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Name: Libby Johnson

Age: 19
Origins: England/Scotland
Location: Central London
Religion: Atheist
College/University: Art College First Year
Job Employed: Subway
Subjects: Art & Design
Hobbies: Creating Art, Singing and Guitar
Favourite Food: Chicken Tikka with Pasta and Salad
Favourite Music: Rock, RNB and Soul
Favourite Programme: Keeping up with the Kardashians
Relationship Status: Single
Libby Johnson is 19 years old who lives in Britain but her origins are
England and Scottish. She lives in Central London with her parents
and she goes to an Arts College, which is also in London. This is her
first year in an Arts college but she had to retake a year during her A
Levels because her grades werent good enough to move on. The
subject she is doing is Art & Design. Her favourite food is Chicken
Tikka with Pasta and Salad. Her favourite type of music is Rock, RNB
and Soul. Her favourite TV show is Keeping up with the Kardashians
She also has a job in Subway, which is close to her home. She is
single as she cant make enough time to have a relationship because
most days she is working a lot.

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