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Hist101 | Chapter 7-8 Quiz

Fill in the Blank:

1. The _______ are the three persons (Father, Son, & Holy Spirit) that
make up the _________________________.
2. The standard Latin translation of the Bible is known as the
3. The _______ were an East Asian barbarian people. They moved
westward from Mongolia and threatened the Roman Empire.
4. In the fifth century, the eastern half of the Roman Empire was named
the ____________________________.
5. ________ was Emperor Justinian Is wife and empress. She had
significant political and religious influence over her husband.
6. Justice is the constant and perpetual wish to render to everyone his
due, is a major principal of ______________________.
7. The city where Muhammad was born is __________. Muslims pray
towards this city and have an obligation to make a pilgrimage to this
city at least once in their lifetime.
8. People of the book, such as Jews and Christians, are known in Arabic
as ___________.
9. During the expansion of Islam, the __________ dynasty was the first
line of hereditary caliphs. Their capital was in Damascus.
10. Emperor __________ enacted policy forbidding icon worship.

1. T/F: Churches could be inside a converted house.
2. T/F: Christianity never acquired enough power to influence Roman
3. T/F: The fall of the Western Roman Empire was a direct result of
invasion by the Eastern Roman Empire.
4. T/F: The New Persians and he Byzantine had a peaceful relationship.
5. T/F: Jews and Christians were persecuted in both the Byzantine and
the New Persian empires.
6. T/F: Patria Potestas is a patriarchal Roman law that establishes the
father as the authority and legal head of household.
7. T/F: The Five Pillars of Islam establishes the expectations and duties
of every Muslim.
8. T/F: Muhammads followers left Medina to join him in Mecca.
9. T/F: Unlike Jews, Muslims are legally obligated to eat pork daily.
10. T/F: The Muslim conquest contributed directly to the decline of the
Byzantine Empire.

Fill in the Blank:
1. Trinity
2. Vulgate
3. Huns
4. Byzantine Empire
5. Theodora
6. Body of Civil Law
7. Mecca
8. Dhimmi
9. Umayyad
10. Leo III

1. True
2. False
3. False
4. True
5. False
6. True
7. True
8. False
9. False
10. True

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