write equation: L = 5t + 20
Independent Variable: Number of transfer tasks
Dependent Variable: The about of time in minutes

If all Mrs. Rodriguezs students turn in their transfer task, she will have 121 to
grade. How long will it take her to grade them all?
Answer: L = 5(121) + 20
L = 625
Its going to take Mrs. Rodriguez 625 minutes to grade all 121 transfer tasks,
which is about 10 hours of grading.

This connects to my life because I am a teacher and my students had a transfer
task due on Friday. I need to get them graded by the Monday after fall break
so I can get them in the grade book and pass them back to my students. This is
how long it is going to take me grade the transfer tasks depending on how
many I get.

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