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19 March 2013 Prof.

Dawkins JAC 210-04


By Mechala Simpson

On March 20 2013, keynote speaker, Shawn Ricks, Acting Director of the International
Trade Administration of the Department of Commerce, will kick start the 35
Black Family Conference hosted by Hampton Universitys School of Business in Ogden
Hall at 7 p.m.

When choosing the keynote speaker, Ricks was the perfect choice. A woman of poise,
distinction, and compassion, the Hampton Alumni will open up the conference whose
theme this year is, From Income to Wealth: Economic Development in the African-
American Community.

Ricks, a graduate of Hampton Universitys School of Business, has over 20 years of
experience with the International Trade Administration (ITA). Having a fair amount of
background with working with urban families and their financial issues, Ms. Ricks has
made her mark in the world of finance and strong business.

In January, she finished a six-month assignment with the Minority Business Development
Agency (MBDA) as Senior Advisor on Global affairs. Adding to the list of
accomplishments that Ricks has made thus far, she has provided guidance to the National
Director on trade policy issues and helped also to develop MBDAs three-year strategic
plan which affected the increase of minority-owned companies exporting to foreign

While this years conference focuses on financial awareness and issues as it relates to the
black family, it also addresses the many accomplishments achieved individually and
collectively in the black community. Being a person of high regard and stature in both the
black community and a successful Hampton Alumni, Ms. Shawn Ricks was a top choice
for the keynote speaker of Wednesdays night opening ceremony.

All students are encouraged to come out and be informed on her accomplishments and
also accomplishments that students, especially black students, are capable of achieving as
she once was in the same shoes as Hampton students today.

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