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© Copyright 2003. All rights reserved
The recipes, diets, and other information given in this eBook are for personal use only. No part of this eBook
may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means without prior written authorization.


The information given in this eBook is a general guidance only. It is not a substitute
for professional medical advice. Do not use this information to diagnose or treat a
health problem without consulting a qualified Doctor. Any body using the information
given in this eBook is doing so at his/her own risk.

The Diet Programs given in this eBook are only suggestive although these are
entirely safe and effective. You should consult your Doctor and/or Dietician before
starting the program. will not be responsible for any
health related problems that you may encounter directly or indirectly related to this
program. No responsibility is undertaken for people using this program. Everybody's
requirement is different, therefore results will vary and we cannot guarantee any
results. We believe that these are safe diet progra ms, although no physician was
involved for the development of these diet programs. Diet and exercise go hand in
hand so you may like to consider an exercise program that suits you. Consult your
Doctor before starting any exercise and/or diet program.
TO OUR READERS ..................................................................................................................................................... 1
INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................................................................... 2
WEIGHT LOSS & MOTIVATION......................................................................................................................... 3
SET A GOAL ................................................................................................................................................................. 4
GENERAL ...................................................................................................................................................................... 5
WHY DO PEOPLE GET FAT?..............................................................................................................................5
BLOOD S UGAR....................................................................................................................................................6
S UGAR & OTHER REFINED FOODS ..................................................................................................................7
WHY YOU SHOULD NOT EAT TH EM? .............................................................................................................7
GLYCEMIC INDEX (GI) & GLYCEMIC LOAD ...............................................................................................8
BODY CLEANSING........................................................................................................................................... 10
WHAT IS METABOLISM?............................................................................................................................... 11
CAUSES FOR LOW METABOLISM................................................................................................................ 12
DO YOU HAVE LOWER METABOLISM? ...................................................................................................... 12
HOW TO BOOST METABOLISM?.................................................................................................................. 13
NATURAL METABOLISM BOOSTERS........................................................................................................... 15
DO YOU HAVE UNDER ACTIVE THYROID?................................................................................................. 16
EXERCISE TO LOSE WEIGHT ...........................................................................................................................18
YOUR SELF ASSESSMENT ..................................................................................................................................23
ARE YOU OVERWEIGHT?............................................................................................................................... 23
HOW TO PROCEED ? ........................................................................................................................................ 23
BODY SHAPE.................................................................................................................................................... 24
IDEAL W EIGHT................................................................................................................................................ 25
BODY MASS INDEX (BMI) ............................................................................................................................ 26
HOW MANY CALORIES DO YOU NEED DAILY?........................................................................................... 27
HOW MANY CALORIES CAN YOU BURN? ................................................................................................. 29
WHAT ARE NEGATIVE CALORIE FOODS? ................................................................................................30
LIST OF NEGATIVE CALORIE FOODS ..........................................................................................................33
EFFECT OF CERTAIN FO ODS ...........................................................................................................................39
VITAMINS FOR WEIGHT LOSS ........................................................................................................................42
PREPARE YOURSELF ............................................................................................................................................43
TIPS FOR A FIT & S LIM BODY...................................................................................................................... 43
CUT OUT FOODS HIGH IN FATS ................................................................................................................... 44
COOK HEALTHFULLY. HOW TO AVOID FATS IN DIET? .......................................................................... 45
S MART SHOPPING ........................................................................................................................................... 46
J UNK FOODS ARE EMPTY CALORIES .......................................................................................................... 48
UNDERSTAND THE FOOD LABELS ............................................................................................................... 50
TIPS FOR CALORIE INTAKE ......................................................................................................................... 52
TIPS FOR CALORIE BURNING ...................................................................................................................... 53
TIPS FOR EATING OUT .................................................................................................................................. 54
CRAVINGS......................................................................................................................................................... 55
C ELLULITE ....................................................................................................................................................... 57
SUGGESTED DIET PROGRAMS ........................................................................................................................58
DAILY EATING GUIDE FOR GRADUAL WEIGHT LOSS & FIT BODY .................................................... 59
PROGRAM – 1 (FAST) ..................................................................................................................................... 60
PROGRAM – 2 (FAST) ..................................................................................................................................... 61
PROGRAM – 3 (GRADUAL WEIGHT LOSS )................................................................................................. 63
RECIPES .......................................................................................................................................................................65
RESOURCES .............................................................................................................................................................148
DISCLAIMER ...........................................................................................................................................................150
Negative Calorie Foods & Recipes

To Our Readers
The purpose of this eBook is to help you manage your weight problems, that is to
regain your ideal weight and maintain it. No book can replace the need for people to
care themselves. The Negative Calorie Foods & Recipes eBook is to provide you all
the necessary weight related details.

Our most important recommendation is to stop skipping meals and counting calories.
Eat at least 3 meals a day. We suggest 3 diet programs that you can follow to lose
weight. For a quick weight loss, you can start one of the fast programs, then follow
the other programs after a gap of one week. When you are not on any of the fast
programs, try to incorporate maximum number of dishes based on negative calorie
foods into your daily meals. Please note that the diet programs are totally
independent giving you a variety, it is not essential to try all the programs. You may
follow the programs in any order as you wish, and depending on the results you may
repeat after a gap of one week. The diet programs, if followed strictly, should give
you quick results. Your weight loss will continue even after you stop the fast
program, if you continue eating the listed foods. We emphasize that you need not to
stick to any of the programs for ever. The important thing to note is that you should
include the foods listed in this eBook into your daily meals. This way you will loose
weight gradually, and become fit for ever.

In this eBook over 150 recipes are given with ingredients that provide negative
calorie benefits. These recipes containing negative calorie food ingredients can easily
be made part of a lifelong, sensible weight control program. The best way to control
weight is to consume these foods more and more replacing fatty meat and other
unhealthy foods, and exercise regularly. Miracle diets and fasting are not the answer
for a lifetime stay-fit goal, permanent lifestyle changes are. Read and follow the tips
for calorie intake, calorie burning, healthy cooking and smart shopping given in this
eBook and follow them.

It is recommended that you weigh yourself before starting a diet program. Weigh
again after the end of the program and see the difference. In most of the cases there
will be a weight loss in the first week itself. Don’t be disheartened if your results are
not favorable. Read the eBook carefully and make necessary changes in your

Please don’t forget to send your feedback at

Warning: If you are taking any medication for high cholesterol, high
blood pressure or diabetes, please consult your doctor because after
eating the foods listed in this eBook, your blood cholesterol, blood
pressure and diabetes will become under control naturally! You may
not be required to take your medicine!!

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Negative Calorie Foods & Recipes

It is estimated that 60 percent of adult Americans (about sixty million) are
overweight and almost 20 percent are obese. The people of other developed
countries are not far behind. According to the National Institutes of Health, USA
these people are more likely to have hypertension, arthritis, stroke, high blood
cholesterol levels, diabetes and some kinds of cancer. Unhealthy dietary habits and
sedentary behavior together account for approximately 300,000 deaths every year, a
recent study has found.

Achieving a healthy weight reduces these health risks and makes you feel better,
more energetic, efficient, and confident. The treatment of the obesity is extremely
important for the people who are suffering from the heart diseases, diabetes,
arthritis, back pain, infertility, hyperthyroidism and especially for the ladies to cure
the post pregnancy stretch marks. One should, therefore, always be mentally &
physically fit. Being a little over weight in itself is not a disease but it can lead to
other problems as mentioned above. Therefore it is very necessary for everybody to
maintain an ideal weight, according to the individual's body structure.

With the variety of low calorie and even “negative calorie” foods, watching your
weight no longer means dieting and starving. Good tasting low calorie nutritious
snacks, entrees, desserts, etc. are now possible. Negative calorie foods and low
calorie sweeteners makes diet interesting and enjoyable that can help reduce
calories and managing weight easier. The key to burning off fat is to feed yourself
with right food rather than depriving yourself. You should eat plenty of plant foods
which are rich in vitamins, minerals, trace elements, carbohydrates and protein that
give your stomach lots of bulk to break down. This allows your body to burn off its
excess stored fat. Even though you may be eating much more than before, your
body would be switching to fat burning mode. Even if you eat the same number of
calories every day, you will burn off extra calories of fat and you will lose weight!

To take maximum advantages of the eBook, read it carefully and decide about needs
of your body. Note that the key to burning fat is your metabolism. By eating right
foods and doing right exercise you can manipulate your body to burn fat 24 hours a
day, even while you are sleeping or just sitting and watching TV. This eBook focuses
on all these issues.

The Negative Calorie Foods are good for

Overweight & obese people.
Overweight & obese children.
Normal weight people of all ages including children.
People with high cholesterol and/or blood pressure.

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Negative Calorie Foods & Recipes

Weight Loss & Motivation

Weight takes time to gain, and it takes time to lose. One of the first steps to weight
loss success is to evaluate how you feel, both physically and emotionally, then
establish realistic goals. It is important to understand your weight loss needs. If you
want to lose weight, it is wise to set several short-term goals. Remember, even small
weight losses have been shown to be beneficial. You can successfully manage your
weight, but it means a lifetime commitment and permanent changes in eating habits
and life style to maintain an ideal weight, according to your body structure. And to
keep weight off, you must stay motivated. Successful weight control depends upon
you, not upon any particula r product or program. The American Heart Association,
the American Dietetic Association and the American Medical Association all
recommend that the most sensible approach to weight loss is a balanced diet with a
variety of foods in moderation, combined with exercise.

Most health professionals recommend gradual weight loss, up to one pound per
week, as the safest and most effective approach. Gradual weight loss promotes long-
term loss of body fat. To lose one pound in a week, a person must burn 500 calories
more per day for a week, that is 3,500 calories more per week over and above
what you already burn doing daily activities. For example, reducing calorie
intake by 300 per day and increasing daily activity to burn off an additional 200
calories should result in a weight loss of one pound per week. However, if you eat
only foods listed in this eBook, you need not to count calories!

Change to a lifestyle that incorporates exercise.

• Find a fitness partner

• Schedule your workouts
• Entertain yourself
• Start an exercise log
• Evaluate your progress regularly
• Make exercise non-negotiable

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Negative Calorie Foods & Recipes

Set a Goal
Successful weight loss and healthy weight management depend on sensible goals
and expectations. If you set sensible goals, chances are you have a better chance of
keeping the weight off. The first step to weight loss is setting a realistic goal. In fact,
losing even five to 10 percent of your weight is the kind of goal that can help
improve your health. By using a BMI chart and consulting with your health-care
provider, you can determine what is a healthy weight for you.

Studies show that you can improve your health with just a small amount of weight
loss. "Physical activity in combination with reduced calorie consumption can lead to
the 5 to 10 percent weight loss necessary to achieve remission of the obesity-
associated complications," says William Dietz, M.D., Ph.D., director of the Division of
Nutrition and Physical Activity at the CDC. "Even these moderate weight losses can
improve blood pressure and help control dia betes and high cholesterol in obese or
overweight adults."

To reach your goal safely, plan to lose weight gradually. Most overweight people
should lose weight gradually. A weight loss of 1/2to 2 pounds a week is usually safe,
according to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. If you plan to lose more than 15
to 20 pounds because of serious health problems associated with obesity, have any
health problems, or take medication on a regular basis, a doctor should evaluate you
before you begin a weight-loss program.

Consider the benefits of moderate weight loss. There is scientific evidence that losing
5 to 10 percent of your weight and keeping it off can benefit your health. If you are 5
feet 6 inches tall and weigh 190 pounds, and your goal weight is 150, losing 5 to 10
percent (9.5 to 19 pounds) is beneficial.

Set a realistic goal. Gradual weigh loss is a good strategy.

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Negative Calorie Foods & Recipes

Why do people get fat?

For a successful weight loss, you should know the reasons for people getting
overweight. The possible reasons are:

1. Skipping meals.

2. Slow metabolism: You don’t really eat that much, but you don't burn up the
food efficiently.

3. Inactivity: You are inactive most of the time due to which your body can't
burn up the food that you eat.

4. Eating too much foods with fat: If you eat too much food, your body
stores it in the form of fat. If you consume more calories than you burn, you
will gain weight. Most people leading moderately active lives need about 15
calories per pound per day to maintain their weight. For example, a 150
pound person would have to eat foods containing no more than 2250 calories
each day to maintain his or her weight.

5. Eating too much foods with sugar.

6. Drinking too much alcohol: Alcohol slows down the body’s use of fat for
fuel and the fat is likely to be stored in the.

7. Medical conditions: like under active thyroid may cause obesity.

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Negative Calorie Foods & Recipes

Blood Sugar

Blood sugar may be the most important factor in losing and maintaining body
weight. Fluctuations in blood sugar can cause cravings, excess thirst, water
retention, excess weight, and mood swings.

After we eat, glucose from the breakdown of food during digestion is absorbed into
the blood stream through the wall of intestine. The glucose level t this point is very
high in the blood. Our body takes the amount of glucose for immediate need for
energy and produces insulin from the pancreas to lower the level of excess glucose.
Any glucose that is not used for energy is stored as glycogen in the muscles and liver
for later use. This reduces the glucose to normal level in the blood. The amount by
which our blood sugar levels changes depends on what we eat and when we eat.

When the glucose level falls too low, the liver changes some of the glycogen into
glucose to give us energy. If the glucose level stays low for a period of time,
conditions of low blood sugar level occurs.

When the glucose level rises too high, insulin is produced by pancreas to lower it. If
the blood glucose level remains too high for a time, conditions of high blood sugar
level occurs.

Note that when we eat any food in refined form like sugar and white flour (in breads,
pasta, biscuits, etc.) or a stimulant (like coffee, drinks), it is digested very fast and
glucose enters into blood stream rapidly. The fast rise in blood glucose makes you
energetic immediately but soon you feel tired. At this time you need another boost of
energy and you eat again. The up and down of blood sugar levels makes you eat
frequently and you end up in a cravings for sweets, drinks, etc.

Sugar, caffeine (in tea, coffee, and soft drinks), tobacco, and chocolate are
stimulants. They cause a fast rise in blood sugar level that drops quickly. They are
responsible for blood sugar fluctuations. Refined foods have no essential vitamins,
minerals and fiber content and the body has to use its own vitamins and minerals to
digest them depleting your own stores.

To overcome this situation you should cut them out from your diet and eat natural
whole foods, complex carbohydrates, and by not skipping any meals to maintain
balanced blood sugar levels. Eat little but often will solve your problem of over-
eating and cravings. Leave behind the philosophy that no foods between eating.
Develop a grazing habit. To maintain steady blood sugar levels, you should eat
complex carbohydrates (grains, pulses, lentils, vegetables, fruits, beans, etc.) as part
of your meal.

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Negative Calorie Foods & Recipes

Sugar & other refined foods

Why You should not eat them?

Sugar is a simple carbohydrate like all other refined foods and should be avoided.
They are only “empty” calories, have no nutrition value, raise the insulin levels
rapidly, and damage the blood sugar balance. The raised insulin levels make fat to
be stored in the body. Because of your blood sugar level fluctuations, whatever you
eat will be changed to fat, and also your body stops breaking down previously stored

Stop eating Sugar and lose nothing but weight! Note that all sugars are the same,
white or brown, so far as the blood sugar is concerned. Even sugar substitutes are
damaging, as they are chemicals. A can of soft drink can contain about 8 teaspoon of
sugar! The diet varieties contain chemical sweeteners. We don’t know what these
chemicals are doing to our body. The sweeteners slow down the digestive process
and increase the appetite. The American cancer Society has reported that people
who regularly use artificial sugars tend to gain weight. If a label says “no added
sugar”, that does not mean that it does not contain sugar of any kind! They may be
using different forms of sugars, viz., Sucrose, Fructose, Glucose, Dextrose, Lactose,
and Maltose. Remember the –ose at the end of each word.

Fructose present in fruits is also a carbohydrate but in the presence of fruit fiber it is
not bad because the fibers slows down the digestion rate. The pure fruit juice does
not contain any fibers so it may also cause rapid rise of blood sugar level. You should
therefore dilute the fruit juice in water to reduce its concentration. It is better to
make fruit juice at home and leave some fibers in it.

Among various natural sugar substitutes, you may use Stevia or maple syrup. But
note that if you are using fatty foods or fried foods, consuming sugar substitutes will
not help. 1 teaspoon of sugar gives you 16 calories whereas 2 grams of oil gives you
8 calories! So there is no point in not using sugars if you cannot stop using oils.

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Negative Calorie Foods & Recipes

Glycemic Index (GI) & Glycemic Load

The glycemic index (GI) is a measure of how fast a carbohydrate triggers to raise the
blood sugar. Some carbohydrates are slow releasing, while the others are fast
releasing. The higher the number, the greater the blood sugar response. All
carbohydrates can be assigned a value, known as glycemic index, compared to
glucose. The glucose is the fastest releasing carbohydrate so it has been assigned a
glycemic value of 100.

A GI value tells you only how rapidly a particular carbohydrate turns into sugar. It
doesn’t tell how much of that carbohydrate is in a serving of a particular food. Both
the things are important to understand a food’s effect on blood sugar. The GI value
alone does not give accurate picture of the food. The glycemic load (GL) takes both
the things into account.

The glycemic load is the glycemic index divided by 100 multiplied by its available
carbohydrate content (i.e. carbohydrates minus fiber) in grams.

Take watermelon as an example of calculating glycemic load (Table on next page).

The glycemic index = 72

In a serving of 120 grams, it has 6 grams of available carbohydrate.
The glycemic load = (72/100) x 6 = 4.32 = 4 rounded.

By simply looking at the GI value you will think that watermelon is not good for you,
but its glycemic load is low, so it is safe to eat.

Foods that have a low GI invariably have a low GL, while foods with an intermediate
or high GI range from very low to very high GL. Therefore, you can reduce the GL of
your diet by limiting foods that have both a high GI and a high carbohydrate content.

To optimize insulin levels and keep fat storage to a minimum, you should eat fruits,
vegetables, and whole grains preferably with low GI and low GL values. The fiber
contained in these foods slows down the release of sugars.

Value Glycemic Index (GI) Glycemic Load (GL)

High 70 or more 20
Medium 56 to 69 inclusive 11 to 19 inclusive
Low 55 or less 10 or less

The values of glycemic index and glycemic load for a number of food items for a
serving size are given in the next page. (The “Serve size (g)” column is the serving
size in grams for calculating the glycemic load.).
For a detailed list, go to the web site

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Negative Calorie Foods & Recipes

Glycemic Index and Glycemic Load values of certain foods


__________________________________________ _________________________________________
Item GI Serve GL Item GI Serve GL
Size (g) Size (g)

Apples 38 120 6 Butter beans, cooked 31 150 6

Apricots, 31 60 9 Chickpeas (Bengal gram), 28 150 8
Cherries 22 120 3 boiled
Grapefruit 25 120 3 Kidney Beans , boiled 28 150 7
Grapes 46 120 8 Black bean, cooked 20 150 5
Kiwi fruit 53 120 6 Lentils, green, boiled 30 150 5
Mango 51 120 8 Lentils, red, dried, boiled 26 150 5
Oranges, 42 120 5 reheated in microwave oven
Peach 42 120 5 Marrow fat peas, boiled 39 150 7
Peach, in natural juice 38 120 4 Mung bean, cooked 42 150 7
Pear 38 120 4 Peas, dried, boiled 22 150 2
Pear halves, in syrup 25 120 4 Pigeon Pea soaked, 22 150 4
Pineapple 59 120 7 boiled
Plum 39 120 5 Romano beans 46 150 8
Rock melon/Cantaloupe 65 120 4 Soya beans, dried, boiled 15 150 1
Strawberries, fresh 40 120 1 Split peas, yellow, boiled 32 150 6
Tomato juice, 38 250 4
no added sugar OTHER ITEMS
Watermelon 72 120 4 _________________________________________
Item GI Serve GL
Item GI Serve GL Coca Cola 63 250 16
Size (g) Smoothie, raspberry 33 250 14
Muesli bread 54 30 7
Broad beans 79 80 9 Semolina, roasted 55 150 6
Green peas 48 80 3
Pumpkin 75 80 3
Sweet corn 54 80 9
Beet root 64 80 5
Carrots 47 80 3

Coarsely ground flours are preferable to fine flours (whether white or whole meal),
and that the consumption of slowly digested carbohydrate foods such as pasta, oats,
barley, baked beans, rice, low-GI breakfast cereals, and grainy breads is particularly
beneficial. The GI has implications for weight control in people with diabetes because
slowly digested carbohydrate is associated with higher satiety. Low-insulinemic (low
GI) diets have been shown to increase the rate of weight loss and promote weight

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Negative Calorie Foods & Recipes

Body Cleansing

Our body needs regular cleaning and cleansing to achieve optimal health and operate
it at peak performance. This is important because our body builds up toxins from
pesticides, other chemicals, pollution, and body waste. If the toxins from our body
are not cleaned out, we ma y have headache, depression, fatigue, insomnia, nausea,
abdominal discomfort, lack of concentration, lack of sexual desire, bad breath, lower
back pain, menstrual problems, body pains, skin blemishes, etc.

Enemas, dry body brushing and fasts are helpful in flushing out body toxins. Enemas
are helpful in eliminating body toxins and help in minimizing the symptoms
mentioned above. Dry brushing encourages lymphatic drainage and can be very
useful in elimination and cleansing process through our skin. It helps to reduce
cellulite in thighs and buttocks. It should be done with a natural bristle bath brush,
beginning at the tips of your shoulder and always brushing towards your heart.

Fasting is a safe way to detoxify the body. Fasts are common in most of the
religions. Juice fasts detoxify the body effectively and supply the body the much-
needed nutrients such as vitamin C, vitamin E, beta-carotene, and minerals. These
nutrients bind with toxins and carry them out of the body. Diabetics should get the
advice from a doctor before starting a juice fast. A fast for up to five days may be
undertaken once a month. You can select the juices given in the Section Juices.
Water fasts are also effective in flushing out the stored toxins but the body is
deprived of the needed nutrients. When you break the fast, do not eat oily things,
eat mostly boiled or steamed vegetables, salads, fruits, and soups on the first day.

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Negative Calorie Foods & Recipes

What is Metabolism?

Metabolism is the amount of energy (calories) our body burns to maintain itself.
Metabolism is essentially the speed at which our body's motor is running. The speed
at which our body burns calories is called the metabolic rate. The metabolism is
based on number of calories we burn throughout the day. Our body constantly burns
calories to keep us going whether we are eating, sleeping, cleaning etc. People with
a lower percentage of body fat (i.e. muscular) have a higher metabolism than others
that are less muscular because muscle uses more calories to maintain itself than fat.

"There are individual differences in people. Two people of comparable size can eat
identical amounts of the same food and perform identical amounts of exercise and
one will store surplus energy as fat and the other will burn it off as body heat,” says
Dr. Rogers in "How to Die Young at Age 120."

Some people have a slower metabolic rate and have a harder time staying slim. A
slow metabolism actually causes to store fat. The slower the metabolic rate, the
greater the weight gains.

Some people have a fast metabolic rate and burn lots of calories in a short time.
They are likely to stay slim. In an article, entitled "Prostaglandins, Brown Fat and
Weight Loss,” in Medical Hypothesis, 1989. 28, 13-33, the author, from Princeton's
Brain Bio Center stresses the necessity of increasing the metabolism in overweight
individuals as a means of weight loss. Balancing metabolic rate with caloric intake is
the cornerstone of weight loss and weight maintenance.

Imagine the body as a furnace, foods as fuel, and metabolism as a heat pattern.
Choose foods that are more like coal, that create a very hot heat pattern. The foods
you choose can make or break your metabolic rate.

Body’s metabolism burns calories during rest, during activity and exercise, and
during heat production. All three areas play a vital role in weight loss.

1. Rest: The resting state can burn up to 75% of calories. The energy is
responsible for maintaining things like the beating of heart, functioning of
other organs, brain's activities and temperature regulation. One goal of any
healthy weigh loss program is to increase the calories burned during resting.
This is accomplished by the following two remaining factors.

2. Activity & exercise: Although physical exercise uses only about 12% of the
daily calories burned, exercise causes the calories burned during the resting
state to be dramatically increased. The calories burned during exercise are
almost insignificant compared to the increased metabolism resulting from
exercise. Here, the total calories burned may be twice that of the exercise
3. Thermogenesis: The body's heat production, known as thermogenesis
accounts for 15% of the total energy used. This process is highest during food
intake. Certain foods can increase the number of calories burned during

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Negative Calorie Foods & Recipes

Your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) or resting metabolic rate (RMR) is what your
body needs at rest to maintain normal bodily functions like beating of our heart,
respiration, and the maintenance of body temperature. etc. It's how fast your
"motor" is running when you're still in a reclined position or sleeping. About 60-75%
of energy is expended by the body at rest in such activities. The metabolic rate
depends on sex, age, and amount of muscle. Younger persons have higher
(faster)metabolism because of the increased activity of cells. Men generally have a
10-15% faster BMR than women because male body has greater percentage of lean
muscle tissues. Exercise can increase your BMR.

Basal Metabolic Rate can be calculated by the following formula of the World Health

BMR for
Female = [ 655+(9.6 x Weight in kilogram) + (1.7 x Height in centimeter) – (4.7 x Age) ]
Male = [ 66+(13.7 x Weight in kilogram) + (5 x Height in centimeter) – (6.8 x Age) ]

Take the example of Linda who weighs 150 pounds, stands 5'6", and is 21 years old.

Her weight in kilogram = 150 pounds/2.2 = 68 kg

Her height = 5'6" = 66 inches x 2.54 cm = 168 cm
BMR = 655 + (9.6 x 68) + (1.7 x 168) - (4.7 x 21)
BMR = 655 + 652.8 + 285.6 – 98.7 = 1495 calories per day

You can calculate your Basal metabolic rate by the above equation as explained by
the example of Linda.

Causes for Low Metabolism

1. Fasting
2. A low calorie diet
3. Snacking throughout the day on high sugared foods (candy, colas, cakes,
4. Eating or drinking too much sugar containing foods.
5. Lack of physical activity.
6. Under active thyroid

Do you have Lower Metabolism?

Your metabolism is slow (low) if you have symptoms like fatigue, dry skin, feeling
cold, constipation, a slow pulse and low blood pressure. These symptoms, however,
could be due to a medical condition rather than low metabolism. Consult your Doctor
to rule out any type of medical problem.

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Negative Calorie Foods & Recipes

How to Boost Metabolism?

The good news is that there are ways you can "boost" your metabolism! The more of
these you're able to incorporate into your life, the more you'll boost your
metabolism. That means you'll be expending ("burning") more calories 24 hours a
day! Get started today! You'll feel better and your metabolism will be in "great

1. Eating habits. Do not skip any meal. Food is the most important tool to
achieve a strong, leaner body. It gives the metabolism the raw materials it
needs to start burning fast and building muscle. Each meal must work
towards your metabolism and not against it. Graze to boost your metabolism.

2. Always eat breakfast! Skipping breakfast sends the message to your body
that you're starving because you haven't had food in 18 hours. As a
protective mechanism, your metabolism slows down. Once you stop eating,
the body perceives starvation and slows its metabolic rate. Food, especially
complex carbohydrates, fuels your metabolism.

3. Eat earlier in the day! You can lose weight simply by eating a substantial
breakfast and lunch, and a light dinner. Dinner should be eaten as early as
possible, preferably at least four hours before bedtime.

4. Remember, it takes the average person 48 hours to maximize metabolism,

and one missed meal can negate several days of healthy eating.

5. Eat 5-6 small meals every day. Snack frequently! Starving slows down
metabolism. Your body does not know how long this starvation will continue
so it starts conserving calories as fat rather than burning them! Your body
slows down the metabolism to save as much fat as possible until the fasting is
over. And this may continue for weeks even after the starvation is over. This
is the cause for gaining weight(even higher than before dieting) after you
start eating normally after dieting.

Complex carbohydrates (fruits, vegetables, and grains) fuel your metabolism.

Also, snacking prevents you from becoming too hungry. The hungrier you are,
the less control you have over what and how much you eat.

6. Make it a point that your diet should contain at least 22 calories per kilogram
(or 10 calories per pound) of your ideal body weight. This means that if you
are aiming for a weight of 165 pounds (75 kg), your daily menu should
contain at least 1650 calories. Weight loss will be gradual, but you will not
slow your metabolism. Less than 1200 calories per day is usually not enough
to support your basal metabolism and thus will slow your metabolism.

7. Diets that consist of foods low in carbohydrates can be effective in losing

weight, but not good. When your body does not have carbohydrates to burn
off as energy, it starts using muscle tissue for energy, therefore causing you
to lose muscle instead of fat, dropping metabolic rate. When you start eating
normal diet again, you gain the weight back twice as fast. Eat more
carbohydrates (food from plants), and less fat (food from many animals and
other food with added fat)! Carbohydrates boost your metabolism and have
fewer calories per weight than fat.

© Copyright 2003 All Right Reserved 13

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8. Start daily exercise. An inactive person will have a lower BMR. For example,
a person of about 5.5 ft height and weighing 130 pounds will have a BMR of
1400 calories. If this person exercises regularly, he (or she) may burn off
about 2500 calories daily! This person can never gain weight and it is most
likely that he (or she) will lose weight over a period of time. A combination of
some aerobic activity and weight training will result in a body that has more
muscle and less fat, which in turn will result in a higher metabolism.

9. Build your muscles: Do you Know: 1 pound of fat burns only 2 calories a day
while 1 pound of muscle burns 50 calories a day! The more muscle you build,
the faster your metabolism will be, and the more calories you will burn while
at rest. When muscle mass decreases, the metabolic rate also drops.

10. You can increase your muscle mass by doing some type of resistance work for
example, lifting weights). When you are lifting weights or doing other
resistance work, it will not only burn calories but increase muscle strength,
tone and endurance. It helps to change your metabolism from a fat storage to
fat burner.

11. Aerobic exercise such as walking, jogging, biking, swimming etc at least 3
days a week for about 20 minutes will decrease your level of body fat.
Because aerobic exercise takes more calories, your metabolism speeds up
during the activity.

12. Include fiber in your diet. The fiber helps as a fat burner and also
counteracts the harmful effects of glucose producing carbohydrates.

13. Nutrients like vitamin B-6, zinc, manganese, etc. help convert fats to
prostaglandin along with other processes important to increase metabolism.
Consult your doctor for specific needs.

14. Avoid fructose (& Sugar): The fructose can change your body's metabolism
from fat burning to fat storage. It is present in soda, snack foods, frozen
entrees, breakfast cereals, candy bars, cakes, gum, etc.). However the small
amount you get in fruit is harmless. Use low calorie sugar substitutes like
stevia (you can buy stevia from example, Click Stevia) or maple syrup.

15. Avoid alcohol. Alc ohol depresses your metabolism and stimulates your

16. Drink 8-10 glasses (60+ ounces) of water a day. Your metabolism needs
plenty water to function properly.

17. If you have under active thyroid (hypothyroidism), eating seaweeds and
Celtic sea salt will provide you natural iodine. Ayurvedic herbal gulgulipid may
also be helpful.

Make it a point that your diet should contain at least 22 calories per
kilogram (or 10 calories per pound) of your ideal body weight. This means
that if you are aiming for a weight of 165 pounds (75 kg), your daily menu
should contain at least 1650 calories.

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Natural Metabolism Boosters

The thermogenic ingredients increase the rate that the body burns the stored fat to
release energy. As the calories are burnt, you have mo re energy so you become
active for physical activities which in turn burn more calories. Alternating a high
calorie day with a low calorie day has a stimulating effect on the metabolism. The
example for women: 1400 calories the first day, the next day 1000 calories, the third
day 1400 calories, the fourth 1000 calories, etc; and for men: the day one 1700
calories, the next day 1200 calories, the third day 1700, the fourth 1200, etc.

Listed below are natural metabolism boosters.

1. Capsicum (cayenne or red pepper): The active ingredient capsaicin is

supposed to raise the body's metabolic rate by as much as 25 percent for
three hours.

2. Hot chilies*: Post meal metabolism builder

3. Mustard*: Post meal metabolism builder.

Mustard can speed up the metabolism by as much as 20 to 25 % for several

4. Flaxseed: Source of alpha-linolenic acid, a fatty acid essential for efficient


5. Berries: Berries like strawberries, cranberries, etc. have few calories, high
fiber and a lot of vitamin C. The vitamin C stimulates production of carnitine,
an amino acid that supposedly boosts metabolism. Brindleberry helps
suppress the.

6. Cinnamon*: Contains chromium, which controls blood sugar.

7. Tamarind* (garcinia cambogia, Imli in India) contains hydroxy critirc acid

(HCA) that helps carbohydrates to turn into energy instead of fat. You can
buy tamarind pulp or paste.

8. Citrus Aurantium or Bitter Orange: This increase metabolic rate, promotes

weight loss and increases energy level. This is fat burner. It highly acidic
Seville orange, which is grown and cultivated in Spain, Italy and parts of the
U.S. Its extract is available in natural health shops for weight watchers.

9. Natural carbohydrates: including whole-grain foods (breads, brown rice,

pasta), fruits and vegetables help to stimulate the metabolism.

*The items are available in Supermarkets or Asian shops.

Hot chilies and cinnamon are important ingredients of Garam Masala, a
mixed spice powder available from Indian and other Asian shops.

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Do you have Under active Thyroid?

The thyroid gland is an important organ that works as body’s thermostat controlling
body temperature, energy use, and the speed at which the body uses food. Your
metabolic rate is regulated by thyroid hormones that signal cells to work harder and
organs to run faster according to the body's energy needs. If you eat correctly, do
exercise and yet your weight does not reduce, you should consult your doctor to find
if you have an under active thyroid (hypothyroidism). An under active thyroid can
cause weight gain.

• Has your weight gone up for no reasons?

• Are you constipated?
• Do you feel cold?
• Are you losing hair?
• Do you feel loss of memory and lack of concentration?
• Do you have a lack of energy?
• Are you depressed and have headaches?
• Do you have skin problems like itching, eczema, acne, and dry skin?

If you have answered yes to 4 or more questions, visit to your doctor for a check-up.
You can make a self-diagnostic test yourself as follows:

1. When you get up in the morning, remain in the bed and take your under-
arm temperature (for 5-10 minutes) with an oral thermometer for 5
consecutive days. If your average temperature is under 97.5 degree F. Also
check the resting pulse. Low basal temperature and a pulse of less than 85
beats per minute may indicate hypothyroidism.

2. Paint a 2 inch area of your thigh or belly with a 2% tincture of iodine. If the
yellowish stain disappears in less than 24 hours, it indicates a deficiency of
iodine in your body, which is a cause of hypothyroidism.

Foods for Treatment of Thyroid Disorder

Foods rich in vitamin A, zinc, copper, etc are helpful in treating thyroid disorder.
They help the body make thyroid hormone.

1. Avoid refined foods, saturated fats, sugars, and white flour products.

2. Eat foods rich in vitamin A, such as yellow vegetables, carrots, and dark
green vegetables.

3. Foods rich in zinc include: oatmeal, dried beans, bran, spinach, seeds, and

4. Foods rich in copper include: yeast, legumes, nuts, and raisins.

5. The amino acid tyrosine is helpful. Tyrosine is found in soy products.

6. Black and red radishes have been used by some doctors in the old Soviet
Union as accepted medical treatment for hypothyroidism.

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7. Helpful juices:
• Celery + Parsley + Carrot + Swiss chard + Wheat grass.
• Radishes + Carrot + Tomato + Celery + Zucchini + a pinch of Kelp.

• Juices of alfalfa, all leafy greens, beet tops, carrots, celery, green peppers,
parsley, seaweeds, sprouts, and watercress. Black walnut has a high
content of iodine and is a thyroid stimulant.

8. Seaweed is rich in natural iodine that is good for thyroid. You can drink tea of
abladderwrack (a seaweed) to help with an under active thyroid. This is also
available in tablet form. Other sea vegetables helpful are arame, dulse, hijike,
kelp, kombu, nori, and wakame.

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Exercise to Lose Weight

People who never exercise have a higher percentage of body fat. On the other hand,
people who exercise regularly have a low percentage of body fat. The more active
you are, the easier is to lose weight for you. The best exercise to lose weight should
be continuous for 30 minutes and which fits easily into your daily routine. You should
exercise for at least 30 minutes as the body starts burning fat reserve only after 30
minutes of continuous exercise. For children, sixty minutes of vigorous to moderate
activity every day is recommended.

Exercise improves immune system, increases mental acuity, reduces fatigue, and
improves the quality of sleep. Exercisers usually experience fewer incidence of heart
attacks, strokes, and certain cancers, fewer colds and other respiratory infections.
Although you should try to average about 45 minutes per day, even if you can only
do 10 minutes some days, that's a lot better than doing nothing! Get in the habit of
exercising everyday, just like brushing your teeth. A regular exercise is more

When you diet and not exercise, one quarter of any weight loss is made up of water,
muscle, bone and other lean tissue. Muscle mass uses up more calories than fat.

Before starting any exercise, you need to warm up the muscles slightly by peddling
on a bike, walking up and down stairs, skipping rope, or similar activities. This
should be a gradual warm- up of the muscles and should be for about five minutes.
Then, it is advisable to stretch out the arms , legs, neck, and torso individually. This
will save some muscle soreness and could prevent injury.

At the end of your workout, take another 5 minutes to cool down. If you have been
walking fast, walk slower to cool down. Or stretch for a few minutes. Cooling down
may protect your heart, relax your muscles, and keep you from getting hurt.

A comprehensive exercise program consists of two components; aerobic and

anaerobic (weight training). They work together to give you all the benefits you
can derive fro m an exercise program. You can do these exercises on alternate days.

Best Exercise For Weight Loss

Research has shown that a low impact exercise for long duration has a greater
benefit on weight loss than short duration, high impact exercise. A
combination of aerobic activity and weight training will result in a body that has more
muscle and less fat, which in turn will result in a higher metabolism. When working
out, keep the pace brisk, but not so intense that you can't carry on a conversation at
the height of your workout. A low impact exercise like brisk walking is very beneficial
and can be performed at any time. It costs nothing as it does not require any special
equipment or clothing.

There are certainly benefits to exercising early in the day, getting your metabolism
revived up before you've had any big meals. If you do exercise later in the day, try
to do it at least three hours before you go to bed, otherwise it will be

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Go slowly
Build up your activity level gradually. If you are inactive and want to begin walking
regularly, begin slowly with a 5 minute walk, then gradually increase to 10-15
minute walk, three times a week. As you become more fit, you can make each
session longer & faster.

Get advise from your Doctor before starting an exercise program, particularly if you
are exercising for the first time. If exercise causes discomfort, causes pain in your
chest or your heart, makes you breathless or heart is breathing too fast, stop
immediately and see your Doctor. However, before starting any exercise plan, it is
recommended you consult a physician.

Aerobic Exercise

Aerobic exercise refers to exercises like brisk walking, jogging, swimming, aerobic
dance, cycling, stationary cycling, skiing, rowing, stair climbing, etc. The benefits of
aerobic exercise are numerous including increased caloric expenditure, increased
metabolism, increased energy levels, decreased incidence of cardiovascular disease,
etc. Aerobic exercise promotes cardiovascular fitness by making the heart and lungs
work harder. During aerobic activity, the heart pumps more blood, which helps
prevent the build-up of fatty deposits and blood clots in the arteries. Aerobic exercise
also helps control weight, increases muscle and joint flexibility and reduces our
susceptibility to injuries.

The exercise needs to be rhythmic, continuous and should involve the large muscle
groups for at least 3 days a week for about 30 minutes to decrease your level of
body fat. Because aerobic exercise takes more calories, your metabolism speeds up
during the activity. When you exercise intensely, your body temperature rises, and
remains so for several hours. This makes you burn more calories for hours after you

The simplest and least expensive of these is walking. If you're interested in buying
exercise equipment, it is not necessary to buy it new! Free classified type
newspapers around the country are loaded with used exercise equipment!

While doing aerobic exercise, your heart rate should be in your "target range zone".
That can be calculated as follows:

Target heart Rate Zone

lower limit = (220 - age) x 0.6

upper limit = (220 - age) x 0.8

For example, if you're 40 years old, your lower limit would be 108 beats per minute
and your upper limit would be 144 beats per minute. For burning of fat, you
should exercise with a steady heart rate given by the lower limit, i.e. (220 -
age) x 0.6 [for 40 years old, this is 108 beats per minute]. You can do brisk
walking or jogging at this heart rate for say 20-30 minutes. If you can not go out,
you can walk or jog in your house (even in rooms while watching TV).

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When your exercise makes your heart rate within this range during exercise, it
means your exercise will contribute to your cardiovascular fitness. Note: Your heart
rate (pulse) during exercise should not exceed the upper limit of this range!

Check your pulse regularly during exercise. An easy way to do this is to count your
heartbeats for 15 seconds using your watch, and then multiply this number by 4 to
get your beats per minute (bpm). To feel your heartbeat place your fingers lightly
over the inside of your wrist or on your neck below your jaw. (Do not apply too much
pressure on the neck; that can slow the heart down and can be dangerous in people
with blockages of blood vessels in the neck.). OR you can also place your palm over
your heart and count the number of beats.

Anaerobic Exercise

Anaerobic exercise refers primarily to resistance exercise like weight training to tone
and strengthen your muscles. Weight training is loaded with benefits such as
increased metabolism, improved appearance, increased fat burning 24 hours a day,
increased sense of well-being and confidence, decreased incidence of osteoporosis,
etc. You should aim for toned efficient muscles that are able to exert their power for
longer periods of time. "Toning Up" is done by stressing the muscle with lighter
weights, but for longer amounts of time. This will help to attain muscle endurance.

Build your muscles: Note that the less muscles you have, the harder it is to lose

Muscle building exercises (i.e. lifting weights) involves exercising with progressively
heavier resistance. When you are lifting weights or doing other resistance work, it
will not only burn calories but increase muscle strength, tone and endurance. You
will lose up to half a pound of muscle every year of life after age 25, if these
exercises are not performed regularly.

An increase in muscle tissue causes a corresponding increase in the number of

calories your body will burn, even at rest, every hour, every day, even while
sleeping. When you add muscle to your body, you are increasing your basal
metabolic rate.

Remember that, your muscles are responsible for over 25% of your calorie use. 1
pound of fat burns only 2 calories a day while 1 pound of muscle can burn up to 50
calories a day! The more muscle you build, the faster your metabolism will be, and
the more calories you will burn while at rest. It helps to change your metabolism
from a fat storing machine to a fat burner. When muscle mass decreases, the
metabolic rate also drops. Lean muscle is like a car engine. It burns the gas, or in
this case calories, and provides the power to get you from one place to another. The
bigger the engine, the more fuel the car can burn. The larger the lean muscle mass,
the more calories your body burns at work and at rest and will also help to shape
your body so that you will create the illusion of a slimmer person by widening your
shoulders and your outer thighs. This will help make your waist appear smaller.

Muscle Exercise

You can do simple exercises given below to shape up your body. You will see results
in as little as three weeks .

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Crunches (This exercise is for abdominal and lower back)

Position 1 Position 2
Start with 3
sets of 20.

Lie on back, legs bent on floor. Clasp Slowly raise your upper back off the
hands behind neck, elbows out. floor as far as possible. Hold this
position for a moment. Concentrate
the tension in your abdominal. Lower
back down.
Bendovers (This exercise is for abdominal and lower back)
Position 1 Position 2 Do 25

Stand with feet about a foot apart, Slowly bend over until your back is
hands clasped behind back, knees parallel to the floor. Return to starting
slightly bent. position.

Flutter Kicks (This exercise is for buttocks and thighes)

Position 1 Position 2 Do 50

Lie on stomach, elbows bent, palms on Breathing steadily, contract muscles

floor near shoulders. in buttocks and flutter kick legs as if
Position 1 Position 2 Do 12

Lie face-down on the floor, palms Raise the buttocks as high as

against floor and close to shoulders. possible. Pull in stomach as tightly
as possible and hold this position for
a count of five. Lower to the starting

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Abdominal Vacuum (This exercise is for abdominal)

Position 1 Position 2 Do 10-20

Stand with hands on hips. Exhale Draw in stomach as much as

completely. possible. Feel the tension powerfully
in your abdominal. Hold for a count
of five.
Pushups (This exercise is for triceps muscles in arms)
Position 1 Position 2 Repeat until
you can do no

Lie on the floor face down, hands

Slowly straighten your arms to raise
shoulder-width apart, your hands and
your upper body, then lower yourself
toes touching the floor.
back down the starting position.
Standing Push Through (This exercise is for abdominal & midsection)
Position 1 Position 2 Repeat until

Stand with legs 1-2 feet apart. Bend

Make an effort to reach back even
over with your arms between your legs
farther. Feel the tension in your
as far behind as possible.

If you are exercising for the first time or if you have not exercised for a long time,
and want to begin walking regularly, begin slowly with a 5 minute walk, then
gradually increase to 10-15 minute walk, three times a week. As you become more
fit, you can make each session longer & faster.

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Your Self Assessment

Are you overweight?

How to proceed?

Obviously yes, that is why you are reading this eBook.

Fat is an organ like any other organ, e.g. heart, kidneys, lungs, etc. A man has 26
billion fat cells, while the female has 35 billion cells. An average women’s body is
made up of 27% fat, while a man’s body has only 15% fat. It is an important source
of energy for the body and provides the body with a layer of insulation, helping to
retain the body's heat. Our body only needs a certain amount of fat. It is when too
much fat is present that we become overweight. The number of calories you
consume and the number of calories your body uses as energy govern your weight.

Find the following and decide yourself if you are overweight and act accordingly.
1. Look at your body shape & body mass index (BMI).
2. See your weight in the Ideal Weight Table.
3. Find your basal metabolic rate (BMR).
4. Calculate your activity level to figure out how many calories you burn while
sitting, standing, exercising, lifting weights, etc. throughout the day.
5. Calculate your calorie requirement.
6. Estimate how much calories you consume by eating. Determine your average
total daily calorific intake by writing down your consumption of all food items
(in grams (g),or ounces (oz),1 ounce = 28.4 g) for a typical day. Against each
item put its calorific value and work out your total daily calorie intake (Be
realistic and honest). Use the calorific value given on each food item's label or
from the Web sites
USDA's Food and Nutrition Information Center or
Mike's Calorie And Fat Chart or

Then compare your total actual daily calorie intake against your calorie

Note: This calorie calculation is required if meat, poultry, fish, and sea
foods are your main food and you eat a lot of junk foods loaded with fat
and sugar. If you eat only foods listed in this eBook, you need not to count
your calorie intake. Simply eat these foods, you will see the results soon!

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Body Shape

Waist–to-Hip Ratio determines the distribution of body fat.

1. Using a tape, measure the hips in inches (or centimeters) at the top of the
hipbone, slightly lower than your belly button.

2. Next, measure the waist 1" (2.5 cm) above your belly button in inches (or
Divide the waist reading (2) by the hip reading (1). This tells you where most
of your body fat is located.

Apple-shaped body: A ratio of 0.95 or greater. Your body is of apple shape, the
body fat is located above your waist. This indicates a higher health risk for diabetes,
heart disease, elevated triglycerides, stroke, high blood pressure and some cancers.

Pear-shaped body: A ratio of less than 0.95. Your body is of pear shape, the body
fat is located below your waist, buttocks, and thighs. This indicates a lower health
risk, but fat located in the lower half of the body may be harder to lose during weight

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Ideal Weight

The ideal weight is the weight, which is associated with the lowest incidence of
disease. Anyone who weighs more than his ideal weight is overweight. Broadly
speaking, if you are 10% or more above your ideal weight, you are overweight. If
you are 20% above your ideal weight you are obese. However, both obesity and
overweight may be considered the same so long you wish to reduce your weight.

Take your weight. Is it according to following table?

Desirable Weight for Men

Height Small Frame Median Frame Large Frame
Feet Inches (lbs) (lbs) (lbs)
5 4 118-126 124-136 132-148
5 5 121-129 127-139 135-152
5 6 124-129 130-143 138-156
5 7 128-137 134-147 142-156
5 8 132-141 138-152 147-166
5 9 136-145 142-156 151-170
5 10 140-150 146-160 155-174
5 11 144-154 150-165 159-179
6 0 148-158 154-170 164-184
6 1 152-162 158-175 168-189
6 2 156-167 162-180 173-194
6 3 160-171 167-185 178-199
6 4 164-175 172-190 182-201

Desirable Weight for Women

Height Small Frame Medium Frame Large Frame
Feet Inches (lbs) (lbs) (lbs)
4 10 92-98 96-107 104-119
4 11 94-101 98-110 106-122
5 0 96-104 101-113 109-125
5 1 99-107 104-116 112-128
5 2 102-110 107-119 115-131
5 3 105-113 110-122 118-134
5 4 108-116 113-126 121-138
5 5 111-119 116-130 125-142
5 6 114-123 120-135 129-146
5 7 118-127 124-139 133-150
5 8 122-131 128-143 137-154
5 9 126-135 132-147 141-158
5 10 130-140 136-151 145-163
[To convert lbs to kg, divide by 2.2, 1kg = 2.2 lbs]

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Body Mass Index (BMI)

Many doctors use a height/weight system known as the "Body Mass Index" (BMI) as
a rough guide to determine whether someone is of average weight, overweight or
obese. BMI can be calculated by

Weight in kilograms
BMI = ----------------------------------------------------------
(height in meters x height in meters)

Weight in pounds x 704

BMI = ------------------------------------------------------------
(height in inches x height in inches)

Different BMI values can signify underweight, ideal weight, slightly overweight, or
obese. BMI ranges are slightly different for men and women. The following table
shows the significance of BMR values.

Men Women Risk Factor

BMI Less than 20.7 BMI Less than 19.1 Underweight, lower BMI, greater risk
20.7 to 26.4 19.1 to 25.8 Normal
26.4 to 27.8 25.8 to 27.3 Marginally overweight, some risk
27.8 to 31.1 27.3 to 32.2 Overweight. moderate risk
31.1 to 45.4 32.3 to 44.8 Severe overweight, high risk
Greater than 45.4 Greater than 44.8 Morbid obesity, very high risk

If you do not wish to calculate your BMI value, you can find it out from the table
given Here. You should consider losing weight if

• your BMI is 30 or greater.

• your BMI is 25 and you have at least two weight-related health problems.
• your waist circumference exceeds 35 inches (for women) & 40 inches (for
men) and you have at least two weight-related health problems.

An increased BMI is associated with an increased risk for heart disease, stroke, type-
2 diabetes and several cancers.

Based on the calculation of BMI, the table given below lists the values of the Obesity
Point, the rough weight at which you start becoming obese or overweight. Find your
height in the Height column and then look in the Obesity Point column.

You become obese You become obese

Height when your weight Height when your weight
reaches reaches
Inches Meters Pounds Kilos Inches Meters Pounds Kilos
58 1.47 143 65.0 66 1.68 186 84.5
59 1.50 148 67.3 67 1.70 191 86.8
60 1.52 153 69.5 68 1.73 197 89.5
61 1.55 159 72.3 69 1.75 203 92.3
62 1.57 164 74.5 70 1.78 209 95.0
63 1.60 169 76.8 71 1.80 215 97.7
64 1.63 175 79.5 72 1.83 221 100.4
65 1.65 180 81.8

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How many calories do you need daily?

If you eat a certain number of calories in a day and you also burn off just as many
calories through daily activity, then your weight will remain the same. If you eat
more calories than you burn off through daily activities, you gain weight. If you eat
fewer calories than you burn up, you will lose weight.

As mentioned earlier, our body expends about 10% of daily caloric intake to digest
and absorb vital nutrients from the food we eat. So if you consume a diet of 2,000
calories a day, you burn up about 200 of those calories in the daily food conversion

"Let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food," said by
Hippocrates. The key to burning off fat is to eat plenty of plant foods that give your
stomach lots of bulk to break down and are rich in vitamins, minerals, trace
elements, carbohydrates and protein for energy and muscle building. This allows the
body to burn off its excess stored fat.

Dietary guidelines issued by the Institute of Medicine estimate the daily energy
requirements, in calories, for people age 30 and of various heights, weights and
levels of activity.

Height Weight Sedentary Active

Women Age 30 years
5ft 1inch 98 – 132 pounds 1,688 to 1,834 calories 2,104 to 2,290 calories
5ft 5 inch Up to 150 pounds 1,816 to 1,982 calories 2,267 to 2,477 calories
5ft 9 inch 125 – 169 pounds 1,948 to 2,134 calories 2,434 to 2,670 calories
6ft 1 inch 139 – 188 pounds 2,083 to 2,290 calories 2,605 to 2,869 calories
Men Age 30 Years
5ft 1inch 98 – 132 pounds 1,919 to 2,167 calories 2,104 to 2,290 calories
5ft 5 inch Up to 150 pounds 2,068 to 2,349 calories 2,490 to 2,842 calories
5ft 9 inch 125 – 169 pounds 2,222 to 2,538 calories 2,683 to 3,078 calories
6ft 1 inch 139 – 188 pounds 2,382 to 2,736 calories 2,883 to 3,325 calories

Do you want to know how many calories do you actually need. Most people leading
moderately active lives need about 15 calories per pound to maintain their weight.
For example, a 100 pound person would have to eat foods containing no more than
1150 calories each day to maintain his or her weight. However, the actual calories
needed to maintain weight may vary based on muscle mass, activity and a variety of
other factors such as illness.

Daily Calorie Requirement = BMR x Activity Factor

Use your BMR value and multiply it by activity factor to get your daily need of
calories. The activity factor depends on the type of activity you are doing as shown in
the table on next page. You can calculate your daily requirement of calories online
using online calculator at Calculate Your Daily Requirement of Calories.

By consuming these number of calories on an average on daily basis, you should

maintain your weight. To lose weight you must consume less than these
calories. To lose one pound, a person must burn 3,500 calories more than are
consumed (500 calories per day over the course of a week) by reducing calorie
intake and increasing daily activity.

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Activity Factors
Activity Factor
Very Light: Sitting, studying, talking, little walking or other activities 1.25
through out the day.
Light: Typing, teaching, lab/shop work, some walking through out the day. 1.55
Moderate: Walking, jogging, gardening type job with activities such as 1.65
cycling, tennis, dancing, skiing or weight training 1-2 hours per day
Heavy: Heavy manual labor such as digging, tree felling, climbing, with 1.80
activities such as football, soccer or body building 2-4 hours per day
Very Heavy: A combination of moderate and heavy activity 8 or more 2.00
hours per day, plus 2-4 hours of intense training per day

Let us continue with the example of Linda. Her BMR as calculated earlier is 1695
calories. She is a typist and she does not do any exercise, therefore her activity
factor is 1.55. Therefore

Her daily calorie requirement = Her BMR x activity factor

= 1495 x 1.55 = 2318 calories per day

To maintain her weight, she should eat 2318 calories but actually she is eating 2800
calories every day, i.e. 500 additional calories. By eating 500 more calories than her
body needs, Linda will gain about one pound every week. Linda will be surprised to
realize that she has gained 13 pounds in 3 months. Gaining weight is so easy! But
it's also easy to lose weight if you understand the needs of your body and change
your lifestyle.

Let us continue with the example of Linda. Her daily calorie needs were calculated as
2300 calories but she was actually eating 2800 calories. To lose 1 pound in a week,
she must burn 3,500 calories more than are consumed (500 calories per day over
the course of a week). She should:

1. Consume 2450 calories (i.e. 350 calories less) and

2. Burn 150 calories through activity, to result in a 2300-calorie diet!

She should make a few simple changes in her lifestyle as shown below:
Calories saved/burnt
by 140 pound person
Drink a glass of water instead of Coke. 97 calories saved
Drink skim milk instead of full fat milk (2 cups). 110 calories saved
Avoid 2 teaspoons of butter. 75 calories saved
Avoid 2 cups of coffee. 80 calories saved
Walk up and down a flight of stairs for 15 minutes or go for a
150 calories burnt
15 minute brisk walk.
Saved 512 calories daily!

If Linda eats only negative calorie foods, she will lose weight much more than 1
pound in a week.

If you eat negative calorie foods, you need not to count

calories! Eat as much as you want!! But do not overdo.

© Copyright 2003 All Right Reserved 28

Negative Calorie Foods & Recipes

How Many Calories Can You Burn?

The number of calories that you can burn during an activity depends upon age, body
structure, heredity and lifestyle. The following table shows the number of calories
burnt for a particular activity for most people.

Physical Activity Calories Burnt

(in 1/2 hr)
Aerobics exercise 178
Bowling 108
Cycling 150
Dancing 130
Driving car 50
Fishing 114
Gardening 150-200
Golf 108
House work 75-125
Jogging 300-450
Lawn Mowing- Power 125
Lawn Mowing- Push 150-200
Roller skating 315
Running 325
Sitting at the desk 50
Stairs- Downstairs 210
Stairs- Upstairs 300-500
Swimming 250
Tennis 261
Volley ball 93
Watching TV 50
Walking- strolling, level surface, 1-2 mph 60-75
Walking- leisurely, Level surface,3 mph 150
Walking- brisk, Level surface,3.5 mph 180
Walking- fast, Level surface,4.5 mph 200-240

You can calculate the number of calories that you can burn in a physical activity by
using online calculator at Calculate Calories.

© Copyright 2003 All Right Reserved 29

Negative Calorie Foods & Recipes

What are Negative Calorie Foods?

All calories are not the same. For example, a single potato chip or French fry
provides about 70 calories. A large apple provides the same number of calories.
However, the effect of both the foods are different on your body. They both contain
the same number of calories, but which is more filling? You would have little difficulty
in eating ten or even twenty potato chips. After that you can still eat full meal and
there will be no difficulty in eating a few more chips! But can you eat ten or twenty
apples? No, because you feel full after we eat a few apples!

The effect of eating so much potato chips would be adding fat to your body because
they contain too much fat used for frying (note that potatoes themselves are not
fattening!), and it takes about zero energy for your body to turn this fat into body
fat. On the other hand, the apple will be doing much more good to your body than
you think! Your body has to work hard in order to extract calories from it. Simply
the number of calories does not tell you just how fattening that food is likely to be.

Take another example. A couple of whole-wheat bread slices contain about 200
calories. A piece of ground beef may have the same number of calories. These two
foods have totally different effect on your body. In beef, 60% of calories i,e, (200 x
0.60) 120 calorie comes from fat. This 120 calorie goes straight to your waistline
without using any energy. On the other hand, bread has very less fat, so there is no
direct conversion; and many calories are used to digest.

Foods like apple, whole grains, etc. are negative calorie foods, which use more
calories to digest than the calories foods actually contain! Calories from these foods
are much harder for the body to breakdown and process. The body has to work hard
in order to extract calories from these foods. Even though foods may contain equal
number of calories, much less of these calories can possibly turn into fat in fat
burning foods (negative calorie foods), thus fewer calories are actually available to
the body. This gives these foods a tremendous natural fat-burning advantage.

To understand it further consider this: A piece of dessert consisting of 400 calories

may only require 150 calories to digest by your body, resulting in a net gain of 250
calories which is added to your body fat! On the other hand, for example, if you eat
100 calories of a food that requires 150 calories to digest, then you've burned an
additional 50 calories simply by eating that food! Typically, a 25 calorie piece of
broccoli (100g) requires 80 calories to digest into the body, resulting in a net loss of
55 calories from body fat! Processing such foods through your digestive system
consumes more calories than the actual calorie content of the food itself. Thus, the
more you eat, the more you lose weight!!!

There are a wide variety of these fat-burners in existence. In fact, there are a large
number of foods that combine low calories, delicious taste, and excellent negative
calorie properties. Based on these negative calorie foods, a large number of mouth-
watering, delicious, and healthy recipes are given in this eBook.

© Copyright 2003 All Right Reserved 30

Negative Calorie Foods & Recipes

How is it possible?

Explanation -1

All foods have a nutrient (carbohydrate, fat, protein), caloric (calories) and vitamin &
mineral content. Vitamins stimulate living tissues to produce enzymes that
breakdown the caloric nutrients of that food. Enzymes are responsible for the
acceleration of all chemical reactions in the body. The negative calorie foods contain
sufficient vitamins and minerals that produce enzymes in quantities sufficient to
break down not only its own calories, but additional calories present in digestion as
well. This is the secret of The Negative Calorie Foods.

Research is yet to be performed to confirm that these surplus enzymes produced in

digestion are in some way transported into the bloodstream. Until now there has
been only indirect evidences to support this conclusion.

According to a recent study performed by Dr. Dean Ornish, M.D. of the University of
California, at San Francisco, a vegetarian diet consisting mostly of fruits and
vegetables, was adhered to by research subjects as an experimental study on the
reversal of heart disease. As a result each of the research subjects (all suffering from
heart disease), lost an average of 20 pounds without cutting calories or limiting
serving sizes. In light of the fact that these subjects were 40 years and older (with
relatively slowed metabolisms) and the research performed involved no prescribed
exercise program, this constitutes a dramatic weight loss that could only be
attributed to the consumption of various fruits & vegetables.

Dr. Neal Barnard M.D., author of “Food For Life” (Harmony Books), in an article in
the January, 1994 issue of Self Magazine, basically supported the concept of
“negative calorie” foods. He has also put forward the “Negative Calorie Effect”.

This discovery is a tremendous breakthrough. The importance of negative calorie

foods is not only in their ability to break down other existing calories in digestion, but
also in the increased enzymes produced being absorbed in the small intestine thus
entering into the bloodstream where they can positively effect the rate of

To optimize the metabolic acceleration, these negative calorie foods should

preferably be eaten in the absence of junk foods, which are just enzyme robbing
empty calories. This would ensure that an optimum amount of enzymes are
produced for absorption into the blood stream and not wasted during digestive
processes on assimilating calories from junk foods.

Explanation -2

Foods like apples, blueberries, strawberries, kiwi fruit, melons, pears, apricots,
oranges, and others listed in the next Section are all low in calories, low in fat, and
high in fiber and complex carbohydrates, and well provided with the properties that
encourage your body to burn fat. These foods actually boost your energy and help
your body melt away unhealthy pounds. They consume calories and actively displace

The carbohydrates present in these plant based foods will tend to boost your
metabolism. The carbohydrates break down into sugars in the body releasing insulin,

© Copyright 2003 All Right Reserved 31

Negative Calorie Foods & Recipes

that in turn produces norepinephrine hormone and thyroid hormone. These two
hormones speeds up the metabolic rate. The whole process results in calorie burning.
Therefore, these foods may be termed as calorie burners or fat burners.

In these plant based foods, a significant number of calories are used up in breaking
down carbohydrate molecules and building up fat molecules. About 25 calories are
needed in chemically converting 100 calories of carbohydrates into fat molecules.
This means that of the 100 calories in a cup of kidney beans, about 25 calories are
used up in chemical conversion. Also a significant number of calories are used up in
breaking the Whole-grain and in their digestion.

Your body monitors the amount of carbohydrates you eat. When your body have
enough carbohydrates from vegetable, fruits, whole grains, beans, etc., your
feeling of hunger reduces and your brain tells you that you had enough food.
Therefore, if you eat a lot of these foods, you do not have the risk of eating fattening
foods. Note that there is almost no complex carbohydrates in animal meat, chicken,
fish, eggs, etc. The complex carbohydrates are found only in plat foods.

Low and medium glycemic fruits and vegetables will keep your blood sugar steady
and control insulin. Some of the best low glycemic carbohydrate fruit sources include
apples, cherries, oranges, peaches, grapes, pears, plums, and grapefruit. Vegetable
sources include artichokes, asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower, celery, green beans, and
salad greens.

Plant foods are rich in complex carbohydrates and fiber, and have little
fat. They are natural fat burners!

© Copyright 2003 All Right Reserved 32

Negative Calorie Foods & Recipes

List of Negative Calorie Foods

Listed below are important foods that have negative calorie effects. Take a careful
look at the foods and formulate the best way to add them to your diet. You should
feel free to eat them in very generous portions without frying and with no butter,
margarine or fatty toppings. You will be surprised how your diet, metabolism, and
figure will imp rove. We have given over 125 recipes with ingredients from the list of
negative calorie foods.

List of Foods that have Negative Calorie Effect

Negative Food Carbo-
Protein Fat
Quantity Calorie Energy hydrate Picture
(g) (g)
Foods (Cal) (g)
Apple, un-
1, 81.4 0.262 0.497 21.05
110 1 0 8%
5 dried
16.8 0.49 0.137 3.892
1 fresh

1 pound Artichokes 16-85 5.3 5 19.2

1 pound Asparagus 66 6.4 0.5 12.7

150 g Banana 140 2 0.3 35

1 pound 71 36 36 6.8
1 Tbspn Basil 1.43 1.35 0.03 0.23
1 pound 128 7.6 0.8 28.3

1 pound Beets 78 2.9 0.2 18

1 cup 7.22 0.692 0.023 1.509

¾ cup Bitter Melon

15.61 0.69 0.15 3.55
cooked Bitter Gourd

Blackberries 74.88 1.03 0.562 18.37

1 cup

Black eyed
326 23 1.2 60
100 g beans*

100g Broccoli 26.8 2.68 0.67 5.0

1 cup 37.84 2.97 0.26 7.88

1 pound Cabbage 98 5.3 8 22.0

1 cup Carrot 55.04 1.318 0.243 12.98

© Copyright 2003 All Right Reserved 33

Negative Calorie Foods & Recipes

Negative Food Carbo-

Protein Fat
Calorie Energy hydrate Picture
Quantity (g) (g)
Foods (Cal) (g)
medium, Cantaloupe 24.15 0.607 0.193 5.768

Cauliflower 48 12.2 0.9 23.6

1 pound

Celery 58 3.1 0.3 13.3

1 pound

1 cup Cherries 104.4 1.74 1.39 24

1 Tbspn Cilantro 14.9 0.618 0.888 2.74

seeds Coriander

1 Tbspn 5.02 0.395 0.086 0.938

leaf, dried
Chick peas
80 g 80 6 1.5 18

100g Gourd, 60 0.2 0.1 10.6

1, hot Chili green 18.00 0.90 0.09 4.25

1 Tbspn
powder Chili red 23.5 0.92 1.25 4.09

1 Tbspn
Cloves 21.3 0.935 1.3 4.0
1 pound
Chicory 74 6.7 1.1 14.1

1 cup
Yellow Corn crnl 132.4 4.956 1.817 29.29

100 g Cranberries 57 0 0 14.4

1 cup Cucumber 14.28 0.678 0.19 2.97


1 pound Dill 50 3.2 0.9 10

1, Fig 37.00 0.375 0.150 9.590

1-1/2 cup Garden 24.00 1.95 0.52 4.12
75 g Cress

© Copyright 2003 All Right Reserved 34

Negative Calorie Foods & Recipes

Negative Food Carbo-

Protein Fat
Calorie Energy hydrate Picture
Quantity (g) (g)
Foods (Cal) (g)

100 g
Split Gram Black
327 25.4 3.7 47.4
Chana Chana

1, cup Garlic 202.64 8.65 0.68 44.975

Grapes 61.64 0.580 0.322 15.778

1, cup

1/2 Grapefruit 36.90 0.677 0.123 9.446

Guava 51 0.82 0.60 11.88

100 g

Peppers 82 4.5 0.7 17.9
1 pound (Capsicum)
1 tbspn Horseradish 7.2 0.177 0.103 1.694

1 cup
Kale 33.5 2.211 0.469 6.707

1, cup, Kidney
seeds, 224.79 15.345 0.885 40.37
1 cup Kiwi fruit 107.97 1.752 0.779 26.338

Kohlrabi 24.30 1.53 0.09 5.58

90 g

Lettuce 47 4 0.7 8.4

1 pound
100 g Mung 82.62 23.86 1.15 62.62

Lime 20.10 0.469 0.134 7.062

1, ½” dia

1 cup, Mango 107.25 0.842 0.446 28.05


1 bunch, Less than

Mint 4.85 5.85
small 1

1 pound Mushrooms 123 11.9 1.3 19.4

© Copyright 2003 All Right Reserved 35

Negative Calorie Foods & Recipes

Negative Food Protein Fat Carbo-

Quantity Calorie Energy (g) (g) hydrate Picture
Foods (Cal) (g)
1 pound 98 9.5 1.6 17.8

1 Tbspn 52.5 2.79 3.22 3.9

1, 1-1/2”
Nectarines 66.64 1.278 0.626 16.028

1 cup Oatmeal 145 6.0 2.0 25.0

Okra 33.0 2.00 0.10 7.63

1 cup

1 pound Onion 76 1.8 3 17.6

1 2-5/8” Orange 61.57 1.231 0.157 15.393


Oregano 13.77 0.495 0.461 2.899

1 Tbspn

1, Papaya 118.56 1.854 0.426 29.822


10 sprig Parsley 5 1 0 0

150 g Parsnip 125 2 0.1 30

1, Peach 42.14 0.686 0.088 10.878


1, Pears 97.94 0.647 0.644 25.083


1117.45 7.859 0.58 20.96
1 cup Green

Peas Dried

100 g Pineapple 49 0.39 0.43 12.3

100 68 0.97 0.3 17.2

1 medium Potatoes 96.38 2.525 0.122 21.93

1, dried Prunes 20.07 0.219 0.044 5.269

© Copyright 2003 All Right Reserved 36

Negative Calorie Foods & Recipes

Negative Food Carbo-

Protein Fat
Calorie Energy hydrate Picture
Quantity (g) (g)
Foods (Cal) (g)

1, pound Pumpkin 83 3.2 0.3 20.6

Quince 50 2 14
1 medium

1 pound Radishes 68 4.1 .4 14.7

1 cup Raspberries 60.27 1.119 0.677 14.231

1 pound Rhubarb 54 2 .3 12.8

100 g
Rice 362 7.4 2.4 77.7
1 tbspn
Sage 6.3 0.213 0.255 1.215
1 pound Sauerkraut 82 4.5 .9 16.1
1 tbspn Savory 11.96 0.296 0.260 3.024
100 g 30 2 7
Green onion

1 pound Spinach 118 14.5 1.4 19.5

1 cup,
butternut Squash 63 1.4 0.14 16.33
1 baked, Sweet
117 2.0 1.0 28
medium Potato

1, cup Strawberries 43.20 0.878 0.533 10.109

85 g Tangerine 35 1 0 9

1 Thyme 0.8 0.04 0.13 0.196


100 g Tomato 21 0.8 0.3 4.6

Turnips 88 2.9 .6 19.5

1 pound

© Copyright 2003 All Right Reserved 37

Negative Calorie Foods & Recipes

Food Carbo-
Negative Calorie Protein Fat
Energy hydrate Picture
Quantity Foods (g) (g)
(Cal) (g)
1 pound Watercress 79 9.2 1.3 12.3

1, wedge Watermelon 91.57 1.773 1.230 20.53

1/16of full

Zucchini 17.36 1.438 0.174 3.596

1 cup, raw Yam 28 1.5 0.23 28

*All Lentils/Legumes including the following:

Kidney Black Mung

Soya Chick- Mung dal Chana
Beans Eyed peas Whole
Beans washed split gram
Beans dal

Lima Navy Black

Pinto Adzuki Grams Red Split Peas
Beans turtle
beans Chana
beans Lentils

The following table shows an example of the number of calories you can burn by eating four food
Item Food Calories Burnt
100g Calories Needed Calories
Broccoli 26 cal 80 cal 54 cal
Mushroom 18 cal 55 cal 37 cal
Celery 06 cal 50 cal 44 cal
Tomatoes 21 cal 60 cal 39 cal

It means that if you eat 26 calories of broccoli, your body will actually burn extra 54
calories from your body! Watermelon does not add any calories to your body as it
burns as many calories as it contains so the net effect is zero.

Grains, vegetables, fruits, and beans are loaded with negative calorie effect and are
powerful foods for permanent weight control; actually these are fat burning foods.
These foods have little tendency to add fat to your body and help in burning up the
stored fat.

The best kept secret of good health and weight is to eat as naturally as possible.
Natural foods are good suppliers of energy, these are burnt off swiftly, and don’t
linger in your body causing weight gain. It will keep you healthy and help you to lose
weight and keep it off!

© Copyright 2003 All Right Reserved 38

Negative Calorie Foods & Recipes

Effect of Certain Foods

Apple/Fresh Fruits
Apple is a powerful tool in the battle against fat. They are incredible appetite
suppressants. If you know you are going out for dinner, eat a couple of apples before
you go. Apples are one of the richest sources of soluble fiber that prevents
dangerous drops in your blood sugar level responsible for hunger pangs, says Dr.
James Anderson at university of Kentucky's School of Medicine.

Pectin, a chemical constituent of apple puts a natural limitation on the

amount of fat the cells can absorb. Pectin absorbs watery substances, which
in turn bombards the cells and makes it release fat deposits. The pectin is found in
the cell walls of apple, grape fruit, most berries and other fresh fruit. Increase pectin
rich fruits to your diet and let the power of pectin pulverize the fat that accumulates
on your cells.

An apple (complete including skin and middle part) a day not only keeps doctor away
but can also keep the fat away.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Use this diuretic in small quantities. You can add it to your salad as a dressing. What
makes this a powerful diuretic is this: Apple Cider Vinegar is made from apples and
the malic acid in apples will create a fat burning process. The fermentation process
causes the vinegar to have constructive acids that join with alkaline elements and
minerals in the body to create scrubbing effect. It also contains high levels of
potassium, which has an antiseptic quality that helps to eliminate fat deposits.

Asparagus contains a chemical called asparagine, an alkaloid that directly effects the
cells and break down fat. It also contains a chemical that helps to remove waste
from the body by breaking up the oxalic acid, this acid tends to glue fat to cells, and
helps to reduce fat levels.

Beets are a strong diuretic that flush out floating body fats. Beets also contain a
chlorine that also helps to flush out fatty deposits.

Brussels Spouts
This vegetable stimulates the glands, the pancreas, and has a cleansing effect on the

Cabbage contains sulfur and iodine, which helps to cleanse the mucous membrane of
the stomach and intestines. Cabbage is a great food if you have a potbelly. The
diuretic cabbage will help to break up the fat in the belly area.

Carrots contain carotene that speeds up in metabolism and fat flushing reaction. This
reaction will literally wash out fat and waste quickly.

© Copyright 2003 All Right Reserved 39

Negative Calorie Foods & Recipes

Raw celery has a high concentration of calcium, magnesium and iron, which will
clean out your system. This pure form of calcium will ignite your endocrine system.
It will help break up the accumulated fat build up.

Citrus Fruits
Vitamin C, also called ascorbic acid has a fat burning and cholesterol reducing
quality. It can dilute fat in your body, thus reducing the effectiveness of fat. By
diluting the fat, it makes it easier to flush out of your system. Citrus fruits like,
oranges, grapefruit, tangerines, lemons, and limes contain high concentrations of
Vitamin C. Adding Citrus Fruits to your daily diet will greatly increase your
metabolism and increase your ability to get rid of fat, in addition to control your
cholesterol levels.

Cucumber contains high sulfur and silicon content, that stimulate the kidneys to
wash out uric acid, which in turn stimulates the removal of fat and loosens the fat
from the cells.

Dandelion is a natural diuretic and is a natural source of potassium. Due to the
release of water retention, the body weight can drop.

Garlic has a protective quality to cells and helps to reduce fatty deposits. They
promote a vigorous action of peristalsis (muscular contraction), that will loosen fat
and help wash out fats. They can also breakdown clumps of fat. Garlic, garlic oil, or
anything with garlic have the power to reduce fat in your cells dramatically.

Garlic reduces excess glucose in blood, reduces platelet clumping, increases

immunity, lowers cholesterol, blood pressure and may help relieve pain of arthritis.

Horseradish has an amazing effect of dissolving fat in cells without any side effects.

Lettuce contains iron and magnesium that increase your metabolism, and wash out
fatty cells. The darker lettuces have more of the minerals.

Mustard is a natural metabolic booster. It boosts your basic metabolic rate and
contains negative calories. One teaspoon of mustard will speed up the metabolism by
as much as 20 to 25 percent for several hours.

Oatmeal is packed with fiber, and is a great fat fighter. Maximum fat advantage is
obtained if you eat whole-grain oat so that your digestive system will work hard to
extract those calories.

Onions, have minerals and oils that help to breakdown fat deposits and speed up
metabolism, like to garlic.

© Copyright 2003 All Right Reserved 40

Negative Calorie Foods & Recipes

Radishes contain high levels of iron and magnesium that scrub the mucous
membrane of the body and help to dissolve fat in the cells.

Seaweed is rich in natural iodine that is good for thyroid. You can drink tea of
abladderwrack (a seaweed) to help with an underactive thyroid. This is also available
in tablet form.

Tamarind (garcinia cambogia) contains hydroxy critic acid (HCA) that helps
carbohydrates to turn into energy instead of fat. HCA curbs appetite, inhibit the
formation of fat and cholesterol. HCH activates an enzyme called carnitinc acetyl
transferase that increases the rate of fat burning. Research suggests that it can stop
up to 70% of the carbohydrates we eat from being converted to fat. HCA encourages
our body to make more glucose, so the liver will give the signal that the glucose level
is OK, avoiding to eat again for a long time. HCA also reduces appetite, so that if you
take it half an hour before each meal, , you will eat an average of 10% less in a few
weeks. (Tamarind in India is known as Imali and can be obtained from Indian

Tomatoes have high Vitamin C and citric -malic -oxalic acids that accelerate the
metabolic process. It also helps the kidneys to release more water and helps to wash
away fat.

Properly used, water is a powerful weight loss tool. It can act as an appetite
suppressant, fabulous inner cleanser, and way to supercharge your fat burning

© Copyright 2003 All Right Reserved 41

Negative Calorie Foods & Recipes

Vitamins for Weight Loss

A number of chemical reactions are involved to turn glucose to energy instead of fat.
These are controlled by enzymes, which are themselves dependent on certain
vitamins and minerals in the body. If these are deficient, you will lack energy, and it
will be more difficult for your body to convert glucose into energy instead of fat.
There are 22 vitamins and minerals that are essential for the control of weight and
metabolism. The important ones are vitamins B2, B3, B5, B6 and C, cholin, inositol,
chromium, manganese, and zinc.

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin): turns fat , sugar and protein into energy. Sources are
almonds, rice, soya beans, broccoli, yogurt, whole- meal bread, fruits etc.

Vitamin B3 (niacin): Balances blood sugar, controls blood cholesterol. Sources are
Asparagus, almonds, brown rice, whole-wheat, salmon, etc

Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic acid): Controls fat metabolism. Sources are mushrooms,

peas, alfaalfa sprouts, whole-wheat, lentils, brown rice, etc.

Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine): For digestion of protein, maintains hormone. Balance.

Sources are Cauliflower, soya beans, sweet potato, sunflower seeds, brown rice, etc.

Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid): Turns foods into energy. Sources are Green pepper
(capsicum), green chili, broccoli, peas, parsley, cauliflower, all citrus fruits, lemon,
lime, strawberries, etc.

Vitamin Cholin: For metabolism of fat. Sources are cauliflower, cucumber, peanuts,

Vitamin Inositol: Helps transport fat from liver. Sources are citrus fruits, soya
bean, whole grains, nuts, etc.

Mineral Zinc: For balancing blood sugar. Sources are almonds, peas, pumpkin
seeds, rye, oat, whole grains, etc.

Mineral Chromium: For maintaining blood sugar balance. Sources are apple4s,
carrots, parsnips, whole-wheat bread, rye bread, potato, etc.

Mineral Manganese: For healthy thyroid function and balancing blood sugar level.
Sources are carrots, Brussels sprouts, whole-wheat, rye, almonds, etc.

A person eating mainly natural plant foods (negative calorie foods) should
take 5 microgram of vitamin B-12 as a supplement. You can consider taking
any multivitamin. This vitamin is essential for healthy nerves and healthy

© Copyright 2003 All Right Reserved 42

Negative Calorie Foods & Recipes

Prepare Yourself
Now you know the importance of negative calorie foods, i.e. vegetables, fruits,
grains, etc. Prepare yourself to adopt an enjoyable, pleasurable, and healthy way of
eating. Gradually change your eating habits. Adapting to new foods are easy. In
about 4 weeks time, new foods will become your habit.

Given below are the tips for a healthy life.

Tips for a Fit & Slim Body

Try to adopt the following:

1. Eat 5-6 small meals every day. Starving slows down metabolism. Your
body will start conserving calories as fat rather than burning them. Don't
skip a meal; you will never burn fat by starving. Dieting slows

2. Learn how to eat the right amount of food for your body size and activity
level. The smaller or less active you are, the less food you need. The
larger or more active you are, the more food you need. Even if your
meals are balanced, a meal containing excess calories can also increase
insulin and contribute to weight.

3. Drink at least eight 8-10 glasses of water each day.

4. Say no to white bread, buns, butter, and oils. Eat complex carbohydrates,
fresh fruits and vegetables.

5. Eat plenty of fibers in the form of fruit, whole grains, lentils and

6. Include calcium rich foods in your diet.

7. Learn how to avoid fats in your cooking. Any additional fat than required
by your body will increase your weight.

8. Cut out meat intake

9. Reduce intake of sodium.

10. Avoid strong tea, coffee, fizzy drinks, mineral water, beer and alcohol..

11. Say goodbye to high sugar content foods.

© Copyright 2003 All Right Reserved 43

Negative Calorie Foods & Recipes

Cut Out Foods High in Fats

Fat is a high calorie food. There are 9 calories in each gram of fat. Fat contains more
than twice the number of calories in protein or carbohydrates. From a weight loss
viewpoint, all fats are equally 'bad' (same calorie-content).

In foods there are three worthwhile sources of calories: fat, protein and
carbohydrates. The following table gives the calories per gram of the three major

Calories per gram of the

three major nutrients
Fat 9 calories per gram
Protein 4 calories per gram
Carbohydrates 4 calories per gram

If you eat a cheeseburger containing 15 grams of fat, that alone will give you 135

Look for percentage calorie values from fat on the label. Simply low fat by weight
doesn't matter. A food item labeled as 96% fat free does not mean that the food is
good for weight watchers. For example, whole milk contains only 4 percent fat by
weight, so it is 96 percent fat free. Find out how many calories come from fat. A
whopping 50 percent of its calories come from fat! Lite (low fat 2 percent) milk
derives 38 percent of its calories from fat! Similarly regular mayonnaise derives
about 95 percent of its calories from fat and its lite variety more than 75 percent fat
from fat!

Even the lean varieties of meats, poultry, and fish are loaded with lot of fats! Take
the look of the following table.

Food Item Percentage of calories from fat

Extra lean ground beef 55%
Roasted chicken 50%
Atlantic salmon 40%
Most vegetables, fruits, grains, beans Less than 10%

It means that if you eat a piece of extra lean ground beef with 200 calories, about
110 calories that come from fat go straight to your waistline.

Your body does not require so many calories from fat. Most Americans get about
35% of calories from fat. So if your daily intake is 1800 calories, you get 630 calories
just by fats in your food that is very easily absorbed by your body. Cut out this fat
intake to 12-15%. And this 15% fat should not come from animal fat. Animal fats
are made of muscles which has no carbohydrates and fibers.

Fats have more than twice the calories than protein or carbohydrate!
Our body converts easily excess dietary fat to body fat.

2 ounce of ground beef contains 100 calories more than 2 ounces of

beans! Throw out all the foods high in fat from your kitchen.

© Copyright 2003 All Right Reserved 44

Negative Calorie Foods & Recipes

Cook Healthfully. How to avoid fats in Diet?

A healthful eating plan means more than choosing the right foods to eat. It’s
important to prepare foods in a healthy way. Some ways of cooking are better than
others when it comes to cutting cholesterol, fat and calories. If you eat too much
food, your body stores it in the form of fat. You should know how many calories you
get from the food you eat, specially foods rich in fat.

1. Stop eating meat, eggs, poultry, and sea foods. They are major contribution
to body fat.
2. Use skim or varieties of all dairy products (milk, yogurt, cheese, butter,
cream, ice cream)
3. Avoid all oils. If a recipe needs some oil/butter, try to avoid it. If you cannot
avoid it, use any vegetable oil in small quantity. To make gravy without fat,
blend a tablespoon of cornstarch with a cup of room-temperature broth by
shaking them together in a jar. Heat the rest of the broth and add the
blended liquid, simmering until thick.
4. Make a habit of brushing or spraying the oil in the pan instead of pouring.
5. Use nonstick utensils for cooking.
6. First heat the utensil, then add (preferably spray) oil. A heated pan spreads
the oil better.
7. Substitute baking, roasting, barbecue or grill for frying, if possible.
8. Grill or broil on a rack so fat drips away from the food.
9. Microwave needs no extra fat; in fact, you can drain food of fat by placing it
between two paper towels while it cooks.
10. Steam in a basket over simmering water.
11. Sauté in an open skillet over high heat. Use nonstick vegetable spray, a small
amount of broth or wine, or a tiny bit of canola oil rubbed onto the pan with a
paper towel or spray.
12. Use fat free salad dressings. To make creamy salad dressing use plain low-fat
yogurt instead of oil. Replace oils in salad dressings with vegetable stock and
rice vinegar.
13. Avoid conventional fast foods.
14. Salads, sandwiches, fresh fruits are best fast foods.
15. When you go to a hotel, give instructions to add only very small quantities of
oils for cooking or no oil at all.
16. Avoid eating while watching TV. You eat a lot and you don't know while
watching TV.
17. Stop eating junk foods.

© Copyright 2003 All Right Reserved 45

Negative Calorie Foods & Recipes

Smart Shopping

You can reduce the time you spend cooking healthy by using a shopping list and
keeping a well-stocked kitchen. Read the labels as you shop and pay attention to
serving size and servings per container. Compare the total calories in similar
products and choose the lowest calorie ones.

1. Look the labels on the food pro ducts carefully. Look for labels of low fat or
reduced fat.
2. Don't be carried away by the words 'No Cholesterol' on labels. Majority of
vegetable products are cholesterol free. It is the fat content of the item which
3. Look for labels that contain food colors and preservatives. Avoid foods with E
numbers that include permitted natural and other colorings.
4. If a label says “no added sugar”, that does not mean that it does not contain
sugar of any kind! They may be using different forms of sugars, viz., Sucrose,
Fructose, Glucose, Dextrose, Lactose, and Maltose. Remember the –ose at
the end of each word.
5. Look for labels with artificial sweeteners. They are chemicals. According to
American Cancer Society, people who regularly use artificial sweeteners tend
to gain weight because they increase appetite.
6. Read and understand the fat contents of an item carefully. An item that is 96
percent fat free is by weight need not be a healthy food. Find out how many
calories come from fat. Simply weight doesn't matter. For example, whole
milk contains only 4 percent fat by weight, so it is 96 percent fat free. Find
out how many calories comes from fat. A whopping 50 percent of its calories
come from fat! Lite (low fat 2 percent) milk derives 38 percent of its calories
from fat. Similarly regular mayonnaise derives about 95 percent of its calories
from fat and its lite variety more than 75 percent fat from fat

Shop for quick low fat food items and fill your kitchen cupboards with a supply
of lower calorie basics suggested below:

Fat free or skim milk, fat free or skim yogurt, low fat cheese, and cottage
Light or diet margarine
Egg substitutes

Fresh or frozen vegetables and fruits (avoid tined varieties)

Fresh or frozen fruits in natural juice

Whole-grain breads, bagels, pita bread, English muffins

Soft corn tortillas, low fat whole- meal flour tortillas
Low fat, low sodium crackers
Plain cereal, dry or cooked
Rice, whole-meal pasta
Dry beans, lentils, legumes, and peas (all varieties)

Nonfat salad dressings

Mustard paste
Jam, jelly without added sugar
Herbs and spices (red chili powder, turmeric powder, cumin seeds, mustard
seeds and paste, coriander powder, garam masala, etc.)

© Copyright 2003 All Right Reserved 46

Negative Calorie Foods & Recipes

Foods to Avoid Recommended Alternate Foods

White breads, refined cereals, cereals Whole-grain bread such as whole wheat,
with sugars, cake, donuts, cookies, rye, multigrain, etc.; cornmeal, wheat
refined flour noodles and pasta, buttered germ, bran, whole-wheat pasta and
popcorn, fried corn chips, fried potato noodles, low fat or baked potato chips,
chips corn chips, air-popped popcorn, bagel.

Fast food refried beans with lard All beans such as kidney, black-eye,
pinto, chick peas, lentils, bean and lentil
sprouts, soya beans and soya products
such as tofu, tempeh, etc.
Whole milk, full fat ice cream, sweetened Skim or fat-free milk, yogurt, and
yogurt, whole milk yogurt, sour cream, cheese, frozen yogurt, low-fat cottage
whole milk cheese, whole cottage cheese cheese, soya milk, rice milk.
Canned vegetables, fried vegetables, All fresh vegetables, raw or lightly
fried potatoes, canned or bottled or steamed vegetables, steamed or baked
frozen juices, sweetened juices, Jam, potatoes, fruit juices diluted with water,
jelly, honey, sugar, and concentrated 100% fruit ja ms without added sugar,
sugars natural sugar substitutes.
Peanut butter with added oil and butter, Nuts (avoid avocado, coconut), seeds.
roasted nuts, salted nuts
Canned meats, hot dogs, organ meats, It is better to avoid all types of meat,
bacon, sausage, poultry skin, fried poultry, sea, and fish foods. They all are
chicken, all deep-fried sea foods high in fat with no carbohydrate.
Coffee, soft drinks, fruit drinks Black or green teas, herbal, teas, diluted
fruit juices, vegetable juices.
Ordinary salad dressings with oil Fat free salad dressings, fat free soups,
ingredient, butter, spreads, instant soups no butter.

Since a donut is fried deep in oil, it can be 50% fat. Compare it with a bagel which
has less than 10% fat.

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Negative Calorie Foods & Recipes

Junk Foods are Empty Calories

The so called junk foods have little enzyme producing vitamins & minerals and
contain high level of calories. When we eat these empty calorie foods, the body is
required to produce its own enzymes to convert these empty calories into usable
energy. This is not desired as these enzyme producing functions in our body should
be reserved for the performance of vital metabolic reactions. Know the fats,
cholesterol, calories and salt present in fast food items in the following table.

Some of the fast Foods & their cholesterol, fat, calories and sodium contents

Junk Food Fat Calories Sodium
(g) (mg)
McDonald’s Big Mac 85 32 570 1100
McDonald’s Cheeseburger 40 13 320 830
McDonald’s Fries - medium 0 22 450 290
McDonald’s Sausage McMuffin 45 23 360 740
Burger King’s Whopper 85 40 660 900
Burger King’s Whopper with cheese 110 48 760 1380
Burger King’s Hamburger 50 50 320 520
Burger King’s Cheeseburger 60 19 360 760
Burger King’s Chicken Sandwich 60 43 710 1400
Burger King’s fries - medium 0 21 400 820
Burger King’s Onion Rinds - medium 2 19 380 550
KFC’s Breast (original) 135 24 400 1116
KFC’s Thigh (original) 95 18 250 747
KFC’s Breast (Hot & Spicy) 110 35 530 1110
KFC’s Thigh (Hot & Spicy) 90 27 370 570
KFC’s Hot Wings (6 pieces) 150 33 471 1230
Domino’s Pizza Pepperoni, Mushroom
23 16 325 762
1 Slice of 14” Pizza, cut into 12 slices)
Domino’s Pizza Cheese only
13 14 299 670
1 Slice of 14” Pizza, cut into 12 slices)
Pizza Hut’s Pizza Cheese 1 slice medium 10 10 240 650
Pizza Hut’s Pizza Pepperoni 1 slice medium 20 13 280 790

The practice of fast food chains offering full meals or upgrading the size of side
dishes like French fries and soft drinks encourages overeating and obesity. If you go
from a small to a medium or large size, the price you pay is not much but you get
too many extra calories. Note the following:

• Changing from a small to a medium bag of unbuttered movie theater popcorn

costs gives you 500 calories at only about 71 cents extra!
• A king size Kit Kat, double the size of a regular candy bar, costs 33 cents more
and contains 220 to 230 more calories!
• McDonald’s charges 8 cents more to buy a Quarter Pounder with Cheese, small
French fries, and small Coke separately than to buy the Quarter Pounder with
Cheese large Extra Value Meal, which comes with a large fries and large Coke —
a difference of 490 calories!
• McDonald’s charges 8 cents more to buy a Quarter Pounder with Cheese, small
French fries, and small Coke separately than to buy the Quarter Pounder with

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Negative Calorie Foods & Recipes

• Cheese large Extra Value Meal, which comes with a large fries and large Coke —
a difference of 490 calories!
• At 7-Eleven, it costs only 37 cents more to purchase a Double Gulp instead of a
Gulp, but that adds more than 400 calories, according to Tuesday’s report by
National Alliance for Nutrition and Activity!

Researchers recommend buying smaller meals or sharing with friends. If you have
fallen into eating habits where you are taking in more calories per day than you use,
you will not lose weight.

The energy content of a fast-food “meal” containing a double-patty cheeseburger,

extra-large fries and a 24-ounce soft drink is equal to running 2½ hours at a pace of
10 minutes per mile. That would burn 1,500 calories.

Meats, fish, and poultry are loaded with fats. Even the extra lean ground beef gives
you 55% calories from fat! A food may be 95% fat free, but actually if you look at
the percentage of calories from fat, it may be too high!

A fast food meat taco can have 50% fat. If you substitute meat with vegetables or
beans, you can reduce fat intake to less than 10%.

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Understand the Food Labels

Under regulations from the FDA and the USDA, the food label, found on almost all
processed foods, offers complete, useful and accurate nutrition information, for
example, how much dietary fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, and iron are
contained in a serving. Also listed on the food label are the amounts of
carbohydrates, protein, and sugars contained in a serving. Even when restricting
calories and portions, you can use the food label to make sure you get all the
essential nutrients for good health.

• The Food Code requires to list all the ingredients in descending order by
weight. It means the farther from the top of the list an ingredient is, the
less of it the package contains.

• The list also indicates the source of fats and oils or the type of oil. Become
wise! The label may simply say cream or beef, this does not give any
indication about the amount of fat in that ingredient. Try to avoid labels with
animal fats, coconut oil or coconut milk.

• Don't be carried away with the word 'light' or 'lite'. The item may be
light in color, texture or flavor. These words on a bottle of oil may mean
light in flavor or color! Oil cannot be light, after all it is an oil, 1 gram of it
gives you 9 calories.

• A label "fat-free" and "low-fat " doesn't mean calorie-free. To make a food
tastier, sometimes extra sugars are added, which adds calories. Understand
the fat contents of an item carefully. An item that is 96 percent fat free is by
weight. Find out how many calories comes from fat.

• Look for percentage calorie values from fat on the label. Simply low fat
by weight doesn't matter. For example, whole milk contains only 4 percent
fat by weight, so it is 96 percent fat free. Find out how many calories comes
from fat. A whopping 50 percent of its calories come from fat! Lite (low fat 2
percent) milk derives 38 percent of its calories from fat! Similarly regular
mayonnaise derives about 95 percent of its calories from fat and ti s lite
variety more than 75 percent fat from fat!

• Always take a note of 'expiry date' or 'best before date' of the item.

Nutrient Contents

1. Free: This means that a product contains no amount of, or only

trivial amounts of one or more of these components: fat, saturated
fat, cholesterol, sodium, sugars, and calories.
2. calorie-free means less than 5 calories per serving.
3. Low: This term can be used on foods that can be eaten frequently
without exceeding dietary guidelines for one or more of these
components: fat, saturated fat, cholesterol, sodium, and calories.
low-fat: 3 g or less per serving
low-saturated fat: 1 g or less per serving
low-sodium: 140 mg or less per serving
very low sodium: 35 mg or less per serving

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Negative Calorie Foods & Recipes

low-cholesterol: 20 mg or less and 2 g or less of saturated fat

per serving
low-calorie: 40 calories or less per serving.

4. High: This term can be used if the food contains 20 percent or more
of the Daily Value for a particular nutrient in a serving.

5. Good source: This term means that one serving of a food contains
10 to 19 percent of the Daily Value for a particular nutrient.

6. Reduced: This term means that a nutritionally altered product

contains at least 25 percent less of a nutrient or of calories than the

7. Serving size: The serving size affects all the nutrient amounts listed
on the food label. For example, if there is one cup in a serving and
the package contains two servings, you need to double the calories
and other nutrient numbers if you eat the whole package.

8. Amount of nutrients: The food labels list some nutrients by weight

and some as a Percent Daily Value (%DV). The %DV shows how a
serving of a food fits in with recommendations for a healthful diet
and allows consumers to make comparisons between similar
products. The %DV values are based on a 2,000-calorie daily diet.
But even if you eat less than 2,000 calories, the %DV can be used to
determine whether a food is high or low in a particular nutrient. If
you eat a favorite food that's high in fat at one meal, balance it with
low-fat foods at other times of the day."

For a Dripping drop ice cream a serving size of 85 g provides a

total of 195 calories, of which 80 calories comes from fat. The
percentage calories from fat is therefore
(85/190) x 100 = 44.7%, that is indeed a high value.

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Tips For Calorie Intake

1. Reduce fat: Fats have more than twice the calories than protein or
carbohydrate! Our body converts excess dietary fat to body fat. Therefore
you should restrict intake of high fat foods. For this keep a record of
everything you eat and drink, and calculate calories and grams of fat you
are consuming.
2. Limit fast foods and eating out frequently. This will help you significantly
in your weight loss program.
3. Limit sugar/fructose: Foods with a lot of added sugar (sweets, cakes,
biscuits, processed foods with a high sugar contents) and alcoholic drinks
are just empty calories. They provide little nutrients to our body.
4. Sugar will stop you from losing weight more than anything else you eat.
So if you wish to lose weight fast then cut it out all together.
5. Limit alcohol: Alcohol slows down the body’s use of fat for fuel and the
fat is likely to be stored in the body (Notice the fatty drinkers).
6. Eat plenty of vegetables, fruits, dairy items, & whole grains. These foods
are packed with vitamins, calcium, minerals and fiber.
7. Eat slowly: You eat more if you eat fast, as it takes some time for our
brain to get the message from our stomach that you have eaten enough. If
you eat too fast, you will eat too much before you even realize you’re full!
8. You eat more if you eat while watching TV. Concentrate on your food,
talk with your family members, and enjoy the food.
9. Limit beverages high in calories such as juice with added sugar. This
will decrease your calorie intake significantly.
10. Drink at least 8 glasses of water (preferably cold) every day. Water is
without any calorie, filling and refreshing. Note, water will not make you
fat. Drinking water helps flush out toxins stored in your body, helps to
eliminate waste, aids weight loss and, surprisingly stops you retaining
water. It will get your kidney's working, and help your metabolism speed
11. Limit salt intake: If you hold a lot of water, reduce your salt intake. Salt
in excess of 10g a day can retain up to 2 quarts of water in your body.
Carefully read the food labels of processed foods that contain about 80%
of our daily intake of salt.
12. Raw versus cooked: Raw foods are generally better to eat than cooked if
you want to use up lots of calories eating them - raw foods are more
difficult to digest and your body has to work harder.
13. Include a low fat protein-rich food like tofu, beans, and low fat milk,
yogurt or cottage cheese with every meal. These foods give feeling of
fullness for longer time.
14. Fibers: Fiber, also called roughage helps to reduce fatty deposits in the
body. It has a cleaning effect on the cells as it is not digested by the
system, therefore it goes through the system sweeping out the bad stuff
and then is eliminated. High fiber diet can control weight by adding volume
to your diet, leaving you feeling fuller longer. Fibers also reduce the caloric
density of diet, and slow the rate at which calories are ingested.

If you reduce foods high in fat and sugar, weight loss will be
much faster!

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Negative Calorie Foods & Recipes

Tips For Calorie Burning

All physical activities burn calories. For example, people who are taking staircase
instead of the elevator burns calories. Even activities like getting up to change the
television channel instead of using the remote control burns calories. Here are some
simple tips/tricks to get your body move and burn calories. The more you move, the
more weight you lose and remain fit!

1. Get exercise from activities such as sports, walking, dancing, skipping, biking,
or any activity you enjoy doing.
2. Park your car 10 minutes from work or shopping mall and walk.
3. Use the stairs instead of lift or escalators in mall, office, station and home
where possible.
4. Move! If you have a sitting job, get up every hour and walk around; go
outside if possible and move round the building.
5. Use the toilet/bathroom farthest from you in office every time.
6. Get off the bus or train 1 or 2 stops early and walk that last part.
7. Place your waste basket on the other side of your room in office.
8. Do not use remote of TV and DVD/VCR player.
9. Sit in a rocking chair. Tap your fingers and toes to music.
10. Don't use the intercom, walk to the person and talk.
11. Vacuum your house, clean windows, water plants, mow grass and iron your
clothes yourselves. This will save money and you remain fit!
12. Buy your own groceries and pull the shopping cart yourself to your home, if
13. Play soccer or any game with your family members and friends.
14. Avoid exercise in over heated indoor areas.
15. Take cool showers before and/or after exercise.
16. Avoid over-dressing. Wear loose-fitting clothing when exercising. Avoid sweat
suits, which hold the heat and promote sweating.

All physical activities burn calories. The more you move, the
more weight you lose and remain fit!

© Copyright 2003 All Right Reserved 53

Negative Calorie Foods & Recipes

Tips For Eating Out

1. It is a good idea to eat something like an apple at your home before you
go out for shopping, in a party, or to a restaurant.
2. When you go in a restaurant, order foods with no fat or low fat. Do not
order any fatty foods like meat, fish, poultry item, etc.
3. You can order to replace lettuce or cabbage in place of meat in burgers,
tacos, or wraps. If every time you do this, your weight will reduce over a
period of time.
4. Select entrees and drinks very carefully. Most entrees are loaded with oil
and salt. Plain water is the best drink.
5. When you order desserts, select those with lowest amount of fat and
sugar. Pies and cakes have lot of fat and sugar. A Haagen Dazs ice cream
provides you over 55% calories from fat. Choose from fat free desserts.
6. Order fat free dressing for salads. Lime/lemon juice is a very tasty dressing
for salad.
7. Do not stuff yourself.
8. Do not go to a restaurant that serves foods with meats only.
9. Try Indian, Chinese, Japanese, or Italian vegetarian dishes. These are
comparatively low fat.
10. If you cannot resist eating a junk food, you should order the smallest size
of it.
11. When you go out, keep in your car fresh fruits, vegetable sandwiches,
vegetable burgers, fat free cookies, etc. You will not end up in a junk food
12. When you are in a flight, order fruit or vegetarian meals.

If a person who drinks 2 cans of soda per day stops drinking soda all
together, that person will lose about 12 pounds within a year, just for
not drinking soda!

Substitute meat in burgers, taco, & wraps by vegetables such as

lettuce, cabbage, & onion, and/or cooked beans such as kidney beans,
black eyed, beans, & chickpeas. If you substitute 2 ounce of ground
beef with 2 ounces of beans, you will save about 100 calories!

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Negative Calorie Foods & Recipes


“Crave” means to want greatly. Almost everyone on diet experiences food cravings.
People with cravings for foods generally have uncontrollable urge for ice cream,
chocolate, cake, potato chips and similar things. A craving is a biochemical urge. It
arises because the body has a need for it. A sugar craving may be due to deficiency
of protein or chromium, or it may be due to fluctuating blood sugar levels. The
craving of salt may be due to adrenal stress, muscular disorders, high blood
pressure, and diabetic. The cravings for sour foods may be due to the body’s
requirement of acetic acid to help detoxify a chemical produced from decaying
proteins. The cravings may also be due to some food allergy or yeast problem. The
flavor, taste, aroma, texture, and temperature of foods may be responsible for food
Many will suggest you that to banish cravings is to keep all tempting foods out of
sight. But this is not the solution. It is just torturous, you want something and you
are forced not to eat that thing. Go to the root of the problem..

When a craving begins, determine how you want to deal with it. Treat cravings, as
suggestions to eat, but do not overeat. And before you eat wait for some time (at
least 10 minutes) for cravings to pass. A craving is similar to an ocean wave, it
grows in intensity, peaks, and then subsides. Do something different at the time of
cravings. Make a phone call, or watch a comedy video or go for a brisk walk. In most
cases the craving will pass over. You need not to give in. The more you practice, the
easier it will be to overtake the cravings.

If you can not overcome the craving, think how important it really is for you to eat
the craved food. Eat slowly only a reasonable amount. The more you understand
your cravings, the better you will be able to manage them. Exercise helps to manage
food cravings.

Keep a note of when you crave certain foods. Note the situations that make you
crave. Make a list of these foods. If you can not stop eating these foods, the best
thing you can do to yourself is to prepare these foods yourself in a healthy way.
Keep these foods with you when you go out so that at the time of cravings you do
not end up eating junk foods.

Do you eat more when you are sad, stressed or alone? Food and mood are
interrelated. Stressed people often eat more than relaxed people. Remove the
causes of stress in your life. Find a new hobby like gardening, reading, knitting,
listening to music, and similar things.

Eat little but often will solve your problem of over-eating and cravings. Leave behind
the philosophy that no foods between eating. Develop a grazing habit.

Do you have a habit of eating doing something such as while watching television, or
in a shopping Mall. Do you always buy to munch something when you come home
from office or go to a supermarket. Habits are formed very easily. If you drink coke
after your meals or eat a piece of dessert after dinner, soon it becomes your habit
and you will crave for them. The worst thing about this habit is that you don’t know
how much quantity have you eaten. Next time when you eat some thing or buy
something, ask yourself: “Is it necessary? Are you actually hungry?“

© Copyright 2003 All Right Reserved 55

Negative Calorie Foods & Recipes

Juices for Cravings

The following vegetables and fruits are beneficial in curbing cravings. You can drink juices or eat
vegetables and fruits suggested below.

Sugar cravings: You should eat food rich in chromium, i.e. apples, brewer’s yeast,
potatoes, green pepper, legumes, brown rice, and whole wheat.

1. Carrots (4) + Apple (1) + Ginger root (1/2)

2. Carrots (4) + Apple (1) + Ginger root (1/2) + Beet (1)
3. Carrots (4) + Apple (1) + Spinach (1/2 cup)
4. Carrots (4) + Tomato (1) + Celery (1 stalk) + Broccoli (2 flowerets) +
Garlic (1 clove)
5. Carrots (4) + Turnip (2 leaves) + Kale (1 leaf) + Parsley (1/2 cup)

Salt cravings: Reduce your intake of table salt and increase intake of organic

1. Carrots (4) + Celery (2 stalk) + Spinach (1/2 cup) + Parsley (1/2 cup)
2. Carrots (4) + Celery (2 stalk) + Garlic (1 clove) + Parsley (1/2 cup)
3. Carrots (4) + Apple (1/2) + Beet (3 tops) + Spinach (1/2 cup) + Parsley
(1/2 cup)

Sour food cravings: Foods rich in vitamin B2 (riboflavin) are beneficial. Eat green
vegetables, wheat germ, mushrooms, wheat bran, almonds, and brewer’s yeast.

Carrots (4) + Apple (1/2) + Kale (3 leaves) + Parsley (1/2 cup)

Apple (3) + Lime or Lemon (1/4)
Apple (2) + Grapes (1 cup) + Lime or Lemon (1/4)

Eat little but often will solve your problem of over-eating

and cravings.

© Copyright 2003 All Right Reserved 56

Negative Calorie Foods & Recipes


Cellulite is a fat commonly known as orange peel skin and affects about 85% of
women, normally after puberty. The causes of cellulite are hormonal, poor blood
circulation, aging skin, poor diet, smoking, alcohol, and psychological factors. The
type and quantity of fat you eat may contribute to your cellulite. A diet high in fiber,
high in natural antioxidants (fruits and vegetables) and low in saturated fats and 8
glasses of water each day will help you keep cellulite at bay. Apples, pear,
cantaloupe, berries, carrot, asparagus, beet greens are beneficial in removing
cellulite. Seaweed (bladerwrack or kelp), gingko biloba, gotu kola, grape seed
extract, evening primrose have also been found helpful. Fruits and vegetables may
also be taken in juice forms as recommended below:

Beneficial Juices for Cellulite

1. Apples (2) + Pear (1)
2. Cantaloupe (1/2) + Strawberries (6)
3. Oranges or grapefruit, peeled but with pithy part
4. Apples (3) + Beet with greens (1)
5. Apple (1/2) + Beet with greens (1) + Carrots (3) + Ginger root (1/2
6. Apple (1/2) + Carrots (4) + Beet with greens (1) + Cucumber (1 small)
7. Broccoli (2-3 flowerets) + Carrots (2) + Tomatoes (1-2) + Celery (1
stalk) + Green pepper (1/2)
8. Cabbage (chopped, 1 cup) + Carrots (2) + Tomatoes (1-2) + Celery (1
stalk) + Green pepper (1/2)
9. Spinach (chopped, 1 cup) + Carrots (2) + Asparagus (chopped, 1 cup)
+ Green pepper (1/2)

A diet high in fiber, high in fruits and vegetables, and low in fats,
and 8 glasses of water each day will help you keep cellulite at bay.

© Copyright 2003 All Right Reserved 57

Negative Calorie Foods & Recipes

Suggested Diet Programs

The diets suggested here are based on the fact that our digestive system is a very
active factory. It takes in raw materials and processes them into living matter and
energy. The digestive system has to produce considerable physical and chemical
changes in the food it processes. The digestive system completely breaks down the
foods we eat to the molecular level, then processes. The whole process consumes a
lot of energy. Simply by eating and digesting the food, we can burn a great many

Eating such foods that consume more calories than the actual calorie content of the
food itself while processing through your digestive system, will result in your body
burning off excessive stored fat. The Programs given here therefore center around
consuming combinations of certain natural foods which positively promote weight

Three programs are given below that use foods mainly from the negative calorie food
list. The foods included in these programs are completely nutritional and give
vitamins, elements, minerals, etc to the body. You may try any one of the following
programs. You can repeat the program after a rest of one week. If correctly followed,
the programs will clean your system of impurities and you will feel lighter.

You may feel the difference from the day 3 of the program. When you are not
following any diet program, it is recommended to eat your normal balanced diet
with healthy food items including as many and as much negative calorie foods as
possible. A daily eating diet guide is given that you can follow for gradual weight loss
and maintaining a fit and healthy body.

Disclaimer: The programs given in this section are only suggestive although these
are entirely safe and effective. You should consult your Doctor and/or Dietician
before starting the program. will not be responsible for
any health related problems that you may encounter directly or indirectly related to
any of the programs suggested in this eBook. No responsibility is undertaken for
people using this program. Diet and exercise go hand in hand so you may like to
consider an exercise program that suits you. Consult your Doctor before starting any
exercise and/or diet program.

© Copyright 2003 All Right Reserved 58

Negative Calorie Foods & Recipes

Daily Eating Guide for Gradual Weight Loss & Fit Body
The SECRET to losing weight is to eat and drink the right kind of foods until you
are FULL and satisfied. Not eating enough will slow your metabolism deteriorating
your health. The meat should not be your main food, neither in lunch nor in
dinner. But occasionally you can eat, if you like. If you follow this guidelines and
remain physically active, you will loose weight gradually and remain fit.

• Whole-wheat bread, whole-grain cereal, oatmeal, pudding, bagel, fruits like
blueberries, cantaloupe, apple, prunes, etc.
• 1 tablespoon of sunflower seeds or almonds.
• Skim milk (preferable calcium enriched) or light tea or decaffeinated coffee.

MID-MORNING: Any snack including smoothie, fruit, fruit juice, etc.

LUNCH: This is the main meal. Prefer

• A salad or boiled vegetables as starter.
• Whole-wheat bread, whole-wheat sandwich, vegetable burger, and/or rice.
• Whole-grains like kidney beans, chick peas, lentils, legumes, etc.
• Lightly cooked green vegetables.
• Skim plain yogurt.

EVENING TEA: Any fruit with tea or coffee or juice.

DINNER: Should be light. Prefer

• A vegetable soup as starter.
• Rice or whole-wheat bread, whole-wheat sandwich or vegetable burger. If you
had bread for lunch then have rice for dinner.
• Whole-grains like kidney beans, chick peas, lentils, legumes, etc.
• Lightly cooked or boiled green vegetables.
• Skim plain yogurt.
• Any dessert (including ice cream, pastry, etc.) with minimum sugar and fat.

BED TIME: Skim milk.

Eat and drink the right kind of foods until you are FULL and satisfied.
Select foods from the list given in this eBook. You can invent your own
recipes with minimum oil. The meat and junk foods should not be your
main food, neither in lunch nor in dinner.

© Copyright 2003 All Right Reserved 59

Negative Calorie Foods & Recipes

Program – 1 (Fast)

General Directions
• Drink at least 8-10 glasses (2-2.5 liter) of water daily. If you like, you can add a few drops
of fresh lemon/lime juice. No alcohol or carbonated beverages including diet varieties for
7 days. You can drink unsweetened tea.
• Include a variety of vegetables and fruits from the negative calorie foods list. Mixed
vegetable salads, mixed vegetable soups and a variety of vegetables are recommended.
• Avoid eat foods high in sugar.
• Do not use butter or oils except a few teaspoons used in recipes.

Program -1 Comments
Day 1: Fruits Day You are preparing your
1. Eat plenty of fruits including watermelon, honeydew and system for the program.
cantaloupe, grapefruit, etc.
Day 2: Vegetables Day The complex carbo-hydrates
1. Eat 1 baked potato with skin or 1 boiled or baked sweet in breakfast will give you the
potato with skin or 1 banana in breakfast. Can use a light required energy. The
dressing. AND vegetables will provide
2. Eat/drink mixed vegetable soups and/or mixed vegetable essential nutrients, fiber, and
salads and/or vegetables. negative calorie effect.
Day 3: Fruits & Vegetable Day Fat burning negative calorie
1. Eat/drink mixed vegetable soups, mixed vegetable salads effect in progress
and vegetables. AND
2. Eat fruits and fruit salads (avoid banana)
Day 4: Dessert Day This will supplement you with
1. Eat bananas and/or drink banana smoothie and/or the salts (potassium &
honeydew melon as much as you want. AND sodium) and calcium.
2. Drink skim milk 3-4 glasses. AND
3. Eat/drink mixed vegetable soups and/or mixed vegetable
salads and/or vegetables.
Day 5: Purification Day This will give you protein,
1. Eat up to 300g from bean sprouts, Brussels sprouts, fibers, and iron. Water will
spinach, chick peas, lentils, black-eyed beans, other purify your system.
beans, dried apricots, low fat cottage cheese or tofu. AND
2. Eat lots of tomatoes, cranberries, strawberries or
raspberries and tomato catch-up. AND
3. Drink lots of water.
Day 6: Repeat day This will give you protein,
1. Similar to day 5. fibers, and iron. Water will
2. but you can eat as much as you want. purify your system.
Day 7: Winner day Completion of program.
1. Eat 1 cup brown rice or 2 whole wheat bread slices with Cheers!
light spread.
2. Eat/drink mixed vegetable soups and/or mixed vegetable
salads and/or vegetables.
3. Eat fruits.
Day 8: Go to the scales and measure your weight. Congratulations!!
Disclaimer: No responsibility is undertaken for people using this program. Everybody's
requirement is different, always consult your doctor.

© Copyright 2003 All Right Reserved 60

Negative Calorie Foods & Recipes

Program – 2 (Fast)

General Directions
• Drink only unsweetened tea, fruit juice and water. Drink at least 8-10 glasses (2-2.5 liter)
liquid (mainly water and soup). If you like, you can add a few drops of fresh lemon/lime
juice to water. No alcohol or carbonated beverages including diet varieties for 7 days.
• Include a variety of vegetables and fruits from the list. Mixed vegetable salads, mixed
vegetable soups and a variety of vegetables are recommended.
• Avoid food items high in sugar.
• Do not us butter or oils except a few teaspoons used in recipes.

Disclaimer : No responsibility is undertaken for people using this program. Everybody's

requirement is different, always consult your doctor.

© Copyright 2003 All Right Reserved 61

Negative Calorie Foods & Recipes

Day 1
• Eat and drink mainly mixed vegetable soup.
• Eat fruit salad and/or fruits.
• Drink water, tea and fruit juice (cranberry. strawberry, raspberry, etc.)

Day 2
• Eat mainly mixed vegetable salads and vegetables.
• Eat and drink mixed vegetable soup.
• Can eat one cup brown rice or pasta or 2 slices of whole wheat bread or 2 baked potatoes
with fat free spread.
• Drink water and tea.

Day 3
• Eat and drink mixed vegetable soups, mixed vegetable salads and vegetables.
• Eat fruit salad and/or fruits.
• Drink water, tea and fruit juice.

Day 4
• Eat and drink mixed vegetable soup.
• Eat fruit salad and/or fruits.
• Eat any dessert like banana smoothie or carrot-milk mix or skim yogurt (plain or with any
fruit or frozen) as much as you want.
• Drink water, skim milk and fruit juice.

Day 5
• Eat and drink vegetable soup.
• Eat fruit salad and/or fruits.
• Can eat up to 2 cups brown rice or pasta or 3 slices of whole wheat bread with low fat
spread and/or pickle.*
• Drink 8 glasses of water and fruit juice (cranberry. strawberry, raspberry, etc.).

Day 6
• Eat and drink mixed vegetable soups, mixed vegetable salads and green vegetables.
• Eat fruit salad and/or fruits.
• Eat metabolism-boosting dessert.
• Can eat rice, pasta or whole wheat bread.*
• Drink water and tea.

Day 7
• Eat brown rice and whole wheat bread.
• Eat and drink mixed vegetable soup, mixed vegetable salads and vegetables.
• Drink water, fruit juice and tea.
Day 8: Go to the scales and measure your weight. Congratulations!!
* Can eat up to 1 pound of broiled or baked lean chicken or beef or fish. But it is better to avoid.

© Copyright 2003 All Right Reserved 62

Negative Calorie Foods & Recipes

Program – 3 (Gradual Weight Loss)

This plan may be used to reduce up to 35 pounds of body weight. You can safely
continue with this plan until you reach your goal. But, if you develop any symptoms,
discontinue this diet and consult your doctor/dietician. In this plan you drink juices of
negative calorie food ingredients most of the time and eat healthy meal either in
lunch or in dinner. Soon after on this diet, you will feel and look younger.

Choose any of the juices from the following list. If any ingredient is not available, use
the remaining ingredients. Add a pinch of salt and/or black pepper powder and fresh
lime/lemon juice to change the taste.

Warning: If you are diabetic, consult your Doctor before starting this program.

General Directions

1. Wash the fruits and vegetables thoroughly before juicing. Remove damaged
portions, if any.
2. Use organic produce where possible.
3. Juice with stems and leaves. Remove the stems and leaves of carrots, as
they are toxic. The leaves of celery are bitter so you may remove them.
4. You may use seeds of lemon, lime, oranges, etc. Do not use apple seeds, as
they are toxic.
5. Do not use the skins of orange and grapefruits, as they are toxic. Do not
throw away the white pithy part, as they are a source of vitamin C and
6. You can garnish the juices with black pepper, salt, lemon juice, parsley,
cilantro (coriander), cinnamon, etc.
7. Pure fruit juice does not contain any fibers. It is better to make fruit juice at
home and leave some fibers in it.
8. You should dilute the fruit juice in water to reduce its concentration.

Breakfast Juices
1. Carrots (5) + Apple (1/2)+ Parsley or Cilantro (1/2 cup)
2. Carrots (4) + Parsley (1 stalk)
3. Apple (1/2) + Carrots (4) + Ginger root (1/2 inch)

Mid-morning Juices
1. Apple (1/2) + Carrots (4) + Ginger root (1/2 inch) + Beet (1)
2. Apple (1) + celery (1 stalk)
3. Carrots (5-6) + Lettuce (5 leaves) + Turnip (1/4) + Spinach (chopped,1/2
cup) +Parsley or Cilantro (1/2 cup)

Lunch Juices
1. Carrots (4) + Celery (2 stalks) + Spinach (chopped, 1 cup) + Parsley (1/2
2. Broccoli (2 flowerets) + Carrot (4) + Tomato (1) + Celery (1 stalk) + Green
pepper (1/2)
3. Tomato (1) + Celery (2 stalks) + Garlic (2 cloves) + Collard (1 leaf) + Kale (1

© Copyright 2003 All Right Reserved 63

Negative Calorie Foods & Recipes

Mid-afternoon Juices
1. Pineapple (3 rings with skin) + Radishes (3) + Dandelion greens (1/2 cup)
2. Apple (1/2) + Carrots (4) + Ginger root (1/2 inch) + Beet (1)
3. Carrots (4-5) + Spinach (chopped, 1 cup)

Pre-dinner Juices
1. Cantaloupe (1/2 with skin) + Strawberries (5) juice
2. Watermelon (3 inch slice with rind) + Orange (1)
3. Blueberries (15-20) + Apple (2) or Grapes ( 1 large bunch)+ Mint (fresh
chopped, 1 cup) + water

Dinner Juices
1. Carrots (5) + Cabbage (red or green, chopped, 1 cup) + Apples (2)
2. Celery (2 stalks) + Cabbage (red or green, chopped, 1 cup)
3. Broccoli (2-3 flowerets) + Carrots (2) + Tomatoes (1-2) +
Celery (1 stalk) + Green pepper (1/2)

Lunch or Dinner Menu

Vegetable Soup, vegetable and/or fruit salad,
Rice, whole-grain bread, whole-wheat pasta, whole grains, pudding
1 Serve only of lean meat, broiled or baked fish (Optional)
Low-fat dessert

1 cup skim milk or 150 g skim milk yogurt with or without fruits in breakfast
and/or at bedtime.

Adapted from:
1. Juicing For Life, by Cherie Calbom and Maureen Keane Avery Publishing
Group, New York, 1992.
2. The Goldbeck’s Guide to Good Food, by N. Goldbeck and G. Goldbeck, The
American Library, New York, 1987.

© Copyright 2003 All Right Reserved 64

Negative Calorie Foods & Recipes

Over 150 recipes with negative calorie food ingredients are given. The spices i.e.
black peppers, mustard, green chilies, red chili powder, salt, garam masala, and
garlic in these recipes can be changed according to your taste. Some of these help
improve the metabolism. If you like, you can use small amount of extra-virgin olive
oil or canola oil in the recipes that contain no oils or little oil. But remember, each
gram of oil contains 9 calories going straight to your body fat.


Coriander Tamarind Mustard

Red Chili Turmeric Garam Cumin Black
Powder Cardamom Seeds
Powder* Powder Masala Seeds Pepper
* You should buy finely powdered type.

SOUP RECIPES ..........................................................................................................66

SALAD RECIPES ........................................................................................................74
VEGETABLE RECIPES ...............................................................................................87
STUFFED VEGETABLES ........................................................................................... 106
SMOOTHIES /SHAKES ............................................................................................... 111
DESSERTS ............................................................................................................... 115
YOGURT RECIPES ................................................................................................... 125
PICKLES AND CHUTNEYS ........................................................................................ 128
SNACKS .................................................................................................................. 131
WHOLE GRAIN RECIPES ......................................................................................... 134
RICE R ECIPES ......................................................................................................... 137
B URGERS /SANDWICHES /TACHOS ............................................................................ 140
J UICE R ECIPES ....................................................................................................... 147

The Negative Calorie Foods and recipes are good for

Overweight & obese people.
Overweight & obese children.
Normal weight people of all ages including children.
People with high cholesterol and/or blood pressure.

© Copyright 2003 All Right Reserved 65

Negative Calorie Foods & Recipes

Soup Recipes

>> M IXED VEGETABLE SOUP – 1...............................................................................66

>> M IXED VEGETABLE SOUP - 2 ...............................................................................67
>> ASPARAGUS SOUP ................................................................................................67
>> TOMATO SOUP.....................................................................................................68
>> CELERY SOUP ......................................................................................................68
>> CELERY AND APPLE SOUP ....................................................................................69
>> CABBAGE CREAMY SOUP .....................................................................................69
>> CORN SOUP .........................................................................................................70
>> PUMPKIN SOUP ....................................................................................................70
>> ZUCCHINI – TURNIP - C ELERY SOUP ....................................................................71
>> RED LENTIL SOUP ...............................................................................................71
>> LENTIL SOUP .......................................................................................................72
>> CHICKPEA SOUP ..................................................................................................72
>> B EAN AND VEGETABLE SOUP ...............................................................................73
>> M ULTI-B EANS SOUP ............................................................................................73

>> Mixed Vegetable Soup – 1

• Cabbage, shredded, 3 cups
• Capsicum (green peppers or bell peppers), medium size 2, seeded and cut
into thin strips
• Onions Green, 2 bunches, chopped to 1 inch lengths
• Tomatoes, 4 medium size, chopped
• Carrots , 2 medium size, grated
• Mushrooms, 150g, chopped
• Celery, 1 stalk , chopped
• Ginger, 1 inch, crushed
• Tomato juice, 2 cup
• Lime or lemon juice, fresh, 2 teaspoon
• Water, 8 cups

• Salt to taste
• Red Chili powder, ½ teaspoon
• Black pepper powder, ½ teaspoon
• Garlic powder (optional), ½ teaspoon
• Corn flour or plain flour, 1 teaspoon

1. Boil water in a deep skillet. Add all the ingredients (except spices, lemon juice
and tomato juice), cover and cook on low heat for about half an hour.
2. Mix remaining ingredients well and heat for 5 minute.

© Copyright 2003 All Right Reserved 66

Negative Calorie Foods & Recipes

>> Mixed Vegetable Soup - 2

• Carrots, 5, chopped
• Onions,3, chopped
• Tomatoes, 5, chopped
• Cabbage, 1 large, chopped
• Celery stalks, 2 stalks, washed, trimmed and sliced
• Capsicum (green peppers), 2 chopped
• Broccoli, 1 medium, chopped
• Tomato juice, 1 cup
• Water, 8 cups
• Parsley or cilantro (coriander) or mint leaves, finely chopped,
1 Tablespoon
• Lime or lemon juice, fresh, 2 teaspoon
• Black Pepper, powdered, ½ teaspoon or to taste
• Mustard seeds, coarsely powdered, ½ teaspoon
• Salt to taste

1. Combine all the ingredients (except cilantro or parsley or mint) in a deep
skillet and cook on medium heat for 8-10 minutes. Simmer on low heat for
about 15-20 minutes.
2. (Optional) Strain out the vegetable pieces and puree them in the blender. Mix
the puree in the liquid.
3. Garnish with cilantro or parsley or mint leaves.

>> Asparagus Soup

• Asparagus, chopped, 2 cup
• Vegetable broth, 2 cup
• Tomato puree, 1/2 cup
• Red Capsicum (pepper), chopped, 1 cup
• Ginger paste, 1 teaspoon
• Skim Milk, evaporated, 1/2 cup

• Corn flour or plain flour, 1 teaspoon
• Salt to taste
• Black Pepper powdered,½ teaspoon or to taste
• Roasted Cumin seed powder, 1 teaspoon
• Powdered mint leaves, 1/2 teaspoon

1. Place asparagus and broth into a deep skillet and simmer for 15 minutes or
until tender.
2. Transfer to a blender and puree it.
3. Put puree back in the skillet, and add red pepper, spices, and evaporated
milk. Heat until thickened.

© Copyright 2003 All Right Reserved 67

Negative Calorie Foods & Recipes

>> Tomato Soup

• Tomatoes, 5, chopped
• Tomato juice, 2 cups
• Ginger paste, 1 teaspoon
• Skim Milk, 1/2 cup

• Corn flour or plain flour, 1 teaspoon
• Salt to taste
• Black Pepper powdered,½ teaspoon or to taste
• Roasted Cumin seed powder, 1 teaspoon
• Powdered mint leaves, 1/2 teaspoon

1. Combine all the ingredients (except milk & spices) in a deep skillet and boil on
medium heat for 3-4 minute.
2. (Optional) Strain out the tomato pieces and puree in the blender. Mix the
puree in the liquid.
3. Add milk and spices and stir well. Simmer on low heat for about 2-3 minute.
4. Garnish with mint.

>> Celery Soup

• Celery stalks, washed, trimmed and sliced, 1 cup
• Onion, 1, chopped
• Vegetable stock, 1 cup
• Carrot, 1, grated
• Skim Milk, 1/2 cup
• Black Pepper, powdered, ½ teaspoon or to taste
• Mustard seeds, coarsely powdered, ½ teaspoon
• Salt to taste
• Dill or cilantro (coriander), finely chopped, 1 Tablespoon
• Water, 2 cups

1. Combine all the ingredients (except milk) in a deep skillet and boil on medium
heat for 8-10 minutes. Add the milk and stir well.
2. Simmer on low heat for about 2-3 minutes.
3. Garnish with dill or cilantro leaves.

Adjust water in step 1 to achieve desired consistency.

© Copyright 2003 All Right Reserved 68

Negative Calorie Foods & Recipes

>> Celery and Apple Soup

• Celery stalks, 6, washed, trimmed and sliced, 1 cup
• Vegetable stock, 6 cup
• Apples (any type), 2, peeled, cored and diced
• Onion, 1, chopped
• Corn flour or plain flour, 1 teaspoon
• Mint, fresh, finely chopped, 1 Tablespoon
• Black Pepper, powdered, ½ teaspoon or to taste
• Salt to taste

1. Combine all the ingredients (except apple and mint) in a deep skillet and cook
on medium heat for 8-10 minutes. Add apple pieces and stir well. Simmer on
low heat for about 5-7 minutes.
2. Garnish with mint leaves.

>> Cabbage Creamy Soup

• Onions, 5 large, chopped
• Capsicum (green peppers), 2 chopped
• Tomatoes, 2 chopped
• Cabbage, 1 large, chopped
• Celery stalks, 1 stalk, washed, trimmed and sliced, 1 cup
• Parsley or cilantro (coriander) or mint leaves, finely chopped, 1 Tablespoon
• Black Pepper, powdered, ½ teaspoon or to taste
• Salt to taste

1. Boil water in a deep skillet and put vegetables. Cover with a lid and boil for 10
minutes. Simmer on medium heat until vegetables are soft.
2. Strain out the vegetable pieces and puree them in the blender. Mix the puree
in the liquid.
3. Mix black pepper & salt.
4. Garnish with parsley, cilantro or mint leaves.

© Copyright 2003 All Right Reserved 69

Negative Calorie Foods & Recipes

>> Corn Soup

• Corn, 5 cup, thawed
• Tofu, chopped, 1 cup
• Onion, 1 chopped
• Water, 4 cup
• Parsley or cilantro (coriander) or mint leaves, finely chopped, 1 Tablespoon
• Dill, chopped, 1 teaspoon
• Black Pepper, powdered, ½ teaspoon or to taste
• Mustard seeds, coarsely powdered, ½ teaspoon
• Salt to taste

1. In a grinder, puree tofu, onion and half of corn, using sufficient water.
2. Transfer the puree to a deep skillet and add whole corn, and parsley and
bring to boil. Simmer for 1/2 hour.
3. Add spices and mix well. Garnish with dill leaves.

>> Pumpkin Soup

• Pumpkin flesh, cut into chunks, 2 cup
• Onion,1 chopped
• Tomatoes, 2 chopped
• Skim yogurt, 1/2 cup
• Dried mint or rosemary leaves, coarsely powdered, 1 teaspoon
• Black Pepper, powdered, ½ teaspoon or to taste
• Vegetable oil, 2 teaspoon
• Vegetable stock, 1 cup
• Skim milk powder, ½ cup
• Mustard seeds, coarsely powdered, ½ teaspoon
• Black pepper, powdered, ½ teaspoon
• Salt to taste

1. Spray oil in a pan and fry onion for 2-3 minutes. Add pumpkin, stir and cook
for 2-3 minutes.
2. Add vegetable stock and tomato pieces, cover with a lid and simmer for 10
minutes. Simmer on medium heat until vegetables are soft.
3. Puree in the blender adding milk powder. Mix in mint powder and spices.
4. Garnish with yogurt.

© Copyright 2003 All Right Reserved 70

Negative Calorie Foods & Recipes

>> Zucchini – Turnip - Celery Soup

• Zucchini, 1/2" cubes, 2 cups
• Cabbage, grated, 2 cups
• White turnip 1/4" cubes, 1 cup
• Celery chopped, 1 cup
• Onion, chopped, 2 cups
• Carrots, 1/4" cubes , 1 cup
• Garlic, finely chopped, 1 Tablespoon
• Tomatoes , chopped, 1 cup
• Fresh ground pepper to taste
• Vegetable stock, 10-12 cups
• Basil leaves, chopped, 2 Tablespoons
• Black Pepper, powdered, ½ teaspoon or to taste
• Salt to taste

1. Combine all the ingredients (parsley or mint) in a deep skillet and cook on
medium heat for 8-10 minutes. Simmer on low heat for about 5-7 minutes.
2. Mix black pepper & salt and garnish with parsley, cilantro or mint leaves.

>> Red Lentil Soup

• Red lentils, 1 cup
• Tomato puree, 1/2 cup
• Garlic, finely chopped, 2 cloves
• Vegetable stock, 1 cup
• Fresh lime/lemon juice, 1 tablespoon
• Mustard seeds, 2 teaspoon
• Bay leaves, 4-5
• Black pepper, freshly ground, 1 teaspoon
• Red chili powder, ½ teaspoon
• Cumin seeds, 1 teaspoon
• Salt to taste
• Water, 3 cup

1. Cook the lentils in the 2 cups of water for about 30 minutes or until tender.
Add the spices and cook 10 minutes.
2. Add the tomato puree, lemon juice, mustard seed and bay leaves and
vegetable stock and cook another 10 minutes.

© Copyright 2003 All Right Reserved 71

Negative Calorie Foods & Recipes

>> Lentil Soup

• Mung beans lentil (with skin), 1 cup
• Onion, 1, chopped
• Tomato, 1, chopped
• Green Chili, 1, chopped
• Ginger, 1 inch, grated
• Cilantro (coriander) or parsley leaves, finely chopped, ½ tablespoon
• Lime/lemon juice, fresh, 2 teaspoon
• Water, 3-4 cups

• Red chili powder,3/4 teaspoon
• Coriander powder, 1 teaspoon
• Turmeric powder, 1/2 teaspoon (optional)
• Salt to taste

1. Mix lentils thoroughly. Soak in water for about 1 hour.
2. Take water in a deep skillet, add lentil, onion, tomato, ginger, green chili and
all the spices.
3. Put the skillet on medium heat, cover 3/4th with a lid and let the ingredients
cook till the lentil becomes soft, about 20 minutes. With a tablespoon stir all
the ingredients well with a pressure on the sides of the skillet so that the
lentils break and mix well in water to make the consistency thick.
4. Remove the skillet from the heat and mix the lime juice and coriander leaves.

The consistency should not be too thin or too thick. Its should be like that of
tomato soup.

>> Chick Pea Soup

• Chick peas , dried, 1 cup, soaked in water overnight
• Carrot, chopped, 1 cup,
• Onion, chopped, 1 cup
• Vegetable stock, 1 cup
• Water, 2 cup
• Fresh lime/lemon juice, 1 tablespoon
• Black pepper, freshly ground, ½ teaspoon
• Salt to taste

1. Boil chick peas for 15 minutes. Simmer until tender, about 1 hour. Drain and
keep aside.
2. Boil 2 cup water in a deep skillet and add carrots, onion, and vegetable.
Reduce heat and simmer for 15 minutes or until the vegetables are tender.
Add cooked chick peas of step 1, lime juice, and spices. Simmer for 15-20

© Copyright 2003 All Right Reserved 72

Negative Calorie Foods & Recipes

>> Bean and Vegetable Soup

• Beans, dried, 1 cup, soaked in water overnight
• Beans, green, 1 cup, cut into small pieces
• Carrot, chopped, 1 cup,
• Leeks, 2, trimmed and diced
• Celery, 2 stalks, diced
• Vegetable stock, 1 cup
• Tomatoes, chopped, 1 cup
• Zucchini, chopped, ½ cup
• Basil leaves, 15-20
• Cheese, cottage or fat free, 2 tablespoon
• Black pepper, freshly ground, ½ teaspoon
• Mustard seeds, coarsely powdered, ½ teaspoon
• Salt to taste
• Garlic cloves, 3 peeled

1. Boil beans for 15 minutes. Simmer until tender, about 1 hour. Drain and keep
2. Boil carrots, leeks, celery, and stock into a large skillet. Reduce heat and
simmer for 15 minutes. Add cooked beans of step 1, tomatoes, green beans,
and zucchini. Simmer for 15 minutes.
3. Put garlic, salt, basil, and cheese in a blender and make puree. Transfer sauce
to a small bowl.
4. Serve soup immediately and add a spoonful of sauce to each bowl.

>> Multi-Beans Soup

• Beans, 3-4 types, dried, 3 cup, soaked in water overnight
• Onion, chopped, 1 cup
• Celery, 2 stalks, chopped
• Vegetable stock, 1 cup
• Tomatoes ketchup,1 cup
• Ginger, 1 inch, crushed
• Fresh lime/lemon juice, 1 tablespoon
• Black pepper, freshly ground, ½ teaspoon
• Red chili powder, 1/2 teaspoon
• Mustard seeds, coarsely powdered, ½ teaspoon
• Salt to taste
• Water, 4-6 cup

1. Boil these beans for 20-30 minutes or until tender. Simmer until tender,
about 1 hour.
2. Add remaining ingredients. Bring to a boil, lower heat and simmer 3 hours
more. Stir and add water as needed.

© Copyright 2003 All Right Reserved 73

Negative Calorie Foods & Recipes

Salad Recipes

>> SALAD DRESSINGS ...............................................................................................75

>> M IXED VEGETABLE S ALAD - 1 .............................................................................78
>> M IXED VEGETABLE S ALAD - 2 .............................................................................78
>> ASPARAGUS , WATERCRESS , STRAWBERRIES SALAD ............................................78
>> LETTUCE S ALAD ..................................................................................................79
>> CABBAGE - CARROT SALAD -1 .............................................................................79
>> CABBAGE - CARROT SALAD -2 .............................................................................79
>> CABBAGE – ONION SALAD ...................................................................................80
>> CABBAGE - P INEAPPLE SALAD .............................................................................80
>> CABBAGE, WATERCRESS , AND WATERMELON SALAD ..........................................80
>> B ROCCOLI S ALAD ................................................................................................80
>> B ROCCOLI - CAULIFLOWER S ALAD ......................................................................81
>> SPICY EGGPLANT SALAD .....................................................................................81
>> CUCUMBER - ONION SALAD .................................................................................81
>> CUCUMBER- SC ALLION SALAD ............................................................................82
>> CUCUMBER – TOMATO SALAD .............................................................................82
>> YOGURT CUCUMBER S ALAD ................................................................................82
>> CRUNCHY CAPSICUM SALAD ...............................................................................83
>> FENNEL S ALAD ....................................................................................................83
>> B EANS SALAD ......................................................................................................83
>> M UNG B EANS SALAD ...........................................................................................84
>> FRUITY B EAN SALAD ...........................................................................................84
>> SPROUTED M UNG SALAD .....................................................................................85
>> COLORFUL M ELON SALAD ..................................................................................85
>> CITRUS FRUIT S ALAD -1.......................................................................................85
>> CITRUS FRUIT S ALAD - 2......................................................................................86
>> TASTY FRUIT – VEGIE SALAD ..............................................................................86
>> FRUIT S ALAD .......................................................................................................86

© Copyright 2003 All Right Reserved 74

Negative Calorie Foods & Recipes

>> Salad Dressings

You can use any of the following salad dressings. The amount of black peppers,
mustard, green chilies, red chili powder, salt, and garlic can be changed according to
your taste. These help improve the metabolism. The amount of the hot stuff in the
following salad dressings is dependent on how hot you can eat it. The hotter it is, the
more calories you burn. If you like, you can use a small amount of extra-virgin olive
oil or canola oil in the dressings given below. But remember, each gram of oil will
add 9 calories to your body.

Store unused portion in covered container in refrigerator. Just before serving, whisk

Salad Dressing-1
Brown or yellow mustard seeds, 1/4 cup
Salt, 1 teaspoon or to taste
Black pepper, 1 teaspoon or to taste
Turmeric powder, 1 teaspoon
White vinegar, 3/4 cup
Any one or more of the following
Cloves, crushed, 1 teaspoon
Garlic, 1 clove, finely chopped
Red chili, dried, 1, finely chopped
Horseradish, grated, ½ tablespoon
Tarragon, 1 teaspoon

Put all the solid contents into a blender and blend. Gradually add the liquid and
make a paste.

Salad Dressing-2
White wine vinegar, 2 Tablespoon
Parsley, fresh, chopped, ¼ cup
Basil, dried & crumbled, 2 teaspoon
Oregano, dried, 1 teaspoon
Fennel seeds, crushed, 2 teaspoon
Garlic cloves, mashed, 1
Mustered hot, powder or ready made, 2 teaspoon
Black pepper powder, 1/2 teaspoon
Salt to taste

Combine all ingredients in a bowl and whisk well.

Salad Dressing-3
Vegetable broth, fat free, 1/2 cup
Ginger, 1 inch root, crushed
Soy sauce, light, 3 tablespoons
Mustard hot, powder or ready made, 2 teaspoons
Chili sauce, hot, 3 teaspoons

Combine ingredients in a small bowl and whisk it well.

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Salad Dressing-4
Peppercorns, 1 teaspoon
Mustard seed, 1 teaspoon
Garlic, crushed, 1 clove
Balsamic vinegar, 2 Teaspoons
Salt,1/2 teaspoon

Mix and crush all the solid ingredients in a grinder or using a pestle. Mix in the

Salad Dressing-5
Lime or lemon juice, fresh, 2 teaspoon
Mustered hot, powder or paste, 1 teaspoon
Cilantro (Coriander), finely chopped, 1 Tablespoon
Red chili powder, 1/2 teaspoon
Mustard seeds, coarsely powdered, ½ teaspoon
Cumin powder, 1 teaspoon
Salt to taste

Mix ingredients in a small bowl and whisk well.

Salad Dressing-6
Vinegar, 4 Tablespoon
Lime or lemon juice, fresh, 1 teaspoon
Ginger, finely minced, 2 teaspoon
Chili sauce, 1 teaspoon
Coriander (cilantro) leaves, finely chopped, 1 Tablespoon
Black pepper powder, 1/2 teaspoon
Salt,1/2 teaspoon

Mix ingredients in a small bowl and whisk well.

Salad Dressing-7
Any fruit juice, 4 Teaspoons
White vinegar, 4 Teaspoons
Sugar substitute, 1 teaspoon

Mix ingredients in a small bowl and whisk well.

Salad Dressing-8
Balsamic vinegar, 1/2 cup
Lime or lemon juice, fresh, 2 Tablespoons
Soy sauce, 4 Tablespoons
Garlic cloves, mashed, 5
Salt, 1 teaspoon or to taste
Black pepper powder, 1/2 teaspoon

Combine all ingredients in a bowl and whisk well.

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Salad Dressing-9
White wine vinegar, 2 Tablespoon
Parsley, fresh, chopped, 2 Tablespoon
Lime or lemon juice, fresh, 1 Tablespoons
Garlic cloves, mashed, 2
Basil, dried & crumbled, 1 teaspoon
Red pepper powder, 1/4 teaspoon
Oregano, dried, 1/8 teaspoon
Salt to taste

Combine all ingredients in a bowl and whisk well.

Salad Dressing-10
Cucumber, finely chopped, ½ cup
Capsicum or Green pepper, finely chopped, 1/2 cup
Garlic, 1 clove, minced
Salt to taste
Skim yogurt, 1/2 cup
Tamrind paste, 1/2 teaspoon
Horseradish root, peeled and cut into 1/2 inch pieces, ½ Tablespoon
Vinegar, 1/4 cup

Combine all ingredients in a bowl and mix well. Chill for 30 minutes before using.
You can also puree the entire dressing in a blender if you prefer it smooth.

Salad Dressing-11

Wine vinegar, 3 Tablespoons

Thyme, powdered, 1/8 teaspoon
Marjoram, powdered, 1/8 teaspoon
Basil leaves, 4, chopped
Onion, minced, 1 Tablespoon
Water, 1 Tablespoon
Salt to taste
Cilantro (coriander) or parsley, finely chopped, 1 Tablespoon

Combine all ingredients in a jar with a tight fitting lid and shake well.

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>> Mixed Vegetable Salad - 1

• Cucumber, 1 with skin, large pieces
• Onion, 1, chopped into wedges
• Tomato, 1,diced
• Radish, 1, sliced
• Lettuce, ¼, coarsely chopped
• Carrot, 1 small, sliced
• Green Capsicum (green peppers or bell peppers), seeded and cut into thin
strips, 1 Tablespoon
• Red Capsicum (red peppers or bell peppers), seeded and cut into thin
strips, 1 Tablespoon
• Mint or coriander or parsley leaves, finely chopped, 1 Tablespoon
• Fresh lime or lemon juice, 1 teaspoon

1. Mix all the ingredients in a salad bowl and toss with the salad dressing.

>> Mixed Vegetable Salad - 2

• Cucumber, 1 finely chopped
• Onion, 1 finely chopped
• Tomato, 1 finely chopped
• Radish, 1 finely chopped
• Cabbage, ¼, finely chopped
• Carrot, 1 small, finely chopped
• Capsicum (green peppers or bell peppers), finely chopped, 1 Tablespoon
• Mint or coriander or parsley leaves, finely chopped, 1 Tablespoon
• Fresh lime or lemon juice, 1 teaspoon

1. Mix all the ingredients in a salad bowl and toss with the salad dressing.

>> Asparagus, Watercress, Strawberries Salad

• Asparagus, cut in 1" pieces, 2 Cups
• Watercress, 1 bunch, leaves and stems coarsely chopped
• Strawberries, 2 Cups

1. Trim any thick or tough part of watercress stem and discard.
2. Put asparagus in boiling water for 3-5 minutes or until tender. Drain and rinse
in cold water.
3. Combine watercress, red onion, and mandarins in a salad bowl and toss with
the dressing.
4. Serve immediately.

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>> Lettuce Salad

• Lettuce, chopped coarsely, 2 cups
• Onion, 1 Tablespoon, rings
• Tomato, 1 cup, diced
• Cucumber, 1 cup, sliced
• Capsicum (green peppers or bell peppers), seeded and cut into thin strips, 1
• Lime or lemon juice, fresh,2 teaspoon
• Mint or coriander leaves, minced, 1 Tablespoon,
• Vinegar, 2 teaspoon
• Salt to taste
• Black Pepper powder, 1/2 teaspoon
• Garlic cloves, finely chopped,2 teaspoon

1. Combine lettuce, onion, cucumber and capsicum in a salad bowl.
2. Whisk together lemon juice, vinegar, salt, pepper, garlic and coriander.
3. Pour over salad in the bowl and toss.

>> Cabbage - Carrot Salad -1

• Cabbage, finely chopped, 1 cup
• Shredded Carrot, shredded, 1 cup
• Pineapple chunks, 1 cup
• Lemon or lime juice, 1 teaspoon
• Orange juice, 1/2 cup

1. Combine all the ingredients in a salad bowl and toss with the dressing.

>> Cabbage - Carrot Salad -2

• Cabbage, red, finely chopped, 1 cup
• Cabbage, green, finely chopped, 1 cup
• Carrot, shredded, 1 cup
• Onion, finely chopped,1/2 cup
• Apple, diced,1/2 cup

1. Combine all the ingredients in a salad bowl and toss with the dressing.

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>> Cabbage – Onion Salad

• Cabbage, finely chopped, 2 cup
• Onion, finely chopped, 1 cup
• Dill, finely chopped, 1 Tablespoon

1. Combine all the ingredients in a salad bowl and toss with the dressing.

>> Cabbage - Pineapple Salad

• Cabbage, finely chopped, 2 cup
• Pineapple, small pieces, 1 cup

1. Combine all the ingredients in a salad bowl and toss with the dressing.

>> Cabbage, Watercress, and Watermelon Salad

• Watercress, 1 bunch, leaves and stems coarsely chopped
• Cabbage, coarsely chopped, 1 cup
• Watermelon, 1-inch cubes, 2 cups
• Sunflower kernels, 1/4 cup

1. Mix watercress and cabbage in a salad bowl.
2. Pour salad dressing over salad greens and gently toss.
3. Spread greens on a plate, add watermelon cubes and garnish with sunflower
4. Serve immediately.

>> Broccoli Salad

• Broccoli, cut into flowerets, 2 cup
• Red onions, rings , 1cup
• Sunflower seeds, 1 tablespoon

1. Combine all the ingredients in a salad bowl and toss with the dressing.

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>> Broccoli - Cauliflower Salad

• Broccoli, finely chopped, 1 cup
• Cauliflower, finely chopped, 1 cup
• Celery, 1 stalk, finely chopped
• Red onions, rings, 1cup

Combine all the ingredients in a salad bowl and toss with the dressing.

>> Spicy Eggplant Salad

• Eggplants long, sliced and chopped into ½ inch pieces, 2 cup
• Tomato sauce, 1 Tablespoon
• Black pepper, freshly powdered, ½ teaspoon
• Red chili powder, ½ teaspoon
• Cinnamon powder, ½ teaspoon
• Mint powder, 1 teaspoon
• Salt to taste

1. Place the eggplant slices in a non-sticking pan over medium heat for 3
minutes. Remove and put into a serving bowl, and let it Cool.
2. Mix the tomato sauce, pepper, chili powder, cinnamon powder, mint powder
and salt in a non-sticking pan. Simmer over low heat for 10 minutes.
3. Pour this over the eggplant of step 1.

>> Cucumber - Onion Salad

• Cucumber, sliced paper thin, 2 cup
• Onion, sliced paper thin, 1 cup

• Vinegar, 2 Tablespoon
• Water, 2 Tablespoon
• Black pepper, freshly powdered, ½ teaspoon
• Salt to taste
• Sugar substitute, to taste

1. Layer cucumber and onion in a salad bowl.
2. Combine remaining ingredients and pour over vegetables.
3. Chill and serve.

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>> Cucumber- Scallion Salad

• Cucumbers peeled and chopped, 2 cup
• Scallions chopped, 1 cup

• Skim Yogurt plain, 2 Tablespoon
• Black pepper, freshly powdered, 1 teaspoon
• Dill, finely chopped, 1 Tablespoon

1. Mix all ingredients except the dill in a large chilled bowl.
2. Sprinkle the dill before serving.

>> Cucumber – Tomato Salad

• Cucumbers, 2 large peeled, chopped into 1/2" pieces
• Green chili, 1 finely chopped
• Tomatoes, 4 cut into chunks
• Green onion, 1 chopped
• Coriander/mint leaves, chopped 1 Tablespoon
• Salt to taste
• Cumin seeds powder, 1/2 teaspoon

1. Mix the cucumber, tomatoes, onion and green chili in a salad bowl.
2. Sprinkle salt and cumin powder, and toss gently.
3. Garnish with coriander/mint leaves.

>> Yogurt Cucumber Salad

• Yogurt, skim plain, 1 cup
• Cucumber, un-peeled, sliced, 4 cups
• Cilantro (Coriander)/mint leaves, chopped, 1 Tablespoon
• Black Pepper, ½ teaspoon
• Salt to taste
• Cumin powder, 1/2 teaspoon

1. Take yogurt in a bowl and beat well. Add all the spices and stir.
2. Put cucumber slices in a salad bowl and pour yogurt to coat cucumber slices
3. Garnish with coriander/mint leaves.

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>> Crunchy Capsicum Salad

• Green capsicum, cut into strips,1/2 cup
• Red capsicum, cut into strips,1/2 cup
• Yellow capsicum, cut into strips, ½ cup
• Red onion, wedges, ¼ cup
• Pineapple, cut into strips, ½ cup
• Red chili, 1, finely sliced,
Green chili, 1, finely sliced

• Garlic, crushed
• Salt to taste
• Black pepper, ¼ teaspoon

1. Combine all the ingredients in a salad bowl and toss with the dressing.

>> Fennel Salad

• Fennel, 4 bulbs, thinly sliced
• Tomatoes, medium size, 4 , sliced
• Red capsicum or red pepper, 1 chopped thinly

1. In serving dish, arrange slices of fennel, tomatoes and pepper. Cover with
plastic wrap and refrigerate for up to 2 hours.
2. Just before serving, drizzle dressing over to coat well.

>> Beans Salad

• Black eye beans, cooked, 1 cup
• Kidney beans, cooked, 1 cup
• Corn kernels, cooked, 1 cup
• Green onion, chopped, 1/2 cup
• Capsicum or green pepper or bell pepper, chopped, ½ cup
• Cilantro (Coriander), finely chopped, 1 Tablespoon
• Lettuce leaves, chopped, 10 leaves, chopped

1. Combine all the ingredients in a salad bowl and toss with the dressing.

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>> Mung Beans Salad

• Sprouted Mung, 2 cup
• Onion finely chopped, 1 cup
• Cucumber, chopped, 1 cup
• Tomato, chopped, 1 cup
• Lettuce leaves, chopped, 1 cup
• Lime or lemon juice, fresh, 1 teaspoon
• Mint or coriander leaves, chopped,1 Tablespoon
• Salt to taste

1. Mix all the ingredients except coriander in a salad bowl.
2. Garnish with coriander leaves.

>> Fruity Bean Salad

• Sprouted beans/pulses (mung, chick peas, green peas, or any other), 1 cup
• Apple, chopped, ½ cup
• Orange, peeled and segmented, ½ chopped
• Grapes, 10-15
• Lettuce leaves, 10-15
• Spinach, chopped, ¼ cup
• Green chili, finely chopped, 2 teaspoon
• Salt to taste

For Dressing
• Skim yogurt, beated, 1 cup
• Fresh mint leaves, finely chopped, 1 tablespoon
• Salt to taste
• Cumin, ½ teaspoon

1. Mix all the ingredients except dressing in a salad bowl.
2. Mix well all the ingredients of dressing.
3. Just before serving, top the salad with the dressing.
4. Serve chilled.

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>> Sprouted Mung Salad

• Sprouted mung, 1 cup
• Onion, finely chopped, ½ cup
• Tomato, chopped, ½ cup
• Cabbage, chopped, ½ cup
• Carrots, grated, ½ cup
• Green chili, finely chopped, 2 teaspoon
• Cilantro/coriander/parsley, 1 tablespoon
• Fresh lemon/lime juice, 2 teaspoon
• Salt to taste

1. Steam the sprouted mung for 5 minutes.
2. Add the remaining ingredients in a salad bowl and mix well.
3. Serve cold.

>> Colorful Melon Salad

• Water melon, cut as balls, 1 cup
• Honey dew, cut as balls, 1 cup
• Cantaloupe, cut as balls, 1 cup
• Mango, peeled and cut into small chunks, 1 cup
• Grapes, seedless, ½ cup
• Orange juice, ½ cup

1. Mix all the ingredients in a salad bowl and toss.

You can add more fruits of your choice.

>> Citrus Fruit Salad -1

• Orange, pith removed, seeded and cut into small pieces, 1 cup
• Grapefruit, pith removed, seeded and cut into small pieces, 1 cup
• Watercress, leaves and stems coarsely chopped, ½ cup
• Apple, diced, 1 cup
• Sultanas (raisins), 1 Tablespoon

1. Arrange orange and grapefruit pieces on a plate. Arrange the watercress on
2. Garnish with the apple pieces and sultanas.
3. Serve immediately.

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>> Citrus Fruit Salad - 2

• Orange, pith removed, seeded and cut into small pieces
• Grapefruit, pith removed, seeded and cut into small pieces, 1 cup
• Tomato, chopped, ½ cup
• Celery , chopped, ½ stalk

1. Juice half the grapefruit and orange pieces.
2. Arrange all the remaining ingredients in a plate and sprinkle the juice
3. Serve immediately.

>> Tasty Fruit – Vegie Salad

• Apples, 4 , cut into pieces
• Orange,1,peeled and cut into small chunks, 1
• Capsicum (green pepper), finely chopped, 1 Tablespoon
• Carrots, 4, diced
• Celery, 2 stalks, chopped
• Cucumber, 1, chopped

1. Combine all the ingredients in a salad bowl and toss with the dressing.

>> Fruit Salad

• Mango, peeled and cut into small chunks, 1 cup
• Orange, peeled and cut into small chunks, 1 cup
• Paw Paw (Papaya), peeled and cut into small chunks, 1 cup
• Apple 1, cut into small chunks
• Cranberries/strawberries, 1 cup
• Cantaloupe, cut as balls, 1 cup
• Orange juice, 1/2 cup
• Lime/lemon juice, 1 Tablespoon
• Black pepper, ½ teaspoon
• Cinnamon powder, ¼ teaspoon
• Salt to taste

1. Mix all the ingredients in a salad bowl and sprinkle spices and toss.

You can add any available fruits.

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Vegetable Recipes

>> M IXED VEGETABLES - 1.......................................................................................88

>> M IXED VEGETABLES - 2.......................................................................................89
>> CABBAGE & CAPSICUM (GREEN P EPPERS ) VEGETABLE.......................................89
>> ZUCCHINI – GREEN TOMATO VEGETABLE ...........................................................90
>> SPICY CARROTS...................................................................................................91
>> B RUSSELS SPROUTS .............................................................................................91
>> SPINACH VEGETABLE ..........................................................................................92
>> SPINACH – HOME M ADE CHEESE VEGETABLE .....................................................93
>> SPINACH – M USHROOM VEGETABLE....................................................................94
>> EGGPLANT ...........................................................................................................95
>> EGGPLANT – GREEN TOMATO VEGETABLE .........................................................95
>> ARTICHOKE VEGETABLE .....................................................................................96
>> FENUGREEK – SPLIT GRAM L ENTIL .....................................................................97
>> B ARBECUE VEGETABLES .....................................................................................97
>> M USHROOMS – CAPSICUM (GREEN PEPPER/B ELL P EPPER) .................................98
>> ZUCCHINI – LEMON VEGETABLE .........................................................................98
>> OKRA ..................................................................................................................99
>> B AKED VEGETABLES ......................................................................................... 100
>> GREEN B EANS.................................................................................................... 100
>> GREEN ONION – GREEN TOMATO VEGETABLE .................................................. 101
>> LENTIL - SPINACH.............................................................................................. 102
>> KIDNEY B EANS .................................................................................................. 102
>> B LACK-EYED B EANS - SPINACH ......................................................................... 103
>> CHICK PEAS ...................................................................................................... 104
>> SPROUTED M UNG B EANS– GRAM F LOUR CURRY ............................................... 105

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>> Mixed Vegetables - 1

• Onion, 1, finely chopped
• Garlic, 1 clove finely chopped
• Carrot, 2 medium size, grated
• Cabbage, finely chopped, 1 cup
• Broccoli or cauliflower, finely chopped, 1 cup
• Beans (any type), finely chopped, 1 cup
• Tomatoes, 2, finely chopped
• Capsicum (green peppers or bell peppers), seeded and finely chopped, 1/2
• Ginger, 1 inch, finely chopped (or equivalent ginger paste)
• Green chilies, 2, finely chopped
• Lime or lemon juice, fresh, 2 teaspoon
• Cilantro (Coriander) leaves, finely chopped, 1 Tablespoon
• Water, 2 cup

• Red chili powder, 1.5 teaspoon
• Coriander powder, 2 teaspoon
• Cumin seeds, 1/2 teaspoon
• Salt to taste

1. Pour water in a deep nonstick skillet and boil. Add all the ingredients (except
the spices, lemon juice and coriander leaves), stir well and cover. Cook for
20-25 minutes with occasional stirring on low heat.
2. Add spices and lemon juice and stir.
3. Remove from heat after 5 minutes. Garnish with cilantro leaves.

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>> Mixed Vegetables - 2

• Carrots, sliced, 1 cup
• Celery, sliced, 1 cup
• Red capsicum (bell pepper), strips, 1 cup
• Onion, chopped, 1 cup
• Broccoli florets, 1 cup
• Peas, ½ cup
• Garlic, 2 cloves, finely chopped
• Tomato juice, ½ cup
• Ginger, 1 inch root, crushed
• Water, 1½ cup
• Vegetable oil, 2 teaspoon
• Salt to taste
• Black pepper powdered, ½ teaspoon
• Red chili powder, ½ teaspoon


1. Heat a deep skillet and spray oil. Add onion, ginger, garlic, red chili powder,
and black pepper powder. Stir for 3 minutes. Add remaining ingredients and
mix well.
2. Cover and simmer on medium heat until vegetables become tender.

>> Cabbage & Capsicum (Green Peppers) Vegetable

• Cabbage, shredded, 4 cup
• Capsicum Green (green peppers or bell peppers), 1, seeded and cut into thin
• Capsicum Red (green peppers or bell peppers), 1, seeded and cut into thin
• Onion, medium size 1, chopped finely
• Celery chopped, 1 Tablespoon
• Ginger, 1/2 inch, crushed
• Lime or lemon juice, fresh, 1 teaspoon

Salt to taste
Red Chili powder,1/2 teaspoon
Black pepper powder,1/2 teaspoon

1. Boil water in a deep skillet. Put all the ingredients except lime juice and
spices, cover and cook on low heat till the vegetables become tender, about
15 minutes.
2. Drain excess water and keep aside. Toss spices and lime juice before serving.

Add salt, black pepper powder and lime juice to the water of step 2 and drink,
if you can.

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>> Zucchini – Green Tomato Vegetable

• Zucchini , 3, thinly sliced (about 3 millimeter thick)

• Green tomato, 2, chopped
• Capsicum (green pepper), finely chopped, 1 Tablespoon
• Yogurt, skim, 1 tablespoon.
• Salt to taste
• Red chili powder, 1/2 teaspoon
• Garam masala, 1/2 teaspoon
• Cumin seeds, ½ teaspoon
• Vegetable oil, 1 teaspoon
• Cilantro (coriander) or parsley leaves, finely chopped, 1 Tablespoon

1. Mix all the spices in yogurt and keep aside.
2. Heat oil in a nonsticking frying pan. Add cumin seed and stir to sputter, half a
minute. Add yogurt of step 1 and stir till a mesh type texture is formed, 3-4
minute. Mix zucchini, tomato pieces and capsicum. Cover and let it cook on
medium heat for 5-8 minutes.
3. Garnish with cilantro.

>> Zucchini – Capsicum (Green peppers or Bell peppers) Vegetable

• Zucchini, 3 medium size, skin removed and chopped to round (1/2 cm
thickness) shape or 1.5 inch length
• Capsicum (green peppers or bell peppers), seeded and chopped, 1 medium
• Tomato, 1 chopped
• Ginger, 1 inch, finely chopped
• Coriander leaves, washed , finely chopped 1 cup or dry mint powder 1
• Lime or lemon Juice, fresh, 1 teaspoon
• Skim Yogurt, 2 Tablespoon
• Water, 1/2 cup

• Red Chili Powder, 1 teaspoon
• Coriander Powder, 1 teaspoon
• Turmeric powder, 1/2 teaspoon
• Black pepper powder, 1/2 teaspoon (optional)

1. Take yogurt in a bowl and mix well all the spices.
2. Put a skillet on medium heat and pour yogurt paste of step 1. Cook for 2
minutes with stirring.
3. Add zucchini and tomato pieces and lime juice and mix well. Cover the skillet
and simmer for 10 minutes. Garnish with coriander leaves or mint powder.

You can spray the skillet by canola or olive oil, if it is not non sticking type.
But remember to use only as little oil as possible.

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>> Spicy Carrots

• Carrots, 2
• Garlic cloves, 2, finely chopped
• Lime/lemon juice, fresh, 1 tablespoon
• Cilantro/coriander/ parsley, chopped, 1 tablespoon
• Vegetable oil, 1 teaspoon

• Red chili powder, ½ teaspoon
• Salt to taste
• Cumin seeds,1/4 teaspoon

1. Steam carrots until partially cooked.
2. Spray oil in a frying pan. Sauté carrot, garlic, and spices until tender. Remove
from heat. Mix lemon juice and garnish with cilantro/parsley.

>> Brussels Sprouts

• Brussels Sprouts, 5-6
• Lime/lemon juice, fresh, 1 teaspoon
• Skim yogurt 1/4 cup
• Vegetable oil 1 teaspoon
• Cilantro/coriander, fresh, chopped, 2 teaspoon

• Salt to taste
• Garam masala, 1/2 teaspoon
• Red chili powder, 1/2 teaspoon
• Corn flour or plain flour, 1 teaspoon

1. Wash Brussels sprouts. Hold 1 Brussels sprout vertically on a chopping board
by one hand and cut it to 3/4th way down. Rotate it and cut it once more so
that all the 4 pieces remain joined.
2. Mix well all the spices in the yogurt to make a paste.
3. Fill the spice paste in all the Brussels sprouts. Keep aside the unused paste, if
4. Heat a nonstick frying pan and spray oil. Put the spice paste and the Brussels
sprouts, add 2 teaspoons water, and cover gently. Cook for 15-20 minutes
on low heat.
5. Remove from flame and garnish coriander leaves.

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>> Spinach Vegetable

• Spinach bunch,1 medium size, washed & chopped
• Carrot, 1 small size, chopped
• Cucumber, 1 small, chopped
• Onion, 1, finely chopped
• Tomatoes, 2, chopped
• Green peas, 1/2 cup
• Green chilies, finely chopped, 2 teaspoon
• Ginger, 1 inch, chopped
• Lime or lemon juice, fresh, 1 teaspoon

• Red chili , 1 teaspoon
• Coriander powder, 2 teaspoon
• Turmeric powder, 1/2 teaspoon
• Black pepper powder, 1/2 teaspoon
• Salt to taste

1. Wash spinach and remove thicker stems.
2. In a deep skillet put spinach, carrot, cucumber, green chilies, half the tomato
pieces, and ginger. Add 1 cup water and cover. Heat the skillet on medium
heat until the spinach become soft, about 5 minutes.
3. Remove the skillet from burner and let it cool. Drain all the water and keep it
separately. Transfer all the contents of the skillet in a blender and blend to
make a paste.
4. Put skillet on medium heat and pour the contents of the blender in it. (Add
some water if too thick.)
5. Add chopped onion, peas and tomato and cook for 5-7 minutes. Add all the
spices and cook for another 5 minutes.

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>> Spinach – Home Made Cheese Vegetable

• Spinach bunch,1 medium size, washed & chopped
• Cucumber, 1 small, chopped
• Onion, 1, finely chopped
• Tomatoes, 2, chopped
• Green peas, 1/4 cup
• Green chilies, finely chopped, 2 teaspoon
• Ginger, 1 inch, chopped
• Lime or lemon juice, fresh, 1 teaspoon
• Vegetable oil, 1 teaspoon
• Home made cheese, 1cmx1cmx0.5cm (See recipe given in miscellaneous

• Red chili , 1 teaspoon
• Coriander powder, 2 teaspoon
• Turmeric powder, 1/2 teaspoon
• Black pepper powder, 1/2 teaspoon
• Salt to taste

1. Wash spinach and remove thicker stems.
2. In a deep skillet put spinach, cucumber, green chilies, 1 tomato, and ginger.
Add 1 cup water and cover. Heat the skillet on medium heat until the spinach
become soft, about 5 minutes.
3. Remove the skillet from burner and let it cool. Drain all the water and keep it
separately. Transfer all the contents of the skillet in a blender and blend to
make a paste.
4. Put skillet on medium heat. Add oil when the skillet is warm. When the oil
gets heated, add chopped onion and cook till they turn light brown. Add peas
and tomato and cook for 2 minutes. Add all the spices and cook for 5
minutes. Add the blended spinach, stir and cook for 5 minutes.
5. Add the home made cheese ( about 1cmx1cm, 0.5 cm thick) pieces and mix.

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>> Spinach – Mushroom Vegetable

• Spinach bunch,1 medium size, washed & chopped
• Cucumber, 1 small, chopped
• Onion, 1, finely chopped
• Tomatoes, 2, chopped
• Green peas, 1/4 cup
• Green chilies, finely chopped, 2 teaspoon
• Ginger, 1 inch, chopped
• Lime or lemon juice, fresh, 1 teaspoon
• Vegetable oil, 1 teaspoon
• Baby mushrooms, ½ cup, boiled.

• Red chili , 1 teaspoon
• Coriander powder, 2 teaspoon
• Turmeric powder, 1/2 teaspoon
• Black pepper powder, 1/2 teaspoon
• Salt to taste

1. Wash spinach and remove thicker stems.
2. In a deep skillet put spinach, cucumber, green chilies, 1 tomato, and ginger.
Add 1 cup water and cover. Heat the skillet on medium heat until the spinach
become soft, about 5 minutes.
3. Remove the skillet from burner and let it cool. Drain all the water and keep it
separately. Transfer all the contents of the skillet in a blender and blend to
make a paste.
4. Put skillet on medium heat. Add oil when the skillet is warm. When the oil
gets heated, add chopped onion and cook till they turn light brown. Add peas
and tomato and cook for 2 minutes. Add all the spices and cook for 5
minutes. Add the blended spinach, stir and cook for 5 minutes.
5. Add baby mushrooms (or pieces) and mix.

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>> Eggplant

• Eggplant large size, 1, uniform dark color
• Onion, 1, finely chopped
• Tomato, 1, finely chopped or equivalent tomato puree
• Green chili, 1, finely chopped
• Ginger, 1”, finely chopped
• Garlic cloves, 2, finely chopped
• Lime or lemon juice, fresh, 1 teaspoon
• Cilantro (Coriander), fresh coriander, finely chopped, 1 tablespoon

• Red chili powder, 1 teaspoon
• Cilantro (coriander) powder, 1 teaspoon
• Black pepper powder, 1/4 teaspoon
• Turmeric powder, 1/8 teaspoon
• Salt to taste

1. Cut the eggplant into two pieces lengthwise from middle. Spread an
aluminum sheet in broiler and place the eggplant pieces. Broil at 300 deg F
for 15 minutes. Reverse the side of eggplant and broil for another 15 minutes.
The skin of the eggplant should become wrinkled and dark due to burning
(light burning of the skin gives the real taste). Remove the egg plants and let
them cool. Remove the skin of the eggplant pieces and crush the remaining
part by a spoon or your hand.
2. Take the crushed eggplant in a bowl and mix onion, ginger, garlic, green chili,
all the spices and lemon. Put in a 300 degree F preheated oven for 2 minutes.
3. Garnish with chopped coriander leaves.

>> Eggplant – Green Tomato Vegetable

• Eggplant , chopped, 1 cup
• Green tomato, 2, chopped
• Green chili, 1, finely chopped
• Yogurt, skim, 1 tablespoon.
• Salt to taste
• Red chili powder, 1/2 teaspoon
• Garam masala, 1/2 teaspoon
• Cumin seeds, ½ teaspoon
• Vegetable oil, 1 teaspoon
• Cilantro (coriander) or parsley leaves, finely chopped, 1 Tablespoon

1. Mix all the spices and green chili pieces in yogurt and keep aside.
2. Heat oil in a nonstick frying pan. Add cumin seed and stir to sputter, half a
minute. Add yogurt of step 1 and stir till a mesh type texture is formed, 3-4
minute. Mix eggplant and tomato pieces. Cover and let it cook on medium
heat for 5-8 minutes.
3. Garnish with cilantro.

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Negative Calorie Foods & Recipes

>> Artichoke Vegetable

• Artichokes, 3
• Water, 3 cup
• Vegetable oil, 1 teaspoon
• Red wine vinegar, 1 Tablespoon
• Garlic, 3 cloves, crushed
• Bay leaves, 3-4

• Salt to taste
• Black peppercorns, 8-10
• Coriander seeds, 1 teaspoon
• Fennel seeds, I teaspoon

1. Remove the stem and the tough outer petals of each artichoke. Trim the
thorny tips of the petals and then rinse the artichoke thoroughly.

2. Place the artichokes, stem end down, in a saucepan. Add the water, oil,
vinegar, garlic, bay leaves, and the spices. Cover and bring to a boil, then
reduce the heat and simmer until tender, 20 to 30 minutes.
Cooking time will vary depending upon the size and the freshness of the

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>> Fenugreek – Split Gram Lentil

• Fenugreek, 3/4 cup
• Split gram lentil, 1 cup
• Yogurt, 2 Tablespoon
• Lemon/lime Juice, fresh,1 teaspoon
• Green chili, 2 finely chopped
• Capsicum or green pepper, 1 small size, chopped
• Ginger, 1/2 inch finely chopped
• Cilantro (coriander leaves), finely chopped,1 Tablespoon
• Vegetable oil 1 teaspoon

• Red chili powder, 1 teaspoon
• Salt to taste

1. Boil 2 cup water and add fenugreek. Leave it for 15 minutes. Drain and wash
with cold water 2-3 times.
2. Take 2 cup water in a skillet and add split gram lentil and boil for 5 minutes.
3. In a bowl take yogurt, add 2 teaspoon water. Stir and add red chili powder.
Mix well.
4. Heat a non sticking skillet and add oil. Add green chili, ginger and capsicum.
Stir for 2-3 minutes. Add yogurt mixture, stir and cook for 4-5 minutes.
5. Add split lentil, lemon juice and mint powder and stir for 3-4 minutes. Add
fenugreek and mix well.
6. Remove from heat and garnish with chopped cilantro.

>> Barbecue Vegetables

• Eggplant, cut into 2cm chunks, 1 cup
• Capsic um (green pepper), cut into 2cm chunks, 1 cup
• Zucchini, cut into 1cm slices, 1 cup
• Tomatoes, cut into chunks, 2 cup
• Vegetable oil, 2 teaspoon

• Black pepper powder, ½ teaspoon
• Garlic powder, ½ teaspoon
• Oregano or mint, dried, ½ teaspoon
• Salt to taste

1. Mix oil and spices to vegetables. Cut 4-5 pieces of heavy-duty aluminum foil
about 30cm square. Divide vegetables evenly in center of each piece.
2. Wrap vegetables and make packets, folding edges to seal.
3. Place on preheated grill at 180 deg and cook for about 30 minutes, turning

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>> Mushrooms – Capsicum (Green Pepper/Bell Pepper)

• Mushrooms, 100g, sliced
• Vegetable stock,1 cup
• Red Capsicum (pepper/bell pepper), 1 large, seeded and cut into 1 inch
• Yellow Capsic um (pepper/bell pepper), 1 large, seeded and cut into 1 inch
• Salt to taste
• Black pepper powdered, ½ teaspoon
• Vegetable oil, 1 teaspoon
• Cilantro (coriander) or parsley leaves, finely chopped, 1 Tablespoon

1. Heat stock in a nonstick skillet over medium heat.
2. Sauté bell peppers and mushrooms until mushrooms are tender,5-7 minutes.
3. Add salt and pepper to taste and stir. Cook another minute.
4. Garnish with cilantro.

>> Zucchini – Lemon Vegetable

• Zucchini , 3, thinly sliced (about 3 millimeter thick)
• Lemon or lime, 2
• Vegetableoil,1 teaspoon
• Capsicum (green pepper), finely chopped, 1 Tablespoon
• Garlic, minced, 1 teaspoon
• Salt to taste
• Black pepper powdered, ½ teaspoon
• Vegetable oil, 1 teaspoon
• Cilantro (coriander) or parsley leaves, finely chopped, 1 Tablespoon

1. Prepare a marinade with the juice and pulp of lemons, salt, black pepper,
garlic, parsley and oil.
2. Put a layer of zucchini slices in a bowl and pour a little of the marinade at the
top, do the same for all the layers of zucchini slices.
3. Keep the bowl in a cool place and let it rest for 6 to 8 hours, occasionally
pouring some of the lemon marinate at the bottom on the top layers of the
4. Grill the zucchini till they become tender, for a couple of minutes.

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>> Okra

• Okra 1/2 kg
• Onion, chopped, 1 /2 cup
• Cilantro (Coriander) leaves, chopped, 1 Tablespoon
• Skim yogurt, 1/4 cup
• Vegetable oil, 1 teaspoon
• Water, 1/2 cup

• Red chili powder. 1 teaspoon
• Salt to taste
• Black pepper powdered, 1/4 teaspoon (optional)
• Ginger, 1/2 inch root or 1 teaspoon paste
• Turmeric powder, 1/4 teaspoon
• Cumin seeds, 1/4 teaspoon

1. Wash okras and cut them into small pieces.
2. Take 1/2 of onion and grind with ginger and spices. Add this to yogurt. Add
some water and mix well to make a paste.
3. Heat a non sticking skillet and spray oil. When oil becomes hot add the
remaining onions. Fry on medium heat till the onions turn light brown, about
3-4 minutes.
4. Add the yogurt paste. Fry for 5-7 minutes while stirring. This will result into a
mesh texture separating oil.
5. Add okras, mix well. Add remaining water and cover it with a lid. Let it cook
for about 5 minute on medium heat.
6. Remove from flame and sprinkle coriander leaves.

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>> Baked Vegetables

• Mixed vegetables (French beans, carrots, cauliflower, green peas), chopped
and boiled,1 cup
• Onions, 2, chopped
• Capsicum, chopped, ½ cup
• Tomato, 1, chopped
• Tomato sauce or ketchup, ½ cup
• Cilantro/coriander/parsley, 1 tablespoon
• Cottage cheese, 1 Tablespoon

• Vegetable oil, 2 teaspoon
• Red Chili powder, ½ teaspoon
• Black pepper powder, ½ teaspoon
• Salt to taste

1. Spray oil in a frying pan and cook onions for one minute.
2. Add all the vegetables and spices and cook for 7-10 minutes over medium
heat. Transfer to a baking tray and spread tomato ketchup and cheese.
3. Bake in a preheated oven at 300 deg F for 10 minutes.
4. Garnish with cilantro/parsley.

>> Green Beans

• Green beans, 400 g, chopped
• Green chili, 1, finely chopped
• Ginger, 1/2 inch finely chopped
• Garlic, 2 cloves, finely chopped
• Vegetable oil, 1 teaspoon
• Wine vinegar,1/4 cup
• Salt to taste
• Coriander powder, 1 teaspoon
• Turmeric powder, 1/4 teaspoon
• Mustard seeds, coarsely powdered, ½ teaspoon
• Black pepper powdered, 1/4 teaspoon (optional)

1. Combine all the ingredients (except beans) in a large bowl.
2. Lightly steam the beans for about 10 minutes or less. Beans should still be
slightly firm and not mushy.
3. Drain green beans and while still hot combine in large mixing bowl with above
dressing. Toss well and serve warm.

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>> Green Onion – Green Tomato Vegetable

• Green onion, chopped (white and green portion except the fibrous root), 1
• Green tomato, 2, chopped
• Green chili, 1, finely chopped
• Yogurt, skim, 1 tablespoon.
• Salt to taste
• Red chili powder, 1/2 teaspoon
• Garam masala, 1/2 teaspoon
• Cumin seeds, ½ teaspoon
• Vegetable oil, 1 teaspoon
• Cilantro (coriander) or parsley leaves, finely chopped, 1 Tablespoon

1. Mix all the spices and green chili pieces in yogurt and keep aside.
2. Heat oil in a nonstick frying pan. Add cumin seed and stir to sputter, half a
minute. Add yogurt of step 1 and stir till a mesh type texture is formed, 3-4
minute. Mix chopped onions and tomato pieces. Cover and let it cook on
medium heat for 5-8 minutes.
3. Garnish with cilantro.

>> Capsicum (Green Pepper/Bell Pepper) – Potato Vegetable

• Green pepper (capsicum), chopped, 1 cup
• Potatoes, boiled or baked, cut into pieces, ½ cup
• Onion, finely chopped, 2 Tablespoon
• Green peas, 1 tablespoon
• Ginger, finely chopped, 2 teaspoon
• Skim Yogurt, 2 teaspoon
• Vegetable oil, 1 teaspoon
• Cilantro (coriander) or parsley leaves, finely chopped,1 tablespoon
• Fresh lemon/lime juice, 2 teaspoon

• Red chili powder, ¾ teaspoon
• Turmeric powder, ½ teaspoon
• Garam masala or black pepper, 1 teaspoon
• Cumin seeds, 1 teaspoon
• Salt to taste

1. Add about 4 teaspoon water to yogurt and mix all the spices in it. Stir well to
make a paste.
2. Heat a nonstick frying pan and spray oil. When the oil start smoking, put the
yogurt paste in the pan and cook on medium heat (stir frequently) until oil
separates and a mesh type texture results (it takes about 5-7 minutes).
3. Add ginger, green chilies and onion to step 2 and stir for 3-4 minutes.
4. Add potato pieces, capsicum pieces, and peas. Pour 1 tablespoon water and
mix well. Cover and simmer for 5 minutes.
5. Garnish with chopped coriander/parsley.

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>> Lentil - Spinach

• Mung lentil (with skin), 1 cup
• Spinach, finely chopped, 1 cup
• Tomato, 1, chopped
• Green Chili, 1, chopped
• Ginger, 1 inch, grated
• Garlic, 1 clove, crushed
• Cilantro (coriander) or parsley leaves, finely chopped, ½ tablespoon
• Lime/lemon juice, fresh, 2 teaspoon
• Water, 3-4 cups

• Red chili powder,3/4 teaspoon
• Black pepper powder, 3/4 teaspoon or to taste
• Salt to taste

1. Wash mung lentil thoroughly with 2-3 changes of water. Soak in water for
about 1 hour.
2. Take a deep non stick skillet and put all the ingredients. Once the water boils,
cover 3/4th of the skillet with a lid and let the ingredients cook till the lentil
become soft, about 20 minutes.

>> Kidney Beans

• Kidney beans, 1 cup
• Potato, finely chopped, 1 cup
• Tomato, 1, chopped
• Green Chili, 1, chopped
• Ginger, 1 inch, grated
• Garlic, 1 clove, crushed
• Cilantro (coriander) leaves, finely chopped, ½ tablespoon
• Lime/lemon juice, fresh, 2 teaspoon
• Water, 2 cups

• Red chili powder,3/4 teaspoon
• Coriander powder, 1 teaspoon
• Turmeric powder, 1/2 teaspoon (optional)
• Garam masala (or black pepper), ½ teaspoon
• Mustard seeds, coarsely powdered, ½ teaspoon
• Salt to taste

1. Wash and soak kidney beans in water overnight or for 5-6 hours.
2. Bake or steam the potato. Mesh it.
3. Take 2 cups water in a deep skillet and add all the ingredients. Cook for 20-
25 minutes on low heat.
4. Garnish with chopped cilantro leaves.

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>> Black-eyed Beans - Spinach

• Black-eye beans, 1 cup
• Spinach, finely chopped, 1 cup
• Tomato, 1, chopped
• Green Chili, 1, chopped
• Ginger, 1 inch, grated
• Garlic, 1 clove, crushed
• Cilantro (coriander) leaves, finely chopped, ½ tablespoon
• Lime/lemon juice, fresh, 2 teaspoon
• Water, 1/2 cups
• Vegetable oil, 1 teaspoon

• Red chili powder,3/4 teaspoon
• Coriander powder, 1 teaspoon
• Turmeric powder, 1/2 teaspoon (optional)
• Garam masala (or black pepper), ½ teaspoon
• Salt to taste

1. Wash and soak black-eye beans overnight or for 5-6 hours.
2. Heat a non-sticking skillet and spray oil. Add all the ingredients except beans,
spinach and coriander leaves. Add 2-3 teaspoon water. Let it cook for 5-7
minutes, stir 2-3 times. Keep aside.
3. Put on heat a deep skillet. Pour beans with water 1/2 cup and add spinach.
Let it boil till the beans become tender, about 12-15 minutes.
4. Pour the contents of step 2 into the skillet of step 3. Stir well.
5. Garnish with chopped cilantro leaves.

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>> Chick Peas

• Chick peas, 1 cup
• Potato, 1, baked or steamed, chopped
• Tomato, 1, chopped
• Green Chili, 1, chopped
• Ginger, 1 inch, grated
• Garlic, 1 clove, crushed
• Cilantro (coriander) leaves, finely chopped, ½ tablespoon
• Lime/lemon juice, fresh, 2 teaspoon
• Water, 1/2 cups
• Vegetable oil, 1 teaspoon

• Red chili powder,3/4 teaspoon
• Coriander powder, 1 teaspoon
• Turmeric powder, 1/2 teaspoon (optional)
• Garam masala (or black pepper), ½ teaspoon
• Salt to taste

1. Wash and soak chick peas overnight or for 5-6 hours.
2. Take 2 cups of water in a deep skillet and cook chick peas till they become
3. Heat a deep skillet and pour oil. When the oil becomes hot, add onion, garlic,
ginger, tomato, and green chili. Fry for 5-7 minutes. Add all the spices and
stir for 3-4 minutes.
4. Transfer the cooked chick peas with water (Step 2) into the skillet (Step 3).
Add potato, tomato and lime juice. Cook till 75% of the water evaporates and
a thick gravy is formed.
5. Garnish with chopped cilantro leaves.

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>> Sprouted Mung Beans– Gram Flour Curry

• sprouted mung beans whole, 1 cup
• Gram flour or chick pea flour, 2 tablespoon
• Wheat flower, 2 teaspoon
• Skim yogurt, sour or sour butter milk, 2 cup
• Ginger, 1 inch chopped
• Green chili, chopped, 2 teaspoon
• Fresh lime/lemon juice, 2 teaspoon
• Water, 4-6 cup
• Cilantro (coriander) leaves, finely chopped, 1 tablespoon
• Vegetable oil , 2 teaspoon

• Red chili powder, 1 teaspoon
• Turmeric powder, ½ teaspoon
• Cumin seeds, ½ teaspoon
• Salt to taste

1. Add 1 cup water to butter milk. If you do not have butter milk, add yogurt in
2 cup water and mix well. Mix thoroughly gram flour and wheat flour.
2. Place a deep skillet on medium heat and spray oil. When the oil becomes hot,
add cumin seeds. When the cumin seeds pops up and become dark, add all
the spices, green chili and ginger. Cook for 5 minutes. Add mung and lime
juice and stir well. (You can adjust the quantity of lime juice powder
according to your taste and the level of sourness of butter milk.)
3. Transfer the solution of step 1 into the skillet, add more water to a desired
consistency, and put over medium heat. Cook for 15-20 minutes, occasionally
4. Sprinkle coriander leaves.

The finished curry should not be too thin or too thick. Its consistency should
be like that of tomato soup.

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Stuffed Vegetables

>> STUFFED ONIONS ............................................................................................... 106

>> STUFFED TOMATOES ......................................................................................... 106
>> STUFFED EGGPLANT .......................................................................................... 107
>> STUFFED B ITTER M ELON................................................................................... 108
>> STUFFED CAPSICUM (GREEN PEPPER OR B ELL P EPPER) -1 ................................ 109
>> STUFFED P UMPKIN ............................................................................................ 110
>> STUFFED CAPSICUM (GREEN PEPPER OR B ELL P EPPER) -2 ................................ 110

>> Stuffed Onions

• Onion, small size, 6
• Skim yogurt, 1 Tablespoon
• Vegetable oil, 1 teaspoon

• Red Chili powder, 1 teaspoon
• Turmeric powder, 1/2 teaspoon
• Coriander Powder, 1 teaspoon
• Salt to taste
• Fresh mint or cilantro (coriander), finely chopped

1. Mix all the spices, add yogurt and make a paste.
2. Slit onions in halves or quarters, cut deep but do not separate pieces.
3. Heat a frying pan and spray oil. Put any left over paste and stir for 2 minute.
Place all the onions in the pan, cover it and simmer for 10 minute.

>> Stuffed Tomatoes

• Tomatoes, small size, 8
• Cottage cheese, 1 Tablespoon, crumbles
• Mixed vegetables (beans, carrots, cauliflower, peas), finely chopped & boiled,
1.5 cup
• Onion, finely chopped, ¼ cup
• Green chili, finely chopped, 2 teaspoon
• Cilantro/coriander/parsley, 1 tablespoon
• Salt to taste
• Black pepper, 1 teaspoon

1. Cut out the tops of the tomatoes and scoop out the centers. Keep aside the
scooped portion.
2. Mix all the ingredients well with the scooped tomato portions.
3. Fill the tomatoes with the mixture and bake in a preheated hot oven at 350
deg F for about 10 minute.

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>> Stuffed Eggplant

• Egg Plants (small elliptical shape), 4 or egg plants long , 2
• Onion, finely chopped, 1 Tablespoon
• Green chili, finely chopped
• Gram flour,2 teaspoon
• Skim Yogurt, 2 teaspoon
• Vegetable oil, 1 teaspoon
• Cilantro (coriander) or parsley leaves, finely chopped, ½ tablespoon
• Gram flour, 1 Tablespoon

• Red chili powder, ¾ teaspoon
• Coriander powder, 1 teaspoon
• Turmeric powder, ½ teaspoon
• Salt to taste

1. Wash the egg plants. Cut into 1.5" pieces of the long type egg plants. Make a
slit at one long side. Take out some portion of the plant from inside to create
a small cavity.
2. Take yogurt in a small bowl, add 2 teaspoon water, gram flour, and all the
spices. Mix well to make a paste. Add chopped onion, green chilies, and half
of the cilantro/parsley leaves. Fill this paste in the cavity of each egg plant
and close the egg plants gently. Leave some paste in the bowl.
3. Heat a nonstick pan and spray oil. Add the remaining paste and fry it for 3-5
minutes. Add all the egg plants, and cover the pan. Cook for 3-5 minutes.
Change the sides of the egg plants and again cook for 3-5 minutes.
4. Sprinkle the cilantro or parsley leaves.

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>> Stuffed Bitter Melon

• Bitter melon 4. If long one, cut into 3 inch pieces.
• Onion, 1 large size, finely chopped
• Cilantro (Coriander) leaves, chopped, 1 Tablespoon
• Green chili, 1, finely chopped
• Ginger, 1/2 inch finely chopped
• Garlic, 2 cloves, finely chopped
• Vegetable oil, 1 teaspoon
• Gram flour, 2 teaspoon

• Red chili powder. 1/2 teaspoon
• Salt to taste
• Coriander powder, 1 teaspoon
• Turmeric powder, 1/4teaspoon
• Black pepper powdered, 1/4 teaspoon (optional)
• Cumin seeds, 1/8 teaspoon

1. Wash bitter melon thoroughly with water. If bitter melons are of longer
variety, cut them into pieces of 3 inch size. Remove skin of all the pieces by
scraping with a sharp knife.
2. Keep the skin aside. Slit the bitter melons length wise. Remove the seeds.
Discard the seeds if very hard, otherwise mix them with the skin scrape.
3. Take 1 teaspoon salt and apply it thoroughly to all the pieces of bitter melon.
Keep aside for about 1 hour.
4. Mix 1 teaspoon salt to melon skin and keep aside for 1 hour.
5. Heat a non sticking frying pan and spray oil. When the oil becomes hot, add
cumin seeds. When the seeds becomes dark, add onion, green chili, ginger
and garlic. Cook for 2-3 minutes and add all the spices and gram flour. Stir
well and cook until the mixture turns light brown, about 5-7 minutes. Mix half
the coriander leaves.
6. Take the melon skin in a sieve and wash thoroughly with water. Add it to the
washed skin scrape of above mixture and stir.
7. Wash the melons with water. Fill the above mixture in each melon.
8. Heat a non sticking frying pan and spray oil. Place all the melons in the pan,
cover with a lid and reduce the stove to low. Let them cook for 5-7 minutes.
Change the side of melons and again cover with the lid. Cook for 5-7 minutes.
Sprinkle coriander leaves.

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>> Stuffed Capsicum (Green Pepper or Bell Pepper) -1

• Green pepper (capsicum), 4, small size
• Potatoes, 2, medium size
• Onion, 1, finely chopped
• Green peas, 1 Tablespoon
• Green chili, 1, finely chopped
• Ginger, 1/2 inch piece, finely chopped
• Garlic clove, 1, grated
• Cilantro (coriander) or parsley leaves, finely chopped, ½ tablespoon
• Lime/lemon juice, fresh, 1 teaspoon
• Vegetable oil, 2 teaspoon

• Red chili powder, ¾ teaspoon
• Coriander powder, 1 teaspoon
• Turmeric powder, ½ teaspoon (optional)
• Mustard seeds, coarsely powdered, ½ teaspoon
• Cumin seed, 1 teaspoon
• Salt to taste

1. Wash potatoes and bake or steam till tender. Let it cool. Mesh and mix green
peas, onion, ginger, garlic, coriander/cilantro, turmeric powder, red chili
powder, salt and lime juice.
2. Heat a non sticking skillet and spray half the oil. When oil starts to fume add
the above mixture and stir for 5-7 minutes. Remove the skillet and let the
mixture cool.
3. Slit the green peppers (capsicum) and remove all the seeds. Fill the potato
mixture in each pepper and press to close it.
4. Heat the non sticking skillet again and take the remaining oil. Put cumin
seeds in the oil. In a few minutes the seeds will become dark. Slowly put the
stuffed peppers in the oil and cover the skillet. After 5 minutes change the
side of the peppers and cook till the skin of peppers becomes soft (about 5

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>> Stuffed Pumpkin

• Butternut pumpkin, 1 kg (2.2 pounds)
• Cooked rice, 1 cup
• Onion, finely chopped, 2 Tablespoons
• Green capsicum (green pepper), ½ finely chopped
• Red capsicum (red pepper), ½ finely chopped
• Fresh cilantro (coriander)/parsley, finely chopped, 1 tablespoon
• Cottage cheese, ½ cup
• Vegetable oil, 2 teaspoon

1. Pierce pumpkin in several places with a fork and put in preheated oven on
medium heat for about 30 minute.
2. Heat a frying pan and spray oil. Fry onion for 2-3 minute. Add capsicum and
cook for 2-3 minute. Add parsley and cooked rice and combine well.
3. Cut pumpkin into half and remove seeds. Fill in the rice mixture. Sprinkle
cheese and bake in an oven for 15-20 minute on medium heat.
4. To serve, cut each half pumpkin into half.

>> Stuffed Capsicum (Green Pepper or Bell Pepper) -2

• Green pepper (capsicum), 3, small size
• Cilantro (coriander) or parsley leaves, finely chopped, ½ tablespoon
• Lime/lemon juice, fresh, 1 teaspoon
• Vegetable oil, 2 teaspoon
• Water, 2 cup

• Red chili powder, ¾ teaspoon
• Coriander powder, 1 teaspoon
• Turmeric powder, ½ teaspoon (optional)
• Salt to taste

1. Slit all the capsicums and remove seeds. (If banana chili or bell pepper, cut
each into three pieces of about 2 inch length, slit them and remove seeds.)
2. Mix all the spices in gram flour. Heat a non sticking frying pan and spray oil.
When the oil becomes hot, add the flour mixture. Stir frequently and roast till
it turns brown (starts giving a typical flavor), about 15 minutes. Remove from
heat and let it cool.
3. Mix coriander leaves and lemon juice to the flour mixture. Add water to this
mixture and make a thick paste (not very tight). Fill this into all the capsicum
4. Heat the non sticking frying pan and spray oil. Put all the capsicum pieces
(and leftover flour paste, if any) into the frying pan and cook over low heat
for 5-7 minutes. Reverse the side of capsicum pieces and cook for another 5-
7 minutes. Remove from heat and cover with the lid.

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>> B ANANA SHAKE / SMOOTHIE ............................................................................. 111

>> B ANANA – STRAWBERRY SMOOTHIE - 1 ............................................................. 111
>> B ANANA – STRAWBERRY SMOOTHIE – 2 ............................................................ 111
>> STRAWBERRY OR C RANBERRY - PINEAPPLE SMOOTHIE .................................... 112
>> FRUIT SMOOTHIE .............................................................................................. 112
>> TROPICAL SHAKE .............................................................................................. 112
>> M ANGO SHAKE .................................................................................................. 112
>> B LUEBERRY S HAKE ........................................................................................... 113
>> LEMONADE........................................................................................................ 113
>> STRAWBERRY L EMONADE ................................................................................. 113
>> B ERRY SORBET .................................................................................................. 113
>> CHOCOLATE SORBET ......................................................................................... 114
>> LEMON SLUSHIE ................................................................................................ 114
>> B ERRY S LUSHIE ................................................................................................. 114

>> Banana Shake / Smoothie

• Banana 1, large, peeled
• Skim milk, 1 cup
• Skim milk powder, 1 tablespoon

1. Mix all the ingredients in a food processor and blend until thick and fluffy.
2. Serve chilled

>> Banana – Strawberry Smoothie - 1

• Banana 1, large, peeled
• Strawberries, 5
• Skim milk, 1.5 cup

1. Mix all the ingredients in a food processor and blend until thick and fluffy.
2. Serve chilled

>> Banana – Strawberry Smoothie – 2

• Banana 1, large, peeled
• Strawberries, 5-7
• Skim yogurt,1/2 cup
• Skim milk, 1/2 cup
• Sugar substitute to taste
• Orange peel grated, 1 tablespoon

1. Mix all the ingredients in a food processor and blend until thick and fluffy.
2. Serve chilled

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>> Strawberry or Cranberry - Pineapple Smoothie

• Pineapple juice without added sugar, 3 cups
• Strawberries, 2 cups
• Banana, 1 large, chopped
• Sugar substitute to taste

1. Mix all the ingredients in a food processor and blend until thick and fluffy.
2. Serve chilled.

>> Fruit Smoothie

• Banana, 1, chopped
• Pear, 1, chopped
• Grapes Seedless or with seeds, ½ cup
• Orange Juice, 1 cup
• Vanilla Yogurt Fat Free, 1 cup

1. Mix all the ingredients in a food processor and blend until thick and fluffy.
2. Serve chilled.

>> Tropical Shake

• Banana 1, large, peeled
• Strawberries 5, peeled
• Mango puree 1 Tablespoon
• Guava 1, small
• Skim milk, 150 ml

1. Mix all the ingredients in a food processor and blend until thick and fluffy.
2. Serve chilled

>> Mango Shake

• Mango ripe, 1 large
• Skim milk, 150ml

1. Loose the mango by pressing it by hand at several places. Open it and
squeeze the juice. (You can take 1 cup mango pulp instead).
2. Mix juice with other ingredients in a food processor and blend.
3. Serve chilled.

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>> Blueberry Shake

• Blueberries, 1 cup
• Skim yogurt, plain, 1 cup
• Water, ¼ cup
• Vanilla, 1/2 teaspoon
• Sugar substitute to taste

1. Mix all the ingredients in a food processor and blend until thick and fluffy.
2. Serve chilled.

>> Lemonade

• Lime or lemon, 2-3
• Water, 6 cups or to taste
• Sugar substitute to taste

1. Cut lemons and squeeze to juice. Remove seeds.
2. Pour water in a large glass container and add juice with pulp. Add sugar
substitute to taste.
3. Serve chilled.

>> Strawberry Lemonade

• Strawberries, 5 cups
• Lime or lemon juice, 1 cup
• Water, 3 cups
• Sugar substitute to taste

1. Mix all the ingredients in a food processor and blend until thick and fluffy.
2. Serve chilled.

>> Berry Sorbet

• Cranberries/strawberries/Raspberries, mixed, 1 cup
• Water, 1/2 cup
• Ice,1/2 cup
• Sugar substitute, to taste

1. Mix all the ingredients in a blender and blend until the ice has turned to

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>> Chocolate Sorbet

• Cocoa, 1 cup
• Sugar substitute, to taste
• Water, 2.5 cup
• Vanilla extract, 1 teaspoon or vanilla essence a few drops.

1. Combine all but vanilla in a saucepan. Heat on medium, stirring frequently,
until the mixture reaches to boil. Turn off heat, and stir in vanilla.
2. Pour into freezing trays and freeze without stirring.
3. Serve with fruit salad.

>> Lemon Slushie

• Lemon juice, fresh, 1 Tablespoon
• Lime juice, fresh, 1/2 Tablespoon
• Water, 1 cup
• Ice, 1/2 cup
• Sugar substitute to taste

1. Mix all the ingredients in a blender and blend until the ice has turned to slush.
2. Serve chilled.

>> Berry Slushie

• Cranberries/strawberries/Raspberries, mixed, 1 cup
• Skim yogurt, plain, 1 cup
• Ice, ½ cup
• Sugar substitute, to taste

1. Mix all the ingredients in a blender and blend until the ice has turned to

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Negative Calorie Foods & Recipes


>> M ANGO FRUIT CREAM ...................................................................................... 115

>> M ANGO DELIGHT .............................................................................................. 116
>> CARROT - M ILK M IX ......................................................................................... 116
>> SATISFYING CUP ................................................................................................ 116
>> CHOCOLATE FUDGE .......................................................................................... 117
>> B AKED APPLE .................................................................................................... 117
>> PUMPKIN PIE ..................................................................................................... 118
>> CHOCOLATE PUDDING ....................................................................................... 118
>> FRESH CHEESE .................................................................................................. 119
>> OAT – CARROT PUDDING ................................................................................... 119
>> SWEET CHEESE ................................................................................................. 119
>> SWEET RICE ...................................................................................................... 120
>> M ILK CAKE........................................................................................................ 121
>> VANILLA ICE C REAM......................................................................................... 121
>> M ANGO ICE CREAM ........................................................................................... 122
>> APPLE M UESLI .................................................................................................. 122
>> B ANANA – RAISIN M UFFIN ................................................................................. 123
>> B LUEBERRY – B RAN M UFFIN ............................................................................. 123
>> M ETABOLISM-BOOSTING DESSERT - 1................................................................ 124
>> M ETABOLISM-BOOSTING DESSERT - 2................................................................ 124

>> Mango Fruit Cream

• Mango ripe, 2 or mango pulp, 1 cup
• Fat Free cream, 1/2 cup
• Skim milk, 1/4 cup
• Mixed fruit (grapes, apple, pear, peach, orange, etc.),
cut into pieces, 2 cup.

1. Loose mangoes well by pressing between thumb and fingers. Squeeze the
mangoes to take out juice.
2. Take the mango juice (or mango pulp) in a blender, add cream and blend for
1 minute.
3. Transfer the mixture in a bowl and add all the fruit pieces. Mix well.
4. Serve chilled.

You can use any fruit of your choice.

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>> Mango Delight

• Mangoes, 3, cut into small pieces
• Orange juice, 2 tablespoon
• Passion fruit, 4,
• Skim yogurt, 1 cup, beated.

1. Place half the mango pieces in a blender with the orange juice and puree until
smooth. Put in freezer for 10 minutes.
2. Place a layer of mango pieces in the base of servicing bowl.
3. Top with a spoon of the puree, then the yogurt and drizzle with passion fruit.
Repeat layers until all ingredients are used up, finishing with puree.
4. Serve chilled.

>> Carrot - Milk Mix

• Skim milk, 3 cups
• Carrot,1 large, finely chopped
• Almonds, silver (i.e. skin removed) and grated, 10-15
• Cardamom powder, 1/8 teaspoon(optional)
• Sugar substitute to taste

1. Boil milk in a skillet with carrot for 10 minutes. A
2. Add almonds and cardamom powder and mix.
3. Serve chilled or warm.
>> Satisfying Cup

• Tomatoes, chopped, 1 cup
• Orange, peeled and segmented, 1/2
• Carrot , chopped, 1
• Papaya, chopped, ½ cup
• Apple, chopped, ½ cup
• Fresh lime/lemon juice, 1 teaspoon
• Skim milk,1 cup
• Sugar substitute
• Salt to taste

1. Blend all the ingredients in a blender. Pour into small cups.
2. Serve chilled.

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>> Chocolate Fudge

• Gelatin, 1 tablespoon
• Water, hot, 1/2 cup
• Chocolate, unsweetened, 1 small piece
• Cinnamon powder, 1/8 teaspoon
• Sugar substitute
• Evaporated milk, skim,1/2 cup
• Vanilla extract, ½ teaspoon or vanilla essence, a few drops.
• Almonds, silver (i.e. skin removed) and grated, 1 tablespoon

1. Mix gelatin in hot water for 5-7 minutes. Keep aside.
2. Melt chocolate and pour milk while stirring. Add gelatin solution, cinnamon
powder and sugar substitute. Stir until dissolved.
3. Cool and add vanilla.
4. When mixture begins to thicken, add almonds. Transfer into a flat plate.
When firm cut into pieces.

If unable to set, put the plate in freezer for some time.

>> Baked Apple

• Apples, 4
• Banana, ripe, 1
• Nutmeg powder, a pinch
• Lemon juice , a few drops
• Fresh orange juice, 1 tablespoon
• Sugar substitute to taste

1. Mesh the banana. Add the nutmeg, lemon juice and sugar substitute.
2. Peel the apples and divide into two.
3. Scoop out the centers and eat. Fill with the banana mixture.
4. Arrange in a baking tray and pour the orange juice on top.
5. Bake in a hot oven at 350 deg F for 15 minutes.

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>> Pumpkin Pie

• Evaporated milk , skim, 1.5 cup
• Pumpkin, chopped, 2 cup
• Sugar substitute to taste
• Egg substitute equivalent to 1 egg
• Cinnamon powder, ½ teaspoon
• Cloves, grounded, 1/8 teaspoon
• Ginger powder, ½ teaspoon
• 8-10 inch pie shell, 1

1. Brush pie lightly with egg white.
2. Preheat oven to 450 deg F
3. Mix all the ingredients well and fill into crust.
4. Bake in a preheated 450 deg F oven for about 30 minutes.

>> Chocolate Pudding

• Tofu, 100 g
• Cocoa powder, unsweetened, 1/2 cup
• Skim milk,1/2 cup
• Sugar substitute to taste

1. Mix all the ingredients in a food processor and blend until thick and fluffy.
2. Transfer into small cups and refrigerate.
3. Serve chilled.

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>> Fresh Cheese

• Low fat milk, 1 liter
• Yogurt, 1 tablespoon
• Lime/lemon juice, fresh,1 teaspoon

1. In a deep pan boil milk and add yogurt and lime juice. Stir well. Let it boil for
5 minutes. Cheese will separate out. Drain off all the water.

(Optional for setting cheese)

1. Transfer the cheese in a cloth of about 1 foot size, and spread it in a thick
layer (0.5 cm thick) at the center of the cloth. Cover it with the remaining
portion of the cloth.
2. Put a weight on it for about 4-5 hours or leave it overnight.
3. Take the cheese cake out and cut it into pieces of size 1cmx1.5 cm, 0.5 cm

>> Oat – Carrot Pudding

• Rolled oats, 1/2 cups
• Skim milk, 2 cup
• Carrot, grated, 1/2 cup
• Sugar substitute to taste
• Cardamom powder, 1 teaspoon (optional)

1. Soak rolled oats in 1 cup milk for 5-7 minutes.
2. Boil remaining milk in a skillet with carrot for 5 minutes. Add soaked oats of
step 1 with milk and boil for 1 minutes.
3. Serve immediately.

>> Sweet Cheese

• Fat free ricotta or home made cheese, 200 g
• Fat free cream, 250 g
• Skim milk powder, 200 g
• Sugar substitute, to taste
• Cardamom, freshly powder, 1/2 teaspoon

1. Mix milk powder and cream.
2. Cook in microwave for 2 minutes and mix well. Repeat it for 6-7 times. Cool it
down and add sugar substitute.
3. Add ricotta and cardamom powder and mix well.
4. If the mixture is too thick, add some cream.

If the mixture is too thick, add some cream. Serve chilled.

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>> Sweet Rice

• Rice, basmati, 1 cup
• Raisin, 1 Tablespoon
• Sugar substitute, to taste
• Cardamom seeds, powdered, 1/4 teaspoon
• Water, 2 cup
• Saffron, a few strands
• Vegetable oil, 1 teaspoon
• Turmeric powder, 1/2 teaspoon
• Clove, 7-8
• Almond skin removed and chopped, length wise, 1 Tablespoon

1. Wash rice and soak it in water for half an hour.
2. Heat oil in a deep skillet and put cloves and stir for 1/2 minute. Add 1 cup
water and turmeric powder, stir and let it boil.
3. Remove rice from water (discard this water) and add to the skillet of step 2
when water boils. Cover 90% of the skillet with a lid and let the rice cook for
15 minutes on low heat.
4. Remove lid and add cardamom powder, saffron, sugar substitute and raisins
and stir. Cook till all the water disappears, 5 minutes.
5. Add sugar, stir and cook.
6. Garnish with almond pieces.

In the final step, if you observe that too much water is left and the rice is
almost cooked, raise the heat so that water gets evaporated quickly.
In the final step, if you observe that too less water is left and the rice has yet
not cooked, slow down the heat so that water does not evaporate quickly.

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>> Milk cake

• Low fat cream, unsweetened, 225 g
• Skim milk powder, 200 g
• Sugar substitute, to taste
• Cardamom, freshly powder, 1/2 teaspoon

1. Mix all the ingredients in a microwave safe deep bowl.
2. Put the bowl in microwave for a total time of 7-8 minutes, switch of the
microwave every 2 minutes and stir well.
3. Let the mixture cool for 3-4 minutes. Mix sugar substitute. Again put the bowl
in the microwave for 2 minutes.
4. Take out the bowl and let it cool to a temperature that is comfortable to
touch. Make a dough of the mixture and roll on a flat plate by a rolling pin or
press by hand or with the back of a round bowl to a thickness of about 5
5. After about 2 hours, cut the cake in diamond shape.

If the cake is not fully set, place it in fridge for overnight.

>> Vanilla Ice Cream

• Evaporated Skim milk, unsweetened, 1 cup
• Gelatin, 2 teaspoon
• Hot water, 2 tablespoon
• Vanilla extract, 1 teaspoon or vanilla essence a few drops
• Sugar substitute to taste

1. Dissolve gelatin in hot water, let it cool.
2. Whisk the milk and gelatin solution together and add the vanilla >> essence
and sugar substitute.
3. Pour into freezing trays and freeze.
4. Serve with fruit salad.

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>> Mango Ice Cream

• Gelatin, 1 tablespoon
• Water, hot, 3 tablespoon
• Mangoes puree, 2 cup
• Sugar substitute
• Whipped cream, fat free, 1.5 cup
• Pistachios, 8-10, coarsely ground

1. Mix gelatin in hot water until dissolved. Mix gelatin solution with the mango
puree and add sugar in a bowl.
2. Add whipped cream into mango mixture.
3. Place bowl in freezer until mixture is half frozen, about one hour. Remove
from freezer, beat until smooth.
4. Transfer into small ice cream cups and put in freezer.
5. Garnish with ground roasted pistachio nuts.

>> Apple Muesli

• Apple, 1, cut into wedges
• Rolled oats, ½ cup
• Almonds, skin removed and grated (silvered), ½ cup
• Skim yogurt, 2 tablespoon, beated
• Skim milk, 1 cup
• Cinnamon powder, 1/8 teaspoon
• Sugar substitute to taste

1. Mix the oats in the milk and leave in the fridge overnight.
2. Mix apple wedges, yogurt, sugar substitute, and cinnamon powder to the oat-
milk mixture. Garnish with almonds and serve chilled.

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>> Banana – Raisin Muffin

• Whole-wheat flour, 2 cup
• Banana, meshed, 1 cup
• Apple juice, 0.75 cup
• Unprocessed bran, 1 cup
• Rolled oats, 1 cup
• Skim yogurt, 1/2 cup
• Baking soda , 1.5 teaspoon
• Egg substitute, equivalent to 2 eggs (optional)
• Raisin,1/2 cup
• Vegetable oil or low fat butter, 2 teaspoon

1. Combine all dry indigents. Add apple juice, yogurt, banana, and raisins to the
flour and stir to blend. Add in the egg substitute and mix well.
2. Transfer to a muffin tray. Put in an oven heated at 400 deg F and bake for
about 20 minutes.

>> Blueberry – Bran Muffin

• Whole-wheat flour, 1-1/4 cup
• Blueberries, ¾ cup
• Apple juice, 0.75 cup
• All bran, 3/4 cup
• Rolled oats, 1 cup
• Skim yogurt, 1/2 cup
• Baking soda , 1.5 teaspoon
• Baking powder, 1 teaspoon
• Egg substitute, equivalent to 2 eggs (optional)
• Vegetable oil or low fat butter, 2 teaspoon
• Vanilla extract, 1 teaspoon or equivalent vanilla essence

1. Mix all dry ingredients. Add wet ingredients until all is well mixed. Add
2. Transfer to a muffin tray. Transfer to a muffin tray. Put in an oven heated at
400 deg F and bake for about 20 minutes.

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>> Metabolism-Boosting Dessert- 1

• Banana, ripe, 1, chopped
• Skim mink unsweetened,1 cup
• Cranberry juice, 1 cup
• Flaxseed, 1 tablespoon
• Protein powder, 1 tablespoon
• Cinnamon powder, 1/2 teaspoon
• Sugar substitute, to taste

1. Mix all the ingredients in a food processor and blend until thick and fluffy.
2. Transfer into small cups and refrigerate.

>> Metabolism-Boosting Dessert- 2

• Banana, ripe, 2, chopped into slices
• Skim mink unsweetened,1 cup
• Cinnamon powder, 1/2 teaspoon
• Sugar substitute, to taste

1. Arrange banana pieces in a bowl.
2. Mix cinnamon powder and sugar substitute in the milk.
3. Pour the milk on the banana pieces. Serve chilled.

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Yogurt Recipes

>> FRESH YOGURT ................................................................................................. 125

>> APPLE – YOGURT CRUNCH ................................................................................ 125
>> ONION – YOGURT SAUCE ................................................................................... 125
>> ONION – CUCUMBER SAUCE .............................................................................. 126
>> STRAWBERRY YOGURT ...................................................................................... 126
>> RASPBERRY YOGURT ......................................................................................... 126
>> M IXED YOGURT ................................................................................................. 127
>> CORN (POLENTA) – YOGURT M IX ...................................................................... 127

>> Fresh Yogurt

• Skim milk, 1 liter
• Yogurt, 1 teaspoon

1. Warm the milk. Add yogurt, stir and cover.
2. Keep aside until the yogurt is set (approximately 6 to 7 hours)
3. In cold weather, place at a warm place like inside a cupboard or closed oven
to set.

>> Apple – Yogurt Crunch

• Apples, 4, chopped
• Almonds, skin removed and grated (silvered), ½ cup
• Fresh lime/lemon juice, 1 tablespoon
• Skim Yogurt, 2 cup, beated
• Sugar substitute to taste

1. Add sugar substitute to yogurt.
2. Mix all the ingredients in a salad bowl. Serve chilled.

>> Onion – Yogurt Sauce

• Skim yogurt, 1 cup
• Onion, finely chopped, 1/4 cup
• Water, 1/4 cup
• Cilantro or coriander or mint leaves, finely chopped, 1 tablespoon
• Green chili or capsicum (green pepper), very finely chopped, 1 teaspoon
• Salt to taste
• Tamarind paste, ½ teaspoon
• Red chili powder,1/4 teaspoon
• Cumin powder, 1/2 teaspoon (optional)

1. Mix water and yogurt and beat in a mixer.
2. Add onion, green chilies and spices and mix well. Garnish with cilantro.

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>> Onion – Cucumber Sauce

• Skim yogurt, 1 cup
• Cucumber, finely chopped, 1/4 cup
• Water, 1/4 cup
• Cilantro or coriander or mint leaves, finely chopped, 1 tablespoon
• Green chili or capsicum (green pepper), very finely chopped, 1 teaspoon
• Salt to taste
• Red chili powder,1/4 teaspoon
• Cumin powder, 1/2 teaspoon (optional)

1. Mix water and yogurt and beat in a mixer.
2. Add cucumber, green chilies and spices and mix well.
3. Garnish with cilantro.

>> Strawberry Yogurt

• Strawberries, mashed, 2 tablespoon
• Skim yogurt, 1 cup
• Sugar substitute to taste
• Fresh skim cream, 1 tablespoon

1. Beat the yogurt with the sugar substitute. Add the cream. Add to the
strawberries and mix well.

You can add any other fruit like apple, peach, etc. instead of strawberries.

>> Raspberry Yogurt

• raspberries, , 1 punnet
• Peaches or apples, 3, cut into chunks
• Orange juice, ½ cup
• Skim yogurt, 2 cup
• Sugar substitute to taste

1. Beat the yogurt with the sugar substitute. Keep aside.
2. Put apples and yogurt in a blender and puree until smooth.
3. In serving glasses, pour a layer of pureed apples, then a layer of yogurt, and
then some berries.
4. Serve chilled.

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>> Mixed Yogurt

• Skim yogurt, 1 cup
• Water or skim milk, ¼ cup
• Apple, chopped, ½ cup
• Cucumber, chopped, ½ cup
• Cabbage, grated, ½ cup
• Grapes, 10-15
• 1 teaspoon sugar
• Green chili, finely chopped, 2 teaspoon
• Salt to taste

1. Add water to yogurt and beat. Mix all the remaining ingredients.
2. Serve cold.

>> Corn (Polenta) – Yogurt Mix

• Polenta (crushed corn/maize) 1 cup
• Water, 3.5 cup
• Skim yogurt, 2 cup, beated
• Cilantro or coriander or mint leaves, finely chopped, 2 teaspoon
• Salt to taste
• Mustard seed, powdered, 1 teaspoon

1. Boil 2.5 cups of water in a deep skillet. Add polenta slowly with stirring. Cover
the skillet and cook for 20 minutes over medium heat. Remove from heat.
2. Mix all the remaining ingredients in the cooked polenta of step 1 and stir well.

You can eat this sauce as it is without any other things.

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Negative Calorie Foods & Recipes

Pickles and Chutneys

GREEN CHILI P ICKLE ............................................................................................ 128

CARROT PICKLE .................................................................................................... 128
TURNIP PICKLE...................................................................................................... 129
LIME/L EMON PICKLE ............................................................................................ 129
CILANTRO (CORIANDER) – M INT CHUTNEY ........................................................... 130
SWEET AND SOUR CHUTNEY .................................................................................. 130

>> Green Chili Pickles

• Green chilies, seeded and finely chopped, 1 cup
• Lime or lemon juice, fresh, 2 Tablespoon
• Turmeric powder, 1 teaspoon
• Mustard seeds, powdered, 2 teaspoon
• Salt to taste

1. Mix all the ingredients in a bowl thoroughly and put in sun light for 2 hours.
2. Cover it and store in fridge.

Can be used for about 3 weeks.

>> Carrot Pickles

• Carrot, chopped into thin 1 inch long sticks, 2 cup
• Lime or lemon juice, fresh, 2 Tablespoon
• Turmeric powder, 1 teaspoon
• Mustard seeds, powdered, 2 teaspoon
• Aniseed, 1 teaspoon
• Red chili powder, ½ teaspoon
• Fenugreek powder, ½ teaspoon
• Salt to taste

1. Mix all the ingredients in a bowl thoroughly and put in sunlight for 2 hours.
2. Cover it and store in fridge.

Can be used for about 3 weeks.

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>> Turnip Pickles

• Turnip, chopped into small wedges, 2 cup
• Lime or lemon juice, fresh, 2 Tablespoon
• Turmeric powder, 1 teaspoon
• Mustard seeds, powdered, 2 teaspoon
• Aniseed, 1 teaspoon
• Red chili powder, ½ teaspoon
• Salt to taste

1. Mix all the ingredients in a bowl thoroughly and put in sunlight for 2 hours.
2. Cover it and store in fridge.

Can be used for about 3 weeks.

>> Lime/Lemon Pickles

• Lime/lemon, 8
• Salt, 4 tablespoon
• Cumin seeds, roasted, ground , 2 teaspoon
• Black pepper, coarsely ground, 2 teaspoon

1. Quarter 5 lemons from the top to the bottom, leaving about 1/4 inch so
they'll hold together.
2. Mix the salt, cumin powder, and black pepper in a small dish, and mix
thoroughly with the lemons.
3. Put the lemons into a small jar. Squeeze the juice from the other lemons and
pour to the jar.
4. Cover the jar and place in the sun for about 1 week, occasionally mixing all
the ingredients by turning round the jar. (if sun not accessible, then heat the
mixture in a skillet for about 5-7 minute, cool, and put in an air-tight jar.).

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>> Cilantro (Coriander) – Mint Chutney

• Coriander/cilantro, 2 bunches of fresh leaves with tender stem, chopped
• Mint, 1 bunch of fresh leaves, chopped
• Onion (or green onion) chopped, ½ cup
• Green chilies , 4, seeds removed and chopped
• Garlic, 3 cloves, chopped
• Ginger root, 1 inch, chopped
• Tomato, 1 small, chopped
• Salt or to taste
• Red chili powder (or black pepper powder), 1 teaspoon
• Lime or lemon juice, 3 teaspoon

1. Put all ingredients in a blender. Add a small quantity of water and blend
until smooth.

You can use either only cilantro or only mint. The taste of the chutneys will be
totally different and very good.

>> Sweet and Sour Chutney

• Tamarind, seeded, 30 gram
• Dates, seeded, 5 pieces
• Sugar substitute to taste
• Red chili powder, ½ teaspoon
• Cumin powder, ½ teaspoon
• Salt to taste
• Water, 1 cup

1. Boil the tamarind, dates, sugar substitute and salt with water for 5 minutes.
2. Blend the mixture in a mixer.
3. Add the chili powder and cumin powder, and mix well.

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Negative Calorie Foods & Recipes


>> QUICK CHAT ..................................................................................................... 131

>> VEGETABLE C UTLETS........................................................................................ 132
>> CABBAGE ROLLS ............................................................................................... 133
>> POTATO PATTIES ............................................................................................... 133

>> Quick Chat

• Sprouted mung (or sprouted beans, cut into small size), 1 cup
• Rice bubbles or rice pop-ups, 1 cups
• Chick peas or grams (black gram), boiled in water to make soft, 1 cup
• Tomatoes, finely chopped, 1 cup
• Cucumber, finely chopped, 1 cup
• Onion, finely chopped, ½ cup
• Ginger root, finely chopped, ½ Tablespoon
• Green chilies, 2, finely chopped
• Lime or lemon juice, fresh, 1 Tablespoon

• Red chili powder, 1 teaspoon
• Salt to taste
• Mint leaves powdered or 15-20 fresh mint leaves finely chopped.
• Black pepper freshly powdered, ½ teaspoon
• Cumin seeds, coarsely powdered , ½ teaspoon

1. Mix thoroughly all the ingredients in a bowl.
2. Serve immediately.

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>> Vegetable Cutlets

• Potatoes, 2, boiled or baked & mashed
• Onion, finely chopped,1/4 cup
• Green peas, 1 Tablespoon
• Ginger root, finely chopped, ½ Tablespoon
• Green chilies, 2, finely chopped
• Cilantro (coriander) or parsley, finely chopped, 1 tablespoon
• Lime or lemon juice, fresh, 1 Tablespoon
• Vegetable oil, 1 tablespoon

• Red chili powder, 1 teaspoon
• Salt to taste
• Black pepper freshly powdered, ½ teaspoon

1. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly except oil.
2. Make small balls of the above mixture. Flatten the balls to make cutlets
(like patties) of size about 2" width, 3” length and 1/4" thick. Place a thick
frying pan on medium heat and spray oil. Place the cutlets on the pan and
cook for about 15 minutes. Reverse the side of the cutlets and cook for
another 15 minutes. The both sides should become golden brown.
3. Serve with chutney or tomato catch-up.

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>> Cabbage Rolls

• Cabbage leaves, 10-15
• Mixed vegetables, carrots, beans, cauliflower, peas, etc.), finely chopped, 2
• Onion, finely chopped, ¼ cup
• Green chilies, finely chopped, 2 teaspoon
• Tomato puree, 1/4 cup
• Cottage cheese, 1/4 cup
• Vegetable oil, 1 teaspoon
• Black pepper, 1 teaspoon
• Salt to taste

1. Put the cabbage leaves in salted hot water for 1 minute. Drain the water
2. Heat a frying pan and spray oil. Fry onions for a 2-3 minute. Add all the
vegetables, tomato puree, and spices and stir for 5 minute over medium heat.
Place a little vegetable mixture on each cabbage leaf and spread a little
tomato gravy on top.
3. Roll up each leaf and arrange on a greased baking dish.
4. Arrange the rolls in a baking try and sprinkle the cheese on top.
5. Bake in a preheated oven at 350 deg F for 10 minute.

>> Potato Patties

• Potatoes medium size, 4
• Onion finely chopped, 1
• Green peas, 1/4 cup
• Ginger, grated, 1 teaspoon
• Cumin seeds, ½ teaspoon
• Lime/lemon juice, fresh, ½ teaspoon
• Garlic clove, 1, grated
• Green chili, 2 chopped, (or to taste)
• Coriander/cilantro leaves, finely chopped, 1 tablespoon

• Garam masala/black pepper, ½ teaspoon (or to taste)
• Red chili powder, ½ teaspoon
• salt to taste

1. Boil or bake potatoes and mash. Mix well all the ingredients.
2. Make small balls of the above mixture. Flatten the balls to make like patties of
size about 2" diameter and 1/6" thick. Place a thick nonstick frying pan on
medium heat. Place the patties on the pan and cook for about 15 minutes.
Reverse the side of the patties and let it cook for another 15 minutes. The
both sides should become golden brown.
3. Serve with tomato catch-up or mint/cilantro (coriander) chutney.

© Copyright 2003 All Right Reserved 133

Negative Calorie Foods & Recipes

Whole Grain Recipes

Some of the whole grain recipes are given in vegetarian recipes section. They include
kidney beans, black eyed beans, chick peas, fenugreek seeds, etc. Given below are
recipes other than vegetables involving whole grains as main ingredient.

>> B EAN SPROUTS .................................................................................................. 134

>> SPICY CORN (POLENTA) P UDDING ..................................................................... 134
>> CORN (POLENTA) PUDDING ............................................................................... 135
>> WHOLE WHEAT PUDDING.................................................................................. 135
>> M UNG LENTIL P UDDING .................................................................................... 136
>> CORN ON THE COB............................................................................................. 136

>> Bean Sprouts

• Mung beans whole (dried), 1 cup

1. Wash the mung and soak in water for about 5-7 hours, or overnight.
2. Drain the water.
3. Take a piece of thin cloth, place the beans at the center and tie the cloth.
4. Keep it in a warm place for 12-15 hours..
5. Sprinkle water on the sprouted beans and store in the refrigerator until
required for use.

You can sprout any other Whole-grain like chick peas, kidney peas, grams, etc. The time
to sprout will vary.

>> Spicy Corn (Polenta) Pudding

• Polenta (crushed corn/maize) 1 cup
• Green peas 1/2 cup
• Water, 2.5 cup
• Cilantro or coriander or mint leaves, finely chopped, 1 tablespoon
• Green chili or capsicum (green pepper), very finely chopped, 1 teaspoon
• Ginger, finely chopped or paste, 1 teaspoon
• Salt to taste
• Red chili powder,1/4 teaspoon
• Cumin powder, 1/2 teaspoon (optional)
• Canola or olive oil, 1 teaspoon

1. Boil water in a deep skillet. Add polenta slowly with stirring. Cover the skillet
and cook for 20 minutes over medium heat. Remove from heat.
2. Heat a nonstick skillet and spray oil. Mix all the spices and add to the skillet.
Add ginger, peas and green chilies and stir for 2 minutes. Add cooked polenta
of step 1, mix it well and stir for 2 minutes.
3. Garnish with coriander leaves.

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>> Corn (Polenta) Pudding

• Polenta (crushed corn/maize) 1 cup
• Water, 2.5 cup
• Salt to taste

1. Boil water in a deep skillet. Add polenta slowly with stirring. Cover the
skillet and cook for 20 minutes over medium heat. Remove from heat.

Eat hot with yogurt or any vegetable curry.

>> Whole Wheat Pudding

• Whole wheat, 1 cup
• Mung lentil with skin, 1/2 cup
• Rice, 1/2 cup
• Water, 4 cup
• Green peas, frozen or fresh, 1/2 cup
• Onion, finely chopped, 1 cup
• Salt to taste
• Red chili powder, 1 teaspoon
• Black pepper powdered, 1/2 teaspoon

1. In a pressure cooker, add all the ingredients and put on high heat. When the
pressure is about to come, slow down the heat and cook for 15 minutes.
2. Remove from heat and open the cooker after 5 minute and add peas and stir.
Cover the cooker and leave for 5 minute.
3. Garnish with onion.

Eat with plain skim milk yogurt or any cooked vegetable.

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>> Mung Lentil Pudding

• Mung lentil (with skin), 1 cup
• Rice, 1/2 cup
• Water, 3 cup
• Salt to taste
• Turmeric powder, 1/2 tsp
• Onion, finely chopped, 1 cup
• Lime/lemon juice, fresh, 2 teaspoon
• Cilantro (coriander leaves), finely chopped, 1 Tablespoon

1. In a pressure cooker, add all the ingredients and put on high heat. When the
pressure is about to come, slow down the heat and cook for 15 minutes.
2. Garnish with onion, coriander, and lemon juice.

Eat with plain skim yogurt or any cooked vegetable.

>> Corn on the Cob

• Corn, 1
• Olive oil, 1 teaspoon
• Black pepper, ½ teaspoon
• Salt, ½ teaspoon

1. Carefully peel husks and remove the silk.
2. Soak in water for 10 minutes. Fold back the husks and p[ut in a heated
grill for 20 minutes or until blackened. Strip off the husks, brush with olive
oil and grill until golden.
3. Serve with lime wedges or rub a lime wedge and sprinkle salt and black

© Copyright 2003 All Right Reserved 136

Negative Calorie Foods & Recipes

Rice Recipes

>> PLAIN RICE ....................................................................................................... 137

>> RICE VEGETABLE M IX - 1 (INDIAN PULAO )........................................................ 138
>> RICE VEGETABLE M IX - 2.................................................................................. 139
>> RICE STUFFED EGGPLANT ................................................................................. 139

>> Plain Rice

• Basmati or any rice, 1 cup
• Bay leaves, 3-4 (optional)
• Water, 2.5 cup


1. Wash rice. Soak in 2.5 cup water half an hour in advance.

2. In a deep skillet take rice with water, add bay leaves.
3. Cover the skillet with a plate of size equal to the rim of the skillet. Hold the
skillet and the plate carefully at its rim and tilt to drain all the water in
another skillet. (You can use a sieve to drain off all the water, if you are not
comfortable with the method just mentioned.) Keep this water for making

Reduce the quantity of water if you do not wish to remove the excess water in
step 3. The cooking time and amount of water will depend on the quality of
rice. You will get an exact idea when you use a particular type of rice again
and again.

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>> Rice Vegetable Mix - 1 (Indian Pulao)

• Rice, 1 cup
• Potato, 1
• Onion, 1
• Tomato, 1
• Green peas,1/2 Tablespoon
• Lime/lemon juice, 1 teaspoon
• Ginger, ½ inch root, finely chopped
• Green chili, 1, finely chopped
• Water, 2.5 cup
• Vegetable oil, 2 teaspoon

• Red chili powder, 3/4 teaspoon
• Coriander powder, 1 teaspoon
• Turmeric powder,1/2 teaspoon
• Salt to taste
• Mint leaves powdered or 15-20 fresh mint leaves finely chopped.
• Black pepper powdered, ½ teaspoon
• Cumin seeds, coarsely powdered , ½ teaspoon

1. Wash the rice with water and soak in water for half an hour.
2. Peel the potato, onion and the tomato. Cut potato and onion into thin
circular pieces. Cut the tomato into 8-10 pieces.
3. Drain all the water from the rice. Discard the water.
4. Take a non-sticking skillet and place it on medium heat. Pour oil and when
it is hot, add all the spices. Stir for 2 minutes. Add water and let it boil.
Add potato pieces. Put the rice in this boiling water and let it cook for 10-
15 minutes on medium heat. The rice will be semi-cooked in this time.
5. Add tomato, onion, and peas, lime juice and slowly stir. Cover the skillet
and let it cook for 5 minutes. By this time all the water will evaporate.
Sprinkle coriander leaves.

Reduce the quantity of water if you do not wish to remove the excess
water in step 3. The cooking time and amount of water will depend on the
quality of rice. You will get an exact idea when you use a particular type of
rice again and again.

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>> Rice Vegetable Mix - 2

• Cooked rice, 3 cup
• Cabbage, shredded, 1 cup
• Celery, finely chopped, ½ cup
• Green onions, finely chopped, ½ cup
• Carrot, finely chopped, ½ cup
• Tomato, finely chopped, ½ cup
• Cilantro/coriander/parsley, 1 tablespoon
• Green Chili, 1, finely chopped
• Salt to taste
• Mustard seed, 1 teaspoon
• Tomato sauce or any salad dressing, ½ cup

1. Combine all the ingredients except cilantro in a large bowl.
2. Garnish with cilantro.

>> Rice Stuffed Eggplant

• Cooked rice, 2 cup
• Eggplants, 2
• Tomato, chopped, 1 cup
• Green onion, shallots, finely chopped, 1 cup
• Oregano/mint, dried 1 teaspoon
• Garlic clove, 2 cloves, crushed
• Tomato juice/sauce, ½ cup
• Cilantro/coriander/parsley, 1 tablespoon
• Vegetable oil, 3 teaspoon

1. Cut eggplants into halves lengthwise. Scoop out the flesh, leaving a 2.5 cm
thick shell. Dice the flesh. Sprinkle salt over the shells and allow to stand for
30 minutes.
2. Heat 1 teaspoon of the oil in a frying pan. Cook eggplant flesh, shallots, garlic
and tomato until eggplant is just tender.
3. Mix spices in rice well.
4. Brush the outside of the shell with the remaining oil. Spoon rice mixture
evenly into eggplant cavities. Arrange eggplant in a baking dish. Pour over
tomato juice/sauce. Bake in a preheated oven (300 deg F) for 30-40 minutes.
Garnish with cilantro/parsley.

1. A delicious vegetarian dish even for meat eaters!
2. You can add tofu also.

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>> CABBAGE – ONION B URGER ............................................................................... 140

>> PATTIE B URGER ................................................................................................ 141
>> B EANS B URGER ................................................................................................. 142
>> M UNG B EANS B URGER ....................................................................................... 142
>> VEGIE SUB ........................................................................................................ 143
>> VEGIE WRAP .................................................................................................... 143
>> HEALTHY TACOS ............................................................................................... 144
>> POTATO FILLED TACOS ..................................................................................... 145
>> CILANTRO /CORIANDER CHUTNEY SANDWICH ................................................... 146
>> SANDWICH ROLL ............................................................................................... 146

>> Cabbage – Onion Burger

• Burger buns, 4
• Green cabbage, finely chopped, 1/2 cup
• Green cabbage, coarsely chopped (two inch long), 1/2 cup
• Green onio n with stem, chopped, 1/2 cup
• Onion, 2 medium size, sliced
• Green peas, 12-15 Nos.
• Green pepper(Capsicum), 1/4, chopped, 1" long thin pieces
• Green chili, chopped, 1 tsp,
• Fresh coriander/cilantro (or mint) leaves, 12-15
• Fresh Lime/lemon juice, 1 teaspoon
• Skim yogurt, 2 teaspoon
• Vegetable oil, 1 teaspoon

• Red chili powder, 1/2 teaspoon
• Turmeric powder,1/8 teaspoon
• Salt to taste
• Mint leaves powdered or 15-20 fresh mint leaves finely chopped.
• Garam masala or Black pepper powdered, ½ teaspoon
• Cumin seeds, coarsely powdered , ½ teaspoon

1. Mix salt, red chili powder, garam masala, lime juice, and 2 tsp water in
yogurt. Stir well to make a paste.
2. Heat a nonstick frying pan and spray oil. Put the yogurt paste in the pan and
cook on medium heat (stir frequently) about 3-4 minutes. Add finely chopped
cabbage, green onions, green chili, and green peas and cook for 7 minutes.
3. Take one piece of a bun and spread a thick layer of above filling followed by
four onion slices. Cover with coarsely chopped cabbage, followed with green
peppers and 3-4 mint (or cilantro) leaves.
4. Complete the burger with the second piece of bun.
5. Finish other burgers similarly.

© Copyright 2003 All Right Reserved 140

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>> Pattie Burger

For Patties
• Potatoes, 2, boiled or baked & mashed
• Onion, finely chopped,1/4 cup
• Green peas, 1 Tablespoon
• Ginger root, finely chopped, ½ Tablespoon
• Green chilies, 2, finely chopped
• Green pepper(Capsicum), 1/4, chopped, 1" long thin pieces
• Cilantro (coriander) or parsley, finely chopped, 1 Tablespoon
• Lime or lemon juice, fresh, 1 Tablespoon

For Burger
• Burger buns, 4
• Lettuce leaves, 4
• Onion, 2 medium size, sliced
• Green peas, 12-15 Nos.

• Red chili powder, 1 teaspoon
• Salt to taste
• Black pepper freshly powdered, ½ teaspoon

1. Mix all the patties ingredients.
2. Make small balls of the above mixture. Flatten the balls to make patties of
size about 3" diameter 1/4" thick. Place a thick nonstick frying pan on
medium heat. Place the patties on the pan and cook for about 15 minutes.
Reverse the side of the cutlets and cook for another 15 minutes. The both
sides should become golden brown.
3. Take one piece of a bun and put one pattie at the center, followed by four
onion slices, green peppers and 3-4 mint (or cilantro) leaves. Cover with a
lettuce leaf. Complete the burger with the second piece of bun.
4. Similarly finish other burgers.

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>> Beans Burger

• Burger buns, 4
• Black eye beans, cooked, 1/4 cup
• Kidney beans, cooked, 1/4 cup
• Corn kernels, cooked, 1/4 cup
• Green onion, chopped, 1 Tablespoon
• Capsicum or green pepper or bell pepper, chopped, 1 Tablespoon
• Cilantro (Coriander), finely chopped, 1 Tablespoon
• Fresh lemon/lime juice, 1 teaspoon
• Black pepper, 1 teaspoon or to taste
• Salt to taste
• Lettuce leaves, chopped, 4 leaves, chopped

1. Combine all the ingredients except lettuce leaves in a salad bowl and toss
with the lemon juice to make the filling.
2. Take one piece of a bun and cover it with a lettuce leaf. Put some portion of
filling at the center. Complete the burger with the second piece of bun.
3. Similarly finish other burgers.

>> Mung Beans Burger

• Sprouted Mung, 1 cup
• Onion finely chopped, 1/4 cup
• Cucumber, chopped, 1/4 cup
• Tomato, chopped, 1/4 cup
• Lime or lemon juice, fresh, 1 teaspoon
• Mint or coriander leaves, chopped,1 Tablespoon
• Black pepper, 1 teaspoon or to taste
• Salt to taste
• Lettuce leaves, chopped, 4 leaves, chopped

1. Combine all the ingredients except lettuce leaves in a bowl and toss with the
lemon juice to make the filling.
2. Take one piece of a bun and cover it with a lettuce leaf. Put some portion of
filling at the center. Complete the burger with the second piece of bun.
3. Similarly finish other burgers.

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>> Veggie Sub

• Buns 6” long, 4
• Cabbage, red, shredded, 1 cup
• Cabbage, green, shredded, 1 cup
• Lettuce, shredded, 1 cup
• Carrot, shredded, 1 cup
• Onion, finely chopped,1/2 cup
• Cucumber, chopped, 1/4 cup
• Green pepper (capsicum/bell pepper), chopped lengthwise, 1/4 cup
• Lime or lemon juice, fresh, 1 teaspoon
• Mint or clilantro/coriander/parsley leaves, chopped,1 Tablespoon
• Black pepper, 1 teaspoon or to taste
• Red chili powder, 1/2 teaspoon
• Salt to taste

1. Combine all the ingredients in a bowl and toss with the lemon juice to make
the filling.
2. Slit a bun and stuff it with the filling.
3. Similarly finish other Subs.

>> Veggie Wrap

• Wrap breads or Indian chapaties, 4
• Cabbage, shredded, 1 cup
• Lettuce, shredded, 1 cup
• Carrot, shredded, 1 cup
• Onion, finely chopped,1/2 cup
• Green onions, 1 bunch, chopped lengthwise
• Cucumber, chopped, 1/4 cup
• Green pepper (capsicum/bell pepper), chopped lengthwise, 1/4 cup
• Lime or lemon juice, fresh, 1 teaspoon
• Mint or clilantro/coriander/parsley leaves, chopped,1 Tablespoon
• Black pepper, 1 teaspoon or to taste
• Red chili powder, 1/2 teaspoon
• Salt to taste

1. Combine all the ingredients in a bowl and toss with the lemon juice to make
the filling.
2. take a wrap bread. Place some filling at the top 2/3rd portion of the bread.
Fold the bottom portion of the bread upwards and role the bread to make a
3. Similarly finish other wraps.

© Copyright 2003 All Right Reserved 143

Negative Calorie Foods & Recipes

>> Healthy Tacos

• Onions, finely chopped, 1 cup
• Green chilies, 1, finely chopped
• Green pepper(Capsicum), chopped, 1 Tablespoon
• Cilantro (coriander), finely chopped, 1 Tablespoon
• Lime or lemon juice, fresh, 1 teaspoon
• Tomato catch-up, ½ cup
• Tomato juice, ½ cup
• Fat free corn tortillas, 4

• Red chili powder, 1 teaspoon
• Cumin, ½ teaspoon
• Salt to taste
• Black pepper freshly powdered, ½ teaspoon

• Lettuce, shredded, ½ cup
• Red onion, 1, sliced
• Tomato, 1, sliced
• Salsa, ½ cup

1. Heat tomato juice in a nonstick skillet, add onion, cover, and simmer for 4
2. Mix all the remaining ingredients except tortillas, cover the skillet, and cook
for 15 minutes over medium heat or until the mixture becomes dry.
3. Place a nonstick frying pan on medium heat. Place a tortilla on it and put a
portion of the above filling. When the tortilla becomes soft, fold it and cook
both sides for about a minute on low heat to get crisp taco.
4. Garnish with lettuce, onion, tomato pieces, and salsa.
5. Similarly finish other tacos.

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>> Potato filled Tacos

• Potatoes, 2, boiled or baked & mashed
• Onion, finely chopped,1/4 cup
• Green peas, 1 Tablespoon
• Ginger root, finely chopped, ½ Tablespoon
• Green chilies, 2, finely chopped
• Green pepper(Capsicum), 1/4, chopped, 1" long thin pieces
• Cilantro (coriander) or parsley, finely chopped, 1 Tablespoon
• Lime or lemon juice, fresh, 1 Tablespoon
• Fat free corn tortillas, 4

• Red chili powder, 1 teaspoon
• Salt to taste
• Black pepper freshly powdered, ½ teaspoon

• Lettuce, shredded, ½ cup
• Red onion, 1, sliced
• Tomato, 1, sliced
• Salsa, ½ cup

1. Mix all the ingredients except tortillas.
2. Place a nonstick frying pan on medium heat. Place a tortilla on it and put a
portion of the above filling. When the tortilla becomes soft, fold it and cook
both sides for about a minute on low heat to get crisp taco.
3. Garnish with lettuce, onion, tomato pieces, and salsa.
4. Similarly finish other tacos.

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>> Cilantro/Coriander Chutney Sandwich

• Whole-wheat bread, 3 slices
• Carrot, grated, ½ cup
• Cabbage, grated,1/4 cup
• Cilantro/coriander- mint chutney, 1 Tablespoon

1. Spread a layer of chutney on one slice of bread followed by a layer of grated
carrot. Cover it with the second slice of bread.
2. Spread a thin layer of chutney on it followed by a layer of cabbage and cover
it with the third slice of bread. Bind the sandwich with a little pressure.
3. Cut the sandwich diagonally into two pieces.
4. Place in a plate and garnish with a few leaves of fresh mint.

>> Sandwich Roll

• Whole-wheat bread, 3 slices
• Tomato catch-up, 2 teaspoon
• Cilantro/coriander- mint chutney, 1 Tablespoon

• Thin the bread slices by a rolling pin and remove all the four edges by a knife.
• Spread a thin layer of chutney on one side of a slice and cover it with
another slice and spread tomato catch-up on it. Place the third slice on it and
spread a thin layer of chutney.
• Apply a little pressure on the sandwich and roll it into a cylindrical shape.
• Cut the roll at an angle into three or four pieces. Place in a plate and garnish
with a few leaves of fresh mint.

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Negative Calorie Foods & Recipes

Juice Recipes

You can drink the following juices whenever you like. These juices are good for
weight loss. Note that when you drink juice, you can consume lots of quantity of
vegetables and fruits. For example, if you drink a glass of carrot juice, you are eating
3-4 carrots, but it will be difficult for you to eat the same number of carrots in one

1. Wash the fruits and vegetables thoroughly before juicing. Remove damaged
portions, if any.
2. Use organic produce where possible.
3. Juice with stems and leaves. Remove the stems and leaves of carrots, as they
are toxic. The leaves of celery are bitter so you may remove them.
4. You may use seeds of lemon, lime, oranges, etc. Do not use apple seeds, as
they are toxic.
5. Do not use the skins of orange and grapefruits, as they are toxic. Do not throw
away the white pithy part, as they are a source of vitamin C and bioflavonoids.
6. You can garnish the juices with black pepper, salt, lemon juice, parsley, cilantro
(coriander), cinnamon, etc.
7. Pure fruit juice does not contain any fibers. It is better to make fruit juice at
home and leave some fibers in it.
8. You should dilute the fruit juice in water to reduce its concentration.

>> Juice Recipes for Weight Loss

1. Celery (2 stalks) + Tomato (1) + Kale (1 leaf) + Collard (1 leaf) + Garlic (2-3
2. Celery (2 stalks) + Tomato (1) + Cucumber (1)+ Cilantro (Coriander) or Parsley
(1 Tablespoon)
3. Apple (1) + Lime or lemon juice (1 Tablespoon) + water
4. Apple (1/2) + Carrots (4) + Beet with greens (1) + Ginger root (1/2 inch)
5. Carrots (4) + Turnip (2 leaves) + Ka le (1 leaf)+ Cilantro (Coriander) or Parsley
(1 Tablespoon)
6. Broccoli (1-2 flowerets) + Carrot (1) + Tomato (1) + Celery (1 stalk) + Green
pepper (1/2) + Kale (1 leaf) + Collard (1 leaf)

© Copyright 2003 All Right Reserved 147

Negative Calorie Foods & Recipes

1. American Dietetic Association
Consumer Education Team
216 West Jackson Boulevard
Chicago, IL 60606
(Send self addressed stamped envelope), Call 800-877-1600, ext. 5000 for
other publications or 800-366-1655 for recorded food/nutrition messages.

2. American Obesity Association

1250 24th Street, NW, Suite 300
Washington, DC 20037

3. USDA's Food and Nutrition Information Center

The database here will tell you the nutritional data of just about any food.

4. Nutrition Analysis Tool

This web site contains a huge database and an on-line tool to know nutrition
values of most foods.

5. Mike's Calorie And Fat Gram Chart

This web site has nutritional information of over 1000 foods of different varieties
& make, mostly available in Supermarkets.

This web site gives nutritional values of almost all the foods – vegetables, fruits,
herebs, etc.;

7. American Society of Bariatric Physicians (ASBP)

5600 S. Quebec, Ste. 109-A
Englewood, CO 80111 USA
Phone: (303) 779-4833, (303) 770-2526
Fax: (303) 779-4834

8. The Council on Size and Weight Discrimination

PO Box 305
Mt. Marion, NY 12456
(Send self-addressed stamped envelope)

9. Department of Nutrition Sciences

University of Alabama at Birmingham
Birmingham, AL 35294

10. National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases

31 Center Drive
Bethesda, MD 20892

© Copyright 2003 All Right Reserved 148

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11. American Alliance for Health, Physical Education Recreation and Dance, (800)

12. American Council on Exerc ise, (800) 825-3636

13. American Heart Association, (800) AHA-USA1

This site has information about everything ranging from your heart and exercise
to strokes and heart attacks.

14. National Institute on Aging, (800) 222-2225

15. Weight Control Information Network (WIN), (800) WIN-8098

16. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, (301) 592-8573

17. President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports, (202) 690-9000

18. Shape Up America

This site has tons of information about "shaping up."

19. MSN Health Wellness Center: Diet & Nutrition

This web site has Glycemic index and glycemic load list of several food items.

21. Leeds AR (2002). Glycemic index and heart disease. American Journal of Clinical
Nutrition 76:286S-289S.

22. Ludwig DS (2002). The glycemic index: physiological mechanisms relating to

obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. Journal of the American Medical
Association 287:2414-2423.

23. Juicing For Life, by Cherie Calbom and Maureen Keane Avery Publishing Group,
New York, 1992.

24. The Goldbeck’s Guide to Good Food, by N. Goldbeck and G. Goldbeck, The
American Library, New York, 1987.

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Negative Calorie Foods & Recipes

The information given in this eBook is a general guidance only. It is not a
substitute for professional medical advice. Do not use this information to
diagnose or treat a health problem without consulting a qualified Doctor.
Any body using the information given in this eBook is doing so at his/her
own risk.

The Diet Programs given in this eBook are only suggestive although these
are entirely safe and effective. You should consult your Doctor and/or
Dietician before starting the program. will not be
responsible for any health related problems that you may encounter directly
or indirectly related to this program. No responsibility is undertaken for
people using this program. Everybody's requirement is different, therefore
results will vary and we cannot guarantee any results. We believe that these
are safe diet programs, although no physician was involved in the
development of these diet programs. Diet and exercise go hand in hand so
you may like to consider an exercise program that suits you. Consult your
Doctor before starting any exercise and/or diet program.

© Copyright 2003 All Right Reserved 150

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