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Saturn-Moon and Punarphoo Dosha

Sani-Chandra Sambandh is a unique planetary combination that casts inerasable shadows on the psyche
and domestic peace of native. Moon is a karaka of mana (mind) and Saturn is of dukha (sorrow) besides
loneliness, decay and delay. So when they associate/aspect, mind of the native is clutched by sorrow
and pessemism. Their placements in "sign" shape the modes and nature of the effects whereas their
occupations in specific "houses" manifest the afflicted area of life. If Moon is solely influenced by Saturn
without having simultaneous benefic aspect or association then this is indeed a combination of
disturbed early life, emotional turmoil, pessimism, loneliness and melancholic nature. However, benefic
association or aspect to Saturn-Moon combination may renders one intelligent, sober, and fond of
ancient knowledge. At positive front this signature yields success through masses (public related
professions) but after hardworking and considerable patience.
The Saturn-Moon association is also called Punarphoo dosha and considered an unwelcome signature
for early and peaceful marital bliss. It may break engagement, produce unexpected delay in marriage, or
even mar the marital life, unless fortified by natural benefic planets. Ive seen many a charts having
Saturn-Moon relation led to delayed or even no marriage at all.
Like other yogas and planetary combination, Saturn-Moon association mainly depends upon involved
signs and houses. A house shows the area of life (home, office, temple, bedroom, relationship, love etc.)
while sign indicates how an event may occur. On the other hand, lord of rashi and karakas stand for
spirited bodies and living beings (e.g. parents, wife, teacher, boss, pets etc). Hence when Saturn
influences 7th house then this indicates delayed marriage and/or cold/indifferent spousal relationship.
On the other hand, if Saturn influences 7th lord and karaka then this shows diseased spouse and/or
aged partner, obviously when other things being constant.
The native of following chart however got married in early twenties but confronted a husband doubled
in age. Note the parivartana between Saturn and Moon in first and seventh houses. Although destined
with sons and daughters, she is a neglected wife with cold marital relations.

As far as no-marriage is concern, Mother Teresas austere life is an example to look in the light of
Saturn-Moon association. She was a soul filled with unparallel love and unshakable faith, but she never
married and led a life of catholic nun.

Kalyana Varma generalizes Sani-Soma sambandh as; When the Moon and Saturn be together, the
native will possess a decayed wife, be dear to public, will breed elephants and horses, devoid of virtues,
under the control of others, poor and defeated. (Saravali XV, 12)
But no individual yoga or dosha is responsible for materializing any event. Exceptions (in the form of
drishti, yuti, amsha, dispositors etc.) modify, even change the results at all. So before inferring any
conclusion the relative strength of conjunction, aspect, occupation etc should work out. Noted Vedic
astrologer B.V. Ramans chart is a good example in this regard. Dr. Raman married quite early in life and
enjoyed a happy and smooth marital life, despite having Saturn-Moon association.

Lets find the reason why Dr. Raman neither confronted any marital or relational enigma. There is a
fairly powerful aspect of Jupiter on Sat-Moon from Scorpio. Note that Jupiters aspect is stronger than
Saturns conjunction (whenever multiple planets are involved do consider Spusta Drishti taught by
Maharishi Parasar). Moreover, seventh lordSun is in chara rashi, getting aspect of Jupiter and dhan-
argala of Venus, Mercury and Mars (this favours early gain of spouse). Thirdly, the Moons rashi
dispositor and kalatar-karaka Venus is in 7th and aspecting the lagna. For readers interest, I point out a
peculiar Raja Yoga formed by Saturn and Moon. Vidyanatha in his Jataka Parijata narrates;
If the Moon is conjunction with Saturn in 11th, 4th or 10th, the native will become a king (when born in
royal family) otherwise will be rich and like a king.
Note that in natural zodiac, mentioned houses are ruled by Saturn (10th and 11th) and Moon (4th).

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