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CA Numeracy

1. To move their armies, the Romans built over 50,000 miles of roads. Imagine driving all those miles! Now imagine driving
those miles in the first gasoline-driven car that has only three wheels and could reach a top speed of about 10 miles per
hour. For safetys sake, lets bring along a spare tire. As you drive the 50,000 miles, you rotate the spare with the other tires
so that all four tires get the same amount of wear. Can you figure out how many miles of wear each tire accumulates?

2. One-third of a cake is to be shared equally among three children. What fraction of the whole cake will each child get?

3. The diameter of the circles is 2 centimeters. Calculate the area that is purple.

4. A person jogged 10 times along the perimeter of a rectangular field at the rate of 12 kilometers per hour for 30 minutes. If
field has a length that is twice its width, find the area of the field in square meters.

5. The rectangular playground in Tim's school is three times as long as it is wide. The area of the playground is 75 square
meters. What is the perimeter of the playground?

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