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An anti-bullying pledge is included in my portfolio because in this day in age, bullying is

an important issue that must be addressed in the classroom. With students ability
technologically to bully students outside of the classroom, it is even more important that schools
address this issue. By signing this document, students are obligated to abide by this document. If
they are found bullying, this document can be reviewed by the administrators and the student and
an acceptable punishment can be dealt.
The theory that most relates to an anti-bullying pledge is Wertheimers Gestalt Theory.
This theory states that some ideas can only be understood as a part of a bigger picture. This
theory is also important in problem solving. By creating and distributing this document, the
school is making an attempt to solve the bullying issue. Students may start to see the bigger
picture on how bullying affects their peers. If you continue to push the issue and continue and
anti-bullying program, you will find that students really start to see the big picture and even
become problem solvers themselves.
By creating this document I realized that students really need to have an anti-bullying
program at their schools. Bullying is a huge issue in schools today and at times it seems like very
little is being done about it. This anti-bullying pledge is a step in the right direction to solving
bullying problems in schools. Students need to understand that bullying in all forms is wrong and
will not be tolerated in and out of school. Having students sign this pledge will open the door for
students to understand this concept.

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