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A list of classroom rules is included in this portfolio because all classrooms need to have

a set of rules that students understand and need to follow. I kept my list to only two rules because
I believe these rules apply to all other rules I could list here, especially at the high school level
where students should be mature enough to only need two rules in the classroom. By having
these rules in affect, the classroom should be orderly and a good academic atmosphere. At the
lower grades, students may need more rules because they may not really understand what being
responsible and respectful means.
The theories that most support this artifact are all theories that deal with behaviorism and
conditioning. These theories include those by Skinner, Pavlov, Watson, and Thorndike. Rules
that are set in school need to be followed. If they are not, there are consequences. If they are
followed, there are rewards. This is by definition an example of behaviorism. The rules set by the
teacher and the school can condition students to behave the way the rules suggest the students
By creating this artifact, I have learned that rules are a necessary part of the classroom,
but they do not have to be very complex. Rules can be condensed and simplified so that all
aspects of an orderly classroom are managed. In my classroom, I have decided upon only two
rules. In the high school level, students should be mature enough to understand the behavior
necessary to do school well. If these rules are followed, a well-managed learning environment
will be created.

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