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Benefits of Soybean Milk

1 . To prevent premature aging
2 . Overcome Lactose Intolerance
3 . Substitute milk for autism
4 . Substitute milk for vegetarians
5 . Prevent Arteriosclerosis , Hypertension , Coronary Heart Disease , and Stroke
6 . Reducing cholesterol levels in the blood
7 . Preventing diabetes mellitus
8 . Inhibiting menopause and prevent osteoporosis
9 . Preventing migraine
10 . As an anti- cancer

Soybean Milk
Soybean milk is a kind of drink which made from yellow beans , got its name because the drink has
an identic colour with milk . This milk is also known as soybean milk in Indonesia . Soybean milk is
often serve as breakfast dishes along with other snacks. Soybean milk have a similar composition to
the milk : 3.5 % protein , 2 % fat , and 2.9 % carbohydrate .

The ingredients are:
Soybeans 500gr
Warm water 2500 ml
Sugar (optional)

The tools are :

The Steps to make soybean milk :
1 . Soak the soy beans in water for 4-6 hours until fluffy and soft then drain it.
2 . Put soybeans in containers , flush with hot water , then soak it at a moment.
3 . After the flavor of soy is gone , throw the water .
4 . Enter the soybeans into a mixer and puree it.
5 . Add 2500 ml of warm water . Let it until cool.
6 . Squeeze it with a clean cloth to separate soybean dregs and water .
7 . Cook the soybean milk using low heat . Stir until boiling.
8 . In a state still hot , pour soy milk into a storage container . Wait until cool .
9 . Once cool , soybean milk ready to be stored in the refrigerator .

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