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You hear of this fruit often and associate it to the deserts and the Arabs but have you

ever wondered how the Arabs manage to survive simply on dates? Thats because dates
are high on calories and energy. Need weight gain? Look no further
Constipation To get the laxative effect from dates, you need to soak
dates for one full night in water and consume these soaked dates in the
morning like syrup.
Intestinal disorders - Continuous intake of dates helps to maintain a check
on the growth of the pathological organisms and thus, helps in the rise of
friendly bacteria in the intestines.
Weight Gain Dates consist of sugar, fats, proteins as well as many
essential vitamins. One date has 20 calories (equals to one spoon of sugar
but healthier). 1kg of dates = 3000 calories.
Healthy Heart -Israeli researchers have discovered that eating dates daily
can protect against atherosclerosis, a major cause of heart attacks and
strokes Hence dates are helpful in maintaining your hearts health.
Sexual Weakness - Dates are beneficial for increasing sexual stamina. A
handful of dates, when soaked in fresh goat's milk for the night and then
grinded in the same milk with cardamom powder and honey, becomes a very
useful tonic for increasing sex stamina.
Diarrhea - Ripe dates contain potassium that is beneficial for controlling
Intoxication - Dates are known as an excellent remedy for alcoholic
Now, other than in your meals and sweets, eat these dry fruits\nuts raw for their full

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