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1eachers' WebslLe ermlsslon lorm SepLember 2013

1eachers' Webs|te erm|ss|on Iorm
(Ior Webs|tes hosted on th|rd party servers)

1eacher webslLes provlde an effecLlve means Lo communlcaLe varlous aspecLs of a school's day-
Lo-day operaLlons wlLh parenLs, communlLy, sLudenLs and educaLors. 1hls permlsslon form
covers Leachers' exLernal webpages on non-governmenLal servers hosLed ln Canada or
elsewhere ln Lhe world.

1o lnsure lnformaLlon publlshed ls approprlaLe for Lhe school's educaLlonal communlLy, Lhe
followlng guldellnes have been esLabllshed for conLenL, proLecLlon of prlvacy and managemenL
of Leachers' webslLes.

1. All conLenL, llnks and graphlcs publlshed on Lhe Leacher webslLes should be approprlaLe
for Lhe school communlLy and dlrecLly relaLed Lo Lhe goals of Lhe school.
2. All Leacher webpages and changes Lo Lhese webslLes are Lo be approved by Lhe school's
a. 1eachers who malnLaln lndlvldual or homework webpages are responslble for
Lhe conLenL, accuracy and approprlaLeness of Lhe daLa posLed.
3. A parenL/guardlan's slgnaLure musL be provlded before any lnformaLlon abouL a sLudenL
(name, work or phoLo) ls publlshed on a Leacher webslLe.
a. Student names are not to be pub||shed wlLh any lndlvldual or group phoLos on
a school or Leacher webslLe.
b. Cn|y a student's f|rst name w||| |dent|fy a wrlLLen work publlshed on a school or
Leacher webslLe.
4. Canadlan CopyrlghL Culdellnes apply Lo all conLenL posLed on school and Leacher

8ased on gu|de||nes out||ned above, (p|ease check one)

___ I g|ve perm|ss|on

___ I do not g|ve perm|ss|on

for my daughter]son ________________________________ (f|rst and |ast name)
to be part of *________________________________ webs|te and teacher webpage hosted on
a non-governmenta| server. * School name.

arent]guard|an name: _______________________________________

arent]Guard|an S|gnature: ________________________________Date: __________

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